Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
---------------------------------------------------------- if he is so good then why isn't he working out of an office in his third world country . Ya know , there were reasons that before the dems redid immigration in , think it was 1965 or 66 that old wise normal American Legislators kept third worlders from being imported into the USA Harry .
if you dont know why is here instead of there then there aint much i can help you with pismoe....and you dont know much about immigration to this country do ya?...yep your precious little party is just as much at fault for third worlders being here as that other useless party....yea i know i was shocked too.....
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
---------------------------- answer the question Please and don't try to change the subject Harry
And MINORITIES , it depends on the minority although i know no minority from a third world country that adds any value at all to the USA or Western world Issa .
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
--------------------------------------------------------- BUT , you still won't answer my question asked just above eh Harry ??
You are a race baiting asshole.
You've obviously not read some of the stuff here about that Rep up in Minnesota.....people lost their minds when he was sworn in on a Koran.

When you vile lefties falsely accuse people of being racist, you are tearing this nation apart.

You are pissing off more and more whites all the time.

And the poor minorities who believe your shit, are told over and over again that their fellow citizens are their enemies and that they need to be ready to fight them.

Falsely ? You gonna say the GOP ain't the party of white racists ?

NO, I'm not going to say that.

I reject your propaganda ploy to fill the thread with race baiting filler.


You are the asshole here.

Methinks you protest too much !

Go ahead and embarrass yourself by claiming the GOP is NOT the party of white supremacists . We all know the truth .

We need to stop Ben Carson's white supremacy!
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

They were elected by the people, so why not?

Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana are serving in the U.S. House at this moment and were elected by the people in their district and should never be deny their right to serve because of their religion...

Now if they swear loyalty to a hostile nation in the name of Islam that is against the United States of America then my opinion will change but seeing they have not to my knowledge they have every right to hold their seat as long as the people keep on electing them...
another dont know any third worlders do ya?...lots of Doctors from the third world at UC Irvine Med Center....they add lots of value....yea i know i was shocked too...
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
I'm a Muslim and I think that MOST republicans are racists and experience here in the US and also here and this very discussion forum.

Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
You say you have a good heart and then you say you are complete shit. Oh wow, what a good heart.

I rest my case.

Just for shits and giggles, tell me what I got wrong here. Be specific:

Many, if not a majority of Republicans believe all kinds of awful things.
Women's bodies are not theirs to control.
Muslims should be banned from public office.
Racism based on Confederate values.
Deep hatred of gays.

For every one denial, I can post hate from a dozen Republicans.

It was Cruz who went to a "kill the gays" rally while running for president.

It was Trump who said there are good people on both sides, with one side being Nazi's.

I don't get it. How can Republicans continue to deny when there are so many Republicans telling us otherwise? Why bother with the denial? It's just who the GOP is.

TO call you on ONE Of your more hateful lies, Cruz did NOT go to a "kill the gays rally". THat was a lie.

Dean can't help it. He can't write a post about lying about something. He cares more about political power for tyrants he will never meet than principles such as integrity and virtue. Don't be angry at him. Just pity him.
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
--------------------------------------------------------- BUT , you still won't answer my question asked just above eh Harry ??
whats there to answer?....who started bringing them back in and did jack shit about it? guessed it,your party and that other useless party....
Keith Ellison Andre Carson both Muslin serving in Congress no one tried to ban them or prevent them from taking office.
Legally and

Can you cite where anyone has tried unofficially?
-------------------------------------------------------- only way that either can be officialy and legally removed from office is by voting and i hope that happens . Or if they commit some kinda crime i suppose .
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
--------------------------------------------------------- BUT , you still won't answer my question asked just above eh Harry ??
whats there to answer?....who started bringing them back in and did jack shit about it? guessed it,your party and that other useless party....
----------------------------------------------------- i have no party Harry .
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
--------------------------------------------------------- BUT , you still won't answer my question asked just above eh Harry ??
whats there to answer?....who started bringing them back in and did jack shit about it? guessed it,your party and that other useless party....
----------------------------------------------------- i have no party Harry .
sure you dont.....thats why you never bad mouth anyone on the right here....go ahead prove me wrong and ill give you a big sloppy kiss right here....
-------------------------------------- third world doctors , oh boy wow , i always had First World American Doctors Harry .
good for you pismoe....the third world Endocrinologist at UCI is called upon for consultations from first world endocrinologist...their eye surgeon is considered one of the best in this country.....i guess you sure proved issas point about far righties didnt you?....
------------------------------------------------- one of the BEST in the country , feck him and lets grow some of our own Harry .
the guy went to school here.....and hey good luck with the grow....
------------------------------------------- so he was lucky ,
going through med school?....yea pure luck....
------------------------------------ big deal , so he has some talent , lots of people have talent .
but WHY , before immigration was redone in 1965 or 66 why were third worlders and minorities which PROBABLY included muslims restricted from being imported into the USA Harry ??
--------------------------------------------------------- BUT , you still won't answer my question asked just above eh Harry ??
whats there to answer?....who started bringing them back in and did jack shit about it? guessed it,your party and that other useless party....
----------------------------------------------------- i have no party Harry .
sure you dont.....thats why you never bad mouth anyone on the right here....go ahead prove me wrong and ill give you a big sloppy kiss right here....
------------------------------ i can't stand any of the 'bushes' , juan mcstain , jeff flake , liddle bob corker , susan collins and many other 'rino repubs' . I only voted for 'gwb' once in his first run . Even R .Reagan fecked up with amnesty but i blame that on 'lady molester' -ghwb- who i think influenced R. Reagan Harry .
Well, I'm a Republican and I think most republicans are good people with good hearts, and you are dead wrong.

From my life experiences, in the US.

From this discussion forum?

I've seen most liberals to be complete shit.
Is not up to you to judge yourself unless if you are Trump follower, than that explains it.
As I said being a musl8m I know what most republicans feel about me being Muslim...they are least accepting group, and that goes for lot of other minorities that d ont vote for them for almost the same reason.

1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.

Then you are Democrats. That's another way of saying irrelevant. "You" are just another crackpot minority if you vote on anything other than policies. So tell me; would you vote for an Islamist ahead of a Republican?

Depends on their politics.

Right now, Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims and Hispanics.
They seem to be pro pu$$y grabbing.
They are against women's rights.
The want to end healthcare for tens of millions of Americans to give tax breaks to billionaires.
The seem to be pro Nazi and pro Russia.

So unless a Republicans can convince me these aren't their positions, then I would never vote for one.
That's right. Instead of proving Republicans are innocent of these positions, attack Democrats.
but R.Reagan was responsible for helping the flood of third worlders into the usa plus he also did some anti gun stuff that i condemn him for .
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