Do You Believe in The NWO?

There's been a NWO for decades now, probably longer.

This thought some people have that we're just sitting around waiting for it to officially start is ridiculous.

It's been going on forever. Care hit it on the head. The American Empire pretty much kickstarted the NWO.

All the articles and op eds and websites, etc, that talk about this "coming global elite new world order" is just distracting you from the fact that it's been here all along and is alive and well.

Do you really think one day there's going to be this proverbial lifting of the curtain with the wizard of oz revealing himself and proclaiming he rules over everyone?


There's already plenty of international governing bodies that negate sovereignty.

Everytime we make a geopolitical move for the sake of the UN, for instance, we prove it.
Wrestling is fake.



Dammit. I was gonna post that.

It is for real. The world is controlled by the UN, IMF, World Bank, Codex, WHO, NAU, EU, AU & the Federal Reserve, Petro Dollar. Guess what? We do not get to elect these dictators.

Thank You FireFly.. We Have A WINNER! (look up The "Illuminati" and "Bilderbergs" Sometime)

Seriously, click that link I posted. It should provide you with hours of good reading.
You would have to be a complete fool to not believe that there are a bunch of rich, elite people who desire world-wide domination.

I'm not down with the Alex Jones Conspiracy Crowd, but the basic concept of a NWO isn't that far-fetched.
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☭proletarian☭;2069094 said:
☭proletarian☭;2069058 said:
Why am I not surprised you needed a complete idiot's guide to anything?

why am I not surprised by your programed ignorance

Because you're facing a mirror.

I'm over here, standing behind you. :eusa_eh:


off in fantasy land again?.or is this the depth of your understanding of the issue exposed
Yes. It's not just a silly Conspiracy Theory. That's what many want you to believe though. The New World Order is real and it's happening right now. The World Socialist Movement has become very powerful and they are inching us closer to an all-powerful World Government. We're not there yet but we're getting there. Those who don't see the New World Order are just choosing not to see it. Hey that's my take anyway.
Yes. It's not just a silly Conspiracy Theory. That's what many want you to believe though. The New World Order is real and it's happening right now. The World Socialist Movement has become very powerful and they are inching us closer to an all-powerful World Government. We're not there yet but we're getting there. Those who don't see the New World Order are just choosing not to see it. Hey that's my take anyway.

i DO like To Sometimes Listen To Alex Jones.. But.. i DO Also Think For Myself And if You Do A Little Research into The Subject it Quickly Becomes CLEAR.. it IS REAL!
No--I do not blieve in the New World Order as proposed by conspiracists.

............And I am in favor of a global currency just to shut the crazies up!!

NO--your freedoms will not disappear because everybody is using the same dollar!!
Yes. It's not just a silly Conspiracy Theory. That's what many want you to believe though. The New World Order is real and it's happening right now. The World Socialist Movement has become very powerful and they are inching us closer to an all-powerful World Government. We're not there yet but we're getting there. Those who don't see the New World Order are just choosing not to see it. Hey that's my take anyway.

I feel the way they are tying to do this is by controlling the currency. I've read somewhere that IMF is going to start issueing their own currency and even had a educational game for kids in order to get them stimulating the economies of the world. This should not be their business at all.
We should not be a part of the IMF in my opinion. They don't always have our best interests at heart. The same can be said of the UN as well. I would like to see us limit our role in the UN or leave it all together. I know this is blasphemy to the Leftist nutters but it is how i now feel abut the UN. The UN is a mess at this point. It has now become a playground for the World's brutal Dictators. That's not what the UN was intended to be. The UN now actually works in favor of the World's brutal Dictators. These Dictators have embraced it thoroughly. Either scrap it and start over or we should consider leaving. I feel the same way about the WTO as well. Hey just my opinion anyway.
It is for real. The world is controlled by the UN, IMF, World Bank, Codex, WHO, NAU, EU, AU & the Federal Reserve, Petro Dollar. Guess what? We do not get to elect these dictators.

Thank You FireFly.. We Have A WINNER! (look up The "Illuminati" and "Bilderbergs" Sometime)

Seriously, click that link I posted. It should provide you with hours of good reading.

Read "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke.

It really is The Biggest Secret.
i think the very elite, have always run the world....thus it is not a New order! ;)
yeah yeah yeah, well truth to be known, the new world order isn't much different than the old world order.

We work your a*s off, they get the profits, we get the gold watch after we do your 40x40

We assume the position of debtor, and they assume the position of debtee

They want something that foriegn policy can't buy, and we bleed until they control it

so shut yer piehole, fall in line, and get over it........
No--I do not blieve in the New World Order as proposed by conspiracists.

............And I am in favor of a global currency just to shut the crazies up!!

NO--your freedoms will not disappear because everybody is using the same dollar!!

Apparently your oblivious to what is happening to the Euro. Fiscally irresponsible countries like Greece can spend like water and then Germany has to protect the currency and bailout another country. Total stupidity if you ask me.
Foreign institutions like the WTO,IMF,and UN have lost their luster at this point. They do more harm to our nation than they do good at this point. Now is the time to severely limit or end our involvement with foreign institutions like them. The UN for instance does some good work in a humanitarian sense but doesn't do much else good. The UN has also become a playground for brutal Dictators to spew their hate propaganda. The UN was definitely not intended for that. The brutal Dictators of the World have actually thoroughly embraced the UN as a wonderful tool for their propaganda.

It's time to either scrap it and start over or severely limit our involvement. Obviously the Leftists will never agree with my assessment as the UN has become a religious crusade for them at this point. The UN needs serious reform and i don't mean the slight window dressing they've done lately. It probably needs to be shut down for awhile and completely revamped. That's probably not gonna happen though so it's time to seriously limit our involvement. Our Founding Fathers never intended for us to be beholden to foreign institutions. So you could even say that these institutions are Unconstitutional in some ways. Hey just my opinion anyway.

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