Do you agree that pre-born humans are NOT entitled to any rights or even the right to live?

i just don’t understand why you won’t say they they should have the exact same rights as a born child. Wouldn’t that make everything much simpler?

Can you provide an example of an additional right that a child has and that an unborn child would need?
neglect. A mother can be charged with neglect for not taking care of her baby properly. Would you apply the same standards to pregnant mothers?

Yes. No smoking or drinking or anything else that would harm the baby.
So pregnant mother takes a sip of wine or is smoking a cig in public, a cop sees it and then what? Get CPS involved?

I’m thinking we should start by keeping this one simple...How about the unborn be given the right to life first...then we can start to hammer down on ShaQuita, Guadalupe and white trash for all the complex shit in between....Whatta ya say?
Sure... simple concepts for the simple minded. I get it. Don’t want to give you a headache with all those pesky details.
What do conservatives think happens ? 8 month pregnant mom has one of her hormone swings, argues with the father, and goes to the one hour abortion hut to terminate a healthy pregnancy? When there’s a late term abortion it’s because of some serious f’d up medial problems .
Then you would favor a ban on abortions of healthy babies in healthy mothers, right?
I just told you what my position was.

Woman and her doctor. The only people who can make that decision..
Slave owners had a similar position.

When you deny human rights for one you endanger human rights rights for all.
Can you provide an example of an additional right that a child has and that an unborn child would need?
neglect. A mother can be charged with neglect for not taking care of her baby properly. Would you apply the same standards to pregnant mothers?

Yes. No smoking or drinking or anything else that would harm the baby.
So pregnant mother takes a sip of wine or is smoking a cig in public, a cop sees it and then what? Get CPS involved?

I’m thinking we should start by keeping this one simple...How about the unborn be given the right to life first...then we can start to hammer down on ShaQuita, Guadalupe and white trash for all the complex shit in between....Whatta ya say?
Sure... simple concepts for the simple minded. I get it. Don’t want to give you a headache with all those pesky details.

No, I know how the Lefty mind works...construct EVERYTHING to be as complex as no long term resolution...there is no value in resolutions...lots of value in ‘treatment’ and ‘management’.
Encourage liberals to abort their children. We don't need another leftist generation.

This is actually happening. 'Liberals' - with all of their abortion, LGBT nonsense, self loathing of the white race and woes me we have to save the planet mentality - are being outbred by conservatives.

It was noted 13 years ago: Republicans' fertile future / Through the past three decades, conservatives have been procreating more than liberals
And is coming true today: Why Democrats Should Be Losing Sleep Over Generation Z

This is why they are so adamant about mass immigration. The Democrat party is dying. They need a steady influx of "victims" on the government tit to maintain power. If we don't have a civil war, the political ideologies of this country are going to look very different in 20 or so years.
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?

Legally 'pre-borns' are not considered to be a human life.

I've often suggested that a fetus or embryo be considered an individual when it has DNA that is unique from the Mother's. But for some reason the 'right-to-life' groups haven't taken interest in that approach.

Perhaps they really do not want abortion to be made illegal. Ulterior motives?

What the fuck are you talking about?

If "pre-borns" are not considered a human life, then why are people who assault pregnant women and kill their unborn child charged with homicide?

And per your DNA argument - are you fucking kidding me? WE POINT THIS OUT ALL THE TIME. The child's DNA is unique from the mothers the MOMENT it is conceived.

The ignorance of you baby killers is truly astounding.
I think they should have the right to be born healthy and then be adopted to someone who will raise them. Aside from that, what other needs would do they have that would warrant additional "rights"?
i just don’t understand why you won’t say they they should have the exact same rights as a born child. Wouldn’t that make everything much simpler?

Can you provide an example of an additional right that a child has and that an unborn child would need?
neglect. A mother can be charged with neglect for not taking care of her baby properly. Would you apply the same standards to pregnant mothers?

Yes. No smoking or drinking or anything else that would harm the baby.
So pregnant mother takes a sip of wine or is smoking a cig in public, a cop sees it and then what? Get CPS involved?

Some sort of sanction.
I would say that the DNA of an embryo is a potential unique individual.

But at when point during gestation that does potential become realized ?
The fertilized egg is a unique individual. That is a clinically proven medical certainty.

When the life becomes a person is worthy of debate.
i just don’t understand why you won’t say they they should have the exact same rights as a born child. Wouldn’t that make everything much simpler?

Can you provide an example of an additional right that a child has and that an unborn child would need?
neglect. A mother can be charged with neglect for not taking care of her baby properly. Would you apply the same standards to pregnant mothers?

Yes. No smoking or drinking or anything else that would harm the baby.
So pregnant mother takes a sip of wine or is smoking a cig in public, a cop sees it and then what? Get CPS involved?

Some sort of sanction.
What would you suggest?
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?
That’s a good question. A pre-born human is literally still a piece of the mother, growing inside her body. ...

Factually untrue.
how so?

What “part of her body” has a distinct DNA?
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?
That’s a good question. A pre-born human is literally still a piece of the mother, growing inside her body. ...

Factually untrue.
how so?

What “part of her body” has a distinct DNA?
do you usually answer questions with questions? Is that how we should continue this discussion?
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?
That’s a good question. A pre-born human is literally still a piece of the mother, growing inside her body. That is the obvious grey area.

what are your thoughts? Should preborn humans have the exact same rights and born humans?

What kind of sick human being hacks of pieces of themself?
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?

Fetuses aren't viable... therefore not "people" with rights.

The problem with giving rights to little blobs of tissue is that they end up having more rights than the woman it is in.

Some humans are viable at 22 weeks of in the womb. I take it that you support killing humans five minutes before they're due to be delivered. Am I right?
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I don't consider the unborn a person. So no.

So one second before birth the fetus is not a person?
Not in my opinion.
Being a person implies many forms of independence which the unborn do not have.

The just born are 100% dependent so it must be OK to kill them right?
Lol I'm going by science. Not by you guys emotions.
I meant things like breathing.
Even the bible states adam wasnt a man until he took his first breath ;)
I realize that many believe that women shouldn't be forced to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy. But why does the woman's "right" to not be inconvenienced trump a pre-born human's right to live their life?
That’s a good question. A pre-born human is literally still a piece of the mother, growing inside her body. ...

Factually untrue.
how so?

What “part of her body” has a distinct DNA?
do you usually answer questions with questions? Is that how we should continue this discussion?

Would you like to save some time and admit now that you were wrong?
When I jump in front of a bus I have the right to decide whether I get injured or not.
No, fuck them. Fat people and smokers get criticized because they are a burden for the health system but drunken sluts can get rid of their responsibility by having a human being murdered.

The wealthy women will still get abortions if illegal. They go into a hosp. and get a D & C.
And they get jailed when caught, right?

What then? A fine?
The abortionist goes to prison.
I don't consider the unborn a person. So no.

So one second before birth the fetus is not a person?
Not in my opinion.
Being a person implies many forms of independence which the unborn do not have.

A person is simply human being. (Even the dictionary will tell you that.)

It is an undeniable scientific fact that the pre-born baby is a human being, with a unique set of DNA from the start. An individual person who has never existed before and never will again.

So to add on all sorts of extra qualifications to deny the humanity of an innocent person is either ignorant or immoral, take your pick.
I dont think they are a person. They are not an individual.
I bet you had scrambled chicken this morning too huh?

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