Do we all agree yet that obamacare was always a single payer trojan horse?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.
That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work.

So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along.

But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back.
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

You're conceding the genius of Obama?

That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work.

So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along.

But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back.

It's never too late. It will just have to be done in increments.

Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

You're conceding the genius of Obama?


I never claimed Obama was not smart. He was smart, unfortunately almost everything he did was purposely designed to weaken the US.
If Obamacare is as terrible as the opponents of it would have you believe,

why are those opponents apparently incapable of coming up with anything better?

Shouldn't that be easy?
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.
Would you tell us why the ACA cannot be sustained, and when it may collapse?
If Obamacare is as terrible as the opponents of it would have you believe,

why are those opponents apparently incapable of coming up with anything better?

Shouldn't that be easy?
The Trump insurance plan currently has a nationwide approval of 17%, its even less popular than Chris Christie
That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work.

So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along.

But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back.

It's never too late. It will just have to be done in increments.

Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

You're conceding the genius of Obama?


I never claimed Obama was not smart. He was smart, unfortunately almost everything he did was purposely designed to weaken the US.
Can you tell us, just what has weakened the US? maybe list some specifics?
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

so don't take it away.

Here's the simple way to solve the problem. Instead of trying to spread private insurance around to people the insurance companies don't really want to cover, simply set up a program to cover those people.

People who can afford and still want private insurance can still get it..

People who can't get the government program.

My question is, why do you want to be abused by big insurance that bad?
That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work.

No, you see, what they were trying to do was create something that they could get at least one Republican to sign on to.

the simple solution would be to just create a public option for those who can't get insurance through their employers, and then tax the free-rider employers who weren't providing health insurance.

If we had gotten the House Version, with a Medicare buy in for those over 55 and a public option, we simply wouldn't have all these problems today.

Instead, we have situation where big insurance is going to be allowed to soak those of us over 50 even m ore than they already are.

So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along.

Or they realize that it's probably inevitable. The real problem isn't single payer. Single payer works pretty well in Canada, Japan, the UK and France. the problem is that there are too many special interests getting rich off the current system, which has been failing for decades. All the ACA did was delay the decay.

But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back.

Here's the thing. We probably would have gotten something like the ACA if John McCain had won. What you guys like to forget is that the ACA is essentially the Republican plan and always has been. Drafted as an alternative to HillaryCare in the 1990's and implemented by a Weird Mormon Robot in Massachusetts, it was always the "Free Market" alternative to single payer or a public option.

It only became evil when the Black Guy Did It.

Now they can't admit they don't have a better solution than what the Black Guy copied from them, and they can't go back to what they had before. So they hope to tweak it enough so they can fool the rubes in Jesusland into thinking they did something.
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

I don't think it is so much that, but maybe.

What it has been, since the issue has been raised, in the culture and media, has been the conditioning and manipulation of the population and the culture into believing that the government's job is to make sure that the population has to have affordable health care. In the process, it makes healthcare all the more expensive by adding costs by making healthcare into a cartel paradigm. It's axiomatic, what ever government touches turns to shit.

Fifty years ago, the majority of the population would have laughed at such a notion. My grandmother is still alive, and I had dinner with her last night. I wanted her to sit down and talk a little bit with my son, ( her great grandson) about what life was like for her when she had to kick my grandfather to the curb after he hit her again and threatened her with a shot gun while drunk. Even after that happened, she refused to get onto any of LBJ's social welfare programs, instead, she got the help of family, the church and the community raising three kids while working 60+ hours a week. Normal people just didn't think "government" was for healthy adults when they faced tough times. Family, the community, and the church were what a person leaned on for help when they faced challenges in life. This is what made America self-sufficient and prosperous.

Healthcare is not the role of government.

Once you have the population brainwashed into believing that it is government's job to take care of people, cradle to grave, you have them accepting the premise of socialism.

In fact, they started this process during the Nixon administration, and it really accelerated during the first Clinton administration. It came to it's fulfillment during the Obama regime. Now Americans expect the government to solve this problem, when in fact, the government is the cause of the problem.
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

I don't think it is so much that, but maybe.

What it has been, since the issue has been raised, in the culture and media, has been the conditioning and manipulation of the population and the culture into believing that the government's job is to make sure that the population has to have affordable health care. In the process, it makes healthcare all the more expensive by adding costs by making healthcare into a cartel paradigm. It's axiomatic, what ever government touches turns to shit.

Fifty years ago, the majority of the population would have laughed at such a notion. My grandmother is still alive, and I had dinner with her last night. I wanted her to sit down and talk a little bit with my son, ( her great grandson) about what life was like for her when she had to kick my grandfather to the curb after he hit her again and threatened her with a shot gun while drunk. Even after that happened, she refused to get onto any of LBJ's social welfare programs, instead, she got the help of family, the church and the community raising three kids while working 60+ hours a week. Normal people just didn't think "government" was for healthy adults when they faced tough times. Family, the community, and the church were what a person leaned on for help when they faced challenges in life. This is what made America self-sufficient and prosperous.

Healthcare is not the role of government.

Once you have the population brainwashed into believing that it is government's job to take care of people, cradle to grave, you have them accepting the premise of socialism.

The days of self sufficient Americans, is long past. Millions of Americans think the federal government's job is to take care of them. It is all very sad.
That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work.

So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along.

But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back.

So we end up with DMV style health care, wonderful.
That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work. So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along. But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back..
So we end up with DMV style health care, wonderful.
Very possible. It didn't have to go this way, but it could.
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.
Would you tell us why the ACA cannot be sustained, and when it may collapse?

That's what he has been told to believe. Ignorance is what sustains the New Right, that along with hate and fear.
“We’re going to take care of everybody”—President Trump.

If it was a Trojan Horse, the President was on board
That thing is such a stupid, horrific pig that I give the Dems the benefit of the doubt that they are not so dumb as to believe it would actually work.

So yeah, that would mean that Single Payer has been on their mind all along.

But the 2008 elections had long-term consequences. It gave the public something it didn't have before, and today's more pragmatic Republicans know that you just can't take something like that away. And that's why they're voting on Stupid, Horrific Pig 2.0 today. It's most likely too late to go back.
I agree the Dems knew exactly what would happen down the road once ObamaCare was instituted. It's my opinion we should stop struggling against the single payer universal coverage we will inevitably get, and just go for it. We deserve it. Then both sides of the aisle can start focusing on the real problem--why healthcare costs (not insurance) are so high.
Universal coverage will never happen. Medicaid & medicare are going broke. Obamacare will die a slow death with hospitals and insurers going bankrupt. This could be a disaster for healthcare. The GOP and Dems will never agree on anything, ever...

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