Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

You don't cut taxes in a boom economy, unless you have a balance budget. You don't give the middle class disappearing tax cuts, and give the wealthy permanent tax cuts. Those are Republican policies. If you're not going to be the world's policeman, you don't need the biggest, most expensive army in the world. War is expensive, and putting it on the credit care is worse.

Democrats tax the shit out of the RICH, not the middle class. Republicans are taxing the middle class to pay for earned income credits for poor workers employed by the richest companies in America. Everything since Reagan has been put on the government's credit card for your children to pay for it. Young people are mad as hell. You lived the good life, they have to pay for it.

We did not have a booming economy when those tax cuts, that benefitted everyone, went into effect. Our economy was in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression.

As you know, the "disappearing" tax cuts were due to the Democrats.

Be specific, what country should fill the vacuum if we were to abandon our role as the world's policeman? When nobody was in that role, we had two massive World Wars in a period of 30 years killing tens if not hundreds of millions of people and costing trillions of dollars, needlessly. So who? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Who would do better?

Why should everyone, low, middle and higher-income Americans share in the cost of running our great country?

Trump is ending all wars and bringing the troops home. To do what? At what cost? Why must you have over 1 million armed combatants armed with all of the latest equipment and war toys, simply to guard the homeland? The USA has only been attacked twice - Pearl Harbour and 9/11. Total deaths, less than 6,000 Americans. So how big an army do you need just to protect the USA?
Most of Europe has socialized medicine. They get BETTER health care results.

I’m giving you common sense

globalism that moves jobs to china is bad for America no mayter what the academics tell you
Yeah steel layoffs and slowing manufacturing is good, so is a huge farmer bailout. I don’t think you have common sense.

Slowing manufacturing? Really?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
LIES!!! All LIES!!!
Economic growth in America instead of china does not seem to be welcome news for liberals
Gdp growth is going down...
It is slowing
You don't cut taxes in a boom economy, unless you have a balance budget. You don't give the middle class disappearing tax cuts, and give the wealthy permanent tax cuts. Those are Republican policies. If you're not going to be the world's policeman, you don't need the biggest, most expensive army in the world. War is expensive, and putting it on the credit care is worse.

Democrats tax the shit out of the RICH, not the middle class. Republicans are taxing the middle class to pay for earned income credits for poor workers employed by the richest companies in America. Everything since Reagan has been put on the government's credit card for your children to pay for it. Young people are mad as hell. You lived the good life, they have to pay for it.

We did not have a booming economy when those tax cuts, that benefitted everyone, went into effect. Our economy was in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression.

As you know, the "disappearing" tax cuts were due to the Democrats.

Be specific, what country should fill the vacuum if we were to abandon our role as the world's policeman? When nobody was in that role, we had two massive World Wars in a period of 30 years killing tens if not hundreds of millions of people and costing trillions of dollars, needlessly. So who? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Who would do better?

Why should everyone, low, middle and higher-income Americans share in the cost of running our great country?
Be specific, what country should fill the vacuum if we were to abandon our role as the world's policeman? When nobody was in that role, we had two massive World Wars in a period of 30 years killing tens if not hundreds of millions of people and costing trillions of dollars, needlessly. So who? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Who would do better?

thats a great question

I look forward to reading the libs answer

I’m giving you common sense

globalism that moves jobs to china is bad for America no mayter what the academics tell you
Yeah steel layoffs and slowing manufacturing is good, so is a huge farmer bailout. I don’t think you have common sense.

Slowing manufacturing? Really?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
LIES!!! All LIES!!!
Economic growth in America instead of china does not seem to be welcome news for liberals
Gdp growth is going down...
It's still predicted to hover around 2%, but I don't see anyone factoring in how much of that is because the Fed is QEing the gop added deficits. And Trump is sweating the virus.

But I don't really see why people are debating the tariffs and trade in this thread. The polls pretty clearly show most people think they're doing better than in 2016, but most people don't think the gop has any answers as to how they can pay their medical and child rearing bills simultaneously.

And the dems are going to run a guy who praises Castro and really has written some bizarre magazine articles about how we should "remake" society in a "revolution." But that's sort of Off Topic for the thread.
I know the bias of NPR so dont expect them to say anything helpful to trump

but even they admit that the tariffs helped US steel workers

This NPR?

economists at the Federal Reserve say the initial steel tariffs actually backfired, increasing costs and forcing job cuts. The latest job cuts come from U.S. Steel, which will soon lay off more than 1,500 workers at its massive facility near Detroit. From member station WDET in Detroit, Quinn Klinefelter reports.

Over 1,500 Layoffs Coming To U.S. Steel Plant Near Detroit
I will give you someone who is even better than an economist

because unlike the academics he puts his money where his mouth is

warren buffett

the trump solution is not exactly the same as what buffett prosed but the goal of returning manufacturing and jobs to America and reducing our trade deficit is the same

Warren Buffett: Here's How I Would Solve the Trade Problem

buffett sees tariffs as a last resort but still a useful tool

There is nothing in your link to suggest that Warren Buffet disagrees that the steel tarifs backfired.

2 years after these tarrifs went into effect we have LESS people employed in the industry, not more - you don't need Warren's opinion to know they didn't work.

That was 2016 before the trump steel tariffs

buffet clearly disagrees with the globalists who are not worried about the trade deficit and the absence of American manufacturing

his plan is import credits that will in the end impose tariffs on foreign goods

...The graph extends to 2020 and clearly shows when tarrifs went into effect. I suggest you go get some glasses and look it over again.
I am trying to educate liberals to the importance of manufacturing in America as expressed by a leading liberal

the graph does not address his thoughts

I’m giving you common sense

globalism that moves jobs to china is bad for America no mayter what the academics tell you
Yeah steel layoffs and slowing manufacturing is good, so is a huge farmer bailout. I don’t think you have common sense.

Slowing manufacturing? Really?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
LIES!!! All LIES!!!
Economic growth in America instead of china does not seem to be welcome news for liberals
Gdp growth is going down...
Thats not surprising considering the Coronavirus
Trump is ending all wars and bringing the troops home. To do what? At what cost? Why must you have over 1 million armed combatants armed with all of the latest equipment and war toys, simply to guard the homeland? The USA has only been attacked twice - Pearl Harbour and 9/11. Total deaths, less than 6,000 Americans. So how big an army do you need just to protect the USA?

You seemed to skip a couple of serious questions. For your convenience, I'll repeat them here.

Be specific, what country should fill the vacuum if we were to abandon our role as the world's policeman? When nobody was in that role, we had two massive World Wars in a period of 30 years killing tens if not hundreds of millions of people and costing trillions of dollars, needlessly. So who? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Who would do better?

Why should everyone, low, middle and higher-income Americans share in the cost of running our great country?

SIX THOUSAND, between WW-II and 9-11? Wow, you do live in a shell, don't you?

Between WW-I and WW-II there were about 100 MILLION casualties both military and civilian. Not preventing such a war again would make those to look like a high school football game
Last edited:
Yeah steel layoffs and slowing manufacturing is good, so is a huge farmer bailout. I don’t think you have common sense.

Slowing manufacturing? Really?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
LIES!!! All LIES!!!
Economic growth in America instead of china does not seem to be welcome news for liberals
Gdp growth is going down...
Thats not surprising considering the Coronavirus
It was down long before that hit.
Trump is ending all wars and bringing the troops home. To do what? At what cost? Why must you have over 1 million armed combatants armed with all of the latest equipment and war toys, simply to guard the homeland? The USA has only been attacked twice - Pearl Harbour and 9/11. Total deaths, less than 6,000 Americans. So how big an army do you need just to protect the USA?

You seemed to skip a couple of serious questions. For your convenience, I'll repeat them here.

Be specific, what country should fill the vacuum if we were to abandon our role as the world's policeman? When nobody was in that role, we had two massive World Wars in a period of 30 years killing tens if not hundreds of millions of people and costing trillions of dollars, needlessly. So who? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Who would do better?

Why should everyone, low, middle and higher-income Americans share in the cost of running our great country?

SIX THOUSAND, between WW-II and 9-11? Wow, you do live in a shell don't you?

Between WW-I and WW-II there were about 100 MILLION casualties both military and civilian. Why is that not preventing again with a war that would make those to look like a high school football game?
You seem to think we’ve been successful in that role. Iraq is a success? It’s a different world now.
This NPR?

economists at the Federal Reserve say the initial steel tariffs actually backfired, increasing costs and forcing job cuts. The latest job cuts come from U.S. Steel, which will soon lay off more than 1,500 workers at its massive facility near Detroit. From member station WDET in Detroit, Quinn Klinefelter reports.

Over 1,500 Layoffs Coming To U.S. Steel Plant Near Detroit
I will give you someone who is even better than an economist

because unlike the academics he puts his money where his mouth is

warren buffett

the trump solution is not exactly the same as what buffett prosed but the goal of returning manufacturing and jobs to America and reducing our trade deficit is the same

Warren Buffett: Here's How I Would Solve the Trade Problem

buffett sees tariffs as a last resort but still a useful tool

There is nothing in your link to suggest that Warren Buffet disagrees that the steel tarifs backfired.

2 years after these tarrifs went into effect we have LESS people employed in the industry, not more - you don't need Warren's opinion to know they didn't work.

That was 2016 before the trump steel tariffs

buffet clearly disagrees with the globalists who are not worried about the trade deficit and the absence of American manufacturing

his plan is import credits that will in the end impose tariffs on foreign goods

...The graph extends to 2020 and clearly shows when tarrifs went into effect. I suggest you go get some glasses and look it over again.
I am trying to educate liberals to the importance of manufacturing in America as expressed by a leading liberal

the graph does not address his thoughts

...oooook, I'm clearly dealing with a total idiot here.

The graph clearly tells you that there are no jobs to show for Trump's tarrifs, your deflection to something about Warren does not refute these facts.
Slowing manufacturing? Really?

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
LIES!!! All LIES!!!
Economic growth in America instead of china does not seem to be welcome news for liberals
Gdp growth is going down...
Thats not surprising considering the Coronavirus
It was down long before that hit.
The world economy has been slowing
I will give you someone who is even better than an economist

because unlike the academics he puts his money where his mouth is

warren buffett

the trump solution is not exactly the same as what buffett prosed but the goal of returning manufacturing and jobs to America and reducing our trade deficit is the same

Warren Buffett: Here's How I Would Solve the Trade Problem

buffett sees tariffs as a last resort but still a useful tool

There is nothing in your link to suggest that Warren Buffet disagrees that the steel tarifs backfired.

2 years after these tarrifs went into effect we have LESS people employed in the industry, not more - you don't need Warren's opinion to know they didn't work.

That was 2016 before the trump steel tariffs

buffet clearly disagrees with the globalists who are not worried about the trade deficit and the absence of American manufacturing

his plan is import credits that will in the end impose tariffs on foreign goods

...The graph extends to 2020 and clearly shows when tarrifs went into effect. I suggest you go get some glasses and look it over again.
I am trying to educate liberals to the importance of manufacturing in America as expressed by a leading liberal

the graph does not address his thoughts

...oooook, I'm clearly dealing with a total idiot here.
If you are too smug to listen to a leading capitalist and liberal pirate like buffett you are the idiot
It's their countries. We have no business doing anything but leave them alone.

How did that work out leading up to WW-I and then thirty years later to WW-II? How has having us as the "world policeman" worked since 1946?
There is nothing in your link to suggest that Warren Buffet disagrees that the steel tarifs backfired.

2 years after these tarrifs went into effect we have LESS people employed in the industry, not more - you don't need Warren's opinion to know they didn't work.

That was 2016 before the trump steel tariffs

buffet clearly disagrees with the globalists who are not worried about the trade deficit and the absence of American manufacturing

his plan is import credits that will in the end impose tariffs on foreign goods

...The graph extends to 2020 and clearly shows when tarrifs went into effect. I suggest you go get some glasses and look it over again.
I am trying to educate liberals to the importance of manufacturing in America as expressed by a leading liberal

the graph does not address his thoughts

...oooook, I'm clearly dealing with a total idiot here.
If you are too smug to listen to a leading capitalist and liberal pirate like buffett you are the idiot

ok idiot whatever you say.
Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
You are against national defense?

We are harming national defense with what we are doing.
I agree in principal

we have been in afghanistan for 19 years and that is 18 1/2 years too long

but we need a strong military that might need to fight overseas sometimes

Being spread all around the world makes it weaker.

You mean SMARTER! :D
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
Yes, let's put that aside. There are no merits to leftwing American politics or economic policy.
It's their countries. We have no business doing anything but leave them alone.

How did that work out leading up to WW-I and then thirty years later to WW-II? How has having us as the "world policeman" worked since 1946?
Afghanistan a real winner...

Who is making great strides toward getting us out of Afghanistan?

Editorial: A deal with the Taliban is a painful price for ending the war in Afghanistan
FEB. 26, 2020

3 AM
More than 18 years after President George W. Bush dispatched U.S. forces to Afghanistan to help topple the Taliban government, the U.S. and that Islamist group are on the verge of signing an agreement that the Trump administration hopes will lead to peace, the withdrawal of U.S. troops and reconciliation between Afghanistan’s political factions.

If a seven-day period of “reduced violence” that went into effect over the weekend holds, the agreement — which has been the subject of on-again, off-again negotiations — will be signed on Feb. 29, according to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo.

Editorial: A deal with the Taliban is a painful price for ending the war in Afghanistan

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