Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
Are you claiming only Dems changed their votes due to Russian propaganda,

Are you claiming Republicans changed their votes to Hillary due to Russian propaganda?
Are you claiming nobody changed their votes or voted when they otherwise would not have due to Russian propaganda?

I can’t answer for him but that’s exactly what I’m saying. There was no Russian Propaganda. It’s a fact that the DNC rigged the primaries. Fact, not propaganda.
Of course, there was a lot of Russian propaganda,so I can't tell if you are lying or delusional. Also, we are talking about the presidential election, not the primaries.

What propaganda.
You don't know? How can you not be in possession of the most basic, widely known facts of this topic?

Exactly, you can’t name any.
Trump won the three key electoral states by a total of only 78k votes. With such a tight margin and independents being the largest group of voters, there is no doubt the Russian efforts tipped the balance.
Are you claiming nobody changed their votes or voted when they otherwise would not have due to Russian propaganda?

I can’t answer for him but that’s exactly what I’m saying. There was no Russian Propaganda. It’s a fact that the DNC rigged the primaries. Fact, not propaganda.
Of course, there was a lot of Russian propaganda,so I can't tell if you are lying or delusional. Also, we are talking about the presidential election, not the primaries.

What propaganda.
You don't know? How can you not be in possession of the most basic, widely known facts of this topic?

Exactly, you can’t name any.
You don't believe that.
I can’t answer for him but that’s exactly what I’m saying. There was no Russian Propaganda. It’s a fact that the DNC rigged the primaries. Fact, not propaganda.
Of course, there was a lot of Russian propaganda,so I can't tell if you are lying or delusional. Also, we are talking about the presidential election, not the primaries.

What propaganda.
You don't know? How can you not be in possession of the most basic, widely known facts of this topic?

Exactly, you can’t name any.
You don't believe that.

I believe that you cannot name any. I believe that you would rather get your talking points from CNN or without stopping for one second to think.
abu afak said:
The fact that you posted that is An ADMISSION that the Exposing/publicizing of the RUSSIAN Hack By Wikileaks "screwed" Hillary.
We "know it" ONLY because OF the Hack.
You just self-destructed Clown boy.
abu afak said:
Many Private conversations would screw many people if revealed.
Like any of the Trump-Putin/Trump-Oligarch ones.
Tho nothing/No amount of Dishonesty or Treason bothers Trumpov Cult supporters.
jc456 said:
and your issue is what? Still haven't answered the actual question. no one gives a shit about any hack, they were concerned that the dnc was cheating. you need an education on life. WE love wikileaks. you should be directing your hate at the DNC for cheating? why doesn't that bother you at all? shame you like crooked parties in our country.
Already answered you 12 IQ Moron. (see above)
No one would have known about the "cheating" Without the HACK.
The Russian HACK that cost Hillary the election.

And contary to your new IDIOCY, EVERYONE Cares about the Hack... except Trump who denies it.
The Mueller Investigation is about the HACK
Even GOP congressman care about the Hack... and PuTrump's traitorous denial of it.

You are TOO STUPID to debate any topic. One of about 1/3 of the posters here on this dumping ground/last stop message board.
Last edited:
W is a W...L is an L.

Hillary knew the rules, and no one stopped her from campaigning in WI, IL, OH, and all the other states Trump campaigned in and caused him to beat Hillary.
I there were no electoral college, Trump would also have skipped WI, IL, OH, etc., and still won.
Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were the states that gave Trump the win,

And after the Russians stole the Wisconsin voters registrations and ANALYTICS on them is when at the last minute, the Trump campaign announced they were changing their tactics and going to campaign in that state, two weeks before the election.... Did the Russians supply these analytics to the Trump campaign that showed vulnerabilities in those states with Bernie supporters? What made the Trump team change their schedules to revisit those states at the last minute....?

This all goes deeper than pastry, (as Boss/Dixie poster used to say before he passed onward).....

We don't know a tenth of it yet.....
Don’t leave out Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, and Georgia. All states the liberal media promoted as in the column for the Hillary juggernaut.

Remember when they said she could win Texas?

Can Hillary Clinton Win Texas and Turn the State Blue? - The Atlantic
Hillary Clinton lost Texas by a smaller margin than any Democrat since 1996.....

And she got 0 Electoral College Votes for her effort.
abu afak said:
The fact that you posted that is An ADMISSION that the Exposing/publicizing of the RUSSIAN Hack By Wikileaks "screwed" Hillary.
We "know it" ONLY because OF the Hack.
You just self-destructed Clown boy.
abu afak said:
Many Private conversations would screw many people if revealed.
Like any of the Trump-Putin/Trump-Oligarch ones.
Tho nothing/No amount of Dishonesty or Treason bothers Trumpov Cult supporters.
jc456 said:
and your issue is what? Still haven't answered the actual question. no one gives a shit about any hack, they were concerned that the dnc was cheating. you need an education on life. WE love wikileaks. you should be directing your hate at the DNC for cheating? why doesn't that bother you at all? shame you like crooked parties in our country.
Already answered you 12 IQ Moron. (see above)
No one would have known about the "cheating" Without the HACK.
The Russian HACK that cost Hillary the election.

And contary to your new IDIOCY, EVERYONE Cares about the Hack... except Trump who denies it.
The Mueller Investigation is about the HACK
Even GOP congressman care about the Hack... and PuTrump's traitorious denial of it.

You are TOO STUPID to debate any topic. One of about 1/3 of the posters here on this dumping ground/last stop message board.

No one would have known about the "cheating" Without the HACK.
The Russian HACK that cost Hillary the election.

Darn Russians, exposing Hillary's cheating. Bastards!!!

In the old days, an independent media would have investigated her corruption and drummed her
out of political "service" 20 years ago.
Oh there is no doubt the DNC primary was "fixed".
Sanders should easily have won, just as he could easily have beaten Trump.
But the DNC clearly was biased in favor of Hillary, and committed crimes like election fraud by giving Hillary the debate questions ahead of time.

The real point is there is no way the Russians could have had significant impact.
Hillary shot herself in the foot by supporting immoral wars and regime changes, as well as insane gun control that would have started a domestic civil war.
And HOW, Besides the Russian Hack, would anyone known about the Hillary 'fix'?

No way BUT the Russian Hack, which won the election for Trump by turning off Tens/hundreds of thousands of Bernie Voters.
Crazy you morons backhandedly admit the very thing you're trying to refute.
Duplicitous Duopoly

By "entitled," are you revealing that they are the slime that oozed out of the plutocrats' trophy wives?

By entitled, I mean Democrats shit themselves when they lose and become vitriolic and violent.
Liberals Are Agents of the Right Wing; That's Why They Are Called "Limousine Liberals"

Where do they get that spoiled-brat attitude? All throughout childhood, their rich Daddies told them they were "Born to Rule," inheriting superior genes along with everything else they claim they got all on their own. They don't have minds of their own, either, but are totally controlled by illusions embedded during their sheltered youth. In immature but permanent rebellion, they may reject the politics of their Right Wing Daddies, but they never lose the unfounded conceit that all bossy and pushy spawn of the rich have.

Read Jane Fonda's silly autobiography. Its real focus is not her conformist Leftist delusions, but her hatred of her millionaire Daddy, who drove her mother to suicide.

Hillary Clinton was a devout campaign worker for the extreme Rightist, Goldwater. When that Barry lost in a landslide, she and her sordid sorority didn't change one bit; still wholly ruling class, they infiltrated the Democratic Party and imposed an anti-majority agenda on it. Notice how Right Wing bootlickers always preach to us that democracy is "mob rule"? Well, your fake Liberals believe exactly the same; what does that make them? "Deplorable" is not a political judgment; it is birth-class snobbery, nothing more.

Who would say I'm way off base? The ruling class's mind control; that's what Americans are trained to look up to for some fake choice on the totally owned specious spectrum.

Limousine Liberals are the most corrupt. A conservative Capitalist may be selfish and greedy but they are not trying to redistribute everyone’s wealth using the government as the vehicle and killing the Middle Class in the process.

THAT IS exactly what capitalists at the TOP do....

they buy influence to make the rules of the game in their favor....

you do know that....

Yes....... but they don’t lock in a true 1 percent when it comes to wealth creation and opportunity for individual prosperity. You are not naive to think that Elites in Communism, Socialism, Fascism do not purchase power and accumulate wealth as well? I never said Capitalists don’t try and purchase power to make rules. I do stand by the premise that Socialist, Communists, and Fascists necessarily eliminate opportunity for economic advancement for the individual. That is why I stand by keeping US decidedly Capitalist.
For Those Not Entitled, It Is Adult Kindergarten

The cradle of Communism is the University, an upper-class invention designed for the children of Capitalists. By living off an allowance, those pushy nobodies are able to humiliate the students who don't. We should look at the various ideologies preached relentlessly at us like atheists look at the various denominations of Christianity.
My answer is no


They tried, but they failed. Giving Mrs. Clinton the whole Steele Dossier was Uncle Pooty's attempt to get a soft touch like Crooked Hillary in the WH. He knows how cheap he was able to corner 1/4 of America's Plutonium reserves by dealing with her.
Oh there is no doubt the DNC primary was "fixed".
Sanders should easily have won, just as he could easily have beaten Trump.
But the DNC clearly was biased in favor of Hillary, and committed crimes like election fraud by giving Hillary the debate questions ahead of time.

The real point is there is no way the Russians could have had significant impact.
Hillary shot herself in the foot by supporting immoral wars and regime changes, as well as insane gun control that would have started a domestic civil war.
And HOW, Besides the Russian Hack, would anyone known about the Hillary 'fix'?

No way BUT the Russian Hack, which won the election for Trump by turning off Tens/hundreds of thousands of Bernie Voters.
Crazy you morons backhandedly admit the very thing you're trying to refute.

They have the logic skills of a turnip.
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
Only 70,000 swung the electoral college!

Yeah, what effect the disinformation campaign on social media is something that can't be quantified. Since Trump voters by and large are low-information voters, it was probably considerable.
If Russians helped Trump to be elected where is the frickn' EVIDENCE????????

It's been almost 2 years and only blah-blah instead of single fact!
What kind of evidence would prove it, to you?

What is it that you want to see?
evidence. Like an actual intelligence agency looked into the DNC Server for instance. That is all.
You don't think the Hack and release could have turned off under 1% of Bernie voters not to vote for Hillary?
Did you see the walk-outs/demos/interruptions at the convention?
70K in 3 Rust belt states where Bernie was popular was all it took.
The fact you posted this is amazing. Bernie got screwed by hitlery. We know it! Don’t you? You really think those voters would then vote for her? Really? Are you really that fkin stupid!
Sure, that's the propaganda line the Russians and right wing pushed ., but YOU have never showed any stolen emails that provide any evidence of that....
You only regurgitate the propagandist........

SHOW US THE EMAILS that supports your contention, please.
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
Only 70,000 swung the electoral college!
W is a W...L is an L.
Yes, he WON, with a little help from his foreign friends! :rolleyes:
Bernie had the Russian help in the primary...that’s how DNC got hacked.
simply B.S.
you OBVIOUSLY did not read the last indictment..... which spells out, precisely what was done in each of the hacks at the DNC, the DCCC, Podesta and the voter registration files of 21 states

what is it about people like you that makes you refuse to read anything other than conspiracy sites, and inform yourself?

Yes, Seth was such a Bernie fan that he accepted a job with the Clinton campaign to do the same work he did on registration that he did at the DNC when his job was completed at the DNC.... :rolleyes:
Podesta’s should not have been doing business with the Russians. Putin’s intelligence service easily hacked the emails back to DNC and Hillary’s networks.
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
Only 70,000 swung the electoral college!
W is a W...L is an L.
Yes, he WON, with a little help from his foreign friends! :rolleyes:
Bernie had the Russian help in the primary...that’s how DNC got hacked.
simply B.S.
you OBVIOUSLY did not read the last indictment..... which spells out, precisely what was done in each of the hacks at the DNC, the DCCC, Podesta and the voter registration files of 21 states

what is it about people like you that makes you refuse to read anything other than conspiracy sites, and inform yourself?

Yes, Seth was such a Bernie fan that he accepted a job with the Clinton campaign to do the same work he did on registration that he did at the DNC when his job was completed at the DNC.... :rolleyes:
Podesta’s...How a prominent Democratic lobbyist got swept up in Mueller's Russia probe
W is a W...L is an L.

Hillary knew the rules, and no one stopped her from campaigning in WI, IL, OH, and all the other states Trump campaigned in and caused him to beat Hillary.
I there were no electoral college, Trump would also have skipped WI, IL, OH, etc., and still won.
Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were the states that gave Trump the win,

And after the Russians stole the Wisconsin voters registrations and ANALYTICS on them is when at the last minute, the Trump campaign announced they were changing their tactics and going to campaign in that state, two weeks before the election.... Did the Russians supply these analytics to the Trump campaign that showed vulnerabilities in those states with Bernie supporters? What made the Trump team change their schedules to revisit those states at the last minute....?

This all goes deeper than pastry, (as Boss/Dixie poster used to say before he passed onward).....

We don't know a tenth of it yet.....
Don’t leave out Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, and Georgia. All states the liberal media promoted as in the column for the Hillary juggernaut.

Remember when they said she could win Texas?

Can Hillary Clinton Win Texas and Turn the State Blue? - The Atlantic
Hillary Clinton lost Texas by a smaller margin than any Democrat since 1996.....
Optimum word being “lost.”

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