Do the rich earn their income?

According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


It's for damn sure you didn't earn their income. Get over it.
I sure did! I gave concessions in my contract. I gave up benefits, wages and early retirement. I watched as jobs in my community were shipped overseas. All so those "earners" in the higher tax brackets can have more than I. Thanks, Conservatives! I never realized how dedicated you all were to screwing working families while jealously guarding the rich! Makes a whole lot of sense, don't it?
Well, if it's so "measly", why do you seem to be so intimidated by it?.......You're the one putting it down, and trying to tell what's earned and not earned......LMAO!

I am not intimidating by it. In fact, I told you numerous to keep your measly estate. Additionally, I support you in earning your wealth. That is most respectable.

However, I do not support nepotism and financial dynasties passed on via bloodlines. Unfortunately, you are incapable of understanding this.

Lets just cut to the chase........How much do you feel my handout to you should be. Give me a figure to put on the check........Or at least give me a figure, so that I can tell you to stick it up your ass.


I told you that I support ending the income, savings, and investment tax, yet you respond with this stupidity? I want to you to keep more of your labor, not take away from it. Unfortunately, Republicans violently reject this concept.

Take your petty ego and shove it. I am not interested in your money and never was.
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According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


It's for damn sure you didn't earn their income. Get over it.
I sure did! I gave concessions in my contract. I gave up benefits, wages and early retirement. I watched as jobs in my community were shipped overseas. All so those "earners" in the higher tax brackets can have more than I. Thanks, Conservatives! I never realized how dedicated you all were to screwing working families while jealously guarding the rich! Makes a whole lot of sense, don't it?

Having just lost my job in June after busting my ass for 13 years..and giving up many benefits..

I feel ya. :doubt:
Well, if it's so "measly", why do you seem to be so intimidated by it?.......You're the one putting it down, and trying to tell what's earned and not earned......LMAO!

I am not intimidating by it. In fact, I told you numerous to keep your measly estate. Additionally, I support you in earning your wealth. That is most respectable.

However, I do not support nepotism and financial dynasties passed on via bloodlines. Unfortunately, you are incapable of understanding this.

Lets just cut to the chase........How much do you feel my handout to you should be. Give me a figure to put on the check........Or at least give me a figure, so that I can tell you to stick it up your ass.


I told you that I support ending the income, savings, and investment tax, yet you respond with this stupidity?

Take your petty ego and shove it. I am not interested in your money and never was.
Sooooooo, I suppose if some rich relative of yours passed on and left you a boatload o' money, you would just refuse it, correct?

Be honest now.

And, tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with money being passed down. After all, that money was earned. Why should those who earned it not have the choice to pass it on to future generations, to ensure those generations will never have to suck off the public dole.

You're not making any sense. Nor are you making a valid argument.
So, hows the war on Capitalism doing?
Pretty-much as-well-as the War on Christmas.


(You Chickenhawks surely-do like to throw-around the term War.)​
Sooooooo, I suppose if some rich relative of yours passed on and left you a boatload o' money, you would just refuse it, correct?

Be honest now.

No, but I would be honest about it. I never earned that money. It was a gift. However, in your twisted mind, you think that I "earned" it.

And, tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with money being passed down. After all, that money was earned. Why should those who earned it not have the choice to pass it on to future generations, to ensure those generations will never have to suck off the public dole.

You're not making any sense. Nor are you making a valid argument.

First we need describe a contextual framework. I am a free market anarchist, so inherently I opposed to the estate tax. However, under a limited government and American values, I support an estate tax which taxes the uber wealthy who are the long arm of the government.

The last thing I want to do is take money from your paltry estate. Since you have a petty ego, you are incapable of understanding this.
Taxing the middle class more is squeezing the middle class. Someone that makes 250k a year is NOT rich they are middle class. And who is it that wants across the board tax increases?

A new 250k tax bracket wouldn't increase the taxes of someone making 250k one cent.

There is no 250k bracket.
There's no tax-fairness, either.....

[ame=]‪Maddow: GOP plan to extend tax cuts for the rich‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​
How are you going to differentiate between those who legitimately earned their wealth and those who didn't? Are you going to penalize the hard workers for being successful? How fair is that?

And BTW, how much is "fair"?
Sooooooo, I suppose if some rich relative of yours passed on and left you a boatload o' money, you would just refuse it, correct?

Be honest now.

No, but I would be honest about it. I never earned that money. It was a gift. However, in your twisted mind, you think that I "earned" it.

And, tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with money being passed down. After all, that money was earned. Why should those who earned it not have the choice to pass it on to future generations, to ensure those generations will never have to suck off the public dole.

You're not making any sense. Nor are you making a valid argument.

First we need describe a contextual framework. I am a free market anarchist, so inherently I opposed to the estate tax. However, under a limited government and American values, I support an estate tax which taxes the uber wealthy who are the long arm of the government.

The last thing I want to do is take money from your paltry estate. Since you have a petty ego, you are incapable of understanding this.
So, you say you are against the handing down of money from generation to generation, but would hypocritically accept a boatload inheritence, while trying to claim it's ok because you would admit you didn't earn it........Too fuckin' funny.:lol:

And yes, my kids will EARN it. Either they abide by our desire that's been laid out to them to be good students, citizens, and earn college degrees, or they will receive nothing.

And, you seem to know my financial portfolio, seeing as though you claim to know what we have. After all, it's only "meager".:lol:

BTW, if I had a petty ego, I would just waste the money on weed, hookers and booze, Thereby ensuring nobody inherits Jack Shit, but I damn sure partied and fucked my money away.............HOOOOOOODY HOOOOOOOOOO!
Republicans = wealth comes from inheritance

Sane people = wealth comes from producing goods and services that people want.

Goods and services aren't created by people doing work. They come from money, which wouldn't exist without rich people. See, rich people do their share by having lots of money. Dummy!
So, you say you are against the handing down of money from generation to generation, but would hypocritically accept a boatload inheritence, while trying to claim it's ok because you would admit you didn't earn it........Too fuckin' funny.:lol:

And yes, my kids will EARN it. Either they abide by our desire that's been laid out to them to be good students, citizens, and earn college degrees, or they will receive nothing.

And, you seem to know my financial portfolio, seeing as though you claim to know what we have. After all, it's only "meager".:lol:

BTW, if I had a petty ego, I would just waste the money on weed, hookers and booze, Thereby ensuring nobody inherits Jack Shit, but I damn sure partied and fucked my money away.............HOOOOOOODY HOOOOOOOOOO!

This conservation is just getting stupid. Later.
So, you say you are against the handing down of money from generation to generation, but would hypocritically accept a boatload inheritence, while trying to claim it's ok because you would admit you didn't earn it........Too fuckin' funny.:lol:

And yes, my kids will EARN it. Either they abide by our desire that's been laid out to them to be good students, citizens, and earn college degrees, or they will receive nothing.

And, you seem to know my financial portfolio, seeing as though you claim to know what we have. After all, it's only "meager".:lol:

BTW, if I had a petty ego, I would just waste the money on weed, hookers and booze, Thereby ensuring nobody inherits Jack Shit, but I damn sure partied and fucked my money away.............HOOOOOOODY HOOOOOOOOOO!

This conservation is just getting stupid. Later.
Well, ya' shoulda thought about that before injecting abject hypocrisy and stupidity into it.

The bottom line is the the ones who dont get any money left to them are pissed as hell that others do.

wwwwaaahhhhhhh johny got a cookie and i didn't!! wwwwwaaaaaahhhh So i want half of YOUR cookie since you have one and i don't.... then it will be fair, right?
Class envy is just classless. Let me know when born into wealth is a crime, okay?


So you lowered your intelect down to a cartoon? I see.....:cuckoo:

Naw..he had to dumb it down so you could get it.

In any case..Dilbert is a step up for the likes of you, Curly!

[ame=]‪The Three Stooges: Moe larry The Cheese. Limburger‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
The bottom line is the the ones who dont get any money left to them are pissed as hell that others do.

wwwwaaahhhhhhh johny got a cookie and i didn't!! wwwwwaaaaaahhhh So i want half of YOUR cookie since you have one and i don't.... then it will be fair, right?

I am all for reducing government and taxation, yet righwinger violently oppose this since I "a left-wing radical"

You people have problems wiping your ass.
Republicans = wealth comes from inheritance

Sane people = wealth comes from producing goods and services that people want.

Goods and services aren't created by people doing work. They come from money, which wouldn't exist without rich people. See, rich people do their share by having lots of money. Dummy!


First there was the money.

Then there was the power.

Then there was the woman!

[ame=]‪Tony Montana - Money, Power, Women‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I missed that post by Sundial due to so much right wing drivel,

Small businesses are responsible for most employment, not large corporations who benefit from a large government, you douchebag.
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