Do we have a right to defend our heritage and culture with force?

Why? You don't.

But here, I will answer your question.

You asked "Ever been put in a room with 8 hatians for 8 hours a that refuses to speak English and hate America and you start picking up words in there lanuage that related how much they hate America?". My answer? No.

Feel better?
How would you feel after 8 hours 👏?
LOL! Well..not sure how you lost that..but I pursue happiness..and even find it from time to time. I guess one would have to ask..what happiness have you been restricted from pursuing?
I have this feeling that for you in this context....happiness is a zero sum thing...that your happiness must come at the expense of someone else' tough titty for you.
So a poor American that has to grow with different cultures heritage the languages, while kids in the suburbs get to grow with one language one culture one heritage.. Who gets a better job at the end of the day?
I have spent 8 to 10 hours a day working with hispanics. Some spoke excellent english and some did not. All worked hard and listened well.
There is a problem with the communications of hispanics who dont speak the language. The fire alarm system in the Bureau of Prisons had red paint on every pipe that had the communications line going out to each device and it was told, NOT to remove those pipes, but all others could go. The next day every pipe that had red on it was torn out, the contractor ended up paying 500,000 dollars to replace all that conduit. We shouldnt be coddling illegals, but deporting them or executing them for invading this country. Give them the choice, i bet many would leave...
So a poor American that has to grow with different cultures heritage the languages, while kids in the suburbs get to grow with one language one culture one heritage.. Who gets a better job at the end of the day?

If the kids in the suburbs get better jobs it is not because they were not exposed to different cultures. It is because the people in the suburbs focus on success and education, while those in the ghetto focus on survival.

But there are countless examples of people who grew up in the worst neighborhoods and went on to be very successful.
LOL! Well..not sure how you lost that..but I pursue happiness..and even find it from time to time. I guess one would have to ask..what happiness have you been restricted from pursuing?
I have this feeling that for you in this context....happiness is a zero sum thing...that your happiness must come at the expense of someone else' tough titty for you.
I think he is saying that the government is making it much harder for him to find his happiness, and i quite agree with that statement. Right now, the Biteme admin is doing everything in there power to screw over the little guy.
I think he is saying that the government is making it much harder for him to find his happiness, and i quite agree with that statement. Right now, the Biteme admin is doing everything in there power to screw over the little guy.

The little guys have always been screwed. This is not new.
Again, I doubt you've lost that. There is no law, really, about hate speech. Just a lot of blowback from most people.
You can speak your filthy lil mind--and others have just as much of a right to speak theirs.
Keep trolling, trolling, trolling..............................

Hey, it's something to pass the time when you're unemployed and drunk.
Now, answer my question about how 225 die every day from an overdose is the fault of poor legal immigrants living in the hood in Boston?
Immigration causes many identity cultural issues.. One of the few things poor Americans had pre 1965 was identity a common culture a language.. now you throw the worlds poor in their face there weird culture, on top of that now trannys. I’d say damage is inflicted, hopelessness sets in, they turn to drugs
If the kids in the suburbs get better jobs it is not because they were not exposed to different cultures. It is because the people in the suburbs focus on success and education, while those in the ghetto focus on survival.

But there are countless examples of people who grew up in the worst neighborhoods and went on to be very successful.
Yes most of the poor used to rise out of poverty,, when they had an identity, a culture and proud heritage.. now those numbers have dwindled now they die
So a poor American that has to grow with different cultures heritage the languages, while kids in the suburbs get to grow with one language one culture one heritage.. Who gets a better job at the end of the day?
The guy who speaks multiple languages and is able to successfully navigate the cultural milieus of our country. If you speak both Spanish and English well..the job market is wide open for you.
The little guys have always been screwed. This is not new.
Back in late 1970s yeah, the little guy got screwed big time with Jimmy Carter's massive inflation. Today we see it again. Why is it Progressive Democrats fuck the little guy more than other presidents do? Oh yeah, because the little guy "thinks" that the Democrats want to help them.

Notice how WB tried to marginalize the events happening today, by trying to relate what is going on today with the past? Such people are Sociopathic.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Immigration causes many identity cultural issues.. One of the few things poor Americans had pre 1965 was identity a common culture a language.. now you throw the worlds poor in their face there weird culture, on top of that now trannys. I’d say damage is inflicted, hopelessness sets in, they turn to drugs

If someone starts doing drugs, it is their own fault. Not anyone else's. But you like this way of removing responsibility for bad choices, don't you Jitsie?
The guy who speaks multiple languages and is able to successfully navigate the cultural milieus of our country. If you speak both Spanish and English well..the job market is wide open for you.
I work in a major urban area, Financial district,, all workers come from one culture, one heritage one language backgrounds.. when will they just hire folks based on “I grew up with latins and hatians yo”
The guy who speaks multiple languages and is able to successfully navigate the cultural milieus of our country. If you speak both Spanish and English well..the job market is wide open for you.
Yeah, sure, English is the language of big business all over the world. But since business is the enemy of Progressives they always seek to destroy it.

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