Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
simply B.S.
you OBVIOUSLY did not read the last indictment..... which spells out, precisely what was done in each of the hacks at the DNC, the DCCC, Podesta and the voter registration files of 21 states

what is it about people like you that makes you refuse to read anything other than conspiracy sites, and inform yourself?

Yes, Seth was such a Bernie fan that he accepted a job with the Clinton campaign to do the same work he did on registration that he did at the DNC when his job was completed at the DNC.... :rolleyes:
Podesta’s should not have been doing business with the Russians. Putin’s intelligence service easily hacked the emails back to DNC and Hillary’s networks.
There was no "PodestaS" working with the Russians.... Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta left the Podesta Group over a decade ago.

so that is simply a lie, by you, to imply that there was more than one Podesta, meaning Hillary's campaign manager was included in your statement.... and that's simply not true!

nice work....

but that dog don't hunt, with me.... :p
The brothers never email one another? John Boy never had $$$ invested in his brothers film? Never used his influence to help his brother in making D.C. connections? Please...your not that dumb are you?
Completely divested from the company a decade or two ago...

And no, Tony Podesta was not getting advice from his brother John, He had his own Washington connections, he did not need John, to make them.

Stop lying, truly,

it's not good for your health to do all those mental contortions....
Did Russia hack DNC chair Schultz lap-top via Hillary campaign that they hacked because of Podesta’s...and gave the collusion info to Bernie campaign to show that DNC was working for Hillary campaign?
link that shows that.....

Bernie was not a Democrat, he USED the DNC to give him an advantage over having to run as an independent.... he GOT what he wanted on a silver platter, a GIFT by the DNC to let him run as a Democrat, that he never was.... the DNC is a private group, not some government entity forced to fairness....they can just pick their candidate, without even a vote by the people, if they wanted to....

And I admit, that is part of what I don't like about the "private group" two party system...where these Private groups have influenced the State legislatures to write laws to protect them and make it near impossible for an Independent to first run and get on the ballot in each state, and then to win would be a miracle!
Podesta’s should not have been doing business with the Russians. Putin’s intelligence service easily hacked the emails back to DNC and Hillary’s networks.
There was no "PodestaS" working with the Russians.... Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta left the Podesta Group over a decade ago.

so that is simply a lie, by you, to imply that there was more than one Podesta, meaning Hillary's campaign manager was included in your statement.... and that's simply not true!

nice work....

but that dog don't hunt, with me.... :p
The brothers never email one another? John Boy never had $$$ invested in his brothers film? Never used his influence to help his brother in making D.C. connections? Please...your not that dumb are you?
Completely divested from the company a decade or two ago...

And no, Tony Podesta was not getting advice from his brother John, He had his own Washington connections, he did not need John, to make them.

Stop lying, truly,

it's not good for your health to do all those mental contortions....
Did Russia hack DNC chair Schultz lap-top via Hillary campaign that they hacked because of Podesta’s...and gave the collusion info to Bernie campaign to show that DNC was working for Hillary campaign?
link that shows that.....

Bernie was not a Democrat, he USED the DNC to give him an advantage over having to run as an independent.... he GOT what he wanted on a silver platter, a GIFT by the DNC to let him run as a Democrat, that he never was.... the DNC is a private group, not some government entity forced to fairness....they can just pick their candidate, without even a vote by the people, if they wanted to....

And I admit, that is part of what I don't like about the "private group" two party system...where these Private groups have influenced the State legislatures to write laws to protect them and make it near impossible for an Independent to first run and get on the ballot in each state, and then to win would be a miracle!

Yeah, I've been hoping for a viable third party candidate to win in a major election ever since John Anderson way back when. Actually any major win to establish another party as an actual threat to the two party system.
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
and Wasserman Shits wouldn’t turn over her server for 9 months. Fucking joke.
you do know all of your right wing conspiracies about the Pakistani man working for Schultz just ALL FELL FLAT on it's face recently, when the Pakistani man at the center was just charged with his crimes, don't you?

HINT: it had nothng at all, in any way, to do with working as an IT man for the govt, for schultz.....
Ok, so you don't have evidence?
what kind of evidence will satisfy you, that you are looking for...?

The kind that's admissible in court.
You believe all of the garbage Donald says even though it is demonstrably false. Stop pretending it’s not credible. It just isn’t what trumptards want
“Make America Great Again” is garbage? Do believe Obama brought “ Change” to Washington D.C. establishment?

I for one feel Obama did bring "change" to Washington, unfortunately most of it was pretty bad.
Not to normal people
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
Agree. RNC was hacked too...but they had security measures in place and quickly detected it and shut it down. DNC was not and had security lapses with Hill, Wasserman Schultz and Carlos Danger.
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
Agree. RNC was hacked too...but they had security measures in place and quickly detected it and shut it down. DNC was not and had security lapses with Hill, Wasserman Schultz and Carlos Danger.
ya know, it turns out that is not true....not all true..... they did break in to the RNC and steal their files.... it was an older RNC system that had just been replaced with a newer one......

but the older RNC system had all of their emails to the date of the upgrade and they could have leaked those.... they did leak some, on 3 of the RNC senators/congressman.... Rubio was one of them, so to hurt him in his presidential run against Trump....
and Wasserman Shits wouldn’t turn over her server for 9 months. Fucking joke.
you do know all of your right wing conspiracies about the Pakistani man working for Schultz just ALL FELL FLAT on it's face recently, when the Pakistani man at the center was just charged with his crimes, don't you?

HINT: it had nothng at all, in any way, to do with working as an IT man for the govt, for schultz.....
He reached a plea deal. We’re talking about a Deep State Justice Department that is rife with Democrat operatives. Assistant AG is classic example.
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
Agree. RNC was hacked too...but they had security measures in place and quickly detected it and shut it down. DNC was not and had security lapses with Hill, Wasserman Schultz and Carlos Danger.
ya know, it turns out that is not true....not all true..... they did break in to the RNC and steal their files.... it was an older RNC system that had just been replaced with a newer one......

but the older RNC system had all of their emails to the date of the upgrade and they could have leaked those.... they did leak some, on 3 of the RNC senators/congressman.... Rubio was one of them, so to hurt him in his presidential run against Trump....
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
Agree. RNC was hacked too...but they had security measures in place and quickly detected it and shut it down. DNC was not and had security lapses with Hill, Wasserman Schultz and Carlos Danger.
ya know, it turns out that is not true....not all true..... they did break in to the RNC and steal their files.... it was an older RNC system that had just been replaced with a newer one......

but the older RNC system had all of their emails to the date of the upgrade and they could have leaked those.... they did leak some, on 3 of the RNC senators/congressman.... Rubio was one of them, so to hurt him in his presidential run against Trump....
DNC was hacked because of irresponsible behavior and security measures. The older RNC emails were useless. DNC hacked in real time thanks to Podesta’s.
Here’s The Inspector General Report On Imran Awan
McCain and Graham as part of GOP establishment effort to stop Trump leaked the dossier. It will come out.
Russian Hackers Gained ‘Limited’ Access to R.N.C., Comey Says
Thank you, I remembered some of that....

but note this, it was not that the RNC newer sustem was more secure, these were Russian Military intelligence agents, that ran the hacking scheme.... they can and have, broken in to the highest level of our government's secured system....

they could have hacked in to the RNC if they had wanted to, and the Trump campaign,

and would not really doubt that they did.....

They just had no plans to hurt the RNC or Donald Trump, because as Putin said in the summit press conference when asked if he supported Trump in 2016 and if he told his officials to support Trump too...

Putin's answer was yes! Yes I did support Trump and ordered my officials to support him.....
McCain and Graham as part of GOP establishment effort to stop Trump leaked the dossier. It will come out.
Russian Hackers Gained ‘Limited’ Access to R.N.C., Comey Says
Thank you, I remembered some of that....

but note this, it was not that the RNC newer sustem was more secure, these were Russian Military intelligence agents, that ran the hacking scheme.... they can and have, broken in to the highest level of our government's secured system....

they could have hacked in to the RNC if they had wanted to, and the Trump campaign,

and would not really doubt that they did.....

They just had no plans to hurt the RNC or Donald Trump, because as Putin said in the summit press conference when asked if he supported Trump in 2016 and if he told his officials to support Trump too...

Putin's answer was yes! Yes I did support Trump and ordered my officials to support him.....
So your saying they cherry picked? Or was there just nothing controversial in GOP emails? Think about it...:dunno: I dunno?
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
Agree. RNC was hacked too...but they had security measures in place and quickly detected it and shut it down. DNC was not and had security lapses with Hill, Wasserman Schultz and Carlos Danger.
ya know, it turns out that is not true....not all true..... they did break in to the RNC and steal their files.... it was an older RNC system that had just been replaced with a newer one......

but the older RNC system had all of their emails to the date of the upgrade and they could have leaked those.... they did leak some, on 3 of the RNC senators/congressman.... Rubio was one of them, so to hurt him in his presidential run against Trump....
ok, you are right, it was not the old rnc records they went after on Rubio.... it was Rubio and 2 others that the Russians went directly after....

In a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Rubio revealed for the first time that his campaign staffers were also targeted by hackers seemingly based in Russia...

He added that in just the last 48 hours, those apparent Russian attacks had targeted his staffers again.

"In July 2016, shortly after I announced I’d seek re-election to the US senate, former members of my presidential campaign team who had access to the internal information of my presidential campaign were targeted by IP addresses with an unknown location within Russia. That effort was unsuccessful," Rubio told the hearing. "I do think it’s appropriate to divulge this to the committee, since a lot of this has taken a partisan tone."

Rubio went on to add that at 10:45am yesterday, a second attempt was made to target his staffers, also seemingly originating in Russia, also without apparent success.

The intention of the attacks Rubio describes is far from clear...

But testimony at another hearing earlier in the day also suggested that Rubio was also a target of Russian disinformation before he quit the race for president.

"Russia's overt media outlets sought to sideline opponents on both sides of the political spectrum," said Clint Watts, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. "Senator Rubio, in my opinion, you suffered through these efforts." Watts didn't elaborate on that claim, and Rubio declined to comment on Watts' testimony in the second hearing.

A US senators' staff makes a natural target for Russian hackers, especially given the breadth of previous Russian intrusions that have hit all parts of the federal government, ranging from the Department of Defense to the State Department to the White House. Later in Thursday's hearing, both Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich and Republican Senator John Cornyn said they'd also been targeted with phishing emails and attempted password resets on their accounts.

Marco Rubio Says Hack Attempts From Russia Targeted Him, Too
McCain and Graham as part of GOP establishment effort to stop Trump leaked the dossier. It will come out.
Russian Hackers Gained ‘Limited’ Access to R.N.C., Comey Says
Thank you, I remembered some of that....

but note this, it was not that the RNC newer sustem was more secure, these were Russian Military intelligence agents, that ran the hacking scheme.... they can and have, broken in to the highest level of our government's secured system....

they could have hacked in to the RNC if they had wanted to, and the Trump campaign,

and would not really doubt that they did.....

They just had no plans to hurt the RNC or Donald Trump, because as Putin said in the summit press conference when asked if he supported Trump in 2016 and if he told his officials to support Trump too...

Putin's answer was yes! Yes I did support Trump and ordered my officials to support him.....
When did Putin say this? He said he “wanted Trump to win.” But so did liberal media, they wanted Trump to get GOP nomination so Hillary could destroy him. Bad mistake. Putin has made same mistake.
The RNC was not kind to Trump either.... they worked very very hard at trying to not let him win....

I would have loved to see their private emails, and the RCCCs emails and the Trump campaign managers emails too, so to compare the two sides, the RNC vs the least releasing the thefts of both sides would have been a level playing field, for we the people to compare....
Agree. RNC was hacked too...but they had security measures in place and quickly detected it and shut it down. DNC was not and had security lapses with Hill, Wasserman Schultz and Carlos Danger.
ya know, it turns out that is not true....not all true..... they did break in to the RNC and steal their files.... it was an older RNC system that had just been replaced with a newer one......

but the older RNC system had all of their emails to the date of the upgrade and they could have leaked those.... they did leak some, on 3 of the RNC senators/congressman.... Rubio was one of them, so to hurt him in his presidential run against Trump....
DNC was hacked because of irresponsible behavior and security measures. The older RNC emails were useless. DNC hacked in real time thanks to Podesta’s.
Here’s The Inspector General Report On Imran Awan
rules broken, not LAWS broken....

his charges were for unrelated bank fraud.....
They have changed the weather in DC/Balt area with consistent 10”+ last 4/5 days
McCain and Graham as part of GOP establishment effort to stop Trump leaked the dossier. It will come out.
Russian Hackers Gained ‘Limited’ Access to R.N.C., Comey Says
Thank you, I remembered some of that....

but note this, it was not that the RNC newer sustem was more secure, these were Russian Military intelligence agents, that ran the hacking scheme.... they can and have, broken in to the highest level of our government's secured system....

they could have hacked in to the RNC if they had wanted to, and the Trump campaign,

and would not really doubt that they did.....

They just had no plans to hurt the RNC or Donald Trump, because as Putin said in the summit press conference when asked if he supported Trump in 2016 and if he told his officials to support Trump too...

Putin's answer was yes! Yes I did support Trump and ordered my officials to support him.....
When did Putin say this? He said he “wanted Trump to win.” But so did liberal media, they wanted Trump to get GOP nomination so Hillary could destroy him. Bad mistake. Putin has made same mistake.
the white house is trying to make the question to putin disappear....

watch the videos....

What's the deal with the Trump-Putin press conference video?

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