Do You Care If The Dems Win The House And/Or Senate?

Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Why bother? You're not going to be presented with a Democrat candidate who has a real plan, nor will you have one who has a real strategy for winning. Might as well just stay home, rather than swallowing your pride and voting for whatever POS loser they nominate.
The plan right now is investigation and impeachment. I’ll vote for that with plenty of enthusiasm.

Wow. Something tells me that you have mucho disappointment in store for you, in your immediate future.

Buck up, mang. It's going to be a long, bumpy tide.

Do You Care If The Dems Win The House And/Or Senate?

I am praying night and day that; that is just what happens.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
You campaigned on punishing various groups of Americans. You have passed one piece of legislation, and the result will be massive deficit despite a recovered economy.

All those people who Trump threatened, minorities, women, people who live in cities, people with family overseas, immigrants, DREAMers... all are still living in fear of Trump’s threats. Wresting power from the wannabe tyrant will alleviate that.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
What evidence or even speculation makes you believe Donald Trump is going to push for Single Payer?

Trump was a supporter of universal healthcare even at the start of the campaign. He has sang a different tune lately, but we all know the truth.

'“I am going to take care of everybody … Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now."
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Why bother? You're not going to be presented with a Democrat candidate who has a real plan, nor will you have one who has a real strategy for winning. Might as well just stay home, rather than swallowing your pride and voting for whatever POS loser they nominate.
The plan right now is investigation and impeachment. I’ll vote for that with plenty of enthusiasm.

For what?
Google the GOP’s “hell list.” All of those things, and of course the Russia investigation you rubes insist isn’t happening despite the almost daily news about it.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
You campaigned on punishing various groups of Americans. You have passed one piece of legislation, and the result will be massive deficit despite a recovered economy.

All those people who Trump threatened, minorities, women, people who live in cities, people with family overseas, immigrants, DREAMers... all are still living in fear of Trump’s threats. Wresting power from the wannabe tyrant will alleviate that.

Actually, minorities and women are making out much better under Trump's economy.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Why bother? You're not going to be presented with a Democrat candidate who has a real plan, nor will you have one who has a real strategy for winning. Might as well just stay home, rather than swallowing your pride and voting for whatever POS loser they nominate.
The plan right now is investigation and impeachment. I’ll vote for that with plenty of enthusiasm.

For what?
Google the GOP’s “hell list.” All of those things, and of course the Russia investigation you rubes insist isn’t happening despite the almost daily news about it.

Alex Jones called. He wants to offer you a job.

Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
You campaigned on punishing various groups of Americans. You have passed one piece of legislation, and the result will be massive deficit despite a recovered economy.

All those people who Trump threatened, minorities, women, people who live in cities, people with family overseas, immigrants, DREAMers... all are still living in fear of Trump’s threats. Wresting power from the wannabe tyrant will alleviate that.

Actually, minorities and women are making out much better under Trump's economy.
They were making out well under Obama’s as well. And that was without the overhanging threat of injustice being done against them.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
What a fucking moronic OP. LBJ was a "right winger"???
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Why bother? You're not going to be presented with a Democrat candidate who has a real plan, nor will you have one who has a real strategy for winning. Might as well just stay home, rather than swallowing your pride and voting for whatever POS loser they nominate.
The plan right now is investigation and impeachment. I’ll vote for that with plenty of enthusiasm.

For what?
Google the GOP’s “hell list.” All of those things, and of course the Russia investigation you rubes insist isn’t happening despite the almost daily news about it.

Alex Jones called. He wants to offer you a job.

Jones’ business won’t exist this time next year and he’ll be in massive debt. So no thanks.
Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
You campaigned on punishing various groups of Americans. You have passed one piece of legislation, and the result will be massive deficit despite a recovered economy.

All those people who Trump threatened, minorities, women, people who live in cities, people with family overseas, immigrants, DREAMers... all are still living in fear of Trump’s threats. Wresting power from the wannabe tyrant will alleviate that.

Actually, minorities and women are making out much better under Trump's economy.
They were making out well under Obama’s as well. And that was without the overhanging threat of injustice being done against them.

With black unemployment, food stamp usage, poverty, black on black violence, the lowest number of blacks buying houses, and female unemployment being at such a high level under Obama?

Sometimes I can't tell if you're serious of just joking.

4 reasons:

1) A lot of corruption needs purged from the government.

2) Meaningful legislation that does good for the country needs passed (infrastructure).

3) Funding for the wall needs passed.

4) Some of the good EOs by Trump need solidified into actual law so if/when a leftist president is in The White House, they can't just be undone with the stroke of a pen.

4 reasons:

1) A lot of corruption needs purged from the government.

2) Meaningful legislation that does good for the country needs passed (infrastructure).

3) Funding for the wall needs passed.

4) Some of the good EOs by Trump need solidified into actual law so if/when a leftist president is in The White House, they can't just be undone with the stroke of a pen.

Well said...
...What evidence or even speculation makes you believe Donald Trump is going to push for Single Payer?
Probably because The Creature is a Democrat-Gone-Astray... faced with a Dem Congress, he'll "convert" (collaborate)...

Then ya'll can start calling him "The Ghost of Pierre Laval" and finally put down the Kool-Aid... that's probably for the best.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Thats called democracy and as someone famously said elections have consquences and Obama did as much to sabotage the rest of Presidency as Republicans did. Policies that don't work tend to do that.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Thats called democracy and as someone famously said elections have consquences and Obama did as much to sabotage the rest of Presidency as Republicans did. Policies that don't work tend to do that.
Policies that are sabotaged tend not to work. Well, except the ACA which just WON'T DIE ON ITS OWN or even with the massive GOP sabotage :beer:

Anyways, I look forward to dozens of investigations and impeachment proceedings against Trump, the most criminal President to ever hold the office :thup:
I'm not concerned either way. I care who wins our local congressional and Senate race. My view is I won't be butt hurt over what outsiders do concerning their elections and I really don't care if they're butt hurt over ours.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)

I want to see the look on dotards face when he finds out he doesn't control the money anymore when he loses the House.

And then I want to see the look on Republicans faces when he starts making deals with Speaker Pelosi.

Then I want to see the look on dotards face when precious little Ivanka gets subpoenas from at least three different House committees and is interrogated on national television.

Just that humiliation alone will be worth watching.

And that is an opinion or a wet dream. That's what is exactly going to happen, starting in January.

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