Do the rich earn their income?

Libs - if you are currently not receiving your entitelement for not working / contributing to society, simply dial 9-1-1 and ask for Obama. I'm sure he'll get right to you.

Yep, it's not like he's got anything else to do........After all, he damn sure isn't leading, or anything like that.
Republicans = wealth comes from inheritance

Sane people = wealth comes from producing goods and services that people want.

Well, this republican and his wife started out with 10 grand, a personal bank loan, and a dream.........Turned it into a very successful entity that provided well paying jobs with very generous benefits for many employees through the years, as well as making us quite comfortable in life........It's called personal responsibility and hard work. It's called contributing to society, and helping to make this great country run.

Yeah, our kids will inherit quite nicely. It's OUR money. It's THEIR money. It's not YOUR money. You did NOT earn it. You will NOT see a dime of it........But, our kids will. It's best you be nice to them. You just might be employed by them one day!:eusa_whistle:
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Republicans = wealth comes from inheritance

Sane people = wealth comes from producing goods and services that people want.

Well, this republican and his wife started out with 10 grand, a personal bank loan, and a dream.........Turned it into a very successful entity that provided well paying jobs with very generous benefits for many employees through the years.......It's called personal responsibility and hard work. It's called contributing to society, and helping to make this great country run.

Yeah, our kids will inherit quite nicely. It's OUR money. It's THEIR money. It's not YOUR money. You did NOT earn it. You will NOT see a dime of it........But, our kids will. It's best you be nice to them. You just might be employed by them one day!:eusa_whistle:

I don't want your money, grow the fuck up.

It is great that you had success at business. However, your kids did not have success at your business unless you employ them.

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Republicans have a long history of supporting sweatshops.
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It's easy to score when you're born on third base and thought you hit a triple.

Class envy is just classless. Let me know when born into wealth is a crime, okay?
The concept of "class envy" is visibly nonsensical. There always has been a wealthy class in America but resentment of their excess only becomes an issue during such times as the Great Depression -- which was brought about by the devious maneuverings of the rich and their political cronies -- and the present economic crisis. During times of relative economic stability and universal comfort nobody pays attention to the rich.

So it's not "class envy" we are seeing and hearing," it's legitimate resentment of the same excesses brought about by corrupt maneuvering and manipulation.
Republicans = wealth comes from inheritance

Sane people = wealth comes from producing goods and services that people want.

Well, this republican and his wife started out with 10 grand, a personal bank loan, and a dream.........Turned it into a very successful entity that provided well paying jobs with very generous benefits for many employees through the years.......It's called personal responsibility and hard work. It's called contributing to society, and helping to make this great country run.

Yeah, our kids will inherit quite nicely. It's OUR money. It's THEIR money. It's not YOUR money. You did NOT earn it. You will NOT see a dime of it........But, our kids will. It's best you be nice to them. You just might be employed by them one day!:eusa_whistle:

I don't want your money, grow the fuck up.

It is great that you had success at business. However, your kids did not have success at your business unless you employ them.

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Republicans have a long history of supporting sweatshops.
Ya' see, this is where you liberal loons go completely off the rails. It happens everytime.

Ya' see, we owned a couple of very successful restaraunts. We provided a service and goods that people demanded and thoroughly enjoyed.........Our kids damn sure earned it. They earned it by being our primary responsibility to do right by them. They earn it every day by being good citizens, doing good in school, and by building on that foundation to take what we leave and further capitalize on it........Like I said, it's best you be nice to them. They just may be providing you with a paycheck and benefits one day.......They damn sure aren't going to just hand you the money.
So really this issue comes down to the question: Are the investment decisions currently made by capitalists a valuable function of an economy? and How should we determine 'how valuable'?

i'm not sure I see any grounds for dismissing the investor's role out of hand. Clearly the decisions capitalists make (essentially, doing resource allocation for the economy) would need to be accounted for in any restructuring of the current system. Someone would need to make the call for what large projects went forward, or which were passed over.

The question to me is, who would do this job better? A network of self interested investors or state officers? Or is there some better solution?

I'd also add: Would such a solution - regardless of how it effected the economy - make for better government? Or open the door for worse government?

You're assuming the rich are managing their own funds. Ordinary people who might have some money might be doing that. But the richest of the rich are not.

There's a whole industry devoted to managing the wealth of the wealthy. Why should the rich do it, when there's an army of highly trained, highly paid specialists ready and willing to do it for them?

Nobody's disputing that running a business or managing active investments isn't work. I'm saying the richest of the rich are not doing that.
It's easy to score when you're born on third base and thought you hit a triple.

Class envy is just classless. Let me know when born into wealth is a crime, okay?
The concept of "class envy" is visibly nonsensical. There always has been a wealthy class in America but resentment of their excess only becomes an issue during such times as the Great Depression -- which was brought about by the devious maneuverings of the rich and their political cronies -- and the present economic crisis. During times of relative economic stability and universal comfort nobody pays attention to the rich.

So it's not "class envy" we are seeing and hearing," it's legitimate resentment of the same excesses brought about by corrupt maneuvering and manipulation.

You can spin it what ever way you want until the cows come home, but at the end of the day, it's still class envy.
I'm sure quite a few people make a "paycheck" from what Trump sorta does. Not the point really.

These people have no skin in the game..they have other people's skin.

They have brain cells in the game - which you DON'T have. You of the left think that labor is noble and should be rewarded. But labor produces nothing. Go dig a hole, fill it in and tell us what you produced?

It is the mind that produces. Trump produces because he's smarter than you - he built an empire based on his vision and intellect.

Your clothing racks, food shelves and gas tank are filled with the products that labor produced.

And Trump is smarter then you..not me.

His daddy was just richer then mine.
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You're assuming the rich are managing their own funds. Ordinary people who might have some money might be doing that. But the richest of the rich are not.

Not at all. I'd assume the opposite in most cases. Effective delegation is an extremely important skill for any sane human being.

Nobody's disputing that running a business or managing active investments isn't work. I'm saying the richest of the rich are not doing that.

They're either doing it, delegating it effectively - or they're losing their money. And in the latter case, they won't stay wealthy for long.

In any case someone must do it. If you don't like the fact that, in the current system, individual owners of capital are making those decisions, what are you suggesting replacing it with? This is the question I never really find socialists willing to address. Do you really think the state can make resource allocation decisions as well as a distributed networked of motivated investors?

Well, this republican and his wife started out with 10 grand, a personal bank loan, and a dream.........Turned it into a very successful entity that provided well paying jobs with very generous benefits for many employees through the years.......It's called personal responsibility and hard work. It's called contributing to society, and helping to make this great country run.

Yeah, our kids will inherit quite nicely. It's OUR money. It's THEIR money. It's not YOUR money. You did NOT earn it. You will NOT see a dime of it........But, our kids will. It's best you be nice to them. You just might be employed by them one day!:eusa_whistle:

I don't want your money, grow the fuck up.

It is great that you had success at business. However, your kids did not have success at your business unless you employ them.

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Republicans have a long history of supporting sweatshops.
Ya' see, this is where you liberal loons go completely off the rails. It happens everytime.

Ya' see, we owned a couple of very successful restaraunts. We provided a service and goods that people demanded and thoroughly enjoyed.........Our kids damn sure earned it. They earned it by being our primary responsibility to do right by them. They earn it every day by being good citizens, doing good in school, and by building on that foundation to take what we leave and further capitalize on it........Like I said, it's best you be nice to them. They just may be providing you with a paycheck and benefits one day.......They damn sure aren't going to just hand you the money.

I am not a liberal loon simply because I disagree with you. In fact, I am very conservative in nature. However, you are an ignorant fuck who believes that your measly estate will be taxed.

Stop living in fear and paranoia.

Your kids didn't "earn" your success. You did, unless you broke child labor laws which wouldn't be a surprise me given that you are a Republican.
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I don't want your money, grow the fuck up.

It is great that you had success at business. However, your kids did not have success at your business unless you employ them.

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Republicans have a long history of supporting sweatshops.
Ya' see, this is where you liberal loons go completely off the rails. It happens everytime.

Ya' see, we owned a couple of very successful restaraunts. We provided a service and goods that people demanded and thoroughly enjoyed.........Our kids damn sure earned it. They earned it by being our primary responsibility to do right by them. They earn it every day by being good citizens, doing good in school, and by building on that foundation to take what we leave and further capitalize on it........Like I said, it's best you be nice to them. They just may be providing you with a paycheck and benefits one day.......They damn sure aren't going to just hand you the money.

I am not a liberal loon simply because I disagree with you. In fact, I am very conservative in nature. However, you are an ignorant fuck and believe that your measly estate will be taxed.

Measly estate?..............................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And yes, I get taxed through the ass as it is. Not only by the fed's, but this liberal run state called California that tries to take everything they can, while they squander it away, thereby already turning it into a state on par with greece. Much like our lame duck president, administration, and a few RINO idiots are now attempting to do to the entire country.

The only ignorant fuck I see, is you.
I don't want your money, grow the fuck up.

It is great that you had success at business. However, your kids did not have success at your business unless you employ them.

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Republicans have a long history of supporting sweatshops.
Ya' see, this is where you liberal loons go completely off the rails. It happens everytime.

Ya' see, we owned a couple of very successful restaraunts. We provided a service and goods that people demanded and thoroughly enjoyed.........Our kids damn sure earned it. They earned it by being our primary responsibility to do right by them. They earn it every day by being good citizens, doing good in school, and by building on that foundation to take what we leave and further capitalize on it........Like I said, it's best you be nice to them. They just may be providing you with a paycheck and benefits one day.......They damn sure aren't going to just hand you the money.

I am not a liberal loon simply because I disagree with you. In fact, I am very conservative in nature. However, you are an ignorant fuck who believes that your measly estate will be taxed.

Stop living in fear and paranoia.

Your kids didn't "earn" your success. You did, unless you broke child labor laws which wouldn't be a surprise me given that you are a Republican.
Yes, my children have "earned" everything they will receive. They are great kids. Very smart, excellent citizens.. If they weren't, they wouldn't inherit a damn dime.......Ya' see, we are a family. We share equally. Those kids were our primary motivation to succeed. They motivated us to get where we are. They damn sure earned everything they will receive.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp, unless you live with your head permanently buried up your ass.
So really this issue comes down to the question: Are the investment decisions currently made by capitalists a valuable function of an economy? and How should we determine 'how valuable'?

i'm not sure I see any grounds for dismissing the investor's role out of hand. Clearly the decisions capitalists make (essentially, doing resource allocation for the economy) would need to be accounted for in any restructuring of the current system. Someone would need to make the call for what large projects went forward, or which were passed over.

The question to me is, who would do this job better? A network of self interested investors or state officers? Or is there some better solution?

I'd also add: Would such a solution - regardless of how it effected the economy - make for better government? Or open the door for worse government?

Picking up on this point, one of the primary ingredients in economic growth is increased capital investment. Would we feel better if they failed more often and therefore weren't as rich? Would the rest of us be better off? Great, more startups going bust and people losing their jobs.

I seems to me the liberals want the cake and eat it too. More economic growth, more jobs, but less return on investment to the rich guys who put up the money by taxing them more. It is beyond me why they cannot understand that if you raise their tax rates for business and investments that you are therefore disincentivizing economic growth. These guys will put their money in places that preserve their wealth from increased US taxation rates, either in tax deferred vehicles or offshore.

Actually, the US is one of the least-taxed countries in the world.

What you don't understand is that if ordinary people can't buy stuff - either because they're unemployed, or because they don't make enough - it won't matter what the tax rate is, because those businesses will fail.

It's not the idle rich who make country a good investment. It's a highly skilled, highly educated, and fully employed middle-class.
Ya' see, this is where you liberal loons go completely off the rails. It happens everytime.

Ya' see, we owned a couple of very successful restaraunts. We provided a service and goods that people demanded and thoroughly enjoyed.........Our kids damn sure earned it. They earned it by being our primary responsibility to do right by them. They earn it every day by being good citizens, doing good in school, and by building on that foundation to take what we leave and further capitalize on it........Like I said, it's best you be nice to them. They just may be providing you with a paycheck and benefits one day.......They damn sure aren't going to just hand you the money.

I am not a liberal loon simply because I disagree with you. In fact, I am very conservative in nature. However, you are an ignorant fuck and believe that your measly estate will be taxed.

Measly estate?..............................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And yes, I get taxed through the ass as it is. Not only by the fed's, but this liberal run state called California that tries to take everything they can, while they squander it away, thereby already turning it into a state on par with greece. Much like our lame duck president, administration, and a few RINO idiots are now attempting to do to the entire country.

The only ignorant fuck I see, is you.

It is measley. You are not uber rich, however you pretend to be.

Additionally, I support the idea of eliminating all taxes on income, savings, and investment. Unfortunately, Republicans are ardently against this idea since I am some "left wing radical".

You also think that your children earned the fruits of your labor when they did not. Nepotism is not wealth, dumbass.

Your ignorance and deceit is astounding.
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Ownership of a resource does not constitute wealth. Producing things that consumers want constitute wealth.

Unfortunately, we have a large group of people in this country who think that simple ownership of over a factor of production constitutes wealth. These people are called Republicans.

Ownership comes from producing things. It is an extension of owning yourself, which is an a prior truth. (re: Bastiat)

That's a pretty good statement of the case.
I am not a liberal loon simply because I disagree with you. In fact, I am very conservative in nature. However, you are an ignorant fuck and believe that your measly estate will be taxed.

Measly estate?..............................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And yes, I get taxed through the ass as it is. Not only by the fed's, but this liberal run state called California that tries to take everything they can, while they squander it away, thereby already turning it into a state on par with greece. Much like our lame duck president, administration, and a few RINO idiots are now attempting to do to the entire country.

The only ignorant fuck I see, is you.

It is measley. You are not uber rich, however you pretend to be.

Additionally, I support the idea of eliminating all taxes on income, savings, and investment. Unfortunately, Republicans are ardently against this idea since I am some "left wing radical".

You also think that your children earned the fruits of your labor when they did not. Nepotism is not wealth, dumbass.

Your ignorance and deceit is astounding.
Well, if it's so "measly", why do you seem to be so intimidated by it?.......You're the one putting it down, and trying to tell what's earned and not earned......LMAO!

Lets just cut to the chase........How much do you feel my handout to you should be. Give me a figure to put on the check........Or at least give me a figure, so that I can tell you to stick it up your ass.

Sorry, cecilie, I'm pretty much done with you. You're going to have to manage a higher level of civility if you want me to talk to you.

Sorry, shitstain, but I'm pretty much done with YOU. You're going to have to manage a higher level of intelligence if you want me to be civil to you.

Run along now like a good little poltroon. I know how hard you were looking for a way to run away while pretending you weren't. Shoo.

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