Do you believe that Trump REALLY wanted to lose the election and was HORRIFIED when he won?

Do you believe that Trump REALLY wanted to lose the election and was HORRIFIED when he won?

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Did TRUMP get drunk and throw a $950,000 of CHAMPAGNE at a 150 inch televison because he was so distraught that he won.
lets say about 120 legal americans voted {which will never happen} it would of been around 78 Million Votes For Trump, 38 Million for Hillary, 4 Million for the other complete losers
be thankful hillary wasnt holding a bowling ball when she got the news,,,but then again, she would of been found not guilty of almost killing someone.
I said several times during the campaign that Trump did not want to win.
That may be true.

It would completely destroy the Russia Collusion investigation, if it is.

Personally, I think he didn't then changed his mind. OrangeCo has been doing business with the Russians for decades. I think Putin was smart enough to understand the business possibilities having Orange as COC. Thus, I think the election was hacked and rigged in Orange's favor - a true first in our political history. I can only hope they find proof of it and burn this Orange motherfucker to the ground.
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?
and we can also wonder if Huma ever thought she would wind up in such legal doodoo before she turned 40.

Imagine....your husband whom you PROCREATED WITH is in prison for being a pedophile...

...HOLY humiliating.
now Huma and the weener can never go any of those private parties. they know everyone at the party will just look at the weener and say,,,hey, look, the weener is here. I feel sorry for his wife.

If this IS ACTUALLY an old Huma photo, I would have banged her then.....not a chance in hell after ANTHONY WEINER wore that out.....UGH.


...Like she would have the slightest inclination to 'bang' a troll beast like yourself. Lol, how delusional.

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