Do republicans still think that raising taxes does NOT lower the deficit?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?
Raising the taxes would kill anything that may bring back some balance to the country. If anyone was serious about straightening things out they'd get insurance companies, all of slime lawyers and funky judges on a very short leash.
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?
You are such a doofus. Everything you said had nothing to do with the actual topic of my OP. Are you even aware of that?
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?
You are such a doofus. Everything you said had nothing to do with the actual topic of my OP. Are you even aware of that?

I'm a "doofus" for pointing out that every time you idiots attempt to hit the very wealthy with a big tax increase that they invariably either move their official residence to avoid the tax or get their pet Congress critter to pass an exemption that they can use to escape paying the bulk of that tax? I'm a "doofus" for also pointing out that the people who ALWAYS end up getting screwed by your tax increases are the upper Middle Class who have small businesses they can't move?

I guess anyone who deals with reality is a "doofus"? Is that about it, Billy?
The Federal government already collects, borrows, and spends $4 trillion a year, that's over $52,000 a year for EVERY family of 4 in the country. Isn't that enough to govern a country?
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?

Where have wealthy Americans been moving since the top rate cut expired in 2014?
Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!

For someone rich to move their tax home to another state is trivial. Moving your national tax home is much more difficult. States are in no position to do anything about people who move their tax homes. But, the feds can change laws to neutralize the benefit of leaving the country.

So, Oldstyle, you equating taxing the rich at the state level with the federal level is pretty ignorant.

The feds could tremendously boost the taxes income earned or produced in the US, and there's nothing the rich could do about it. But, don't cry for the rich, they'd still be rich and living comfortably.
Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!

For someone rich to move their tax home to another state is trivial. Moving your national tax home is much more difficult. States are in no position to do anything about people who move their tax homes. But, the feds can change laws to neutralize the benefit of leaving the country.

So, Oldstyle, you equating taxing the rich at the state level with the federal level is pretty ignorant.

The feds could tremendously boost the taxes income earned or produced in the US, and there's nothing the rich could do about it. But, don't cry for the rich, they'd still be rich and living comfortably.

Let me explain to you EXACTLY what would happen if the Feds changed the laws to prevent the super rich from leaving the country with their wealth, BulletProof! Before that law was passed by Congress and LONG before it was signed by any US President...those wealthy people would be one step ahead of what was going on! They'd change their legal residence to a tax friendly nation and take their wealth with them. Preservation of capital is what the super rich understand more than any other thing on this earth. You REALLY think they're going to sit still and let a bunch of bumbling Congresspersons take away their money? The people you're talking about generally have multiple houses in multiple countries. You're incredibly naive if you think raising taxes on the billionaires is going to squeeze's not!
We need to raise the tax on capital gains; close loopholes that allow corporations to offshore their profits; lower taxes on the middle class; and impose a Franchise Transactions Tax for every traded share on Wall Street; cut the defense budget in half; end these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years and closing most of the over 1000 military bases we have all around the world.

That would produce so much revenue that it would wipe out the deficit and the government would still have money left over to provide health insurance for every American in the country.
Let me explain to you EXACTLY what would happen if the Feds changed the laws to prevent the super rich from leaving the country with their wealth, BulletProof! Before that law was passed by Congress and LONG before it was signed by any US President...those wealthy people would be one step ahead of what was going on! They'd change their legal residence to a tax friendly nation and take their wealth with them. Preservation of capital is what the super rich understand more than any other thing on this earth. You REALLY think they're going to sit still and let a bunch of bumbling Congresspersons take away their money? The people you're talking about generally have multiple houses in multiple countries. You're incredibly naive if you think raising taxes on the billionaires is going to squeeze's not!

I said, "The feds could tremendously boost the taxes income earned or produced in the US, and there's nothing the rich could do about it." I was contrasting state vs. federal taxes on the rich. Don't be stupid. It doesn't matter where someone's legal residence is, the US could still choose to tax income earned or produced in the US. But, it's a non-issue as the rich own congress.
Let me explain to you EXACTLY what would happen if the Feds changed the laws to prevent the super rich from leaving the country with their wealth, BulletProof! Before that law was passed by Congress and LONG before it was signed by any US President...those wealthy people would be one step ahead of what was going on! They'd change their legal residence to a tax friendly nation and take their wealth with them. Preservation of capital is what the super rich understand more than any other thing on this earth. You REALLY think they're going to sit still and let a bunch of bumbling Congresspersons take away their money? The people you're talking about generally have multiple houses in multiple countries. You're incredibly naive if you think raising taxes on the billionaires is going to squeeze's not!

I said, "The feds could tremendously boost the taxes income earned or produced in the US, and there's nothing the rich could do about it." I was contrasting state vs. federal taxes on the rich. Don't be stupid. It doesn't matter where someone's legal residence is, the US could still choose to tax income earned or produced in the US. But, it's a non-issue as the rich own congress.

What's stupid, Bullet Proof is to think you can tax your way out of a deficit. When you've got a government that is as wasteful and inefficient as our is...raising taxes is like pouring water into a bucket that has huge gashes in the sides. It doesn't matter how much water you pour into that're NEVER going to get it full unless you fix the holes!
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?
Yeah that's why no rich people live in the wealthiest states. Wait, whaaaa? :eek:
Why do commies hate science?

We have proved over and over again that you can't tax money sitting in a bank account. When big-money people are pressed, they don't spend. When they don't spend, other people are not employed. Fewer employed people = less tax money.

Make big-money people spend more and you make everyone happy, including the fed gov.
Why do commies hate science?

We have proved over and over again that you can't tax money sitting in a bank account. When big-money people are pressed, they don't spend. When they don't spend, other people are not employed. Fewer employed people = less tax money.

Make big-money people spend more and you make everyone happy, including the fed gov.
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?
Yeah that's why no rich people live in the wealthiest states. Wait, whaaaa? :eek:

Rich people have to weigh the pros and cons of living in certain places just like the rest of us, Old School! Unlike many of us however...they have the ability to go or stay depending on what THEY decide not what the company they work for decides. All I'm saying is that you folks on the far left have been trying to tax the super wealthy for generations and they consistently figure out ways not to give up their capital. Why do you think that's going to change any time soon?
Why do commies hate science?

We have proved over and over again that you can't tax money sitting in a bank account. When big-money people are pressed, they don't spend. When they don't spend, other people are not employed. Fewer employed people = less tax money.

Make big-money people spend more and you make everyone happy, including the fed gov.

With all due respect, Old School...anyone who invokes the term "Trickle Down Economics"...has announced to the world that they are totally ignorant of economics.

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