Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

The bottom line is that the world is not overpopulated, and there is no need to panic about the future. Good news!

Then how do you explain this?

Humans have used a year’s worth of Earth’s resources in just seven months

Humans are using up the planet’s resources so quickly that people have used a year’s worth in just seven months, experts are warning.

And the rate at which we are consuming the Earth’s natural resources is still speeding up.

This year the annual date when people have caused a year’s worth of ecological damage – Earth Overshoot Day – comes two days earlier than last year.

Please don't tell me an inner city public school teacher like you is smarter than the experts. PLEASE!
bullshit liberal propaganda.
Prove what you just said is true
You first. You made the claim prove it's true. Otherwise it's bullshit.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We’re Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever
July 29 marks the point at which we start to consume more than the Earth can replenish. And this date is getting earlier each year.

Happy Overshoot Day unkotare. Last year I posted this on July 31st. This year Overshoot day falls 2 days sooner.

the point each year at which humanity starts to consume the world’s natural resources faster than they can be replenished.

It’s taken us only 209 days to burn through a year’s worth of resources — everything from food and timber to land and carbon. We are using up nature 1.75 times faster than it can be replenished. To do this sustainably, we would need the resources of 1.75 Earths.

These latest figures come from Global Footprint Network, an international nonprofit that calculates our annual ecological budget and the date at which we exceed it. Once we bust through this budget, we start devouring resources at an unsustainable rate.

“It’s a pyramid scheme,” said Mathis Wackernagel, CEO and founder of Global Footprint Network. “It depends on using more and more from the future to pay for the present.”

It’s like being in financial debt, only much harder to recover. “There’s nothing to kickstart the economy if we overuse our resources,” he said, “because every economic activity depends on natural capital, and without that, it’s not going to work.”

The burden of this ecological debt is getting heavier. We started overconsuming resources back in the 1970s, and since then it’s gotten progressively worse. Over the last 20 years, Earth Overshoot Day has crept forward by more than two months. And this year, it falls on the earliest date yet.

Forests are being felled at an alarming rate to provide timber and clear land for agriculture — two football fields’ worth of Amazon rainforest were cleared every minute in May. We are overexploiting water resources for industry and agriculture, and to provide drinking water for ever-expanding cities. And our addiction to fossil fuels means we are producing carbon emissions at levels that will push us further into dangerous temperature rises.

As with financial debt, we can only avoid the consequences for so long. The impact is already becoming frighteningly clear. Wildfires are becoming more frequent and more destructive. Cities around the world, from Cape Town to Chennai, are running out of water supplies, and a landmark U.N. biodiversity report published in May said up to 1 million species could go extinct thanks to human actions.

While the consequences are likely to affect poorer nations more starkly, it’s the populations of richer nations that live further beyond their means, according to the Global Footprint Network. If everyone lived like people in the United States, for example, we would need five Earths. If we all consumed resources at the same rate as people in India, we would only need seven-tenths of a planet to meet our demands.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We're Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever | HuffPost

Now, you prove it.

Yes....that is what they said about food.....we were supposed to run out of food in what, 1984.....

The Population Bomb - Wikipedia

Ehrlich argues that as the existing population was not being fed adequately, and as it was growing rapidly, it was unreasonable to expect sufficient improvements in food production to feed everyone.

In The Population Bomb's opening lines the authors state that nothing can prevent famines in which hundreds of millions of people will die during the 1970s (amended to 1970s and 1980s in later editions), and that there would be "a substantial increase in the world death rate."
However, in reality the global death rate has continued to decline substantially since then, from 13/1000 in 1965–74 to 10/1000 from 1985–1990.

Famine has not been eliminated, but its root cause has been political instability, not global food shortage.[21] The Indian economist and Nobel Prize winner, Amartya Sen, has argued that nations with democracy and a free press have virtually never suffered from extended famines.[22] And while a 2010 UN report stated that 925 million of the world's population of nearly seven billion people were in a constant state of hunger,[23] it also notes that the percentage of the world's population who qualify as "undernourished" has fallen by more than half, from 33 percent to about 16 percent, since Ehrlich published The Population Bomb.[24]

Ehrlich writes: "I don't see how India could possibly feed two hundred million more people by 1980."[6] This view was widely held at the time, as another statement of his, later in the book: "I have yet to meet anyone familiar with the situation who thinks that India will be self-sufficient in food by 1971." In the book's 1971 edition, the latter prediction was removed, as the food situation in India suddenly improved.

As of 2010, India had almost 1.2 billion people, having nearly tripled its population from around 400 million in 1960, with a total fertility rate in 2008 of 2.6.[25] While the absolute numbers of malnourished children in India is high,[26] the rates of malnutrition and poverty in India have declined from approximately 90% at the time of India's independence, to less than 40% today.

We now grow more food, per acre than ever before....

Dittos Oil.....we were supposed to be out of oil too......until new technology came along....

You are the ones who are really afraid, and silly in your fear...
Poor brown and black people should stop reproducing.

Well.....if they don't, the left wing social justice warriors didn't know how to dig mass graves for nothing.......since their solutions always end up with the murder of inconvenient innocent people...
The bottom line is that the world is not overpopulated, and there is no need to panic about the future. Good news!

Then how do you explain this?

Humans have used a year’s worth of Earth’s resources in just seven months

Humans are using up the planet’s resources so quickly that people have used a year’s worth in just seven months, experts are warning.

And the rate at which we are consuming the Earth’s natural resources is still speeding up.

This year the annual date when people have caused a year’s worth of ecological damage – Earth Overshoot Day – comes two days earlier than last year.

Please don't tell me an inner city public school teacher like you is smarter than the experts. PLEASE!
bullshit liberal propaganda.
Nobody measures a years worth of worlds resources.
MarathonMike answered this best.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
No, the problem is now the opposite, all the Western nations are depopulating. The only reason the United States isn't depopulating is immigration.
A couple of hundred gorillas.

A couple of hundred tigers.

A couple of hundred rhinos.

Seven billion humans.

No problem.
A couple of hundred gorillas.

A couple of hundred tigers.

A couple of hundred rhinos.

Seven billion humans.

No problem.

You're welcome to give up your spot to a rhino. Not sure your clothes will fit, but it's worth a shot.
A couple of hundred gorillas.

A couple of hundred tigers.

A couple of hundred rhinos.

Seven billion humans.

No problem.

If one was dedicated and not just talking out their ass, and really believed that shit they would just blow out the pilot light on all four burners and crank them to "HI" and do their part. I notice none of the "over population " people talk a ton of shit, but none do their part and remove their carbon footprint.
Prove what you just said is true
You first. You made the claim prove it's true. Otherwise it's bullshit.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We’re Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever
July 29 marks the point at which we start to consume more than the Earth can replenish. And this date is getting earlier each year.

Happy Overshoot Day unkotare. Last year I posted this on July 31st. This year Overshoot day falls 2 days sooner.

the point each year at which humanity starts to consume the world’s natural resources faster than they can be replenished.

It’s taken us only 209 days to burn through a year’s worth of resources — everything from food and timber to land and carbon. We are using up nature 1.75 times faster than it can be replenished. To do this sustainably, we would need the resources of 1.75 Earths.

These latest figures come from Global Footprint Network, an international nonprofit that calculates our annual ecological budget and the date at which we exceed it. Once we bust through this budget, we start devouring resources at an unsustainable rate.

“It’s a pyramid scheme,” said Mathis Wackernagel, CEO and founder of Global Footprint Network. “It depends on using more and more from the future to pay for the present.”

It’s like being in financial debt, only much harder to recover. “There’s nothing to kickstart the economy if we overuse our resources,” he said, “because every economic activity depends on natural capital, and without that, it’s not going to work.”

The burden of this ecological debt is getting heavier. We started overconsuming resources back in the 1970s, and since then it’s gotten progressively worse. Over the last 20 years, Earth Overshoot Day has crept forward by more than two months. And this year, it falls on the earliest date yet.

Forests are being felled at an alarming rate to provide timber and clear land for agriculture — two football fields’ worth of Amazon rainforest were cleared every minute in May. We are overexploiting water resources for industry and agriculture, and to provide drinking water for ever-expanding cities. And our addiction to fossil fuels means we are producing carbon emissions at levels that will push us further into dangerous temperature rises.

As with financial debt, we can only avoid the consequences for so long. The impact is already becoming frighteningly clear. Wildfires are becoming more frequent and more destructive. Cities around the world, from Cape Town to Chennai, are running out of water supplies, and a landmark U.N. biodiversity report published in May said up to 1 million species could go extinct thanks to human actions.

While the consequences are likely to affect poorer nations more starkly, it’s the populations of richer nations that live further beyond their means, according to the Global Footprint Network. If everyone lived like people in the United States, for example, we would need five Earths. If we all consumed resources at the same rate as people in India, we would only need seven-tenths of a planet to meet our demands.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We're Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever | HuffPost

Now, you prove it.
What the hell is "a year's worth of Earth's resources?" How was that unit determined?" You do realize that technology increases the sum total of Earth's resources, don't you? If we were still using copper wires to make telephone calls over, copper would have been used up 20 years ago. Now we use fiber optic which is made from silica. The supply of silica is virtually infinite.

Your post is pure propaganda.

You get it. I see your next post. You understand overpopulation is real. Especially in cities like Baltimore.
Overpopulation is a problem, but not because we are running out of resources. Overpopulation impacts other species living on the planet, and 11 billion people on this planet is just plain too many. A reasonable number would be 2.5 billion.

This is where your brother Adolf come handy.
You first. You made the claim prove it's true. Otherwise it's bullshit.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We’re Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever
July 29 marks the point at which we start to consume more than the Earth can replenish. And this date is getting earlier each year.

Happy Overshoot Day unkotare. Last year I posted this on July 31st. This year Overshoot day falls 2 days sooner.

the point each year at which humanity starts to consume the world’s natural resources faster than they can be replenished.

It’s taken us only 209 days to burn through a year’s worth of resources — everything from food and timber to land and carbon. We are using up nature 1.75 times faster than it can be replenished. To do this sustainably, we would need the resources of 1.75 Earths.

These latest figures come from Global Footprint Network, an international nonprofit that calculates our annual ecological budget and the date at which we exceed it. Once we bust through this budget, we start devouring resources at an unsustainable rate.

“It’s a pyramid scheme,” said Mathis Wackernagel, CEO and founder of Global Footprint Network. “It depends on using more and more from the future to pay for the present.”

It’s like being in financial debt, only much harder to recover. “There’s nothing to kickstart the economy if we overuse our resources,” he said, “because every economic activity depends on natural capital, and without that, it’s not going to work.”

The burden of this ecological debt is getting heavier. We started overconsuming resources back in the 1970s, and since then it’s gotten progressively worse. Over the last 20 years, Earth Overshoot Day has crept forward by more than two months. And this year, it falls on the earliest date yet.

Forests are being felled at an alarming rate to provide timber and clear land for agriculture — two football fields’ worth of Amazon rainforest were cleared every minute in May. We are overexploiting water resources for industry and agriculture, and to provide drinking water for ever-expanding cities. And our addiction to fossil fuels means we are producing carbon emissions at levels that will push us further into dangerous temperature rises.

As with financial debt, we can only avoid the consequences for so long. The impact is already becoming frighteningly clear. Wildfires are becoming more frequent and more destructive. Cities around the world, from Cape Town to Chennai, are running out of water supplies, and a landmark U.N. biodiversity report published in May said up to 1 million species could go extinct thanks to human actions.

While the consequences are likely to affect poorer nations more starkly, it’s the populations of richer nations that live further beyond their means, according to the Global Footprint Network. If everyone lived like people in the United States, for example, we would need five Earths. If we all consumed resources at the same rate as people in India, we would only need seven-tenths of a planet to meet our demands.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We're Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever | HuffPost

Now, you prove it.
What the hell is "a year's worth of Earth's resources?" How was that unit determined?" You do realize that technology increases the sum total of Earth's resources, don't you? If we were still using copper wires to make telephone calls over, copper would have been used up 20 years ago. Now we use fiber optic which is made from silica. The supply of silica is virtually infinite.

Your post is pure propaganda.

You get it. I see your next post. You understand overpopulation is real. Especially in cities like Baltimore.
Overpopulation is a problem, but not because we are running out of resources. Overpopulation impacts other species living on the planet, and 11 billion people on this planet is just plain too many. A reasonable number would be 2.5 billion.

This is where your brother Adolf come handy.
"My brother Adolph?" How does noting that the world is over populated make you a Nazi?

You are a special kind of douchebag.
Earth Overshoot Day Shows We’re Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever
July 29 marks the point at which we start to consume more than the Earth can replenish. And this date is getting earlier each year.

Happy Overshoot Day unkotare. Last year I posted this on July 31st. This year Overshoot day falls 2 days sooner.

the point each year at which humanity starts to consume the world’s natural resources faster than they can be replenished.

It’s taken us only 209 days to burn through a year’s worth of resources — everything from food and timber to land and carbon. We are using up nature 1.75 times faster than it can be replenished. To do this sustainably, we would need the resources of 1.75 Earths.

These latest figures come from Global Footprint Network, an international nonprofit that calculates our annual ecological budget and the date at which we exceed it. Once we bust through this budget, we start devouring resources at an unsustainable rate.

“It’s a pyramid scheme,” said Mathis Wackernagel, CEO and founder of Global Footprint Network. “It depends on using more and more from the future to pay for the present.”

It’s like being in financial debt, only much harder to recover. “There’s nothing to kickstart the economy if we overuse our resources,” he said, “because every economic activity depends on natural capital, and without that, it’s not going to work.”

The burden of this ecological debt is getting heavier. We started overconsuming resources back in the 1970s, and since then it’s gotten progressively worse. Over the last 20 years, Earth Overshoot Day has crept forward by more than two months. And this year, it falls on the earliest date yet.

Forests are being felled at an alarming rate to provide timber and clear land for agriculture — two football fields’ worth of Amazon rainforest were cleared every minute in May. We are overexploiting water resources for industry and agriculture, and to provide drinking water for ever-expanding cities. And our addiction to fossil fuels means we are producing carbon emissions at levels that will push us further into dangerous temperature rises.

As with financial debt, we can only avoid the consequences for so long. The impact is already becoming frighteningly clear. Wildfires are becoming more frequent and more destructive. Cities around the world, from Cape Town to Chennai, are running out of water supplies, and a landmark U.N. biodiversity report published in May said up to 1 million species could go extinct thanks to human actions.

While the consequences are likely to affect poorer nations more starkly, it’s the populations of richer nations that live further beyond their means, according to the Global Footprint Network. If everyone lived like people in the United States, for example, we would need five Earths. If we all consumed resources at the same rate as people in India, we would only need seven-tenths of a planet to meet our demands.

Earth Overshoot Day Shows We're Tearing Through Resources Faster Than Ever | HuffPost

Now, you prove it.
What the hell is "a year's worth of Earth's resources?" How was that unit determined?" You do realize that technology increases the sum total of Earth's resources, don't you? If we were still using copper wires to make telephone calls over, copper would have been used up 20 years ago. Now we use fiber optic which is made from silica. The supply of silica is virtually infinite.

Your post is pure propaganda.

You get it. I see your next post. You understand overpopulation is real. Especially in cities like Baltimore.
Overpopulation is a problem, but not because we are running out of resources. Overpopulation impacts other species living on the planet, and 11 billion people on this planet is just plain too many. A reasonable number would be 2.5 billion.

This is where your brother Adolf come handy.
"My brother Adolph?" How does noting that the world is over populated make you a Nazi?

You are a special kind of douchebag.

Truth hurts?
A couple of hundred gorillas.

A couple of hundred tigers.

A couple of hundred rhinos.

Seven billion humans.

No problem.

Correct. It truly is no problem. The carrying capacity of the planet is quite high. Far higher than the biomass it is currently supporting.
What the hell is "a year's worth of Earth's resources?" How was that unit determined?" You do realize that technology increases the sum total of Earth's resources, don't you? If we were still using copper wires to make telephone calls over, copper would have been used up 20 years ago. Now we use fiber optic which is made from silica. The supply of silica is virtually infinite.

Your post is pure propaganda.

You get it. I see your next post. You understand overpopulation is real. Especially in cities like Baltimore.
Overpopulation is a problem, but not because we are running out of resources. Overpopulation impacts other species living on the planet, and 11 billion people on this planet is just plain too many. A reasonable number would be 2.5 billion.

This is where your brother Adolf come handy.
"My brother Adolph?" How does noting that the world is over populated make you a Nazi?

You are a special kind of douchebag.

Truth hurts?
You don't know, do you?
What the hell is "a year's worth of Earth's resources?" How was that unit determined?" You do realize that technology increases the sum total of Earth's resources, don't you? If we were still using copper wires to make telephone calls over, copper would have been used up 20 years ago. Now we use fiber optic which is made from silica. The supply of silica is virtually infinite.

Your post is pure propaganda.

You get it. I see your next post. You understand overpopulation is real. Especially in cities like Baltimore.
Overpopulation is a problem, but not because we are running out of resources. Overpopulation impacts other species living on the planet, and 11 billion people on this planet is just plain too many. A reasonable number would be 2.5 billion.

This is where your brother Adolf come handy.
"My brother Adolph?" How does noting that the world is over populated make you a Nazi?

You are a special kind of douchebag.

Truth hurts?

But it's not the truth.

So, are you saying that you want the status quo to continue? You want poor uneducated people to keep having 4 or 5 kids? So what do you want to do about it? If you are like me and bripat9643, all we want to do is cut them off foodstamps, welfare, school lunches and Obamacare. In other words all the things that make it possible for a poor person to have 4 or 5 kids. We should be discouraging not encouraging them to have more kids.

The only thing Hitlerish in my plan is that I would tell a woman who wants foodstamps for her 2nd mistake that she has to get fixed or she will not get any additional funds for that second mistake. If she gets fixed she can have the 2nd child and get the foodstamps and Obamacare.

And if she chooses not to get fixed that's ok with us because we aren't paying for the 2nd mistake. Have as many kids as you want as long as you aren't asking for financial help raising them.
A couple of hundred gorillas.

A couple of hundred tigers.

A couple of hundred rhinos.

Seven billion humans.

No problem.

Correct. It truly is no problem. The carrying capacity of the planet is quite high. Far higher than the biomass it is currently supporting.
We don't want the population to get anywhere near the carrying capacity. That would be a human hell.

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