Do the rich earn their income?

I'm sure quite a few people make a "paycheck" from what Trump sorta does. Not the point really.

These people have no skin in the game..they have other people's skin.

They have brain cells in the game - which you DON'T have. You of the left think that labor is noble and should be rewarded. But labor produces nothing. Go dig a hole, fill it in and tell us what you produced?

It is the mind that produces. Trump produces because he's smarter than you - he built an empire based on his vision and intellect.
I am amazed at the people who believe the rich guys don't have their own money invested. If they back a startup then they're on the hook for the losses if it goes bellyup. And banks are not makingloans just on their sayso, the rich guys have to poney up some seed money to get operations off the ground. Don't know if it's true in every case, but they do have skin in the game.
I'm sure quite a few people make a "paycheck" from what Trump sorta does. Not the point really.

These people have no skin in the game..they have other people's skin.

They have brain cells in the game - which you DON'T have. You of the left think that labor is noble and should be rewarded. But labor produces nothing. Go dig a hole, fill it in and tell us what you produced?

It is the mind that produces. Trump produces because he's smarter than you - he built an empire based on his vision and intellect.

You forgot to mention the hefty inheritance he started out with.
I'm sure quite a few people make a "paycheck" from what Trump sorta does. Not the point really.

These people have no skin in the game..they have other people's skin.

They have brain cells in the game - which you DON'T have. You of the left think that labor is noble and should be rewarded. But labor produces nothing. Go dig a hole, fill it in and tell us what you produced?

It is the mind that produces. Trump produces because he's smarter than you - he built an empire based on his vision and intellect.

You forgot to mention the hefty inheritance he started out with.

Now, we have to demonize an inheritance? Geeeze, it wasn't like this 30 years ago.
This is one of those threads started by an imbecile who ends up being tutored online. It's very inefficient - instead, he should get an economics textbook, start on page one, and read it all the way through.
I'm sure quite a few people make a "paycheck" from what Trump sorta does. Not the point really.

These people have no skin in the game..they have other people's skin.

They have brain cells in the game - which you DON'T have. You of the left think that labor is noble and should be rewarded. But labor produces nothing. Go dig a hole, fill it in and tell us what you produced?

It is the mind that produces. Trump produces because he's smarter than you - he built an empire based on his vision and intellect.

You forgot to mention the hefty inheritance he started out with.
Soooooooo, what's your fucking point?

It's called capitalizing........Something you lib's just can't seem to fathom.

Kudo's to those who were able to pass down the wealth to Trump. Kudo's to Trump for further capitalizing on it, and helping to further drive our economy by creating businesses and jobs.
It's easy to score when you're born on third base and thought you hit a triple.
Ownership of a resource does not constitute wealth. Producing things that consumers want constitute wealth.

Unfortunately, we have a large group of people in this country who think that simple ownership of over a factor of production constitutes wealth. These people are called Republicans.

Ownership comes from producing things. It is an extension of owning yourself, which is an a prior truth. (re: Bastiat)
It's easy to score when you're born on third base and thought you hit a triple.

Class envy is just classless. Let me know when born into wealth is a crime, okay?

It is unAmerican. America is supposed to reward wealth based on hard work and ingenuity. Unforuntately, you think that America is supposed to reward wealth based on luck and nepotism.

Why do you hate America?
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According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


So let me get this straight - am American who has EARNED his money, and chooses to invest HIS MONEY, and then gets a DIVIDEND check - that he's EARNED - is "consuming without working?"

No - that's you fool.

A foodstamp sucking welfare case.
Don't forget "inheritance". Republicans call that "the good old fashioned way".

So, when I pass along someday - and let's say choose to leave a couple million dollars - that I EARNED - to my son, that's a bad thing? After all, it's MY MONEY. I will do with it as I wish - vs. leaving it to a welfare case like you.

If stupidity earned a dividend, you'd be filthy rich.
It's easy to score when you're born on third base and thought you hit a triple.

Class envy is just classless. Let me know when born into wealth is a crime, okay?

It is unAmerican. America is supposed to reward wealth based on hard work and ingenuity. Unforuntately, you think that America is supposed to reward wealth based on luck and nepotism.

Why do you hate America?

Your the one hatin' on America....why do you? No it's not unAmerican to inherit me where it says that anywhere....don't use your echo chamber, that won't count. No laws have been broke yet you want to steal wealth. Your a hater and clearly have class envy.
Don't forget "inheritance". Republicans call that "the good old fashioned way".

So, when I pass along someday - and let's say choose to leave a couple million dollars - that I EARNED - to my son, that's a bad thing? After all, it's MY MONEY. I will do with it as I wish - vs. leaving it to a welfare case like you.

If stupidity earned a dividend, you'd be filthy rich.
No shit!........The wife and I have done quite well in life. Our kids haven't a worry. They'll do quite well when the reaper cometh........They are being groomed to take what's given and expand and capitalize on it further.

But hey, I guess we should just say "fuck the kids", and divide it up amongst the liberal idiots who somehow think they are the ones who earned it.

Sorry lib's, you bottom feeding catfish. You ain't gettin' a dime of our hard earned gains.....Suck on it!
Libs - if you are currently not receiving your entitelement for not working / contributing to society, simply dial 9-1-1 and ask for Obama. I'm sure he'll get right to you.
The market value of goods and services produced in a country is the same as the income produced by selling those same goods and services.

No, it is not.

Have you never had an economics or accounting class?

If I buy a block of wood for $2 and carve it into a doorstop, then sell it to you for $2.50 - do you really not grasp that I only had income of $.50 - not $2.50?

Market value <> Income.
I've known people who never had to work thanks to their family wealth.

Usually those happy scions work very hard at what they WANT to work at, anyway.

Of course the argument can be made that doing what you want to do isn't work.

But I think that argument is flawed thinking.

Most of the scions I've known (and that's actually quite a few) work pretty hard at something.

"Most of the rich folks I've known" isn't really an argument. I mean, I could say that the trust fund babies I've known have been immature, irresponsible people who've never done a of work in their lives.

But that wouldn't be an argument either. It'd just mean we'd had different experiences.

The primary difference is they get to choose and do that work they choose to even if it doesn't really support them.

They can take a job, for example, that doesn't pay well but that will lead to a more interesting and better paying job.

Jobs that people who do not have a lot of money behind them cannot afford to take.

Or they can study an art or craft and become highly skilled artists or artisans over time.

Again, they can afford to go though that long period where they're journeyman artists in a way that a working stiff cannot.

But most of the wealthy folks I have known keep pretty busy doing something productive that most of us would recognize as work.

The advantage that money really gives one is the ability to play the LONG GAME.

If you are being supported you can take more risks, get more education, try things and fail and STILL keep going even in the face of financial adversity.

The working poor do not have that luxury.

They fall off the high wire and they never again can get back on that wire because they need to EAT and live indoors. Monery give you the ability to fail and fail and fail and still keep working until you get it right.

That is an enormous advantage in life.

When the working class fails, or when they are confronted with a careeer path that will not support them while they're learning that trade or art or business, they must eschew that career path because they cannot support themselves during that long period of training.

THAT is one of the reasons that money begats MORE money in many cases.

The poor and working class usually cannot be risk takers because they cannot afford to fail.

True. When Bill Gates was in High School, he got caught "stealing" time from university computer. In the end, they got him more time, and his dad got him a job at IBM for the summer.

It's easier to take risks when things have a way of working out for you, even when you fail.
Republicans = wealth comes from inheritance

Sane people = wealth comes from producing goods and services that people want.

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