Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?

I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases.
I believe the FBI and the DOJ have both been taken over by the deep state and will not investigate ANYTHING that goes against the left or prosecute ANYTHING that goes against the left. In other words here is no longer an FBI or DOJ, just a communist state.
Don't worry about the racist. He is of limited intellect.
I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
Not sure what you mean. I didnt win anything. Not worried about anyone rising up against me. Any such risings will be put down violently.
I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
The only uprising might be BLM/Antifa when the military acts and does massive arrests and Trump ends up being President for another four years. But any such uprising will be insurrection and will be put down by the military with full-auto assault rifles.
I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
The only uprising might be BLM/Antifa when the military acts and does massive arrests and Trump ends up being President for another four years. But any such uprising will be insurrection and will be put down by the military with full-auto assault rifles.
You never answered my question. When is the military going to do these arrests and when can we anticipate Dump being restored?
Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?
Yes, an attempt occured. No, the military does not need to act. It was a poorly organized attempt, and was just an angry mob running on the fumes of the mentally ill ex-President's lies about the election and his tacit endorsement of any and all insane views that come along with support for himself.
I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
The only uprising might be BLM/Antifa when the military acts and does massive arrests and Trump ends up being President for another four years. But any such uprising will be insurrection and will be put down by the military with full-auto assault rifles.
You never answered my question. When is the military going to do these arrests and when can we anticipate Dump being restored?
I don't know exactly, nobody knows except the military, and they certainly are NOT going to give any warning! Just how stupid do you think they are? But "all indications" are that it will be by the end of March and likely at or before the end of February. And the left has NO IDEA just how devastating it is going to be for the left and the deep state et al. I advise you to find out all you can about NESARA because that will be part of it. And I will tell you right now that 98% of what you will find out there today about NESARA is misinformation trying to debunk it ... and believe that and you are a stooge.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Catch up. We are two groups that each think the other has committed treason. The US military is legally allowed to act against US citizens inside the US only under very specific circumstances. Which group would it be acting against and how? It also must be remembered that military personnel are NOT permitted to follow illegal orders no matter who they were given by. When it comes down to splitting legal hairs it is unlikely there would be 100% agreement on what is/is not a legal order.
An insurrection it was not.
An insurrection would be all of those people who have recently bought fire arms and those already armed, to take those firearms and head for Washington to take our country back. It would fall under the category of a well armed militia...
Well, that is your opinion. Tape a quarter on it and it might be worth two bits. It is up to our military what they believe to be insurrection, and the Insurrection Act of 1807 spells it out very well and Trump's Executive Order of 2018 expands on it. The military has a CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO ACT TO SUPPRESS THE INSURRECTION and they WILL ACT.

The military does what they are commanded to do.
Well, lefties, watch these and weep. And those who have no idea what insurrection actually is, listen up. I know these will probably put your selective hearing on over-load and blow your fuses, but you probably have NO IDEA what is about to happen or HOW MASSIVE it will be.
But I don't need a portable heater. Should I buy more bullets with the money instead?
During a real insurrection the guards do not hold the doors open and wave people in.
This is a 100% political smear tactic by the Dirty Dems as usual.
But, they are also using it as a pretext to impose their totalitarian cult purges.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
There will never be an uprising against us. We'd flatten you in a heartbeat.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
There will never be an uprising against us. We'd flatten you in a heartbeat.
Well, dumb shit, I have over 20,000 rounds of ammo on my shelf and am a member of the Oathkeepers, the largest militia in the country, also linked to hundreds of other militias. If our military doesn't kick your liberal asses, we certainly will. And the military knows it and knows that we are standing by to help them if needed. You anti-gun liberals don't even know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. We are all expert marksmen. So tell me, dumb shit, who is going to flatten who? YOU and your FRAUDULENT ELECTION are the uprising. Our military is fixing to FLATTEN IT. PERMANENTLY. And thanks to that authorization Trump issued that you think has been summarily ignored. It is the Insurrection Act of 1807 combined with his Executive Order of 2018 which placed full control into the hands of the military until such time that the military deems there is no longer a threat, which removes it from the Executive branch where Biden could get his filthy hands on it, and puts it fully in the military's control where Biden has no more influence than a fart against a tornado.
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