Do Trump supporters know what Trump's "policies" are?

and then here you go , building a border wall is just so hard for the hard of thinking in'it ?? Especially when the hard of thinking don't want to build a border wall . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- I mean there is logistics , its also hot and sweaty and wall building crews get thirsty and dirty and have to use stinky 'porta potties' or take a leak in the bushes . PJ Boys don't like that and would rather not build a border wall Mohamed . ------------------------------------------------ actually though it's pretty easy to build a border wall , check out my link Pogo and Mohamad .:afro:
I am a cement mason and have built hundreds of walls. It isn't very difficult compared to other cement mason duties such as terrazzo, flatwork, stamped concrete, machine pits, steps etc..etc.. . Walls are very easy for a cement mason. Getting assigned to a wall crew is like getting a break from your regular work.
heck , just looking around at reality I see that you guys have circled the globe a hundred times with concete and brick , stone , block , slabs as you build interstates , roads , dams , buildings and have done it since the time of the Roman builders . --------------- pajama boys would rather drink cocoa than work to secure the USA , ts borders and sovereignty Mohamad .
"Make America back great again"?? "Build our military back up"? :rofl:

And with Google sitting right on the table too. SMH...

"I can't define it but I know what I like!". All emotion, no substance.

Hope and Change ooooohhhh SNAP! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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