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Do Republicans regret their Iraq fiasco?

Do they? Considering all the damage it's caused. All the American lives lost or destroyed. The financial cost to the country. Do they ever wonder if it was a bad idea?

Republicans regret Obama's decision to take all of the troops out of Iraq and not leave a few thousand to mind the fort, so to speak. Obama invited ISIS to fill that gap and probably feels no regret or remorse. Buds....after-all.
On ignore you pile of scum shit.

Thanks. Mission accomplished. You got your ass handed to you on this thread you stupid fuck. LMAO.

You and edge should start a political party. The "I Hate Everyone That Doesn't Agree With My Fucked Up Views" political party. You could probably get 8 to 10 members right from here.

Yeah, you must be talking about the democrats...you know, the ones using prosectuors, the IRS and every alphabet government agency against their political enemies.......
Republicans regret Obama's decision to take all of the troops out of Iraq and not leave a few thousand to mind the fort, so to speak. Obama invited ISIS to fill that gap and probably feels no regret or remorse. Buds....after-all.

Fuck, is this stupid Republican Monday or something. Good god, I gotta find something better to do than listen to this drivel.
Bipartisan =

adjective: bipartisan; adjective: bi-partisan
  1. of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.
    "the Iraq war had considerable bipartisan approval"
Sorry LWNJ's - you're attempts to revise history are not working. The Iraq war had bipartisan support. Hillary, the "presumptive nominee", voted for it.


You have trouble with comprehension, don't you? The vote was based on the WH cherry picking information and DICK pressuring intelligence agencies to stack the deck for an invasion. This was one of the greatest scam jobs this country has ever seen.

Now, the GOP is drooling over the prospects of doing the same thing in Iran. FRIGIN AMAZING!
A "peaceful" Iraq? Would that be the Iraq that had sanctions imposed upon it after invading Kuwait? The Iraq that was using chemical weapons against it's own people? The Iraq that was funding suicide bombers? You have an interesting concept of what "peaceful" means, Notfooled.

Here is what you were responding to: " So what is being written here is that the "Decider" 'who decided to disarm a peaceful Iraq at that time with inspectors in there ...."

Iraq had none of the violence going on "at that time" prior to the invasion did it Oldstyle? No innocent civilians were being bunker buster bombed in restaurants "at that time" - no civil war between Shiite and Sunni militias - no looting and destruction of property. None of that "at that time" when 200 UN inspectors were on the ground in Iraq looking for the reason to have a war by US invasion. There was no civil violence or unrest going on in any part of Saddam Hussein controlled Iraq "at that time". Yet you are forced to go back to the time when the US and Europeans were providing chemical weapons to the Baathist regime to find violence.

And in case you have forgotten the inspections' purpose was to verify that Iraq was disarmed so that sanctions could be lifted. Since you must consider sanctions a form of violence against the people of a Iraq. But the war policy of getting tens of thousands killed in ground invasion was indeed a dumb way to lift sanctions when UN inspectors were expected to achieve that very same result by around July 2003.

And in December 2002 SH offered the US bring into Iraq thousands of US military, FBI and CIA to search for the WMD that was imagined to be there. That was a peace oriented offer on the part of Iraq. The White House response was "let the UN handle it" and then they decided not to let the UN handle it - Because Bush wanted a war and dud not care about destroying the peace that existed in Iraq "at that time" .

You cannot disavow anything I write can you?

Sanctions were a form of violence against the people of Iraq? In what way? Saddam Hussein raped, tortured and killed tens of thousands of Iraqis before and during the sanctions. For some unknown reason you've chosen to ignore that reality and declare that Iraq was peaceful until George W. Bush decided to attack it for no reason. The fact of the matter is that Iraq was beginning to reconstitute its military through the sale of black market oil despite the sanctions and the Secretary General of the United Nation's son was one of the people brokering those black market sales. So much for relying on the UN to solve the problems in Iraq!

What you "write" is a total whitewash of history and I can disavow ALL of it.
BTW, please do not caught up in the libtards and their little moral platitudes. Let us not forget the simple fact that these pieces of American hating shit cry when 5 sandNIGGERS that planned 911 are made uncomfortable and in the same breath wish saddam was still alive murdering and torturing his people. Think about that the next time they feign their hypocritical fake outrage over "torture." Notice too how they never protested ONCE that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Notice, how, they, do, not, give, a shit, about that.

Besides, it was not the liberation of Iraq that is regrettable. It is the post war actions that have been the problem. It usually is, especially in a world with a traitorous agenda driven left wing American hating media. Yes, that is where I had massive problems with Bush. When he started placating the left.

Trust this. When any politician (republican or democrat) placates those morons, we as a nation are in trouble.

My post about post 911 and paradigm shifts and it being essential is 100% true. Anyone thinking we should not be proactive in a world that has WMDs that can be hidden in little 5 ounce containers are naive as hell.

In other words, never listen to anything the morons on the left have to say. They are too stupid, too brainwashed and too hypocritical. They are not worth any of your time. Not one second of your time.
Yeah, good strategy, invade a nation with no plans or provisions for occupation.

You stupid ignorant moron. I said the post war actions have been a big mistake. It was not an invasion you fucking liberal cocksucking moron.

The fucking nazis INVADING POLAND and the blitzkrieg was a fucking invasion you fucking moron.

The US LIBERATED Iraq you fucking moron. You making saddam out to be just an innocent victim of the US and BOOOOOSH is you not being worth a bag of shit. It really does not matter how many assholes you share the bandwagon with.

saddam hussein was a tyrant and this country's policy shift on being proactive against terror nations should STILL be the policy you fucking arrogant ignorant left wing dick.

Nothing you say, and I mean nothing, will ever convince me you are nothing but a typical, hypocritical American hating, free enterprise hating, socialist cocksucker who parrots the democrat talking points.

You are nothing. You fucking worthless moron.
Oh good, that's even better. We "liberated" Iraq with no plan for occupation. Invasion or liberation, either way it was huge fuck up.

Yeah, there is a huge difference you fucking unreal ignorant dipshit. You are not worth a fucking thing. There is no fucking occupation you stupid ignorant ass.

You probably think we "occupy" Japan cause we have military bases there and in Germany and in SOuth Korea.

You probably think that cause you are a fucking loser. We have military bases for a variety of reasons. The main reason is logistics. You know nothing about that. Why? Cause you are a lost left wing brainwashed sack of shit. No other reason. You call it occupying, yet this country subjugates NO ONE! You fucking piece of American hating shit. You fucking loser.

Yeah, probably have no clue about logistics. Wait, I know you know nothing about that. Do you even know what the term "transit" even means? You stupid ass.

Meanwhile ALL of the countries we have bases in, welcome us with open arms. It adds signficantly to their economy, due to the American dollars spent, and along with the protection those countries get.

Oh never mind. I violated my own rule. Trying in any way to treat any of you losers with any respect. I am certainly hoping one of the fellow conservatives understand this concept.

Let me reiterate my advice to you. Do not get caught up in any of these tactics by the left. They could not care less. They do not stand for thing, other than the obliteration of the free enterprise system and America itself. A country that they all believe to the core has been illegitimate from its very founding. They mock America. They hate ALL of the things it stands for cause they believe it only stands for right white wing Christians.

They are all losers. They are all arrogant. They suck you into their way in making you believe they care about the poor and minorities. How fucking ridiculous is that, when a loser calls the US liberation of Iraq an invasion. They then cannot and will not see the distinction. They think, get this, that saddam was actually innocent. The same ones mind you that supposedly care about the oppressed wish saddam was still in power. Just more proof, just absolute proof that they stand for nothing. Nothing.

They are worthy of zero respect. They wish and plan and manipulate all things in order to get their life long wish of the destruction of the country they hate.

I fucking hate them and you should too. All of them. No exceptions.

You are clearly a very stupid little man. You should never comment on anything having to do with military operations, because you obviously don't know anything.
The only thing the Bush people succeeded in doing was undermining this country's strategic position. This country has had a strategic policy in place since the Second World War of always being able to fight two major campaigns at once. That policy is no longer a part of our planning, because the Bush Administration proved to the whole world that the United States of America can't even successfully conduct two minor campaigns.
OS 11276818
Another day...another R-Derp string blaming everything wrong in the Universe on the Republican Party. Yawn...

Not everything. Just deciding to force UN inspectors out of Iraq so US troops could do a massive and deadly ground invasion. You are not denying that the one that decided that stupid move was proud to call himself the 'decider' . So what is being written here is that the "Decider" 'who decided to disarm a peaceful Iraq at that time with inspectors in there through a ground invasion' was a Republican. Are you denying or contesting anything that I have written here Oldstyle? If so could we see a response with specifics for a change?

A "peaceful" Iraq? Would that be the Iraq that had sanctions imposed upon it after invading Kuwait? The Iraq that was using chemical weapons against it's own people? The Iraq that was funding suicide bombers? You have an interesting concept of what "peaceful" means, Notfooled.
where did Iraq get those weapons? THATS RIGHT SCOOTER- :up: the Raygun Administration :rofl: Derp. :thup:

Dude, Iraq had been buying weapons from every major arms supplying nation there is for years! France, Germany, Russia, China...all of them sold weapons to Saddam...some of them were selling weapons to him even after the UN sanctions were put in place! I suppose that was "Raygun's" fault as well?
OS 11276818
Another day...another R-Derp string blaming everything wrong in the Universe on the Republican Party. Yawn...

Not everything. Just deciding to force UN inspectors out of Iraq so US troops could do a massive and deadly ground invasion. You are not denying that the one that decided that stupid move was proud to call himself the 'decider' . So what is being written here is that the "Decider" 'who decided to disarm a peaceful Iraq at that time with inspectors in there through a ground invasion' was a Republican. Are you denying or contesting anything that I have written here Oldstyle? If so could we see a response with specifics for a change?

A "peaceful" Iraq? Would that be the Iraq that had sanctions imposed upon it after invading Kuwait? The Iraq that was using chemical weapons against it's own people? The Iraq that was funding suicide bombers? You have an interesting concept of what "peaceful" means, Notfooled.
where did Iraq get those weapons? THATS RIGHT SCOOTER- :up: the Raygun Administration :rofl: Derp. :thup:

Dude, Iraq had been buying weapons from every major arms supplying nation there is for years! France, Germany, Russia, China...all of them sold weapons to Saddam...some of them were selling weapons to him even after the UN sanctions were put in place! I suppose that was "Raygun's" fault as well?

These far left drones only believe their religious propaganda and do not care about actual history or facts..
BTW, please do not caught up in the libtards and their little moral platitudes. Let us not forget the simple fact that these pieces of American hating shit cry when 5 sandNIGGERS that planned 911 are made uncomfortable and in the same breath wish saddam was still alive murdering and torturing his people. Think about that the next time they feign their hypocritical fake outrage over "torture." Notice too how they never protested ONCE that our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Notice, how, they, do, not, give, a shit, about that.

Besides, it was not the liberation of Iraq that is regrettable. It is the post war actions that have been the problem. It usually is, especially in a world with a traitorous agenda driven left wing American hating media. Yes, that is where I had massive problems with Bush. When he started placating the left.

Trust this. When any politician (republican or democrat) placates those morons, we as a nation are in trouble.

My post about post 911 and paradigm shifts and it being essential is 100% true. Anyone thinking we should not be proactive in a world that has WMDs that can be hidden in little 5 ounce containers are naive as hell.

In other words, never listen to anything the morons on the left have to say. They are too stupid, too brainwashed and too hypocritical. They are not worth any of your time. Not one second of your time.
Yeah, good strategy, invade a nation with no plans or provisions for occupation.

You stupid ignorant moron. I said the post war actions have been a big mistake. It was not an invasion you fucking liberal cocksucking moron.

The fucking nazis INVADING POLAND and the blitzkrieg was a fucking invasion you fucking moron.

The US LIBERATED Iraq you fucking moron. You making saddam out to be just an innocent victim of the US and BOOOOOSH is you not being worth a bag of shit. It really does not matter how many assholes you share the bandwagon with.

saddam hussein was a tyrant and this country's policy shift on being proactive against terror nations should STILL be the policy you fucking arrogant ignorant left wing dick.

Nothing you say, and I mean nothing, will ever convince me you are nothing but a typical, hypocritical American hating, free enterprise hating, socialist cocksucker who parrots the democrat talking points.

You are nothing. You fucking worthless moron.
Oh good, that's even better. We "liberated" Iraq with no plan for occupation. Invasion or liberation, either way it was huge fuck up.

Yeah, there is a huge difference you fucking unreal ignorant dipshit. You are not worth a fucking thing. There is no fucking occupation you stupid ignorant ass.

You probably think we "occupy" Japan cause we have military bases there and in Germany and in SOuth Korea.

You probably think that cause you are a fucking loser. We have military bases for a variety of reasons. The main reason is logistics. You know nothing about that. Why? Cause you are a lost left wing brainwashed sack of shit. No other reason. You call it occupying, yet this country subjugates NO ONE! You fucking piece of American hating shit. You fucking loser.

Yeah, probably have no clue about logistics. Wait, I know you know nothing about that. Do you even know what the term "transit" even means? You stupid ass.

Meanwhile ALL of the countries we have bases in, welcome us with open arms. It adds signficantly to their economy, due to the American dollars spent, and along with the protection those countries get.

Oh never mind. I violated my own rule. Trying in any way to treat any of you losers with any respect. I am certainly hoping one of the fellow conservatives understand this concept.

Let me reiterate my advice to you. Do not get caught up in any of these tactics by the left. They could not care less. They do not stand for thing, other than the obliteration of the free enterprise system and America itself. A country that they all believe to the core has been illegitimate from its very founding. They mock America. They hate ALL of the things it stands for cause they believe it only stands for right white wing Christians.

They are all losers. They are all arrogant. They suck you into their way in making you believe they care about the poor and minorities. How fucking ridiculous is that, when a loser calls the US liberation of Iraq an invasion. They then cannot and will not see the distinction. They think, get this, that saddam was actually innocent. The same ones mind you that supposedly care about the oppressed wish saddam was still in power. Just more proof, just absolute proof that they stand for nothing. Nothing.

They are worthy of zero respect. They wish and plan and manipulate all things in order to get their life long wish of the destruction of the country they hate.

I fucking hate them and you should too. All of them. No exceptions.

You are clearly a very stupid little man. You should never comment on anything having to do with military operations, because you obviously don't know anything.
The only thing the Bush people succeeded in doing was undermining this country's strategic position. This country has had a strategic policy in place since the Second World War of always being able to fight two major campaigns at once. That policy is no longer a part of our planning, because the Bush Administration proved to the whole world that the United States of America can't even successfully conduct two minor campaigns.

With all due respect...our military's ability to fight two major campaigns at once has been degraded more by military cuts then it has by something that Bush did. If you recall one of the ways that Bill Clinton shrunk the deficit was by shrinking the size of the military. Provisions in the Sequester that drastically cut military spending were included by Democrats...not someone from the Bush Administration.
The US LIBERATED Iraq you fucking moron.

Your fucking stupidity knows no bounds. And that's saying a lot. Cause you are fucking stupid.
We invaded and destroyed Iraq without just cause.

I don't give a flying fuck how much you asshole lie to yourself about Iraq.

Again, the fact is we invaded and destroyed a country that didn't attack us.

Fuck you if you believe otherwise. I can't help it you are fucking stupid.

Trust this you fuckistick. Everyone other than left wing piles American hating shit like you know I have made you look like the utter piece of American hating moronic shit you are.

Trust that loser.

You fucking loser. On ignore you pile of scum shit.
Have you ever noticed how incredibly ignorant and superficial you are? You should look into it, it's a real problem.
Yeah, good strategy, invade a nation with no plans or provisions for occupation.

You stupid ignorant moron. I said the post war actions have been a big mistake. It was not an invasion you fucking liberal cocksucking moron.

The fucking nazis INVADING POLAND and the blitzkrieg was a fucking invasion you fucking moron.

The US LIBERATED Iraq you fucking moron. You making saddam out to be just an innocent victim of the US and BOOOOOSH is you not being worth a bag of shit. It really does not matter how many assholes you share the bandwagon with.

saddam hussein was a tyrant and this country's policy shift on being proactive against terror nations should STILL be the policy you fucking arrogant ignorant left wing dick.

Nothing you say, and I mean nothing, will ever convince me you are nothing but a typical, hypocritical American hating, free enterprise hating, socialist cocksucker who parrots the democrat talking points.

You are nothing. You fucking worthless moron.
Oh good, that's even better. We "liberated" Iraq with no plan for occupation. Invasion or liberation, either way it was huge fuck up.

Yeah, there is a huge difference you fucking unreal ignorant dipshit. You are not worth a fucking thing. There is no fucking occupation you stupid ignorant ass.

You probably think we "occupy" Japan cause we have military bases there and in Germany and in SOuth Korea.

You probably think that cause you are a fucking loser. We have military bases for a variety of reasons. The main reason is logistics. You know nothing about that. Why? Cause you are a lost left wing brainwashed sack of shit. No other reason. You call it occupying, yet this country subjugates NO ONE! You fucking piece of American hating shit. You fucking loser.

Yeah, probably have no clue about logistics. Wait, I know you know nothing about that. Do you even know what the term "transit" even means? You stupid ass.

Meanwhile ALL of the countries we have bases in, welcome us with open arms. It adds signficantly to their economy, due to the American dollars spent, and along with the protection those countries get.

Oh never mind. I violated my own rule. Trying in any way to treat any of you losers with any respect. I am certainly hoping one of the fellow conservatives understand this concept.

Let me reiterate my advice to you. Do not get caught up in any of these tactics by the left. They could not care less. They do not stand for thing, other than the obliteration of the free enterprise system and America itself. A country that they all believe to the core has been illegitimate from its very founding. They mock America. They hate ALL of the things it stands for cause they believe it only stands for right white wing Christians.

They are all losers. They are all arrogant. They suck you into their way in making you believe they care about the poor and minorities. How fucking ridiculous is that, when a loser calls the US liberation of Iraq an invasion. They then cannot and will not see the distinction. They think, get this, that saddam was actually innocent. The same ones mind you that supposedly care about the oppressed wish saddam was still in power. Just more proof, just absolute proof that they stand for nothing. Nothing.

They are worthy of zero respect. They wish and plan and manipulate all things in order to get their life long wish of the destruction of the country they hate.

I fucking hate them and you should too. All of them. No exceptions.

You are clearly a very stupid little man. You should never comment on anything having to do with military operations, because you obviously don't know anything.
The only thing the Bush people succeeded in doing was undermining this country's strategic position. This country has had a strategic policy in place since the Second World War of always being able to fight two major campaigns at once. That policy is no longer a part of our planning, because the Bush Administration proved to the whole world that the United States of America can't even successfully conduct two minor campaigns.

With all due respect...our military's ability to fight two major campaigns at once has been degraded more by military cuts then it has by something that Bush did. If you recall one of the ways that Bill Clinton shrunk the deficit was by shrinking the size of the military. Provisions in the Sequester that drastically cut military spending were included by Democrats...not someone from the Bush Administration.
Another one who should never comment about anything military....with all due respect.
I regret Obama's Iraq fiasco. He took a stable nation and plungedvit into chaos all in an effort to support his Islamist jihadist brothers.

I regret it deeply
A stable nation. That brings one question to mind: Could you possibly be more full of shit than you are right now?

Women voted, they had civil law and order, then your boy Obama turned it all over to isis
Uh huh, where's the part where they had a stable society?


Please continue. What happened next?
remember....for the left...history only begins each time they wake up in the morning

Dude, your stupidity is showing again. You should stick to your obsession; guns.

Oh look the far left drones that support Obama's illegal wars and still believe that the history of |Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11.
You got that backwards professor. It was Republicans trying to make the connection between Iraq and 911. Remember now?
Regrets ? Certainly....

Should have been UN/Nato/Arab troops....no major US prescence.

That Shock and Awe ended way too soon.

No rebuilding, No Aid needed.

Cowardy and traitorous democrats....

Gitmo was too kind to islamo-fascists

Enough iraqi oil subsidies to repay us for the favor. Every cent.
Regrets ? Certainly....

Should have been UN/Nato/Arab troops....no major US prescence.

That Shock and Awe ended way too soon.

No rebuilding, No Aid needed.

Cowardy and traitorous democrats....

Gitmo was too kind to islamo-fascists

Enough iraqi oil subsidies to repay us for the favor. Every cent.
It certainly has been interesting having this little window into your stream of consciousness.

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