Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

I don't care about your apologies you Clown. :laugh:

The post I replied to of yours didn't even mention statues. It was about whether or not we were going to ignore her legacy and if you misunderstood my point fine but you admitting to being a moron doesn't move or surprise me. :dunno:

Exactly. You tried to argue that Black women having access to Healthcare is a racist plot, why wouldn't I think you're a coward racist? It the same cowardly racist argument I see in other contexts from the right. Like when they suggest Black voters are being kept on a Democratic plantation. When you don't even think of black people as being people who can make and are making choices for themselves and are instead just some simple people being manipulated at every turn then your racism, whether you're smart enough to realize it or not, is revealing itself.

It's an assessment and yes, I feel just fine about it. :dunno:

Who cares whether you feel insulted or attacked? I don't. Are my arguments wrong?

I'm happy for you to put your argument out here for us to point and laugh at. :laugh:

The post I replied to of yours didn't even mention statues. It was about whether or not we were going to ignore her legacy

If I make a post on a topic, and you reply to that post like you did, it would lead someone to believe you are responding to THAT topic.

You tried to argue that Black women having access to Healthcare is a racist plot

Noooo…I argued that planned parenthood having access to abortion in a high number of neighborhoods of people of color might have been part of sangers plan.

why wouldn't I think you're a coward racist?

I would expect nothing less from you. You use the word racist frivolously, as an attack, perhaps it makes you feel better in your mind if you convince yourself that everyone who disagrees with you is racist? 🤷‍♀️

Like when they suggest Black voters are being kept on a Democratic plantation

Well, it’s hard to argue otherwise when, despite the little that democrats have done for black people over the years, yet black people still vote democrat, like 86%?

“If you have a hard time figuring out if you’re for me or for trump, then you ain’t black”

When you don't even think of black people as being people who can make and are making choices for themselves and are instead just some simple people being manipulated at every turn then your racism, whether you're smart enough to realize it or not, is revealing itself.

I think black people are plenty smart and plenty capable, but they have been lied to and brainwashed to believe the Republican Party hates them and that the democrats are their only saving grace! So they continue to vote democrat.

I say come over to the Republican side..there’s plenty of room…and we have cake!

It's an assessment and yes, I feel just fine about it. :dunno:

I’m sure you do, because it’s no sweat off your back to make baseless claims. Still, you’re wrong.

Go ahead and lay out the racist things I’ve said.

Who cares whether you feel insulted or attacked? I don't. Are my arguments wrong?

I certainly don’t, I was just pointing out that, predictably, you rely on attacks and insult instead of just simply taking. But that’s ok, it’s just who you are.

I'm happy for you to put your argument out here for us to point and laugh at. :laugh:

Again, I’d expect nothing less from you
If I make a post on a topic, and you reply to that post like you did, it would lead someone to believe you are responding to THAT topic.

Noooo…I argued that planned parenthood having access to abortion in a high number of neighborhoods of people of color might have been part of sangers plan.

I would expect nothing less from you. You use the word racist frivolously, as an attack, perhaps it makes you feel better in your mind if you convince yourself that everyone who disagrees with you is racist? 🤷‍♀️

Well, it’s hard to argue otherwise when, despite the little that democrats have done for black people over the years, yet black people still vote democrat, like 86%?

“If you have a hard time figuring out if you’re for me or for trump, then you ain’t black”

I think black people are plenty smart and plenty capable, but they have been lied to and brainwashed to believe the Republican Party hates them and that the democrats are their only saving grace! So they continue to vote democrat.

I say come over to the Republican side..there’s plenty of room…and we have cake!

I’m sure you do, because it’s no sweat off your back to make baseless claims. Still, you’re wrong.

Go ahead and lay out the racist things I’ve said.

I certainly don’t, I was just pointing out that, predictably, you rely on attacks and insult instead of just simply taking. But that’s ok, it’s just who you are.

Again, I’d expect nothing less from you

If I make a post on a topic, and you reply to that post like you did, it would lead someone to believe you are responding to THAT topic.

Noooo…I argued that planned parenthood having access to abortion in a high number of neighborhoods of people of color might have been part of sangers plan.

I would expect nothing less from you. You use the word racist frivolously, as an attack, perhaps it makes you feel better in your mind if you convince yourself that everyone who disagrees with you is racist? 🤷‍♀️

Well, it’s hard to argue otherwise when, despite the little that democrats have done for black people over the years, yet black people still vote democrat, like 86%?

“If you have a hard time figuring out if you’re for me or for trump, then you ain’t black”

I think black people are plenty smart and plenty capable, but they have been lied to and brainwashed to believe the Republican Party hates them and that the democrats are their only saving grace! So they continue to vote democrat.

I say come over to the Republican side..there’s plenty of room…and we have cake!

I’m sure you do, because it’s no sweat off your back to make baseless claims. Still, you’re wrong.

Go ahead and lay out the racist things I’ve said.

I certainly don’t, I was just pointing out that, predictably, you rely on attacks and insult instead of just simply taking. But that’s ok, it’s just who you are.

Again, I’d expect nothing less from you
How did I call you doing the Black Democratic plantation thing!? :laugh:

Yep. You're not a racist but you think 90% Black voters aren't actually thinking for themselves. Good argument guy. :laugh:
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I can’t argue with you there. Black women do have a higher at risk pregnancy rate, but worthy is a 400% increase of abortions?

I guess i have nothing else to add. You’re ok with the racist past of this organization, and you don’t not think America is a racist nation.

Good to know.
Planned Parenthood is all about providing contraception to reduce abortions.
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How did I call you doing the Black Democratic plantation thing!? :laugh:

Yep. You're not a racist but you think 90% Black voters aren't actually thinking for themselves. Good argument guy. :laugh:
I’ve already explained this, but you seemed to be stuck on your narrative.

There’s a reason why black people vote democrat in such high numbers….its because they believe what the democrats have sold them for so long, and also because it’s just how their parents voted, how their grandparents voted, and how their relatives going back a long time have voted.

That’s not racism, it’s just fact
I’ve already explained this, but you seemed to be stuck on your narrative.

There’s a reason why black people vote democrat in such high numbers….its because they believe what the democrats have sold them for so long, and also because it’s just how their parents voted, how their grandparents voted, and how their relatives going back a long time have voted.

That’s not racism, it’s just fact
Yep. I hear you. You're not a racist but also you believe 90% of black voters are just incredibly naive, like children. Makes total sense. :laugh:
Yep. I hear you. You're not a racist but also you believe 90% of black voters are just incredibly nieve. Like children.

If that’s what you got out of my statement then I don’t know what to tell you.

I suppose then, I should call you racist because you think most white people have been conned by Donald Trump ?
If that’s what you got out of my statement then I don’t know what to tell you.

I suppose then, I should call you racist because you think most white people have been conned by Donald Trump ?
I don't think that. You just assumed that to try and rehabilitate your shit argument.
I don't think that. You just assumed that to try and rehabilitate your shit argument.
Ahh ok. So you’re not one that thinks Trump followers are a cult?

As I stated before, however, there’s no point in arguing with you. You’re among those who believe you have this crystal ball and you can look
Into it and see racism everywhere. My statements were not racist, have nothing to do with racism, they are just based on observable data.
Ahh ok. So you’re not one that thinks Trump followers are a cult?
I think calling Trump supporters a cult is a pejorative. It's funny but it's not what I consider a rational argument, no.
As I stated before, however, there’s no point in arguing with you. You’re among those who believe you have this crystal ball and you can look
Into it and see racism everywhere.
I don't even know what the fuck that means. I think we're all individuals. I get to decide what's racist to me and you get to decide what's racist to you. These are called feelings and they're subjective.
My statements were not racist, have nothing to do with racism, they are just based on observable data.
They are to me. When you suggest that 90% of Black voters aren't making their own decisions then yes you're likening black voters to children. Thats pretty fucking racist guy. But then you also made the same argument about Black women making their own healthcare choices.
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I think calling Trump supporters a cult is a pejorative. It's funny but it's not what I consider a rational argument, no.

I don't even know what the fuck that means. I think we're all individuals. I get to decide what's racist to me and you get to decide what's racist to you. These are called feelings and they're subjective.

They are to me. When you suggest that 90% of Black voters aren't making their own decisions then yes you're likening black voters to children. Thats pretty fucking racist guy. But then you also made the same argument about Black women making their own healthcare choices.

I think calling Trump supporters a cult is a pejorative. It's funny but it's not what I consider a rational argument, no.

So if I say black people vote democrat, that’s racism, but if you say white people vote for trump, that’s a pejorative. ..

I get to decide what's racist to me and you get to decide what's racist to you. These are called feelings and they're subjective

That true. Your subjective opinion is based entirely on your own thoughts and not in any facts.

They are to me.

I course, because you look for racism in everything. You use it as a weapon.

When you suggest that 90% of Black voters aren't making their own decisions then yes you're likening black voters to children.

No, you said that. Is it not true that about 86% of the black vote goes to democrats? There has to be a reason for that. It has nothing to do with black people not being able to think, it’s because they’ve been misled by the democrats for all these years, and, that it’s partly because have been voting democrat en masse for a very long time.

We all make decisions based on influences around us. In this instance, that influence is the democrat party.

Explain this:

Pew Research Center found that a quarter of black Democrats identify as conservative, and 43 percent identify as moderate

We found that black voters are so loyal to the Democratic party in part because of social pressure from other black voters

The values of the Democratic party appeal to many black voters, but their steadfast loyalty to the party goes beyond common interest. Social pressure is what cements that relationship between the black electorate and the Democratic party.

Since 1968 no Republican presidential candidate has received more than 13% of the African American vote and surveys of African Americans regularly show that upwards of 80% of African Americans self-identify as Democrats.

Although committed to the Democratic Party, African Americans are actually one of the most conservative blocs of Democratic supporters

Understanding how it is that African Americans have been able to maintain such strong support for the Democratic Party despite their increasingly diverging interest with the party is the subject of our new book, Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political

In the book we argue that in an effort to leverage their political strength as a minority group in a majority based political system, black Americans have come to prioritize group solidarity in party politics. This partisan loyalty is maintained through a strategic social process that we call racialized social constraint, where by support for the Democratic Party has come to be defined as a norm of group behavior. In other words, supporting the Democratic Party has come to be understood as just something you do as a black person, an expectation of behavior meant to empower the racial group.

Adherence with this norm of Democratic Party support is insured through a set of social rewards and penalties which recognize compliance and punish defection of racial group members. Interestingly, it is the social and spatial segregation of black Americans that makes all this work. It is through racially segregated spaces that blacks become aware of the importance of the party norm for the racial group. And it is within these segregated spaces that social rewards for compliance and penalties for defection can come to define an individual’s social status within the group. The result of all this is that to the extent that any individual black American values their relationship with other black Americans, they will continue to act in accordance with the group norm of party support lest they find themselves socially isolated.

This is suggesting that voting democrat is partly social pressure, in which black people are pressured into it by other black people, based on the idea that, it’s just what they have always done.

So when I say it, it’s not racist, it’s just how it has been for a very long time. According to that last article, black culture expects you to vote democrat.

I’d love it if we could break through those pressure and get more black people interested in the Republican Party, the problem is, if that ever happens, the rest of the black people call them a sellout, or Uncle Tom…etc..

But then you also made the same argument about Black women making their own healthcare choices.

I only questioned why they target black communities when it comes to locations of abortion clinics. I agreed with you when you explained about black women having higher rates of at risk pregnancies, but what I said wasn’t about racism at all.
I’ve already explained this, but you seemed to be stuck on your narrative.

There’s a reason why black people vote democrat in such high numbers….its because they believe what the democrats have sold them for so long, and also because it’s just how their parents voted, how their grandparents voted, and how their relatives going back a long time have voted.

That’s not racism, it’s just fact

We can say the same things about the whites voting Reopublican for generations.

What you said was racist. Because we compare what the Repubicans offer and what Democrats offer relative to policy and decide. What Republicans offer right now will only hurt blacks and all this juvenile peer pressure bs people lie you try to make us change parties played out after middle school. Calling us names, or telling us that we are just falling for some sale, none of that is not going to change a damn thing. Get the racists out of your party leadership and change your fucking policies.
Ahh ok. So you’re not one that thinks Trump followers are a cult?

As I stated before, however, there’s no point in arguing with you. You’re among those who believe you have this crystal ball and you can look
Into it and see racism everywhere. My statements were not racist, have nothing to do with racism, they are just based on observable data.
We can say the same things about the whites voting Reopublican for generations.

What you said was racist. Because we compare what the Repubicans offer and what Democrats offer relative to policy and decide. What Republicans offer right now will only hurt blacks and all this juvenile peer pressure bs people lie you try to make us change parties played out after middle school. Calling us names, or telling us that we are just falling for some sale, none of that is not going to change a damn thing. Get the racists out of your party leadership and change your fucking policies.

The pressure to vote democrat is coming from within the black community..not from white people.

What policies the republicans hold will hurt black people?

What do the democrats offer? Seems to me that black people have been aligning with democrat policies for many decades, and yet they are no better off now than they were a long time ago.

Please tell us who the racists are in “the leadership”?
Ahh ok. So you’re not one that thinks Trump followers are a cult?

As I stated before, however, there’s no point in arguing with you. You’re among those who believe you have this crystal ball and you can look
Into it and see racism everywhere. My statements were not racist, have nothing to do with racism, they are just based on observable data.
And here we see another white person who doesn't seem to get that our lived experience facing white racism allows us to see racism in whites that they many times do not think they have. You as a white person is socialized in such a way that you don't have to concern yurself with being racist. You believe things about others among yourselves and those beliefs become in your minds matters of fact. Then you repeat what you believe are facts about other races to those races and cannot understand how you get called a racist. Your comments about blacks being Democrats are racist. It's not about looking for racism because nobody does that. That claim is another foolish belief made by whites,, that some whites have discussed among themselves to such a point that to them it has become a matter of fact.

The problem with your observation is that apparently you have never asked anyone black why they vote Democrat. You have just assumed based again, on a bunchof things "conservative" whites have discussed among themselves to such a point thattothem it has become a matter of fact.
The pressure to vote democrat is coming from within the black community..not from white people.

What policies the republicans hold will hurt black people?

What do the democrats offer? Seems to me that black people have been aligning with democrat policies for many decades, and yet they are no better off now than they were a long time ago.

Please tell us who the racists are in “the leadership”?
I am black, so don't whitesplain to me why blacks vote Democrat ever again as long as you are white. Republicans oppose every equal opportunity policy that has created the black middle and in fact the black upper class. The reason we are not as well off as we should be is not because of Democratic policies, it is because of white backlash and REPUBLICANS are the eaders of that backlash.

Donald Trump is a racist and now he has racist JD Vance. The Repubicans in congreess, Mitch McConnell, here in my state we have white supremacists Kris Kobach. The Republican party is the racist party, the last weeks convention showed everbody that and don't try talking about the blacks who spoke, Ramaswamy who wants to be white or JD Vances wife.

Blacks shouold put pressure on every black who wants to vote republican in this election. I'm sure you can't understand this as a right wing white person, because you don't see the problem with blacks supporting a white supremacist agenda. You can't even see the white supremacy in the agenda.
And here we see another white person who doesn't seem to get that our lived experience facing white racism allows us to see racism in whites that they many times do not think they have. You as a white person is socialized in such a way that you don't have to concern yurself with being racist. You believe things about others among yourselves and those beliefs become in your minds matters of fact. Then you repeat what you believe are facts about other races to those races and cannot understand how you get called a racist. Your comments about blacks being Democrats are racist. It's not about looking for racism because nobody does that. That claim is another foolish belief made by whites,, that some whites have discussed among themselves to such a point that to them it has become a matter of fact.

The problem with your observation is that apparently you have never asked anyone black why they vote Democrat. You have just assumed based again, on a bunchof things "conservative" whites have discussed among themselves to such a point thattothem it has become a matter of fact.

What makes you think I’m white?? I’ve asked this before.

And here we see another white person who doesn't seem to get that our lived experience facing white racism allows us to see racism in whites that they many times do not think they have.

This is the bs that people push back on, my “crystal ball” analogy was spot on. With people, such as yourself, who eat, sleep, and breathe “racism”, think you have the right to assign racism to people just because you feel like they are racist is wrong. The idea that YOU can see racism in other people when they apparently can’t see it themselves is ridiculous.

Your judgment is often misguided because you are blinded by the topic of racism, you think anything and everything that white folk do is racist, and you expect them to believe that you are a good judge of what they are feeling?

No, 1000% no, you don’t get to assign racism to other people because you think it. The whole idea of micro aggression is silly. Must be nice to have this super power that you can determine, on your own, that someone else is a racist when you don’t like what they say.

The fact is, what you call racism is likely just a difference of philosophy. Not that I discount real racism, which does exist, but it isn’t around every corner like you think it is.

You believe things about others among yourselves and those beliefs become in your minds matters of fact.

This has to be introspection if I’ve ever seen it.

Then you repeat what you believe are facts about other races to those races and cannot understand how you get called a racist

Only because it’s based on observable data…86% of black people DO vote democrat!!??

Your comments about blacks being Democrats are racist.

No, they are statistics…..

It's not about looking for racism because nobody does that

I disagree, look at your comment above. My comments about black folk voting democrat are proven statistics, yet you try to ascribe my comment to racism. You literally are looking for a reason to inject racism into it.

That claim is another foolish belief made by whites,, that some whites have discussed among themselves to such a point that to them it has become a matter of fact.

Again, no, all we need to do is open the racism section of this forum to see that the black community here thinks everything is about racism, and, it’s not just black people here, it’s black people in media, as well as white people in media, who try to push that narrative.

The problem with your observation is that apparently you have never asked anyone black why they vote Democrat.

I just posted 2 articles explaining why black people vote democrat. Again, not a racism thing, but a statistical thing.

However, since you are black, tell me, why do black peoples in general vote for democrats, at 86%? Are you going to tell me is has NOTHING to do with social pressure, history, or because democrats have told you for decades that “the other party” hates you..?
I am black, so don't whitesplain to me why blacks vote Democrat ever again as long as you are white. Republicans oppose every equal opportunity policy that has created the black middle and in fact the black upper class. The reason we are not as well off as we should be is not because of Democratic policies, it is because of white backlash and REPUBLICANS are the eaders of that backlash.

Donald Trump is a racist and now he has racist JD Vance. The Repubicans in congreess, Mitch McConnell, here in my state we have white supremacists Kris Kobach. The Republican party is the racist party, the last weeks convention showed everbody that and don't try talking about the blacks who spoke, Ramaswamy who wants to be white or JD Vances wife.

Blacks shouold put pressure on every black who wants to vote republican in this election. I'm sure you can't understand this as a right wing white person, because you don't see the problem with blacks supporting a white supremacist agenda. You can't even see the white supremacy in the agenda.

I am black, so don't whitesplain to me why blacks vote Democrat ever again as long as you are white.

I’m not whitesplaining…and I just linked articles that describe what I am talking about.

Republicans oppose every equal opportunity policy that has created the black middle and in fact the black upper class

Really? Like what? Show me a policy that the republicans hold that can only apply to white people that can’t apply to black people.

The reason we are not as well off as we should be is not because of Democratic policies, it is because of white backlash and REPUBLICANS are the eaders of that backlash.

Are you sure it’s not democrat policies??? Again, what white backlash? I need to know what policies you think it is that white people have implemented to hold you back.

Donald Trump is a racist and now he has racist JD Vance.

What have either of them done that shows they are racist? Or is this part of the “I can see racism in people who can’t see it in themselves” thing?

The Republican party is the racist party,

Incorrect. I need to see your evidence that “the Republican Party” is a racist party..not just because you think so, but because they have policies and stances that are directed to intentionally hurt black people.

don't try talking about the blacks who spoke, Ramaswamy who wants to be white or JD Vances wife.

And you call ME a racist?? Lol

Hey curriedgoats…what IM2 just said, there’s your people who don’t think black and minority people can think for themselves…right from IM2’s own fingertips.

Blacks shouold put pressure on every black who wants to vote republican in this election

Of course, because far be it from other black folks to have an opinion different than yours. That statement is EXACTLY what the Princeton article I linked was talking about. Social pressure from the black community that tries to keep black people voting democrat. You are providing us a living, breathing, real time example of that.

I'm sure you can't understand this as a right wing white person,


because you don't see the problem with blacks supporting a white supremacist agenda

I would certainly not want black people to support a white supremacy agenda, and if I thought there was one happening, I’d oppose it myself..

You can't even see the white supremacy in the agenda.

This is correct, I cannot see it because it doesn’t exist. I do not see any policy in the Republican platform design to be for whites only or anti black in any way.

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