Do you blame Biden's border policy on allowing in terrorists?

Of course I do. It's 100% his fault. He has the power to close the border, send the illegals back where they came from, withhold money from countries where they come from like trump did, order border patrol and so on.

If I leave my front door wide open and criminals come in and steal shit, and even after they do I don't close the door or attempt to stop them then I'm doubly at fault because I saw the problem and still did nothing. I can't blame it on my wife.
Do you blame Biden or not? I just need a rationale as to why you don't blame Biden. I'm not a conservative. I'm liberal!
Depends on your definition of a terrorist. Under Bush, you could be arrested for "suspicion of terrorism" because your name sounded remotely similar to that of a known terrorist or for simply having more than a months worth of food in your house.
42 were on the terror watch list and were caught by Biden. Trump only had 3, do you blame Biden?
Is it Biden's fault?
Yes its Biden's fault.
The border was closed under Trump.
Biden's Executive Orders and his appointment of Mayorkas to DHS was moronic if not criminal.
If the GOP files Articles of Impeachment against Biden his "open Borders" policies will be an article.
If there are all these terrorists making it into the US, then my question is, why haven't there been more terrorist attacks in the US? If they are coming here and want to do damage to this country, they aren't really making themselves known. Most all the attacks that have happened in this country have been from people who are citizens (mass shootings). And, none of them as far as I've seen from the reporting have been affiliated with any overseas terrorist groups. If terrorists are coming into this country, they must be getting here and then getting jobs or going to sleep since they haven't committed any attacks.
Yes its Biden's fault.
The border was closed under Trump.
Biden's Executive Orders and his appointment of Mayorkas to DHS was moronic if not criminal.
If the GOP files Articles of Impeachment against Biden his "open Borders" policies will be an article.

The border was closed under Trump? Really? Might wanna go back and look at the statistics of how many non documented aliens made it into this country when Trump was president. Hint: Its a lot, and no, if they were getting in,, then Trump didn't really close the border.
it’s not just his border policies, he surrendered to terrorist in Afghan…we will see so many more deaths worldwide because of it
it’s not just his border policies, he surrendered to terrorist in Afghan…we will see so many more deaths worldwide because of it

Actually, Trump's admin was where the drawdown and withdrawl from Afghanistan started........................

The Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America (US-Taliban Agreement) was made on 29 February 2020. The US-Taliban Agreement was the impetus for the withdrawal of US and allied forces from Afghanistan. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (the Afghan Government) did not participate in these talks.

The terms of the agreement were contingent on a number of factors, including a reduction of violence by the Taliban, and an initial drawdown of US and allied forces from Afghanistan within 135 days of the agreement. This was to be followed by a complete withdrawal of US and allied forces by May 2021.
What do u think of Biden's border policy in regards to 42 terrorists coming in from the border?
The border was closed under Trump? Really? Might wanna go back and look at the statistics of how many non documented aliens made it into this country when Trump was president. Hint: Its a lot, and no, if they were getting in,, then Trump didn't really close the border.
1. When the Border Patrol caught illegals under Trump they were deported.
2. When the Border Patrol catches illegals under Biden they are given a cell phone and shipped all over the US.
Does it bother you that Biden caught 42 terrorists crossing the border and Trump only caught 3? Now it's not b/c Biden is better at catching them, it's b/c of the border policies.More are coming in now.

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