Do We Have Any Former Republicans Here On USMB?

Are You A Former Republican?

  • I'm a former Republican, currently an Independent

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • I'm a former Republican, currently a Democrat

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I'm still a Republican, but I'm thinking about leaving the party

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • I'm STILL a Republican and I'm NEVER leaving the party

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I'm not a Republican, and I don't understand what the HELL those people are thinking

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

It is really hard if not impossible to deny that both parties suck.

Of course but one party provides jobs and a low cost of living (hope) the other provides unemployment and welfare (no hope)


Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!
Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

It is really hard if not impossible to deny that both parties suck.

Of course but one party provides jobs and a low cost of living (hope) the other provides unemployment and welfare (no hope)


Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.

More democrats are changing their affiliation to independent than republicans changing. People are sick of the shenanigans of the Democrats. Dems want to abolish the Supeme Court now they don't have a lock on it. They want to put our sons, fathers and wife's husbands in legal jeopardy on a baseless accusation just because they have a dick.

Democrats screwed the pooch big time and the pooch should sue them out of spite.
It is really hard if not impossible to deny that both parties suck.

Of course but one party provides jobs and a low cost of living (hope) the other provides unemployment and welfare (no hope)


Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?
Of course but one party provides jobs and a low cost of living (hope) the other provides unemployment and welfare (no hope)


Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?

Don't try to switch the goal posts, tell us in your own words how an anti bussiness president as Obama provided all those jobs?

Was it cash for clunkers?

Bush jr tax cuts that Obama made over 80% perment?

Was it Obama's almost trillion dollars stimulous that planted trees, made pretty signs and political Union payback?

Was it Obama care that turned the 40 hour work week to 29 hours?

Was it Obama's assnine EPA and it's new 4,000 rules and regulations?

You are being redirected...

I was raised in a Republican Family. Voted for Reagan and Bush 41 twice. Believed in Jack Kemp and supported Nelson Rockefeller and Jacob Javits. admired Barry Goldwater

By the Mid 90s, Republicans were the party of Newt Gingrich, Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman. I did not like the idea that these were the guys representing my party. The partisan impeachment over a blowjob and blatant policy making for the rich turned me off

Been voting Democratic since

Now that's funny.

I didn't like the stupidity around impeachment.

I didn't like the swiftboating of John Kerry.

I didn't like a lot of things.

But I have faith in some basic principles.

I don't change parties when I get pissed.

I try to change the party.
I was repulsed by my former party
Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?

Don't try to switch the goal posts, tell us in your own words how an anti bussiness president as Obama provided all those jobs?

Was it cash for clunkers?

Bush jr tax cuts that Obama made over 80% perment?

Was it Obama's almost trillion dollars stimulous that planted trees, made pretty signs and political Union payback?

Was it Obama care that turned the 40 hour work week to 29 hours?

Was it Obama's assnine EPA and it's new 4,000 rules and regulations?

You are being redirected...


Why did the unemployment date to down for 6 straight years?
It is really hard if not impossible to deny that both parties suck.

Of course but one party provides jobs and a low cost of living (hope) the other provides unemployment and welfare (no hope)


Agreed Rethugs are evil!

Could be but they provide the jobs.


What part of the unemployment being nearly 10% when Obama took office to coming down to 4.7% in 2016 did you Trumpanzees miss?

Fact check: What President Trump inherits

You idiots just believe anything he says and never check the facts!

Unemployment was 7.8% when Obama took office and went up to 9.5% after his failed stimulous..

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Actually, the stimulus reversed a pending depression
As a former Republican, I rallied around the Republican President after 9-11

I was willing to support anything he needed.....Patriot Act, Homeland Security, restrictions of rights
When Bush wanted to invade Afghanistan, I backed him
He chased Al Qaeda across Afganistan......then quit

Bush started talking about the threat of Saddam, WMDs, Iraq being part of 9-11 and I started saying.......WTF???

Then he invaded Iraq, we found out he lied about WMDs
Then he engaged in torture, opened GITMO, denied basic human rights
Republicans applauded him

I remembered why I was no longer Republican

When Bush stood up and admitted Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 I was done with the Republicans and their everlasting need for wars.
Their sheer willingness to send young people overseas to be killed and mangled for their bottom line profit.
Dick Cheney should be hung from the neck until dead.
Bush did a great job of selling the Iraq war, no doubt.
But many saw very quickly that it was just his vanity. "They tried to kill my daddy!"
All horseshit.
Saddam executed over 100,000 Kurds (estimated from mass graves discovered after US occupation), countless torture and murder of Iranian citizens, upwards of over a million people during his two plus decades reign of terror.
If it wasn't for Bush, he'd still be executing at will.
So much for your warped view of human rights.
You leftist traitors don't give a shit about nothing or nobody unless it involves taking from working people and giving it to lazy ass freeloaders.
As a former Republican, I rallied around the Republican President after 9-11

I was willing to support anything he needed.....Patriot Act, Homeland Security, restrictions of rights
When Bush wanted to invade Afghanistan, I backed him
He chased Al Qaeda across Afganistan......then quit

Bush started talking about the threat of Saddam, WMDs, Iraq being part of 9-11 and I started saying.......WTF???

Then he invaded Iraq, we found out he lied about WMDs
Then he engaged in torture, opened GITMO, denied basic human rights
Republicans applauded him

I remembered why I was no longer Republican

When Bush stood up and admitted Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 I was done with the Republicans and their everlasting need for wars.
Their sheer willingness to send young people overseas to be killed and mangled for their bottom line profit.
Dick Cheney should be hung from the neck until dead.
Bush did a great job of selling the Iraq war, no doubt.
But many saw very quickly that it was just his vanity. "They tried to kill my daddy!"
It was at that point I realized how dangerous Republicans really were

Supporting Torture????
Could be but they provide the jobs.


Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?

Don't try to switch the goal posts, tell us in your own words how an anti bussiness president as Obama provided all those jobs?

Was it cash for clunkers?

Bush jr tax cuts that Obama made over 80% perment?

Was it Obama's almost trillion dollars stimulous that planted trees, made pretty signs and political Union payback?

Was it Obama care that turned the 40 hour work week to 29 hours?

Was it Obama's assnine EPA and it's new 4,000 rules and regulations?

You are being redirected...


Why did the unemployment date to down for 6 straight years?

What you don't know the answer? I answered it with my first post to you..

Republican govenors and legislators along with the most powerful person on the planet back then Janet with quantitative easing .
Great, since it has just continued in the same direction it was going for over 6 years before Agent Orange got in!

Yea it is amazing how an anti bussiness president who tried to stop jobs going to Boeing in South carolina some how provided jobs.

And was against fracking then took credit for both.


And yet the unemployment date was still dropping. Oh let me guess you believed Rump that the unemployment date was actually over 40% until February 2017?

Don't try to switch the goal posts, tell us in your own words how an anti bussiness president as Obama provided all those jobs?

Was it cash for clunkers?

Bush jr tax cuts that Obama made over 80% perment?

Was it Obama's almost trillion dollars stimulous that planted trees, made pretty signs and political Union payback?

Was it Obama care that turned the 40 hour work week to 29 hours?

Was it Obama's assnine EPA and it's new 4,000 rules and regulations?

You are being redirected...


Why did the unemployment date to down for 6 straight years?

What you don't know the answer? I answered it with my first post to you..

Republican govenors and legislators along with the most powerful person on the planet back then Janet with quantitative easing .

No you didn't, how did the unemployment rate keep dropping. You have said nothing!
Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.
Now's the time to share that journey bruh.

I'm curious.
Child of the 60s/70s, was a democratic socialist before it was cool. Began to moderate in college then ended up in No Virginia, D.C. where I became involved in national politics. Didn't take me long to see the lies, bull shit and hypocrisy which pushed me further right. Eventually took a years worth of business classes, started a business and became born again throwing me into the religious right category, sorta. After a few years working on the inside of the national RNC I saw the same crap the I witnessed in the DNC, besides my academic background finally overcame my emotive partisanship and I moderated completely to the point that I've basically become a political agnostic.
Good story.

Being a Christian and being a Republican is like trying to mix oil and water.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Highly partisan response but not unexpected.

Not partisan at all.
Republicans believe it's OK to separate children from their parents at the border and put them in cages.
Christians would not abide by that for single fucking moment.
Nice broad brush you have there Sparky. Did you make it yourself or was it a free political party accessory?
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If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

Got to pick one and you’re in the gop

I have to pick one? Right...... :rofl:

And anyone who disagrees with you in the slightest is obviously gop....... :rolleyes:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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I was raised in a Republican Family. Voted for Reagan and Bush 41 twice. Believed in Jack Kemp and supported Nelson Rockefeller and Jacob Javits. admired Barry Goldwater

By the Mid 90s, Republicans were the party of Newt Gingrich, Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman. I did not like the idea that these were the guys representing my party. The partisan impeachment over a blowjob and blatant policy making for the rich turned me off

Been voting Democratic since

Now that's funny.

I didn't like the stupidity around impeachment.

I didn't like the swiftboating of John Kerry.

I didn't like a lot of things.

But I have faith in some basic principles.

I don't change parties when I get pissed.

I try to change the party.

How's that working out for you?

I'm thinking there could be more former Dems than former Repubs out there. From what I've read, there's a lot of disillusionment among young voters, minorities, the white working class, and even some women who were turned off by the Kavanaugh shenanigans and all the screaming and shouting going on during that process. A lot of Americans don't want any part of that.

But they'll then move on to the next shenanigans and be happy with it.

People often don't have a clue what they want, and aren't consistent about it.

Look at Trump, you want shenanigans, he's that every day.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Yes I'm one of those. There is not much of a difference between a Republican politician and a Democrat these days. Just call me a Constitutional Conservative.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

I think most on this board know that I am a former Republican. I have been on this board since 2008 and have over 17k posts to prove it. I changed my party status to independent as soon as the Ass Clown was made the poster boy of the Republican party. I then followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misogyny, anger, fear & ignorance. This party no longer represents me.

There is no room for moderates in this party--we're called names, such as RINO'S & Establishment Republicans.


They only way this party gets rebuilt back into sanity is to DESTROY it. So I am voting BLUE all the way down the ballot next month.
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