Do Republicans Even Realize they have Trump on Tape Showing Documents to Aides and Divulging they are "Secret" and not Declassified??

The problem is that you cant see the obvious.
I see plenty of TDS should try looking through a different set of glasses yourself. You accept rampant crime, ongoing crime that hurts this country, and focus simply on your intense hatred of one individual.
Thats the obvious I see.
Judging from the comments it seems most republicans don't even realize they have Trump on audio committing a crime and just destroying himself.

Trump shows Top Secret War plans to his Aides that are not qualified to view Sensitive material and then says:

"See as President I could have declassified it. Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret"
Staffer says: "Now we have a problem"

For those of you that do not know, that is a crime and you can not do that, and anybody that does that goes to jail for sure, 100%. Additionally it shows he stole lots of documents and was not supposed to have these tops secret documents, then he gets caught with other documents after he lied and said he did not have them.

Republicans watch fake news, and Fox and other fake news outlets do not report on this information because "people stop watching" if they hear the truth

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, you are so predictable! Anytime bad news comes out about you and your dad it's time to make another thread on Trump to deflect.
Judging from the comments it seems most republicans don't even realize they have Trump on audio committing a crime and just destroying himself.

Trump shows Top Secret War plans to his Aides that are not qualified to view Sensitive material and then says:

"See as President I could have declassified it. Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret"
Staffer says: "Now we have a problem"

For those of you that do not know, that is a crime and you can not do that, and anybody that does that goes to jail for sure, 100%. Additionally it shows he stole lots of documents and was not supposed to have these tops secret documents, then he gets caught with other documents after he lied and said he did not have them.

Republicans watch fake news, and Fox and other fake news outlets do not report on this information because "people stop watching" if they hear the truth

What difference.jpg

Does not matter what Trump does any more than it matters what Biden does for dems.

We vote on issues not the person. Sometimes it is just one issue. For me it is guns. For others it is abortion or being able to queerify the kids. Dems will gladly vote to destroy America as long as they can kill their babies or groom kids.

If Trump was worse than dems for guns, I just would not vote. Trumps a pos, but if I vote rep, I can keep my guns and not have to die in a shootout with the dem's jackboots.

Trump can't save america.jpg
Witnesses who say he held up a paper? Did they read it?

Witnesses that can collaborate that he did not have newspaper clippings.

Even if they didn't see papers with classified markings on them, it would expose that Trump lied about what he was holding.

If Trump was going to lie, he should have at least claimed they were something not as easily identifiable as newspaper clippings.

Not sure why that is a hard concept for you to understand.

STFU, useful idiot.
Witnesses that can collaborate that he did not have newspaper clippings.
Did they read what he did have? Or are they just guessing because he was bragging/joking?
Even if they didn't see papers with classified markings on them, it would expose that Trump lied about what he was holding.
Was he under oath? Lying is not a crime.
If Trump was going to lie, he should have at least claimed they were something not as easily identifiable as newspaper clippings.
I'm sure he'll read your post and consider it next time.
Not sure why that is a hard concept for you to understand.
I'm not the one in such a fervor to convict that I've lost my capacity to think straight. That would be you.

There's an audio tape of Trump claiming he was holding classified documents. That's nowhere near enough to convict.
Enjoy your nothingburger #53,342.
Did they read what he did have? Or are they just guessing because he was bragging/joking?

Are you daft? I already stated one isn't it required to read something to determine if they are newspaper clippings. They are pretty easy to distinguish from what classified documents would look like.

Again, Trump fucked up his lie. He should have said he had something that at least looked like classified documents from a distance.

Was he under oath? Lying is not a crime.


That is why lying is not one of the charges in the indictments.

I'm sure he'll read your post and consider it next time.

I'm not the one in such a fervor to convict that I've lost my capacity to think straight. That would be you.

I agree again. Your fervor to see Trump innocent has made you lose your capacity for thought.

Why else would make the rediculous claim that recorded evidence had to be recorded under oath to be admissable. :itsok:

There's an audio tape of Trump claiming he was holding classified documents. That's nowhere near enough to convict.
Enjoy your nothingburger #53,342.
It is if you have witnesses that can testify he didn't have newspaper clippings in his hands.

Of course a Trump apologist would simply assume that the entire indictment is based on this one incident.
There is always an excuse. First it was they were not classified. Then it was Trump declassified them before taking them. Now Trump directly said he did not declassify them so now Trump was lying about what he was actively showing people while being taped by his own security.
There is always an excuse. First it was they were not classified. Then it was Trump declassified them before taking them. Now Trump directly said he did not declassify them so now Trump was lying about what he was actively showing people while being taped by his own security.
It is really quite astounding that despite Trump changing his story multiple times, Trump humpers still post things that include "Trump said" as if that is truth.
Judging from the comments it seems most republicans don't even realize they have Trump on audio committing a crime and just destroying himself.

Trump shows Top Secret War plans to his Aides that are not qualified to view Sensitive material and then says:

"See as President I could have declassified it. Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret"
Staffer says: "Now we have a problem"

For those of you that do not know, that is a crime and you can not do that, and anybody that does that goes to jail for sure, 100%. Additionally it shows he stole lots of documents and was not supposed to have these tops secret documents, then he gets caught with other documents after he lied and said he did not have them.

Republicans watch fake news, and Fox and other fake news outlets do not report on this information because "people stop watching" if they hear the truth

Now all you need to do is produce the documents he supposedly showed. No hurry, I'll wait.

You are a well-known veteran here, and I so admire that having served myself, and I hope you do support the rule of law. Vigilante Justice is not the rule of law.
In this case, we are dealing with traitors who aim to destroy the Constitution and join the One World Government. My family, from back to when George Washington and his assistant, my ancestor John Friend, surveyed John's future town, up until now have fought in every war to make this country what it once was. That is no longer the case. If our current politicians can't or won't do anything to correct this treason, then I promise that the people will correct the situation. The Constitution tells us how to go about it and it will be done.
In this case, we are dealing with traitors who aim to destroy the Constitution and join the One World Government. My family, from back to when George Washington and his assistant, my ancestor John Friend, surveyed John's future town, up until now have fought in every war to make this country what it once was. That is no longer the case. If our current politicians can't or won't do anything to correct this treason, then I promise that the people will correct the situation. The Constitution tells us how to go about it and it will be done.
No, it won't. But I honor your service. This not a John Wayne Lana Turner Marilyn Monroe Joe Dimaggio world any more in the US. I understand what you are saying, but 70% do not and won't allow it to go 'back' to the 1950s. These Americans do not want the older one of the WWII generation and before.

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