Do We Really Need Guns?

I have some interesting facts for you. In the U.S., there are nine guns for every 10 people. Someone is killed with a firearm every 16 minutes. I think these numbers are not adequate. I mean, there shouldn't be such numbers in the country like America.
In the slim chance you are serious, many deaths by firearms include suicide. And I have my 9 guns! ...or was that 10? Have to get back to ya....
9 guns for every 10 people?
I have 16 -- someone is slacking!
I could not tell you how many I have without opening safes and doing an actual inventory.

Which I should do.
I have some interesting facts for you. In the U.S., there are nine guns for every 10 people. Someone is killed with a firearm every 16 minutes. I think these numbers are not adequate. I mean, there shouldn't be such numbers in the country like America.
In the slim chance you are serious, many deaths by firearms include suicide. And I have my 9 guns! ...or was that 10? Have to get back to ya....
9 guns for every 10 people?
I have 16 -- someone is slacking!

I have over 100, so it ain't me!
I have some interesting facts for you. In the U.S., there are nine guns for every 10 people. Someone is killed with a firearm every 16 minutes. I think these numbers are not adequate. I mean, there shouldn't be such numbers in the country like America.
In the slim chance you are serious, many deaths by firearms include suicide. And I have my 9 guns! ...or was that 10? Have to get back to ya....
9 guns for every 10 people?
I have 16 -- someone is slacking!
I could not tell you how many I have without opening safes and doing an actual inventory.
Which I should do.
I only know because I updated my insurance.
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Guns placate fearful people obsessing on a hypothetical. "What if someone tries to do me or mine harm?" Even with unusually fast response times, police wont reach you in time to prevent an intruder from killing you. You're going to be defending yourself with whatever's at hand. Baseball bat under the bed for example, or a blade. A firearm's best of course if trained in its' use. If not trained, you're better off with the bat.

While statistically you're unlikely to ever need such defensive solutions, that's like saying you don't need to wear a seatbelt because the chance of getting into an accident are so small. Sure it's small, but if you DO get into the accident you want the belt (and airbag.) You want the very best chance for survival you can get. In personal security the very best is a firearm and some practical real-world combat training.

Yes, guns in the home represent a greater statistical risk to the owner than an intruder. But for those times an intruder is the threat you'll want the weapon. And as long as bad guys have guns, it's reasonable to want one as well.

A gun free country would be swell certainly. But we don't have that society, and we're never going to have it. The impulse to do others harm is too prevalent in the human animal right now. We're being conditioned to do so from childhood onwards. Pay close attention to what children have in the way of tv entertainment, the language and stories. It's all conflict and conflict resolution. So long as that's the way "entertainment" is being packaged, some of those kids will grow up into bad guys. And the need for personal protection will remain.

What they teach in aikido is it's better to avoid a hostile situation that stick around and trust your methodology is superior to your opponent's. If crime and violence worries you so much you're considering buying a firearm, move instead. Find some idyllic Courier and Ives/Normal Rockwell paradise and live there instead.
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.
You have an opinion. Fine. Many will disagree.
Actually the Second reiterated the right to keep and bear arms among other things, in order to keep a potentially tyrannical government at bay.
Now we have a much less civilized society where certain people have zero respect for the rights of others. Included is also this idea of self entitled need for instant gratification and of course the support of a political wing which eschews the notion of personal responsibility and that actions have consequences.
In other words, we have predatory individuals who are amoral and will stop at nothing to get what they want.
About 30 years ago, the City of Miami became a place where tourists were being car jacked, robbed, raped and killed by armed thugs who were walking up
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Guns placate fearful people obsessing on a hypothetical. "What if someone tries to do me or mine harm?" Even with unusually fast response times, police wont reach you in time to prevent an intruder from killing you. You're going to be defending yourself with whatever's at hand. Baseball bat under the bed for example, or a blade. A firearm's best of course if trained in its' use. If not trained, you're better off with the bat.

While statistically you're unlikely to ever need such defensive solutions, that's like saying you don't need to wear a seatbelt because the chance of getting into an accident are so small. Sure it's small, but if you DO get into the accident you want the belt (and airbag.) You want the very best chance for survival you can get. In personal security the very best is a firearm and some practical real-world combat training.

Yes, guns in the home represent a greater statistical risk to the owner than an intruder. But for those times an intruder is the threat you'll want the weapon. And as long as bad guys have guns, it's reasonable to want one as well.

A gun free country would be swell certainly. But we don't have that society, and we're never going to have it. The impulse to do others harm is too prevalent in the human animal right now. We're being conditioned to do so from childhood onwards. Pay close attention to what children have in the way of tv entertainment, the language and stories. It's all conflict and conflict resolution. So long as that's the way "entertainment" is being packaged, some of those kids will grow up into bad guys. And the need for personal protection will remain.

What they teach in aikido is it's better to avoid a hostile situation that stick around and trust your methodology is superior to your opponent's. If crime and violence worries you so much you're considering buying a firearm, move instead. Find some idyllic Courier and Ives/Normal Rockwell paradise and live there instead.
Yeah until that hypothetical bursts through your front door. Or rips open your car door. Or assaults you or a loved one.
Tell me about it.
Oh, even in so called "gun free" countries, there is gun crime.
The point is moot. The right to keep and bear arms is not going anywhere.
Deal with it.
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society.

Darren Wilson might disagree.

As do I. Now the three beaners that attempted a home invasion robbery against me might agree....
Did you have to drop them?
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Guns placate fearful people obsessing on a hypothetical. "What if someone tries to do me or mine harm?" Even with unusually fast response times, police wont reach you in time to prevent an intruder from killing you. You're going to be defending yourself with whatever's at hand. Baseball bat under the bed for example, or a blade. A firearm's best of course if trained in its' use. If not trained, you're better off with the bat.

While statistically you're unlikely to ever need such defensive solutions, that's like saying you don't need to wear a seatbelt because the chance of getting into an accident are so small. Sure it's small, but if you DO get into the accident you want the belt (and airbag.) You want the very best chance for survival you can get. In personal security the very best is a firearm and some practical real-world combat training.

Yes, guns in the home represent a greater statistical risk to the owner than an intruder. But for those times an intruder is the threat you'll want the weapon. And as long as bad guys have guns, it's reasonable to want one as well.

A gun free country would be swell certainly. But we don't have that society, and we're never going to have it. The impulse to do others harm is too prevalent in the human animal right now. We're being conditioned to do so from childhood onwards. Pay close attention to what children have in the way of tv entertainment, the language and stories. It's all conflict and conflict resolution. So long as that's the way "entertainment" is being packaged, some of those kids will grow up into bad guys. And the need for personal protection will remain.

What they teach in aikido is it's better to avoid a hostile situation that stick around and trust your methodology is superior to your opponent's. If crime and violence worries you so much you're considering buying a firearm, move instead. Find some idyllic Courier and Ives/Normal Rockwell paradise and live there instead.
Yeah until that hypothetical bursts through your front door. Or rips open your car door. Or assaults you or a loved one.
Tell me about it.
Oh, even in so called "gun free" countries, there is gun crime.
The point is moot. The right to keep and bear arms is not going anywhere.
Deal with it.

Japan has a population roughly equal to our's and is the polar opposite re: gun laws. Their gun crimes is statistically insignificant. Be like walking around in a Farrady Cage because you might be struck by lightning.
I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

I totally agree with you, and congratulations on having the cojones to raise this issue.

Countries with less guns are almost always safer than the US, and that is simply a cold, hard truth that few gun rights fanatics are willing to admit.

I totally support peoples' right to own a gun for hunting or target shooting, but all of countries should have safety-based gun laws aimed at protecting life first and foremost. No one needs an assault rifle at home.

And it doesn't seem to have been noted here, but the key word in the thread premise is "need". Once we figure that out we might go somewhere.

We? Who's "we", jackwagon? Last time I checked, you weren't contributing anything to my existence, so I fail to see where you figure you suddenly joined the steering committee for my life. You don't get a vote on what I do and don't need.

Perhaps Santa will bring you a reading comprehension course for Christmas. "Need" is the operative word in the title of this thread.


Cheeses, how do you even feed yourself?
Do Kulaks Really Need Guns? -- Uncle Joe Stalin, 1932 immediately before murdering 6 million

Do Counterrevolutionaries Really Need Guns? -- Chairman Mao, 1949 immediately before murdering 14 million

Do Jews Really Need Guns? -- Adolf Hitler, 1933 immediately before murdering 6 million

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300,000,000 gun in the US.
8855 murders in the US (2012)
99.997% of the guns in the US were NOT involved in a murder.
Where's the problem?

I always enjoy this post M14 hits them where they live.....
Yes, guns in the home represent a greater statistical risk to the owner than an intruder.

Not according to the stats....the ones most gun grabbers cite are wrong...

Guns are more dangerous to the owner if the owner abuses drugs, alcohol, engages in criminal activity or is a participant in domestic abuse...otherwise guns aren't a real problem....
300,000,000 gun in the US.
8855 murders in the US (2012)
99.997% of the guns in the US were NOT involved in a murder.
Where's the problem?
I always enjoy this post M14 hits them where they live.....
What's better?
99.99705% of the guns in the US are NOT involved in a murder
99.99784% of the guns in Canada are NOT involved in a murder.
Difference: 0.00079%
...Better to have a gun, and not need it, than to need a gun, and don't have it!

I don't own one myself.

Hell, I haven't even been out to a firing range since my Army days.

I decided a long time ago that I didn't want firearms in a house with children.

One thing led to another, and I never purchased one, even though I was tempted from time to time, in either hobbyist or home-defense mode.

But I fully support the Right to Bear Arms.

If I ever change my mind - or if anyone in my family ever wished to purchase one - I want no (and I do mean zero) Constitutional impediment to making such a purchase.

When my first daughter was born, all firearms were removed from my home. Sold them. Kids are kids, they are curious, crafty, and resourceful. While I knew that I could secure them and teach my kids to respect guns and how to handle them, I decided the risk wasn't worth whatever reward may come from owning firearms with kids around. It wasn't until my youngest was 13 that I bought a shotgun. That was in 2005, I was living in California. After my wife watched the fallout from Katrina, she decided she wanted something with which she could defend herself and our home should the shit hit the fan after an earthquake or some such thing, so I obliged. That was 20 years without a gun in my home. I feel no more or less secure with guns, truth is I rarely even think about them until I get the urge to go to the range...
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Guns placate fearful people obsessing on a hypothetical. "What if someone tries to do me or mine harm?" Even with unusually fast response times, police wont reach you in time to prevent an intruder from killing you. You're going to be defending yourself with whatever's at hand. Baseball bat under the bed for example, or a blade. A firearm's best of course if trained in its' use. If not trained, you're better off with the bat.

While statistically you're unlikely to ever need such defensive solutions, that's like saying you don't need to wear a seatbelt because the chance of getting into an accident are so small. Sure it's small, but if you DO get into the accident you want the belt (and airbag.) You want the very best chance for survival you can get. In personal security the very best is a firearm and some practical real-world combat training.

Yes, guns in the home represent a greater statistical risk to the owner than an intruder. But for those times an intruder is the threat you'll want the weapon. And as long as bad guys have guns, it's reasonable to want one as well.

A gun free country would be swell certainly. But we don't have that society, and we're never going to have it. The impulse to do others harm is too prevalent in the human animal right now. We're being conditioned to do so from childhood onwards. Pay close attention to what children have in the way of tv entertainment, the language and stories. It's all conflict and conflict resolution. So long as that's the way "entertainment" is being packaged, some of those kids will grow up into bad guys. And the need for personal protection will remain.

What they teach in aikido is it's better to avoid a hostile situation that stick around and trust your methodology is superior to your opponent's. If crime and violence worries you so much you're considering buying a firearm, move instead. Find some idyllic Courier and Ives/Normal Rockwell paradise and live there instead.
Yeah until that hypothetical bursts through your front door. Or rips open your car door. Or assaults you or a loved one.
Tell me about it.
Oh, even in so called "gun free" countries, there is gun crime.
The point is moot. The right to keep and bear arms is not going anywhere.
Deal with it.

Japan has a population roughly equal to our's and is the polar opposite re: gun laws. Their gun crimes is statistically insignificant. Be like walking around in a Farrady Cage because you might be struck by lightning.

Population of the U.S.: 319,151,000 (November 26, 2014)

Population of Japan: 127,080,000 (November 1, 2014)

Difference: 192,071,000

(According to Wikipedia)

Not even fucking close to "equal." Take another spin...

It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society.

Darren Wilson might disagree.

As do I. Now the three beaners that attempted a home invasion robbery against me might agree....
Did you have to drop them? soon as they saw the sawed off come around the door jam they about ran over each other trying to get back in the car they claimed was broken down,which was their excuse as to why they knocked on the door. Funny appeared to work just fine as they were hauling ass down my street.
Could have killed all three but I'm a little squeamish about back shooting,even if they were beaners.
I question my choice to this day. I sure hope no one else paid the price for my squeamishness.
...Better to have a gun, and not need it, than to need a gun, and don't have it!

I don't own one myself.

Hell, I haven't even been out to a firing range since my Army days.

I decided a long time ago that I didn't want firearms in a house with children.

One thing led to another, and I never purchased one, even though I was tempted from time to time, in either hobbyist or home-defense mode.

But I fully support the Right to Bear Arms.

If I ever change my mind - or if anyone in my family ever wished to purchase one - I want no (and I do mean zero) Constitutional impediment to making such a purchase.

When my first daughter was born, all firearms were removed from my home. Sold them. Kids are kids, they are curious, crafty, and resourceful. While I knew that I could secure them and teach my kids to respect guns and how to handle them, I decided the risk wasn't worth whatever reward may come from owning firearms with kids around. It wasn't until my youngest was 13 that I bought a shotgun. That was in 2005, I was living in California. After my wife watched the fallout from Katrina, she decided she wanted something with which she could defend herself and our home should the shit hit the fan after an earthquake or some such thing, so I obliged. That was 20 years without a gun in my home. I feel no more or less secure with guns, truth is I rarely even think about them until I get the urge to go to the range...

As I mentioned in a previous post..let an attempted home invasion happen to you just once.
I promise you wont let a day go by without a weapon at hand.
It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Guns placate fearful people obsessing on a hypothetical. "What if someone tries to do me or mine harm?" Even with unusually fast response times, police wont reach you in time to prevent an intruder from killing you. You're going to be defending yourself with whatever's at hand. Baseball bat under the bed for example, or a blade. A firearm's best of course if trained in its' use. If not trained, you're better off with the bat.

While statistically you're unlikely to ever need such defensive solutions, that's like saying you don't need to wear a seatbelt because the chance of getting into an accident are so small. Sure it's small, but if you DO get into the accident you want the belt (and airbag.) You want the very best chance for survival you can get. In personal security the very best is a firearm and some practical real-world combat training.

Yes, guns in the home represent a greater statistical risk to the owner than an intruder. But for those times an intruder is the threat you'll want the weapon. And as long as bad guys have guns, it's reasonable to want one as well.

A gun free country would be swell certainly. But we don't have that society, and we're never going to have it. The impulse to do others harm is too prevalent in the human animal right now. We're being conditioned to do so from childhood onwards. Pay close attention to what children have in the way of tv entertainment, the language and stories. It's all conflict and conflict resolution. So long as that's the way "entertainment" is being packaged, some of those kids will grow up into bad guys. And the need for personal protection will remain.

What they teach in aikido is it's better to avoid a hostile situation that stick around and trust your methodology is superior to your opponent's. If crime and violence worries you so much you're considering buying a firearm, move instead. Find some idyllic Courier and Ives/Normal Rockwell paradise and live there instead.
Yeah until that hypothetical bursts through your front door. Or rips open your car door. Or assaults you or a loved one.
Tell me about it.
Oh, even in so called "gun free" countries, there is gun crime.
The point is moot. The right to keep and bear arms is not going anywhere.
Deal with it.

Japan has a population roughly equal to our's and is the polar opposite re: gun laws. Their gun crimes is statistically insignificant. Be like walking around in a Farrady Cage because you might be struck by lightning.

Population of the U.S.: 319,151,000 (November 26, 2014)

Population of Japan: 127,080,000 (November 1, 2014)

Difference: 192,071,000

(According to Wikipedia)

Not even fucking close to "equal." Take another spin...

Anyone attempting to compare gun crime in the US is basically spouting off talking points and is clueless about the subject.

Besides the points you made the demographics between the two are such polar opposites that any comparison is laughable. The US is a melting pot of cultures while Japan is one of the most homogeneous cultures that exist.
The U.S. was founded on freedom with the folks having a right to weapons. Japan was a caste society for thousands of years where the people have never been armed

Any comparison between the two countries is laughable

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