Do You Believe in The NWO?


Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2009
Well? Ever Heard of it? The New World Order? i Just Wonder..
☭proletarian☭;2067007 said:
Wolfpack or Hollywood?

The one Thats Members Are All The Super Evil Rich
Wrestling is fake.


A New World Order Is Moving In
Forbes - Bernie McSherry - ‎Mar 3, 2010‎
The axis of world economic power is also shifting as the aftershocks of economic

Prudential plans new world order - Lawrie Holmes, Jamie Dunkley - ‎Feb 27, 2010‎
It would also propel Prudential from a leading UK company into one of the world's most significant financial institutions. Should the deal go ahead between ...

Europe must lead the way against climate scepticism
Irish Times - Frank McDonald - ‎Mar 3, 2010‎
The emergence of this “new world order” left Europe stranded. “Although the EU's power in this new world order will be diminished, it still has many ...

Are conspiracy theorists infiltrating the media?
Globe and Mail - Michael Posner - ‎Feb 20, 2010‎
Because it's a pawn in the ongoing battle between what he calls the Old World Order (loosely, the Anglo-American Empire) and the New World Order (loosely, ...

Explosive New Report Documents 'The Religious Face of the New World Order
Canada Free Press - ‎Feb 18, 2010‎
Author Lee Penn says, “The question is not whether there will be a New World Order. The question is who will control it, and for what ends.

Leaked UN Documents Reveal Plan For “Green World Order” By 2012
Center for Research on Globalization - Paul Joseph Watson - ‎Mar 3, 2010‎
Leaked planning documents (PDF) obtained by Fox News lift the lid on the UN's plan to impose global governance by the time of their 2012 World Summit on ...
The song is pretty cool.

[ame=""]YouTube - Ministry - N. W. O.[/ame]
There is a new world order every time one country drops or gains in economic or military power or status. But the all powerful fictional NWO? Nope don't exist.
Well, the United States was the leader of a New world order....and we are hanging on by the skin of our teeth to keep that status....

There have been several world orders that have come to rise and come to fall over the millenniums...

But the actual "New World" was considered the Americas in our most recent history I believe and yes, when the united states won their Revolution against the Brits, it truly was the beginning of a new world war one realigned it, world war II realigned it again, and so did the cold war....
Do you believe ..?

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama: Building a Religion[/ame]
It is for real. The world is controlled by the UN, IMF, World Bank, Codex, WHO, NAU, EU, AU & the Federal Reserve, Petro Dollar. Guess what? We do not get to elect these dictators.
It is for real. The world is controlled by the UN, IMF, World Bank, Codex, WHO, NAU, EU, AU & the Federal Reserve, Petro Dollar. Guess what? We do not get to elect these dictators.

Thank You FireFly.. We Have A WINNER! (look up The "Illuminati" and "Bilderbergs" Sometime)
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