Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
I think the reason she's not going after Judge is because he's the one that stopped Kavanaugh from raping her.

You don't try to fry your saviors.

That's one supposition. The other is Judge isn't Kav.

If Judge had assaulted her like Kavanaugh did, then she'd probably be going after him as well.

If I'm getting my ass kicked by someone, and another individual helps me out and stops the person from attacking me, I'm gonna press charges on the attacker, not the person who helped me out.

Well you have to believe what Ford is saying which I don't.

It took over 30 years for her to come out with this and it only because Kav is headed for the SC.

If true she should be going after both men. I'd like to hear what Judge has to say about the whole thing.

Don't forget, she scrubbed all her social media. Curious isn't it?
No, not curious. Any attorney would advise to do so before entering the political and public arena with a story like this. Standard protocol

Pretty much nails that she is hiding information that would be relivent to the case. What is she hiding.
She's been heard, and hasn't made a solid case that Kavenaugh is a rapist. You do know, don't you, that she didn't even say she was raped? Sounds like you're accusing without evidence.
Kavanaugh’s an evil creep. God knows how many women he raped that weren’t able to escape.

Yeah, they're lining up outside Feinsteins door! Good god how stupid are you?

Never mind, it's obvious
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.
I think she will back out before Monday and Grassley will force the committee to vote. Kavanaugh will be passed on to the full Senate where he will be confirmed.
Kavanaugh’s an evil creep. God knows how many women he raped that weren’t able to escape.

Yeah, they're lining up outside Feinsteins door! Good god how stupid are you?

Never mind, it's obvious
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

There was no almost rape

She was drunk at a party and got groped by some other drunk at the same party.

it is the most reasonable premise.
How in the world can you know that?! See you keep just making shit up! I realize you think you are an expert based on your lifetime of epic party experiences but your commentary on this situation which you literally have zero first hand experience with is quite comical. You don’t actually believe the crap you are spewing do you?
Here you go again

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

she can't remember the date or exactly where but she says she can remember having only 1 beer

And if you believe that I know a bridge for sale in New York you can get for a song

First kegger I ever went to I didn't drink because my guardians told me I could go, but if I drank, I'd never be able to go to another party.

I didn't drink, still remember going to the kegger (it was a joint one with our rival school Loyola), but couldn't tell you exactly what part of the forest it was held, just the general area, and I can't give you the date it happened, but I remember it was sometime in my Junior year.
I bet that scenario is true for most of us thinking back to high school parties. This date location talking point these guys are stuck on is weak.

Except, she indicated they started at a pool, in the town she lived in, and frequented the pool often, and that the house was close to the pool. Not a tough thing to remember, even after 30 years. She likely drove by that house often.
Did she drive from the pool to the house? Walk? Was she given a ride? Was it her friends House? A friend of a friend? A friend of the boys that assaulted her? There are a lot of questions and unknowns. Y’all are trying to make this into a devious lie and poke holes, I get it. I’m just not buying it until I hear from the two who were there
See how can I take you seriously when you have the story so scrambled up?!

She said he gropped her and tried to take her close off, he covered her mouth when she tried to scream. One guy was in the room with them, his name was Judge not Ford. Ford is her last name. She said the neighborhood and summer that the party took place and described the events of the night.

You are trying to shine a spotlight on possible holes while failing to acknowledge any of the substance. There’s also the therapy notes and the polygraph. Neither is undesirable evidence but they lend weight and credibility. Open your eyes and just try and be objective

Yet the other people who were there say that’s not what they remember, Kavanaugh sounds like he wasn’t even there, and she can’t say when it happened and where. Bitch has a history of being a loon, and is a liar.
Whatever man, you thought there was a guy named Ford in the room so you are obviously confused and not paying attention to the facts. Best not engage in debates when you have no clue what you are talking about.

Mistaken Rube. Mark Judge Is the guy I was thinking of, not the stupid woman. By the way, you attempt to rape women all the time. Many have said so, they just don’t want to go public. One said you raped her in highschool. Another said it was just last week you raped her. See how that works? Could you imagine someone telling your boss that? Would you be cool with them not having to prove their case or their unwillingness to speak to the authorities? Nope.
Did I ever say I was cool with empty and false accusations? No. So don’t put words in my mouth. You don’t know what you’re talking about and that’s painfully obvious. Go take a nap or something. I’ve wasted enough of my time on you.

Nope, until you prove you aren’t a rapeo I got no time for you. The woman who have come out against you should be considered credible.

See how that works? Bull shit eh?
Yeah I think you’re on to something. You should avoid me at all costs until you find proof that I’m not a rapist. See ya!
I wonder if the trendy twats realize they have sons, and one day forty years later some dumb cyka comes along and say he raped her. The man goes to jail purely on words no proof, nothing just words . This is what man hating feminzazis are pushing for.

Destroy the gender you destroy the family, destroy the famiy society begins to go under......

The engineered reason we're seeing all of this is so it can destroy men and women.

Demonrats have engineered being able to get rid of their competitors by screaming rape. They used it on Trump, they are using it on Kav. , they've used it on anybody running ...........

Putting those pieces together can't be done by a population so controlled they're stupid.
Yeah, they're lining up outside Feinsteins door! Good god how stupid are you?

Never mind, it's obvious
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.
I think the reason she's not going after Judge is because he's the one that stopped Kavanaugh from raping her.

You don't try to fry your saviors.

That's one supposition. The other is Judge isn't Kav.

If Judge had assaulted her like Kavanaugh did, then she'd probably be going after him as well.

If I'm getting my ass kicked by someone, and another individual helps me out and stops the person from attacking me, I'm gonna press charges on the attacker, not the person who helped me out.

Well you have to believe what Ford is saying which I don't.

It took over 30 years for her to come out with this and it only because Kav is headed for the SC.

If true she should be going after both men. I'd like to hear what Judge has to say about the whole thing.
How many different ways do you need it explained to you... she isn’t going after legal justice for being assaulted she is using the experience to stop Kavanaugh from being a judge on the Supreme Court. Do you really not understand?

Sure I see it. I also see a big he said she said with no proof either way.

I'd like to hear what Mr. Judge has to say. He was there and can provide the proof either way if he wasn't to drunk to remember that is.
Ok good then you can stop asking the question. I think it would be great if Judge testified too
That's one supposition. The other is Judge isn't Kav.

If Judge had assaulted her like Kavanaugh did, then she'd probably be going after him as well.

If I'm getting my ass kicked by someone, and another individual helps me out and stops the person from attacking me, I'm gonna press charges on the attacker, not the person who helped me out.

Well you have to believe what Ford is saying which I don't.

It took over 30 years for her to come out with this and it only because Kav is headed for the SC.

If true she should be going after both men. I'd like to hear what Judge has to say about the whole thing.

Don't forget, she scrubbed all her social media. Curious isn't it?
No, not curious. Any attorney would advise to do so before entering the political and public arena with a story like this. Standard protocol

Pretty much nails that she is hiding information that would be relivent to the case. What is she hiding.
That’s a funny way of looking at it. Nice spin. It’s still protocol
I wonder if the trendy twats realize they have sons, and one day forty years later some dumb cyka comes along and say he raped her. The man goes to jail purely on words no proof, nothing just words . This is what man hating feminzazis are pushing for.

Destroy the gender you destroy the family, destroy the famiy society begins to go under......

The engineered reason we're seeing all of this is so it can destroy men and women.

Demonrats have engineered being able to get rid of their competitors by screaming rape. They used it on Trump, they are using it on Kav. , they've used it on anybody running ...........

Putting those pieces together can't be done by a population so controlled they're stupid.
People don’t go to jail if there is no proof
Yes and no. I believe he might have been part of some group that did what she said.
If he doesn't recall any of that, I believe that should be investigated and resolved
where both parties agree who really did what she described.

It is obstructing justice and violating due process to punish either side
without first establishing agreement on the truth of who really did what wrong.

So that, I don't agree with.
I would push for both parties to reach agreement, and value that truth above all else.

They need to agree what happened, or agree to drop it.
This can only happen in an environment where people respect the truth
before any ulterior motive of trying to punish or judge someone.
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.

You have no idea what he tried to, or never tried to do. You are a too stupid to claim anything.

In fact, what you creeps are doing is enabling rape by denying the dignity and reverence that is due those THAT ACTUALLY DO THEIR CIVIC DUTIES BY REPORTING A PROVABLE CRIME.

Fuck you bitch. And I am being kind.
Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.

You have no idea what he tried to, or never tried to do. You are a too stupid to claim anything.

In fact, what you creeps are doing is enabling rape by denying the dignity and reverence that is due those THAT ACTUALLY DO THEIR CIVIC DUTIES BY REPORTING A PROVABLE CRIME.

Fuck you bitch. And I am being kind.
You and yours are the reason rape victims are afraid to speak out, including ones who kill themselves. So go fuck yourself, rape enabler.
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.

Prove it, don't just spew she is

Think hard
I wonder if the trendy twats realize they have sons, and one day forty years later some dumb cyka comes along and say he raped her. The man goes to jail purely on words no proof, nothing just words . This is what man hating feminzazis are pushing for.

Destroy the gender you destroy the family, destroy the famiy society begins to go under......

The engineered reason we're seeing all of this is so it can destroy men and women.

Demonrats have engineered being able to get rid of their competitors by screaming rape. They used it on Trump, they are using it on Kav. , they've used it on anybody running ...........

Putting those pieces together can't be done by a population so controlled they're stupid.

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.

Prove it, don't just spew she is

Think hard
Sorry, I won’t take advice from scum that works to enable rapists.
Right now its all he said she said with no proof either way.

The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.

You have no idea what he tried to, or never tried to do. You are a too stupid to claim anything.

In fact, what you creeps are doing is enabling rape by denying the dignity and reverence that is due those THAT ACTUALLY DO THEIR CIVIC DUTIES BY REPORTING A PROVABLE CRIME.

Fuck you bitch. And I am being kind.
You and yours are the reason rape victims are afraid to speak out, including ones who kill themselves. So go fuck yourself, rape enabler.

Your saying that to someone who volunteered his time to assist rape victims through the legal and mental health systems. You know that, right?

All of them would laugh at you if I showed you that last post.

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