Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
I’m not letting anybody lead me around, I’m just using common sense and basic comprehension. You point to an FBI statement regarding a federal crime. I just wrote that you are dishonestly conflating a background check with a criminal investigation, then you post this and do the exact same thing again. It’s called doubling down on dishonesty. Don’t know who you think you’re fooling.

What part of the FBI received the letter on the 12th and forwarded it on do you not get kido?
Forwarding a letter and interviewing subjects as they do for bg checks are two different things.

Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.
Damn! Avanates girl just dropped the hammer. Shits about to get crazy. This is a tragedy of massive proportions if all these women are lying and it’s a disgusting and dispicable past with disqualifying recent cover up lies by Kav if the women are telling the truth.

How can there not be an investigation at this point to determine what really happened? Somebody or somebodies need to go down either way.

Third woman makes sexual misconduct allegations about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Strange story that.
20 year old regularly parties with high schoolers. Watches underage girls being drugged and gang raped.
Does she report these gang rapes to the police?
Nope. She simply continues to go to these parties and watch underage girls being drugged and gang raped.
Eventually, she apparently gets raped.
And who does she go after 36 years later?
Her rapist(s)?
No, of course not!
She goes after Kav - whom she can’t prove was there as she’s also a bit vague about dates!
Of course, like the others, if she provided a date Kav just might be able to prove he wasn’t there!

You buying this one too?

If so, maybe this woman needs investigating as she was an adult who turned up over and over to repeatedly observe sexual crimes against minors and reported nada.

How utterly perverted.
She did name a date and event. Beach Week.
She also named others who could corroborate. I’m not buying anything as of yet but I do think these accusations should be checked out. If she is found to be lying then she should be arrested. If not then Kav goes down.
Actually all of her allegations are preceded by ‘between the years...’.
No specificity at all.

Kav publicly released diary entries which included Beach Week before she suddenly makes an allegation about Beach Week.

She doesn’t even remember the year she was apparently raped.
Damn! Avanates girl just dropped the hammer. Shits about to get crazy. This is a tragedy of massive proportions if all these women are lying and it’s a disgusting and dispicable past with disqualifying recent cover up lies by Kav if the women are telling the truth.

How can there not be an investigation at this point to determine what really happened? Somebody or somebodies need to go down either way.

Third woman makes sexual misconduct allegations about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Strange story that.
20 year old regularly parties with high schoolers. Watches underage girls being drugged and gang raped.
Does she report these gang rapes to the police?
Nope. She simply continues to go to these parties and watch underage girls being drugged and gang raped.
Eventually, she apparently gets raped.
And who does she go after 36 years later?
Her rapist(s)?
No, of course not!
She goes after Kav - whom she can’t prove was there as she’s also a bit vague about dates!
Of course, like the others, if she provided a date Kav just might be able to prove he wasn’t there!

You buying this one too?

If so, maybe this woman needs investigating as she was an adult who turned up over and over to repeatedly observe sexual crimes against minors and reported nada.

How utterly perverted.
She did name a date and event. Beach Week.
She also named others who could corroborate. I’m not buying anything as of yet but I do think these accusations should be checked out. If she is found to be lying then she should be arrested. If not then Kav goes down.
Actually all of her allegations are preceded by ‘between the years...’.
No specificity at all.

Kav publicly released diary entries which included Beach Week before she suddenly makes an allegation about Beach Week.

She doesn’t even remember the year she was apparently raped.
Youre getting all that from her disclosure document. To know for sure you gotta dipose her and see how she answers those questions. I’d think an FBI agent could sniff out the lie if she was lying. Don’t you?
What part of the FBI received the letter on the 12th and forwarded it on do you not get kido?
Forwarding a letter and interviewing subjects as they do for bg checks are two different things.

Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

What partisan bag kido? I don't like R's or D's and I've been a registered "Independent" for nearly 30 years. Didn't you read my sig? I'm pretty close to a dead centrist.

What's especially ironic in your assumptions of me, is that I don't even particularly like Kavanaugh. Specifically because of his rulings on the Patriot Act's bulk collection when he said it was not a violation of 4A and argued that even if it /was/ a violation of 4A it should be allowed because national security outweighed individual privacy - which has massively far reaching implications. For example, "right to privacy" is how legalized pot was enshrined in the Alaska Constitution - the feds /forced/ Alaska to criminalize and change our state constitution by threatening to withhold funds for plowing highways (which perhaps ironically the state had to concede in order to protect national fucking security because our highways literally protect half the fucking planet via connection to military bases and facilities across the state.) As another example of what this fucks, according to Mr. Kavanaugh the government has every right to collect my personal private emails, texts, etc. I'm not keen on his opinions that the government is trust worthy with this shit, and even less keen after what I've seen from the IRS, FBI, and DOJ being weaponized by political parties. Now we've got serious talk about getting Google, FB, YouTube, and Twitter under Gov regulation - and a political party who's already using those platforms as political weapons. Sooo much dangerous going on with that shit...

But, yes, lets look at the situation objectively - ignore the fact that everyone she says was present denies her claim of attempted rape, ignore the fact that her story has changed at least four times since she first told it to her therapist, ignore the fact that despite it being "seared into her mind" and her only having one beer she can't remember much of anything about the party. Lets also ignore the fact that she conveniently can't fly and will have to drive to DC to testify so it needs to be delayed a week (I find this one especially curious considering she made it to Maryland to take a polygraph in August, and she said was somewhere "in the mid-Atlantic" when she sent her letter back in July.) Let's also ignore the fact that Kavanaugh has gone through six background checks and not a single smell of sexual problems turned up, the fact that 65 women have come forward on their own accord to vouch that they have never seen any kind of untoward behavior from Kavanaugh, lets ignore the timing of this accusation as well.

I mean we might as well ignore everything at this point. From now on, every single person in this country can be utterly destroyed by the slightest accusation, regardless of holes, regardless of how utterly ridiculous it sounds, regardless of everything. No one is safe because we're are all guilty until proven innocent and if you cannot prove your innocence, because of the passage of time, or the fact that there were no witnesses, your life, and your family, can be destroyed by anyone, anywhere, at any time. We might as well live in 1930 Germany at this point. Don't speak, don't move, don't ever be alone with anyone ever again, and pray young lady, pray that you were never ever alone with anyone who might find you a convenient stepping stone to their personal goals... It's almost a shame that I'm retired... I've spent my entire life pretending to give a shit about societies morals and trying to be a good person but now it seems we've decided such things are worthless. I could allege anything and every lie detector on the planet would back my lies 100% thanks to my synesthesia (crossed senses, I "feel" in color washes.) If only I could hate, then I'd have someone to go fuck over just for kicks...

EDIT - actually, this has got me thinking... I mean since we've thrown logic out the window now... I have a nerve tracer from sound - like I hear normal (or well I think at least) but there's an after-effect of sensation. Does that mean I can sue Enigma for sexual assault? (Like seriously, I can't listen to it when I'm driving :p)
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With the list of Kavanaugh accusers growing, there is already enough circumstantial evidence to suggest he is not fit to be on the Supreme Court. trump hubris is dragging this out.
With the list of Kavanaugh accusers growing, there is already enough circumstantial evidence to suggest he is not fit to be on the Supreme Court. trump hubris is dragging this out.

All the accusers are liars. They can’t even name witnesses that support their claim. Every time they do name a witness, that witness denies the event happened or that they don’t remember anything being described by the accuser.:banghead:
What part of the FBI received the letter on the 12th and forwarded it on do you not get kido?
Forwarding a letter and interviewing subjects as they do for bg checks are two different things.

Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

Joe Biden told us during the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings where the FBI actually had jurisdiction because they were both Federal Employees and the event allegedly occurred on Federal property while on the job.....Joe biden told us that the FBI does not investigate these things, they can come to no conclusion.....he said it, not the Republicans.
With the list of Kavanaugh accusers growing, there is already enough circumstantial evidence to suggest he is not fit to be on the Supreme Court. trump hubris is dragging this out.

The list of liars.... none of the accusers have anyone they name as witnesses who say the events happened...not one of them. And Ramirez states she did not see Kavanaugh do anything that she is claiming he have nothing. They are liars.
Forwarding a letter and interviewing subjects as they do for bg checks are two different things.

Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

What partisan bag kido? I don't like R's or D's and I've been a registered "Independent" for nearly 30 years. Didn't you read my sig? I'm pretty close to a dead centrist.

What's especially ironic in your assumptions of me, is that I don't even particularly like Kavanaugh. Specifically because of his rulings on the Patriot Act's bulk collection when he said it was not a violation of 4A and argued that even if it /was/ a violation of 4A it should be allowed because national security outweighed individual privacy - which has massively far reaching implications. For example, "right to privacy" is how legalized pot was enshrined in the Alaska Constitution - the feds /forced/ Alaska to criminalize and change our state constitution by threatening to withhold funds for plowing highways (which perhaps ironically the state had to concede in order to protect national fucking security because our highways literally protect half the fucking planet via connection to military bases and facilities across the state.) As another example of what this fucks, according to Mr. Kavanaugh the government has every right to collect my personal private emails, texts, etc. I'm not keen on his opinions that the government is trust worthy with this shit, and even less keen after what I've seen from the IRS, FBI, and DOJ being weaponized by political parties. Now we've got serious talk about getting Google, FB, YouTube, and Twitter under Gov regulation - and a political party who's already using those platforms as political weapons. Sooo much dangerous going on with that shit...

But, yes, lets look at the situation objectively - ignore the fact that everyone she says was present denies her claim of attempted rape, ignore the fact that her story has changed at least four times since she first told it to her therapist, ignore the fact that despite it being "seared into her mind" and her only having one beer she can't remember much of anything about the party. Lets also ignore the fact that she conveniently can't fly and will have to drive to DC to testify so it needs to be delayed a week (I find this one especially curious considering she made it to Maryland to take a polygraph in August, and she said was somewhere "in the mid-Atlantic" when she sent her letter back in July.) Let's also ignore the fact that Kavanaugh has gone through six background checks and not a single smell of sexual problems turned up, the fact that 65 women have come forward on their own accord to vouch that they have never seen any kind of untoward behavior from Kavanaugh, lets ignore the timing of this accusation as well.

I mean we might as well ignore everything at this point. From now on, every single person in this country can be utterly destroyed by the slightest accusation, regardless of holes, regardless of how utterly ridiculous it sounds, regardless of everything. No one is safe because we're are all guilty until proven innocent and if you cannot prove your innocence, because of the passage of time, or the fact that there were no witnesses, your life, and your family, can be destroyed by anyone, anywhere, at any time. We might as well live in 1930 Germany at this point. Don't speak, don't move, don't ever be alone with anyone ever again, and pray young lady, pray that you were never ever alone with anyone who might find you a convenient stepping stone to their personal goals... It's almost a shame that I'm retired... I've spent my entire life pretending to give a shit about societies morals and trying to be a good person but now it seems we've decided such things are worthless. I could allege anything and every lie detector on the planet would back my lies 100% thanks to my synesthesia (crossed senses, I "feel" in color washes.) If only I could hate, then I'd have someone to go fuck over just for kicks...

EDIT - actually, this has got me thinking... I mean since we've thrown logic out the window now... I have a nerve tracer from sound - like I hear normal (or well I think at least) but there's an after-effect of sensation. Does that mean I can sue Enigma for sexual assault? (Like seriously, I can't listen to it when I'm driving :p)
Apologies for the partisan label, what I should have said is biased. You seem to have your mind made up before even exploring the facts. All we’ve been going off of here is a letter and a news report. I’d think any fair minded individual would want more than that to draw their conclusions. Like hearing testimony from the accuser herself, an investigation into her claims etc. any people that pretend to know that she is lying or telling the truth are acting out of presumption that I can only assume is a result of political bias.
Forwarding a letter and interviewing subjects as they do for bg checks are two different things.

Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

Joe Biden told us during the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings where the FBI actually had jurisdiction because they were both Federal Employees and the event allegedly occurred on Federal property while on the job.....Joe biden told us that the FBI does not investigate these things, they can come to no conclusion.....he said it, not the Republicans.
I hear this talking point all over conservative radio and I laugh every time. Yes Biden said that FBI investigations do not draw CONCLUSIONS. What’s being called for here is simply fact finding. Vet her story, drill down on a date and location, interview witnesses. Get facts and then present them to congress so they can make a more educated decision.

Y’all keep conflating unrelated things with these Biden sound bites, and “criminal” investigation talking points. Who do you think you are fooling?
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New Details Raise Serious Doubts Over The Credibility Of The Ford Polygraph

This is a must read, from lawyer Jonathan Turley's blog:

The passage of a polygraph by Christine Blasey Ford has been a key factor for many in believing her story — a fact cited by various members of Congress. However, my main interest is the polygraph itself, which does not sound like any legitimate polygraph that I have encountered. I have handled a number of polygraph cases in my career and the description of these questions are nothing short of bizarre as a reliable test.
The most notable aspect of the story however is the only two "relevant" questions asked by Hanafin "Is any part of your statement false?" and "Did you make up any part of your statement?"

Those questions would be effectively useless in an actual case. Good polygraphers ask specific, clear, insular questions. They do not use overarching language. He did not ask specific questions on whether she was assaulted by Kavanaugh — a rather curious omission.

I have never met a polygrapher who would structure questions like these for use in a test. If this is truly the content of the examination, I would view it as largely useless in an actual case.

This is indeed odd. Normal polygraph questions in this case would likely ask yes or no questions about each very narrow, very specific item claimed, along with countering questions. An example might be: "Did someone pull you into the bedroom", and "Did you walk into the bedroom", "Did someone push you onto the bed", and "Did you sit on the bed."

The more questions, the more reliable the polygraph.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

She just said didn't know who PAID for the test!!!
Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

Joe Biden told us during the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings where the FBI actually had jurisdiction because they were both Federal Employees and the event allegedly occurred on Federal property while on the job.....Joe biden told us that the FBI does not investigate these things, they can come to no conclusion.....he said it, not the Republicans.
I hear this talking point all over conservative radio and I laugh every time. Yes Biden said that FBI investigations do not draw CONCLUSIONS. What’s being called for here is simply fact finding. Vet her story, drill down on a date and location, interview witnesses. Get facts and then present them to congress so they can make a more educated decision.

Y’all keep conflating unrelated things with these Biden sound bites, and “criminal” investigation talking points. Who do you think you are fooling?

The alleged witnesses already say it didn’t happen or that they don’t remember anything she’s descended. There’s no one to interview except Ford and Kavanuagh and the committee is doing that.
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

Joe Biden told us during the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings where the FBI actually had jurisdiction because they were both Federal Employees and the event allegedly occurred on Federal property while on the job.....Joe biden told us that the FBI does not investigate these things, they can come to no conclusion.....he said it, not the Republicans.
I hear this talking point all over conservative radio and I laugh every time. Yes Biden said that FBI investigations do not draw CONCLUSIONS. What’s being called for here is simply fact finding. Vet her story, drill down on a date and location, interview witnesses. Get facts and then present them to congress so they can make a more educated decision.

Y’all keep conflating unrelated things with these Biden sound bites, and “criminal” investigation talking points. Who do you think you are fooling?

The alleged witnesses already say it didn’t happen or that they don’t remember anything she’s descended. There’s no one to interview except Ford and Kavanuagh and the committee is doing that.
Have you seen those letters? Do you know what questions were asked and specifically what the answers were? bring YOUR LAWYER when you are terrifying AGAINST someone.....neat!....and you wait 30 seconds to answer a question only you should know, but must consult her.... what a game show this would make!
He said she said....
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?
He said she said....
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?


But it’s not a Federal crime
It being a federal crime has nothing to do with this situation. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this point. Nobody is calling for the FBI to open a criminal investigation. The FBI does do background checks on SCOTUS nominees and could easily vet out this situation if congress or the White House requests for them to do so. Do you understand and/or dispute that?
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He said she said....
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?


But it’s not a Federal crime
It being a federal crime has nothing to do with this situation. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this point. Nobody is calling for the FBI to open a criminal investigation. The FBI does do background check on SCOTUS nominees and could easily vet out this situation of congress or the White House requests for hem to do so. Do you understand and/or dispute that?

I am fine it with it. As I said IDC.
He said she said....
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?

Because calling for the FBI is a asshats want them involved so they take months to get us to the same point we are at now, in the hope the democrats win the is a scam and the 3 liars need to be called out as liars and the vote taken.

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