Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?

During a real insurrection the guards do not hold the doors open and wave people in.
That didn't happen. You are referring to one video you saw of a capitol policeman waving people through a gate at the perimeter. Maybe try your stupid material on people less informed.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.
Massive arrests are already happening. 190 have been arrested for the Trump riot with more to come.
Did they arrest the 3 KNOWN antifa clowns. We KNOW busloads of agitators were bussed in.
During a real insurrection the guards do not hold the doors open and wave people in.
That didn't happen. You are referring to one video you saw of a capitol policeman waving people through a gate at the perimeter. Maybe try your stupid material on people less informed.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest the capitol security didn't view those people as a serious threat. You don't have casual conversations with people you think are bloodthirsty killers.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
There will never be an uprising against us. We'd flatten you in a heartbeat.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
There will never be an uprising against us. We'd flatten you in a heartbeat.
Well, dumb shit, I have over 20,000 rounds of ammo on my shelf and am a member of the Oathkeepers, the largest militia in the country, also linked to hundreds of other militias. If our military doesn't kick your liberal asses, we certainly will. And the military knows it and knows that we are standing by to help them if needed. You anti-gun liberals don't even know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. We are all expert marksmen. So tell me, dumb shit, who is going to flatten who? YOU and your FRAUDULENT ELECTION are the uprising. Our military is fixing to FLATTEN IT. PERMANENTLY. And thanks to that authorization Trump issued that you think has been summarily ignored. It is the Insurrection Act of 1807 combined with his Executive Order of 2018 which placed full control into the hands of the military until such time that the military deems there is no longer a threat, which removes it from the Executive branch where Biden could get his filthy hands on it, and puts it fully in the military's control where Biden has no more influence than a fart against a tornado.
I have friends in the Oath Keepers. I was asked to join, but declined.

Neither the Keepers, nor the military are going to do anything. Attacking Americans doesn't sit well with either of those groups.

But you; now there's a BADASS! Adding 20,000 rounds to my dump seems like a good idea. Since you called me "dumb shit", those are mine.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.
Oh....another QAnon idiot.....

2 years from now, when not a single one of your goofy ass conspiracies come true....will you admit you were duped?

Or are you claiming liberals are so powerful they control the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon, CIA, Supreme Court, etc??

If liberals are that powerful, why the fuck are conservatives such cucks?
During a real insurrection the guards do not hold the doors open and wave people in.
That didn't happen. You are referring to one video you saw of a capitol policeman waving people through a gate at the perimeter. Maybe try your stupid material on people less informed.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest the capitol security didn't view those people as a serious threat. You don't have casual conversations with people you think are bloodthirsty killers.

Like this? Some "insurrection"
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.
Oh....another QAnon idiot.....

2 years from now, when not a single one of your goofy ass conspiracies come true....will you admit you were duped?

Or are you claiming liberals are so powerful they control the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon, CIA, Supreme Court, etc??

If liberals are that powerful, why the fuck are conservatives such cucks?
It isn't the liberals, numbnuts, it is the people who control the liberals. THOSE are the NWO ass holes who have infiltrated the FBI, DOJ, CIA and every other agency as well as our entire judicial system and who wholly OWN every liberal politician (and the Republican RINOs) and control their stooges by blackmail and whatever means. Corruption to the core.
There's plenty of evidence to suggest the capitol security didn't view those people as a serious threat.
Until they did. As can bee seen in. The video of them pushing violently through.police lines and ramming down the barricaded front door. Sure, some Trumpanzees walked around and rubbed elbows with the rioting cultists. They will get what they have coming to them.
During a real insurrection the guards do not hold the doors open and wave people in.
That didn't happen. You are referring to one video you saw of a capitol policeman waving people through a gate at the perimeter. Maybe try your stupid material on people less informed.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest the capitol security didn't view those people as a serious threat. You don't have casual conversations with people you think are bloodthirsty killers.

Like this? Some "insurrection"
View attachment 453989
that's exactly the video I had in mind.
During a real insurrection the guards do not hold the doors open and wave people in.
That didn't happen. You are referring to one video you saw of a capitol policeman waving people through a gate at the perimeter. Maybe try your stupid material on people less informed.
Well, yes, the Democrat Party is dangerous cult.
You are in deep denial of reality.
There's plenty of evidence to suggest the capitol security didn't view those people as a serious threat.
Until they did. As can bee seen in. The video of them pushing violently through.police lines and ramming down the barricaded front door. Sure, some Trumpanzees walked around and rubbed elbows with the rioting cultists. They will get what they have coming to them.

It didn't become an insurrection™ until after all was said and done, after people like you realized the limitless potential it had as propaganda against those with whom you disagree.
It didn't become an insurrection™ until after all was said and done
Stupid nonsense. That's exactly what everyone but the cultists called it, while watching it unfold in real time. Go peddle that horseshit to a fellow cultist. Nobody else is buying.
I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
Take your winnings and stop rubbing salt into the wounds. As of now there is not uprising against you.
Not sure what you mean. I didnt win anything. Not worried about anyone rising up against me. Any such risings will be put down violently.
Most of the Deplorables are family oriented. Even with their issues. You have destroyed a lot of that in the last half century.
It didn't become an insurrection™ until after all was said and done
Stupid nonsense. That's exactly what everyone but the cultists called it, while watching it unfold in real time. Go peddle that horseshit to a fellow cultist. Nobody else is buying.

Who's "everyone"...? Oh, the mainstream media of course. The same folks who called this summer's endless riots "mostly peaceful" even with a backdrop of a towering inferno.

Are you even capable of thinking for yourself anymore?
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.
Oh....another QAnon idiot.....

2 years from now, when not a single one of your goofy ass conspiracies come true....will you admit you were duped?

Or are you claiming liberals are so powerful they control the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon, CIA, Supreme Court, etc??

If liberals are that powerful, why the fuck are conservatives such cucks?
The people in the military are becoming weaker. Weaker and weaker.
Well, lefties, watch these and weep. And those who have no idea what insurrection actually is, listen up. I know these will probably put your selective hearing on over-load and blow your fuses, but you probably have NO IDEA what is about to happen or HOW MASSIVE it will be.

Bitchute??? :lmao:

Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most).

In review, BitChute publishes user-uploaded videos that often contain extreme, misleading, or fake far-right content. For example, they publish videos from right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones such as this UN Propaganda Prepares Pacific Islanders For The Rise of the New World Order. Based on the offensive and often false nature of the content we will not provide more hyperlinks to their website. In general, they promote illegal content and hate speech that has been banned from other services. Other topics frequently found on the website are neo-Nazism, white supremacy, and pro-Trump propaganda.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center “BitChute, is a low-rent YouTube clone that carries an array of hate-fueled material, including white nationalist podcasts, propaganda linked to a murderous neo-Nazi group and a parody song called “N—– Babies,” which chortles at the idea of slaughtering and then eating black infants.” Further, during the Coronavirus pandemic, they have frequently published disinformation such as the banned video Plandemic that was riddled with false claims. In general, this a website that offers disinformation and offensive content. Put another way, it is the 4-Chan or 8-Chan of video. It is not credible on any level.

Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most). (D. Van Zandt 8/31/2020)

You rightards live in an alternative universe where everything is backwards.
Well, lefties, watch these and weep. And those who have no idea what insurrection actually is, listen up. I know these will probably put your selective hearing on over-load and blow your fuses, but you probably have NO IDEA what is about to happen or HOW MASSIVE it will be.

Bitchute??? :lmao:

Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most).
In review, BitChute publishes user-uploaded videos that often contain extreme, misleading, or fake far-right content. For example, they publish videos from right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones such as this UN Propaganda Prepares Pacific Islanders For The Rise of the New World Order. Based on the offensive and often false nature of the content we will not provide more hyperlinks to their website. In general, they promote illegal content and hate speech that has been banned from other services. Other topics frequently found on the website are neo-Nazism, white supremacy, and pro-Trump propaganda.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center “BitChute, is a low-rent YouTube clone that carries an array of hate-fueled material, including white nationalist podcasts, propaganda linked to a murderous neo-Nazi group and a parody song called “N—– Babies,” which chortles at the idea of slaughtering and then eating black infants.” Further, during the Coronavirus pandemic, they have frequently published disinformation such as the banned video Plandemic that was riddled with false claims. In general, this a website that offers disinformation and offensive content. Put another way, it is the 4-Chan or 8-Chan of video. It is not credible on any level.
Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most). (D. Van Zandt 8/31/2020)

You rightards live in an alternative universe where everything is backwards.
I don't give a little bitty runny shit how you rate Bitchute. You rate it the same as anywhere else that doesn't agree with you. And the Southern Poverty Law Center is nothing but an extreme left communist bullshit fest. What the video says is the hard truth you are going to have to swallow, like it or lump it. And when it comes down I am going to laugh like hell at the left and piss on its grave. :biggrin:
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I definitely believe insurrection has occurred but I'm pretty sure the FBI can handle the nut cases. A better question is did treason occur? The answer is yes.
What happened in the Capitol January 6th was no more an insurrection that John Brown seizing Harper's Ferry armory. It was a violation of Federal Law. Now Brown had armed thousands of slaves and they engaged Federal forces in combat, THAT would be an insurrection.

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