Do republicans have their own reasons as to why the left wing doesn’t like Trump?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
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I love it when they do a list of the reasons why they hate POTUS... It makes me so happy... :5_1_12024:
the election was 2016 and you are still crying/mental case/etc
Obama was the jackass divider who hates America/whites/cops
I love it !!!!!!!!

I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.


Only a cult member sees it differently.
the election was 2016 and you are still crying/mental case/etc
Obama was the jackass divider who hates America/whites/cops
I love it !!!!!!!!

Lol yeah that’s it. Never mind this shit happened 3 years ago or that the Dems took the House since then.
you are a fucking moron.

you have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.
Trump :cry::cry::cry::cry:
the election was 2016 and you are still crying/mental case/etc
Obama was the jackass divider who hates America/whites/cops
I love it !!!!!!!!

Lol yeah that’s it. Never mind this shit happened 3 years ago or that the Dems took the House since then.
you are STILL crying
grow up please
Lol okay whatever dude.
how long are you going to cry???
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

And yet, he's the President of the United States, and Hillary isn't.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

And yet, Mexico jumps like a bunny when he speaks, and Europe is paying its bills.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

And yet, Americans are unified.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man.

And yet, we're still waiting for Shiff's claimed incontrovertible proof.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

And yet, all the world hangs on his every word as he returns the United States to its position of preeminence, wiping away the stain of his ankle-grabbing predecessor.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

And yet, he's the President of the United States, and Hillary isn't.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

And yet, Mexico jumps like a bunny when he speaks, and Europe is paying its bills.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

And yet, Americans are unified.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man.

And yet, we're still waiting for Shiff's claimed incontrovertible proof.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

And yet, all the world hangs on his every word as he returns the United States to its position of preeminence, wiping away the stain of his ankle-grabbing predecessor.
Wait so how is Mexico doing anything? Sure they would be scared by his tariff threat, but it’s not like they realize they could do jack shit to keep their citizens from fleeing the country. You do know that right?

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