Do you blame Biden's border policy on allowing in terrorists?

Record numbers of terrorists have been crossing the border ... biden's Open Border.

Biden's Open Border Policy is a violation of the Constitution, his Oath of Office, a violation of US law, and criminally endangering national security.

All are Impeachable offenses.

Thieves, violent gangs, cartel members, mules, drug / human / child / sex traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and terrorists have all been crossing...

85% of all kids trafficked / crossing are sexually abused / raped...many don't make the journey or are killed along the way

Biden's Ipen Border has been very prosperous for the Cartels

Biden has been criminally trafficking illegals across state lines at tax payer expense...

While Snowflakes and Democrats will irrationally try to argue none of this is Biden's fault, bit that has all been debunked and is insane - not possible in this reality.

Is what"s going on Biden's fault?

In the words of JOE BIDEN...

'When I become President there will be no blame-shifting, no finger-pointing - THE BUCK STOPS HERE!'

That may be the biggest lie he has told yet.
How do liberals respond to this? I'm asking b/c I'm a liberal and I want the truth.
Only one way to solve this. Guard towers on the border. Armed soldiers in every tower.
It's not really up for debate. It's just a factual statement. Not being racist, I'm white myself.
That's right we caught 27 terrorists coming in and only 3 when Trump was president. Do you blame Biden?

First off..............the operative word is "caught", meaning they were apprehended trying to get in, but failed because they were caught before they could get in or do any serious damage.

Let's see.....................under Trump, there were only 3 that were caught, yet under Biden, there were 27. Guess Trump should have done a better job with his policies, because Biden's admin has stopped 9 times more terrorists than Trump's did. Apparently, they are better at screening and catching terrorists under Biden than they were under Trump.
First off..............the operative word is "caught", meaning they were apprehended trying to get in, but failed because they were caught before they could get in or do any serious damage.

Let's see.....................under Trump, there were only 3 that were caught, yet under Biden, there were 27. Guess Trump should have done a better job with his policies, because Biden's admin has stopped 9 times more terrorists than Trump's did. Apparently, they are better at screening and catching terrorists under Biden than they were under Trump.
Right that's what I'm saying. Biden is more equipped and way smarter than Trump the orange faced clown. We are just running things better. :)

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