Do We Have Any Former Republicans Here On USMB?

Are You A Former Republican?

  • I'm a former Republican, currently an Independent

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • I'm a former Republican, currently a Democrat

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I'm still a Republican, but I'm thinking about leaving the party

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • I'm STILL a Republican and I'm NEVER leaving the party

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I'm not a Republican, and I don't understand what the HELL those people are thinking

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Republican? I was regularly a delegate to the state conventions in Texas, was president of the College Republicans on my campus and was employed by the Reagan-Bush '84 and Bill Clements re-election campaigns. In that period I was a regular listener to Limbaugh, Liddy, and Hannity. Though I didn't care for them personally, I grudgingly accepted GHWB and Dole as nominees because they "earned" it through long service. I backed Buchanan in 92 and my governor for president in 2000. As curriculum vitae is that sufficient?

Once upon a time, not so long ago, I would have been considered a center right Repub. As RR once said, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, they left me.” My points of view haven’t changed. Unlike those who claim the conservative label in this day and time, I have read Russell Kirk, John Locke, and Hobbes. To my reading list I have added Nock, Spooner, Bastiat, Herbert Spencer and Rothbard. This is why I hold both major political parties, and their rabid mindless acolytes, in such great disdain. Each is full of that ‘my country right or wrong’ thinking, just as long as it’s their party in charge at the moment. When it is the other bunch in charge they are ready to scream that the whole shootin’ match is going to the hot place in a hand basket. They are two sides of the same coin. Theirs is organised theft. It is theft by force of arms. They exist only to remove money, which they have not earned and have no right to, from productive people and make it available to the leaches. There is no difference in the social programs of the left’s nanny state or the military industrial complex and corporate welfare on the right.

I have never been an active anti-abortion advocate, but am inclined in that direction. My belief is that this is something that belongs under the preview of the states and as such support the overturning of RvW. Now this has been a fundraising cash cow of the GOP since the late 1970’s. Cynically they have avoided actually doing anything about this every time they have had the power to do so. Simply stripping the jurisdiction of the federal courts, which the congress has the power to do, in this matter is doable and does not require a majority on the SC.

While he was still Governor of Texas, I was as excited as any Bushie that he might seek the White House. He had been a fine Governor, his leadership was strong and his ability to reach across the aisle and work with the opposition party for the betterment of Texas showed great promise for the future.

Once elected what had President Bush done? He had allowed discretionary spending rise at a rate that would have given Bill Clinton pause. He made war on terrorists in the name of supporting freedom, and left inconvenient democracy movements to wither while at home he signed legislation that went further to restrict liberties than any preceding president. After decades of advocating the devolving of power to the state and local governments, Ted Kennedy got to write the Education Bill and set national standards in education. The national chairman of the GO.P. went to New Hampshire in 2004 and told conservatives that they can lump it if they didn't like it, because wasn’t like they had anywhere else to go. Then they pushed Part D through the congress and made it law.

Wars without end were launched with the most spurious and transparent of false justifications. When the towers were destroyed, Saudi officials and their families were quickly spirited out of the country. Surprise! Most of the actors in the attack were Saudi citizens. Anybody within the fold that questioned the motivations for the attack was ostracized and kicked to the side of the road. The most vicious attacks were set aside for Congressman Ron Paul, an unassuming and soft spoken fellow who could have easily been patted on the head, smiled at, and patronized like an elderly uncle. He wasn’t going to win, he was no threat to the status quo but he was treated like a klansman at a NAACP meeting.

They only opposed Obama around the fringes, with cynical votes to end national healthcare that they knew would accomplish nothing. Once they had the means to do something, they refused to do so. Obama did two things worthy of a pat on the back, his reaching out to Cuba and the Iran nuclear deal. These were the first things to be reversed as soon as possible.

I find a perverse pleasure in the administration of Donald Trump. I agree with almost nothing, but he does throw the pestilent and parasitical types into a real tizzy and I am greatly amused by the show. Y’all ran that old unelectable douche bag on purpose and that’s why you ended up with the annoying orange. That shit is on you.

Trump is vile, his enemies and detractors more so.

There is nothing of the small government, live and let live, western GOP, libertarian Reaganite views left in the party. So I quit. I won’t vote for their neocon warmongering, government has the answers, boom and bust cycle fascist corporatism. The last national election in which I cast a vote was in 2004 and it was for a third party candidate.

For all their faults, as detestable as I find the GOP, I hold the dimocraps in even lower esteem.
Outstanding post.

Reagan's "I didn't leave them, they left me" statement has come to my mind hundreds of times in recent years, except this time in the context of the Republican party.

I didn't leave it, it left me.

Like you, I hold the Democrats in low esteem, and always have. So I find myself a man without a party.

I do believe our country is ripe for a new major party.
I thought so too. However, the piss poor third party performance in ideal circumstances (Trump vs Hillary) has proven to me that the average joe is utterly uninterested in such.

Politics is sports now. No one seems to care what they do as long as they can 'win' and cheer their team on.
Outstanding post.

Reagan's "I didn't leave them, they left me" statement has come to my mind hundreds of times in recent years, except this time in the context of the Republican party.

I didn't leave it, it left me.

Like you, I hold the Democrats in low esteem, and always have. So I find myself a man without a party.

I do believe our country is ripe for a new major party.
I shall continue to snipe and ridicule from the sidelines. I was involved in politics long enough that I enjoy watching the game, in the same way that I like watching baseball, but no longer have any urge to be a participant. I have a son on the brink of adulthood, he has no respect for or interest in government institutions, its wars, or its acts at any level. I got that part right. He'll make a fine anarchist, not the bearded bomb thrower kind, but the kind that simply gives as little of himself to government as will keep him from being incarcerated.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

I was a Republican until 2008 when I switched to the Democrat side to help Mrs. Clinton's efforts in Operation Chaos against B. Hussein O.

But I still vote for a lot of Republicans- I'm a maverick.
3rd parties are for losers. They never get anywhere.
In 2018 pick the party that has the best ideas. (socialism, no ICE, open borders, free Medicare, globalism, free college, food stamps, free drugs, super-delegates, free propaganda, the State will take care of you, safe places to do drugs, etc.).
Or the party that says you can get whatever you work for and pay for, the State will keep you and your family safe.
3rd parties are for losers. They never get anywhere.
In 2018 pick the party that has the best ideas. (socialism, no ICE, open borders, free Medicare, globalism, free college, food stamps, free drugs, super-delegates, free propaganda, the State will take care of you, safe places to do drugs, etc.).
Or the party that says you can get whatever you work for and pay for, the State will keep you and your family safe.

Voting third party assures that the candidate who least supports your views gets elected
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Ah still ain't voten fer nun ah yer mah-nor-ity set aside districts. No where'd mah wife hide mah Makers Mark?
3rd parties are for losers. They never get anywhere.
In 2018 pick the party that has the best ideas. (socialism, no ICE, open borders, free Medicare, globalism, free college, food stamps, free drugs, super-delegates, free propaganda, the State will take care of you, safe places to do drugs, etc.).
Or the party that says you can get whatever you work for and pay for, the State will keep you and your family safe.

Voting third party assures that the candidate who least supports your views gets elected
It's a loser's game unless you are really voting none of the above. And if it's that bad, and it was in 16 for me, you are focked.
I am a conservative, not a Republican....however, I am often forced to vote for a RINO because they are the lesser of the 2 evils I have to vote for.

Trump is not a conservative, he is a populist, but he sure as SHIT AIN'T HILLARY, and that's all I cared about.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

I wouldn't disagree with you but the only way to push the pendulum the other way is to vote Democratic on November 6.
The 'Pubes have become the party of bloated, old, fat, bigoted, misogynistic white men.

“The 'Pubes have become the party of bloated, old, fat, bigoted, misogynistic white men.”
Yeah, don’t you dare support those terrible white people that built this nation into the place you want to be...that wouldn’t make any sense.
Support that party of wetbacks, pole puffers, men in dresses, bottom feeders, beggars and wackos.

I usually look at what the biggest slack jawed morons are supporting and just do the opposite.
Of course but one party provides jobs and a low cost of living (hope) the other provides unemployment and welfare (no hope)


Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?
. For blacks that number was accurate. Let's see his actual quote. Nobody believes President Trump would use the number for the overall rate. Although Obutthole seemed to be pushing for it.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Every single Republican on here except myself was a Democrat.
Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?
. For blacks that number was accurate. Let's see his actual quote. Nobody believes President Trump would use the number for the overall rate. Although Obutthole seemed to be pushing for it.

He used 40% if better, you rubes loved it and ran with it! You got credible link for blacks at 40% unemployment during Obama years?

If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Being a Republican in American politics isn't much different than being a Democrat. Not really. Both parties are putting out a constant stream of anti-civil liberties legislation.

Democracy has long been weaponized in America. People think they're voting for change by picking between a D and an R, but in reality, there's no difference. There's only the illusion of choice.

Yet people go to war with each other on platforms like this as if there is a choice. The party of one wins, as always, and all they had to do was throw out a bobber to get people thinking they have a choice and to get them fighting with each other over an illusion of choice. lol. Crazy.
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But we have fifty or more flavors of donuts, so. That's about the scope of any meaningful choice these days.
This post is sh!t.Who the f^ck cares?They both suck.OP needs to find something else to do with his life.I hate the internet.Used to be cool..until they let anyone have it
Former Republicans:


Coincidentally, all shills! :eek:

I'm not voting for any Democrats this election, it looks like their cheese done slipped off their crackers, nomsayin'?

Bullet tax? More taxes? More laws? I don't think so. :eusa_naughty:
None of the options apply to me.

I am a former Republican. I am not a Republican any more.

I have come to the realization that the Republican party is really nothing more than Democrat Light.

Bush Sr was a very Liberal President, GW was was very Liberal. McCain and Romney were RINOs. Bush Sr even increased taxes and GW increase the welfare state.

The Republican Party is just as much a party of big government as the Democrats. They will continue with enormous Federal spending, the welfare state, tremendous regulations and the oppressiveness of a big bloated out of control Federal government. They will take away our liberties the same as the Democrats.

The Republicans are always better than the Democrats/ That is a given. However since the Democrats are so bad being "better" really isn't that significant.

For instance, Trump has cut back on regulations but we still have almost a million Federal regulations. He has cut back on the number of people on welfare but we still have a massive welfare state. The Republican Congress didn't even cut back on total Federal spending, only sightly decreased the rate of growth. Debt continues to climb just like with Obama. We are still an interventionist nation.

Republicans are always better for the economy as we are seeing now but they don't fix the structural problems of big government that causes dismal economic growth like we saw when Obama was President.

I like what Trump is dong and he is a million times better than Crooked Hillary and he is fixing many of the things that the worthless asshole Obama broke but they are only incremental improvements. We need to cut back Federal spending a couple of trillion a year, stop the welfare state and get the filthy liberty robbing government out of lives. When a party advocates those liberty restoring measures I will support it.

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