Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.

Then you are Democrats. That's another way of saying irrelevant. "You" are just another crackpot minority if you vote on anything other than policies. So tell me; would you vote for an Islamist ahead of a Republican?

Depends on their politics.

Right now, Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims and Hispanics.
They seem to be pro pu$$y grabbing.
They are against women's rights.
The want to end healthcare for tens of millions of Americans to give tax breaks to billionaires.
The seem to be pro Nazi and pro Russia.

So unless a Republicans can convince me these aren't their positions, then I would never vote for one.
That's right. Instead of proving Republicans are innocent of these positions, attack Democrats.
-------------------------------------------------- democrats are scum , see mrobama and hilary . And some repubs , see 'gwb' and 'juan mcstain' are just as bad as 'dems' Dean .
and there would have been NO difference at all if 'jebito bush' or some of the other repubs running against Trump had gotten the Presidency Dean .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
------------------------------------ big deal , so he has some talent , lots of people have talent .
he isnt making your bigoted idea of a third worlder look to good is he?... ...
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
Yes. Zudhi Jasser. Ever hear of him?
Not sure too many know who Zudhi is....
------------------------------------ sure , i know the muslim named 'zudhi' . He might be ok but then again , he might be the camel nose under the tent . I'd never vote for him even though he seems to be ok DTex .
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
--------------------------------------------------------- BUT , you still won't answer my question asked just above eh Harry ??
whats there to answer?....who started bringing them back in and did jack shit about it? guessed it,your party and that other useless party....
----------------------------------------------------- i have no party Harry .
sure you dont.....thats why you never bad mouth anyone on the right here....go ahead prove me wrong and ill give you a big sloppy kiss right here....
------------------------------ i can't stand any of the 'bushes' , juan mcstain , jeff flake , liddle bob corker , susan collins and many other 'rino repubs' . I only voted for 'gwb' once in his first run . Even R .Reagan fecked up with amnesty but i blame that on 'lady molester' -ghwb- who i think influenced R. Reagan Harry .
you dont like them because they had the gall and audacity to go against the party you say you dont belong to....that makes you a good little doubt a far righty....because they dont like it when someone doesnt agree with their that what you are pismo?....a good little far righty toeing the party line?...
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
------------------------------------ big deal , so he has some talent , lots of people have talent .
he isnt making your bigoted idea of a third worlder look to good is he?... ...
--------------------------------------------------- big deal , he is simply ONE muslim Harry !!
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
------------------------------------ big deal , so he has some talent , lots of people have talent .
he isnt making your bigoted idea of a third worlder look to good is he?... ...
--------------------------------------------------- big deal , he is simply ONE muslim Harry !!
he wasnt a muslim .....he was you see muslims everywhere? help....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
------------------------------------ big deal , so he has some talent , lots of people have talent .
he isnt making your bigoted idea of a third worlder look to good is he?... ...
---------------------------------------- hey Harry , as i roll my eyes , hey i just argue my point of view as i try to influence others if i can . This stuff will only affect YOU and your kids in the future , imo , Harry .
columbian , peruvian , mexican , venezuelan , brazilian , arab muslim they are ALL the same third worlders Harry .
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
Yes. Zudhi Jasser. Ever hear of him?
Not sure too many know who Zudhi is....
------------------------------------ sure , i know the muslim named 'zudhi' . He might be ok but then again , he might be the camel nose under the tent . I'd never vote for him even though he seems to be ok DTex .
There are good Muslims. My best friend while attending squadron officer school back in the sixties...was a Iraqi bomber pilot. Shared many a bottle of scotch together. He was executed by that pig Saddam some years later.
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
------------------------------------ big deal , so he has some talent , lots of people have talent .
he isnt making your bigoted idea of a third worlder look to good is he?... ...
---------------------------------------- hey Harry , as i roll my eyes , hey i just argue my point of view as i try to influence others if i can . This stuff will only affect YOU and your kids in the future , imo , Harry .
i have know lots of "third" worlders in my 66 years.....hasnt affected me yet....and bigoted points of view only influence other bigots.....
columbian , peruvian , mexican , venezuelan , brazilian , arab muslim they are ALL the same third worlders Harry .
you keep on proving to me you have never been around those different from are a paranoid individual pismoe....get out more....
he sounds like he was an APOSTATE muslim , he should have stayed where he belonged and worked to fix his nation and religion DTex ,
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?
Yes. Zudhi Jasser. Ever hear of him?
Not sure too many know who Zudhi is....
------------------------------------ sure , i know the muslim named 'zudhi' . He might be ok but then again , he might be the camel nose under the tent . I'd never vote for him even though he seems to be ok DTex .
There are good Muslims. My best friend while attending squadron officer school back in the sixties...was a Iraqi bomber pilot. Shared many a bottle of scotch together. He was executed by that pig Saddam some years later.
pismo would never understand what you are saying.....he only knows what his handlers tell him....
like i said , sounds like yer bomber pilot friend was an APOSTATE muslim and other muslims finally dealt with him DTex .
here you go Gents and Ladies . --- --- i mean hey , its ok with me as i figure that its YOU guys and your kids and grandkids that will get what you and they deserve !!
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