Do you believe that Trump REALLY wanted to lose the election and was HORRIFIED when he won?

Do you believe that Trump REALLY wanted to lose the election and was HORRIFIED when he won?

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  • NO

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Yep Cunnilingus - I most certainly do.
Thanks for askin'

By the way, I love it when people ask when I retired from active duty.

I'm STILL serving.....way down south in the heat and humidity....deep in the bush.
Here's the thing.

There are two posits:

A) Trump did not want to win.

B) Trump colluded with the Russians.

If B is false, then A can very well be true.

I have never been convinced that Trump personally colluded with the Russians. I have little doubt some of his team did, but not Trump himself.

At most, Trump was informed of the upcoming meeting between his son and the Russians, and that dirt on Hillary was being offered. But Trump himself was not an active colluder, if that's a word.

That in no way removes my certainty that Trump is completely infatuated with the KGB thug.

In fact, it is that infatuation which led Putin to try to get his fan boi elected.

During the 1992 campaign, I often got the feeling Bush, Sr. did not want to win re-election. I had the same feeling about Trump.

In Bush, Sr.'s case, I think he was just tired and wanted to quit. With Trump, it felt like this was just a big lark to him.
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?
Hillary actually thought she was 50 Million points/votes ahead? :laugh2::laugh::laugh2:
You know, you delete the illegal and "Stupid Vote"...Trump wins by 50 Million votes
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?
and we can also wonder if Huma ever thought she would wind up in such legal doodoo before she turned 40.

Imagine....your husband whom you PROCREATED WITH is in prison for being a pedophile...

...HOLY humiliating.
now Huma and the weener can never go any of those private parties. they know everyone at the party will just look at the weener and say,,,hey, look, the weener is here. I feel sorry for his wife.

If this IS ACTUALLY an old Huma photo, I would have banged her then.....not a chance in hell after ANTHONY WEINER wore that out.....UGH.

Trump always reminded me of some Gallagher-like comedian who set up some really REALLY stupid physical gimmick on stage and then quipped "you people are actually sitting there watching me do this".

Our resident Trumpkins had better get out their duct tape and plastic sheeting! :wink:

Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?
Hillary actually thought she was 50 Million points/votes ahead? :laugh2::laugh::laugh2:
You know, you delete the illegal and "Stupid Vote"...Trump wins by 50 Million votes

Hillary is the Kurgen, Trump is the Highlander...the Highlander won the PRIZE.
I thought the news crew af ABC were all crying after Trump won by 7 million votes
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?
and we can also wonder if Huma ever thought she would wind up in such legal doodoo before she turned 40.

Imagine....your husband whom you PROCREATED WITH is in prison for being a pedophile...

...HOLY humiliating.
now Huma and the weener can never go any of those private parties. they know everyone at the party will just look at the weener and say,,,hey, look, the weener is here. I feel sorry for his wife.

If this IS ACTUALLY an old Huma photo, I would have banged her then.....not a chance in hell after ANTHONY WEINER wore that out.....UGH.

Well..huma can still pose for playboy.can u imagine the sales in North Africa alone?
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?
and we can also wonder if Huma ever thought she would wind up in such legal doodoo before she turned 40.

Imagine....your husband whom you PROCREATED WITH is in prison for being a pedophile...

...HOLY humiliating.
now Huma and the weener can never go any of those private parties. they know everyone at the party will just look at the weener and say,,,hey, look, the weener is here. I feel sorry for his wife.

If this IS ACTUALLY an old Huma photo, I would have banged her then.....not a chance in hell after ANTHONY WEINER wore that out.....UGH.


Ah, you "would have banged her" huh. As if it's solely up to you.

Isn't that informative.
Here's the thing.

There are two posits:

A) Trump did not want to win.

B) Trump colluded with the Russians.

If B is false, then A can very well be true.

I have never been convinced that Trump personally colluded with the Russians. I have little doubt some of his team did, but not Trump himself.

At most, Trump was informed of the upcoming meeting between his son and the Russians, and that dirt on Hillary was being offered. But Trump himself was not an active colluder, if that's a word.

That in no way removes my certainty that Trump is completely infatuated with the KGB thug.

In fact, it is that infatuation which led Putin to try to get his fan boi elected.

During the 1992 campaign, I often got the feeling Bush, Sr. did not want to win re-election. I had the same feeling about Trump.

In Bush, Sr.'s case, I think he was just tired and wanted to quit. With Trump, it felt like this was just a big lark to him.

Actually your A and B are not necessarily mutually exclusive, depending on the ultimate purpose of B. Which could have been --- and this is entirely in his idiom --- just to have mud to sling at somebody, without necessarily a thought toward the big picture.
According to the dishonest mainstream media hacks, questioning Hillary Clinton's health after she passed out is off limits and "sexist" but questioning Trump's health is fair game. You can't have it both ways.
Did TRUMP get drunk and throw a $950,000 of CHAMPAGNE at a 150 inch televison because he was so distraught that he won.
Yep Cunnilingus - I most certainly do.
Thanks for askin'

So you don't think he colluded with Putin to rig the election.

Oh cool Cunni-Lingus, NOW I get your (quite smelly btw) drift.

Directly? No, and "collusion" is not a crime in and of itself.
What I think is that Lil Jared gave them data that assisted with their hack /
AND that Trump approved it, along with 17 other meetings with Russian Spies

The later is tough to prove, however Mueller is all over Obstruction of Justice ..
And several of the little creeps will be spending time behind bars.
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?

Yes, he wanted to win, but the polls told him he was going to lose. I can bet that he believed that if he won the Republican nod, he was in. He found out that he was wrong!

But a funny thing happened on the way to the Presidency; he found out that his rhetoric buried Hillary. Like she implied in her book------->he intimidated her, and that tells us she should NEVER be President. Imagine what Putin would do-)
Do you believe the egotistical and narccicistic Trump actually WANTED to lose to CROOKED HILLARY (as he coined her during the campaign)?

Yes, he wanted to win, but the polls told him he was going to lose. I can bet that he believed that if he won the Republican nod, he was in. He found out that he was wrong!

But a funny thing happened on the way to the Presidency; he found out that his rhetoric buried Hillary. Like she implied in her book------->he intimidated her, and that tells us she should NEVER be President. Imagine what Putin would do-)
What happened on that night was proof that all polls giving Hillary a commanding lead were all fake! Just like current polls saying Trumps approval is around 35. That means his real approval is closer to 65
Here's the thing.

There are two posits:

A) Trump did not want to win.

B) Trump colluded with the Russians.

If B is false, then A can very well be true.

I have never been convinced that Trump personally colluded with the Russians. I have little doubt some of his team did, but not Trump himself.

At most, Trump was informed of the upcoming meeting between his son and the Russians, and that dirt on Hillary was being offered. But Trump himself was not an active colluder, if that's a word.

That in no way removes my certainty that Trump is completely infatuated with the KGB thug.

In fact, it is that infatuation which led Putin to try to get his fan boi elected.

During the 1992 campaign, I often got the feeling Bush, Sr. did not want to win re-election. I had the same feeling about Trump.

In Bush, Sr.'s case, I think he was just tired and wanted to quit. With Trump, it felt like this was just a big lark to him.

Actually your A and B are not necessarily mutually exclusive, depending on the ultimate purpose of B. Which could have been --- and this is entirely in his idiom --- just to have mud to sling at somebody, without necessarily a thought toward the big picture.

Trump just wanted the Clinton Administration to start off with a taint.

After all, he threw a lot of birther mud at the sitting President, too.

Trump is a natural born asshole.

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