Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

He has hurt manufacturing. Steel has lots of layoffs. He’s done more damage than good. How about that huge farmer bailout?

Really? Why then is this true?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
Read it more slowly this time:

Tariffs hurt manufacturing. We are less competitive when our manufacturing is forced to use more expensive steel. Sales go down. Demand for steel goes down. Tariffs have done this many times. Learn from history.

Until 1913, when we passed the 16th Amendment, the Federal Government ran on nothing but the tariffs collected. How did that happen?
Can you imagine how the deficit is going to explode when the recession comes? Not that I'm hoping for one, but it's inevitable, and I certainly hope the King of Debt rightly bears the blame for the the debt created by his sugar high tax cut for the rich. We would see next to 0% interest rates if borrowers didn't demand a better return as we slide towards bankrupting the country.
Why not a big increase on the taxes of that company? Why should the consumer be the one to pay?


Specifically, who provides the money, the cash, used by a company to pay their taxes? To pay for anything?
No it has led to a decline in manufacturing and lower demand for steel. See steel layoffs. Clearly you don’t understand economics.

Really? Clearly, you are confused!

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
They simply retaliated in kind. That's how these things work.
Tariffs never work. Repubs are really stupid to think they will when they have a long history of failure.
If tariffs never work then why does every country have tariffs?

this is not a new invention of trump
They work as a tax. Every country has taxes. They don’t work to bring back jobs or protect industries. They always hurt consumers.
If tariffs were bad then every other country in the world would not have them also
You are the type who will walk off a cliff cause everyone else is. Trump sheep...

You are replying to a russian troll.

That person doesn't give a damn about America. That person is probably having fun arguing with you.

The only reply that person should ever receive is "how's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
I asked you a simple question and you ran away

but I’ll repeat if in case you forgot

how is trump tariffs on imported chinese steel to blame for steel layoffs in the US?

Why? Because steel plants refused to update their old equipment. That costs money. It's the same kind of thinking that lead Boeing to put profits over safety.

Updating the old technology would have caused a hit on their returns so they refused to do it. Now they are paying for that.
Meaning you think the layoffs were baked into the cake before trump came along

They were but Trump is a perfect example of the problem overall. It's not just Trump though.

Trump wants to blame "China" for our greed. It's not China's fault. Besides, is this not how free market capitalism is supposed to work? If I own a business and I want to move it to China, that's the way it is supposed to work is it not?
China is exploiting our short-sighted trade policies

and trump is trying to reverse those policies

but he’s having to drag liberals and never trumpers along screaming and kicking

we could do more if everyone wantedto

No China is not doing it. We are. They forced no one to move there. We did nothing about those who did.

Yes America did.

The republicans gave them huge tax cuts so they can keep more of the money they make by sending our jobs to other nations.

They've been given tax cuts since reagan. Interesting, the leaving America started when reagan cut their taxes.

Cutting taxes on the rich and big business only encourages them too leave America.

They aren't going to stay here on their own. They have shown that they have to have an incentive to stay and lowering their taxes has shown it does the opposite, it encourages them to leave.

They need to be encouraged to stay.

Impose huge tax penalties if they move. Don't make the tax penalty a one time thing. The penalties stay until they move back to America.

Giving them huge tax breaks, breaking the unions, removing worker and environmental protections and keeping wages low has not kept them here.

All that has done has caused our jobs to be lost, the nation to become divided, caused more crime and removed revenue that's need to maintain our way of life.
That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?
I've actually taken Econ 101 and can explain it to you. If they don't invest in better jobs and better products, a domestic or foreign competitor will and then drive them into bankruptcy.

Do you ever think of studying economics to learn something about it??

I've actually taken that course too. I was required to take several Econ courses for my degree in accounting.

Your theory is wrong.

History proves it wrong. In fact history proves the exact opposite.

We had high taxes on high incomes and on business for most of the 20th century. We had regulations that protected workers and our environment.

We became a super power in that time.

Business doesn't need tax cuts to invest. In fact it's just like employment. No one is going to invest in upgrades and improvements unless it's needed. Just like no one is going too invest in a new employee who is going to stand around all day doing nothing.

The only reasons why a business is going to invest in upgrades or new employees is because it's needed. The only reason for that need is more sales. They are making more money than they previously made with more business than they can handle. So they expand to handle that need. They are making more money than they previously made so they don't need a tax cut.

Same with employees. The only reason a business would need to hire is because they are expanding and having more sales than their existing employees can handle. They are making more money too. Thus they already have the money to pay new employees and the last thing they need is a tax cut.

History shows that's not happening with the tax cuts. What business is doing is buying their own stock back. Which creates a false and short uptick in their stock and the stock market. It can't be sustained, it's only short term. We are seeing that bubble being created and expanded again. When its ruptures again it's not going to be pretty.

The only way to maintain increased stock value is through expanding the business and developing new sources of revenues.

Tax cuts don't do that. In fact it hurts more than helps because it denies the nation the proper revenues to maintain our way of life, it concentrates more wealth in fewer hands, creates more monopolies and creates a large lower class that can't support themselves.

That's evidenced by so many people who are working full time but qualify for public assistance and growing number of poor in our nation.
You first. Breitbart is not a reliable source. It's part of the Billionaire Media which is promoting Trump for the tax cuts to billionaires. The Mercers are the people behind Cambridge Analytica which is mined your data for the last election, and has been used by the Russians to meddle in your elections.

Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

You first. Show us all where any of the FACTS in my article are FALSE. Show us where the story is FAKE NEWS.

Either that or run along and continue to whine!
Why? Because steel plants refused to update their old equipment. That costs money. It's the same kind of thinking that lead Boeing to put profits over safety.

Updating the old technology would have caused a hit on their returns so they refused to do it. Now they are paying for that.
Meaning you think the layoffs were baked into the cake before trump came along

They were but Trump is a perfect example of the problem overall. It's not just Trump though.

Trump wants to blame "China" for our greed. It's not China's fault. Besides, is this not how free market capitalism is supposed to work? If I own a business and I want to move it to China, that's the way it is supposed to work is it not?
China is exploiting our short-sighted trade policies

and trump is trying to reverse those policies

but he’s having to drag liberals and never trumpers along screaming and kicking

we could do more if everyone wantedto

No China is not doing it. We are. They forced no one to move there. We did nothing about those who did.

Yes America did.

The republicans gave them huge tax cuts so they can keep more of the money they make by sending our jobs to other nations.

They've been given tax cuts since reagan. Interesting, the leaving America started when reagan cut their taxes.

Cutting taxes on the rich and big business only encourages them too leave America.

They aren't going to stay here on their own. They have shown that they have to have an incentive to stay and lowering their taxes has shown it does the opposite, it encourages them to leave.

They need to be encouraged to stay.

Impose huge tax penalties if they move. Don't make the tax penalty a one time thing. The penalties stay until they move back to America.

Giving them huge tax breaks, breaking the unions, removing worker and environmental protections and keeping wages low has not kept them here.

All that has done has caused our jobs to be lost, the nation to become divided, caused more crime and removed revenue that's need to maintain our way of life.

Surely you are being facetious, you're joking...right?

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Slowing manufacturing? Really?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
LIES!!! All LIES!!!
Economic growth in America instead of china does not seem to be welcome news for liberals
Gdp growth is going down...
Thats not surprising considering the Coronavirus
It was down long before that hit.

...oooook, I'm clearly dealing with a total idiot here.

The graph clearly tells you that there are no jobs to show for Trump's tarrifs, your deflection to something about Warren does not refute these facts.

I take it that you are not aware that the tariffs used by President Donald Trump are painful for all. They are used for short term pain for us and a long term gain for us. That is what is happening. We now have a first-round agreement with China which is working toward their buying more goods from us and drastically reducing the theft of our intellectual properties. ALL are worthy goals.
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
Republicans do nothing for the middle class but Democrats will tax the shit out of them. How is that helping them.

You don't cut taxes in a boom economy, unless you have a balance budget. You don't give the middle class disappearing tax cuts, and give the wealthy permanent tax cuts. Those are Republican policies. If you're not going to be the world's policeman, you don't need the biggest, most expensive army in the world. War is expensive, and putting it on the credit care is worse.

Democrats tax the shit out of the RICH, not the middle class. Republicans are taxing the middle class to pay for earned income credits for poor workers employed by the richest companies in America. Everything since Reagan has been put on the government's credit card for your children to pay for it. Young people are mad as hell. You lived the good life, they have to pay for it.

You don't give the middle class disappearing tax cuts, and give the wealthy permanent tax cuts.

The Dems are free to write a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent.
Why haven't they?

Democrats tax the shit out of the RICH, not the middle class.

When is the last time the Dems cut middle class taxes?
They also address the businesses that move offshore. We refuse to.

Tariffs address offshoring? We refuse to address offshoring?

It can IF properly done with other measures also. We have not done that.
Offshoring is an issue that we need stronger measures against

if GM closes an auto plant in America and builds the car in china we need to slap a big tariff on that car

Why not a big increase on the taxes of that company? Why should the consumer be the one to pay?
A tariff on imported china cars would be a tax on GM national disloyality

Consumers would pay it, not GM. They should be taxed at 70% on their profits.
Tariffs never work. Repubs are really stupid to think they will when they have a long history of failure.

Tariffs never work.

Is that why almost every country in the world has higher tariffs than we do?
It’s why they aren’t the biggest economy in the world. You want us to follow lesser economies?
I dont want to import everything we consume from china

if that means tariffs so be it
We don't import everything we consume from Jina, but you do apparently want to pay more for some goods. And we're not bringing back jobs, we're simply moving them elsewhere in Asia, and relocating mftring also increases costs and consumer prices.

Tariffs may be justifiable when they are aimed at countries that don't offer free access to their markets or subsidize production with govt spending. Jina was accussed of both. But Trump has a trade deal now, the merits of which are debated by those with knowledge
Even if we merely move production from china that is a win for America because it reduces chinas influence and economic power

This is wrong headed thinking. Everyone does better when everyone does better.
LOL, you see the idea that not everyone can see a doctor or afford medical care when they need it as a positive thing. I initially chuckled but really, that's sad that you would think that way.

But, your leading candidate, Socialist Bernie Sanders, sees even bread lines as a good thing. How can he be trusted with our health care when he believes we should stand in line for a loaf of bread?

Bread lines are not as bad as sexual assault which Trump promoted.
Yes America did.

The republicans gave them huge tax cuts so they can keep more of the money they make by sending our jobs to other nations.

They've been given tax cuts since reagan. Interesting, the leaving America started when reagan cut their taxes.

Cutting taxes on the rich and big business only encourages them too leave America.

They aren't going to stay here on their own. They have shown that they have to have an incentive to stay and lowering their taxes has shown it does the opposite, it encourages them to leave.

They need to be encouraged to stay.

Impose huge tax penalties if they move. Don't make the tax penalty a one time thing. The penalties stay until they move back to America.

Giving them huge tax breaks, breaking the unions, removing worker and environmental protections and keeping wages low has not kept them here.

All that has done has caused our jobs to be lost, the nation to become divided, caused more crime and removed revenue that's need to maintain our way of life.

This has to be one of the most ignorant posts, repeating itself over and over, that by increasing taxes more jobs will stay in America. You're being sarcastic...right?

Think about it, IF that were the case, we would see people and companies flocking to California and Texas rather than fleeing those two states.

You have a truly unique perspective on taxes!
It's their countries. We have no business doing anything but leave them alone.

How did that work out leading up to WW-I and then thirty years later to WW-II? How has having us as the "world policeman" worked since 1946?

Not so well. We have accomplished nothing in anything we were involved in since 1946.
LOL, you see the idea that not everyone can see a doctor or afford medical care when they need it as a positive thing. I initially chuckled but really, that's sad that you would think that way.

But, your leading candidate, Socialist Bernie Sanders, sees even bread lines as a good thing. How can he be trusted with our health care when he believes we should stand in line for a loaf of bread?

Bread lines are not as bad as sexual assault which Trump promoted.

That's just childish. You might have a weak point about President Clinton but you're quoting guys on a sports show, BSing after the show together. Have you ever been in a male locker room?

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