Do You Care If The Dems Win The House And/Or Senate?

Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Thats called democracy and as someone famously said elections have consquences and Obama did as much to sabotage the rest of Presidency as Republicans did. Policies that don't work tend to do that.
Policies that are sabotaged tend not to work. Well, except the ACA which just WON'T DIE ON ITS OWN or even with the massive GOP sabotage :beer:

Anyways, I look forward to dozens of investigations and impeachment proceedings against Trump, the most criminal President to ever hold the office :thup:
Obama got the ACA and pretty much everything else he wanted passed in those first two years the Republicans were in no position to sabotage anything much like the Democrats are now his policies failed on their own. Sorry when you control it all and your policies fail thats on you and you alone.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Thats called democracy and as someone famously said elections have consquences and Obama did as much to sabotage the rest of Presidency as Republicans did. Policies that don't work tend to do that.
Policies that are sabotaged tend not to work. Well, except the ACA which just WON'T DIE ON ITS OWN or even with the massive GOP sabotage :beer:

Anyways, I look forward to dozens of investigations and impeachment proceedings against Trump, the most criminal President to ever hold the office :thup:
Obama got the ACA and pretty much everything else he wanted passed in those first two years the Republicans were in no position to sabotage anything much like the Democrats are now his policies failed on their own. Sorry when you control it all and your policies fail thats on you and you alone.
The ACA failed? :eusa_think:
Sorry bout that,

  1. I hope the Independents don't swing the other way, they being swingers and all.
  2. Why they vote for personality and not along party lines is boarder line insanity, they vote for the person not what the person will likely do.
  3. They leave what they do to God, and just vote personality, there i said it, now you know.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)

I want to see the look on dotards face when he finds out he doesn't control the money anymore when he loses the House.

And then I want to see the look on Republicans faces when he starts making deals with Speaker Pelosi.

Then I want to see the look on dotards face when precious little Ivanka gets subpoenas from at least three different House committees and is interrogated on national television.

Just that humiliation alone will be worth watching.

And that is an opinion or a wet dream. That's what is exactly going to happen, starting in January.

Totally glad that you care more about satisfying vanity then the country
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Thats called democracy and as someone famously said elections have consquences and Obama did as much to sabotage the rest of Presidency as Republicans did. Policies that don't work tend to do that.
Policies that are sabotaged tend not to work. Well, except the ACA which just WON'T DIE ON ITS OWN or even with the massive GOP sabotage :beer:

Anyways, I look forward to dozens of investigations and impeachment proceedings against Trump, the most criminal President to ever hold the office :thup:
Obama got the ACA and pretty much everything else he wanted passed in those first two years the Republicans were in no position to sabotage anything much like the Democrats are now his policies failed on their own. Sorry when you control it all and your policies fail thats on you and you alone.
The ACA failed? :eusa_think:
It was a major reason the Democrats lost the House in 2010 I wouldn't call that a success.
By one party rule I'm guessing you mean one party controlling the Presidency and both chambers of Congress. If so I can only wonder if you felt the same way about one party rule when when Obama had that.
He had that for 2 years and then republicans sabotaged the rest of his Preidency. Here’s to history repeating itself :beer:
Thats called democracy and as someone famously said elections have consquences and Obama did as much to sabotage the rest of Presidency as Republicans did. Policies that don't work tend to do that.
Policies that are sabotaged tend not to work. Well, except the ACA which just WON'T DIE ON ITS OWN or even with the massive GOP sabotage :beer:

Anyways, I look forward to dozens of investigations and impeachment proceedings against Trump, the most criminal President to ever hold the office :thup:
Obama got the ACA and pretty much everything else he wanted passed in those first two years the Republicans were in no position to sabotage anything much like the Democrats are now his policies failed on their own. Sorry when you control it all and your policies fail thats on you and you alone.
The ACA failed? :eusa_think:

If ACA is such a success why are democrats trying to blame republicans for its failures and running to replace it with single payer?
Which Democrats. The ones like Obama and Clinton or the ones like Warren and Sanders?

Would you mind clarifying please?
Obama and Clinton are not running for Congress.

This had to be explained to you?
Yes. Three reasons:

1) I want investigations into corruption in the justice department and fbi to continue

2) I’d like to see Jim Jordan become speaker of the House and stop these budgeting games and government shut downs

3) I’d like more originalist judges on the Supreme Court. If Dems get the senate we won’t get any judges
If the Dems win the Senate, which is not very likely, I bet Trump would nominate Merrick Garland as his next nominee.
Which Democrats. The ones like Obama and Clinton or the ones like Warren and Sanders?

Would you mind clarifying please?
Obama and Clinton are not running for Congress.

This had to be explained to you?

F*CK...I said "LIKE" moderate Democrats like Obama and Clinton or Radical ones like Sanders and Warren.

Are you that stupid that it had to be spelled out for you? Seriously? Clarify your question.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
What evidence or even speculation makes you believe Donald Trump is going to push for Single Payer?
Trump praises Australia's universal health care after Obamacare repeal -

It's going to be fantastic health care," Trump said, referring to his new health care plan. "I shouldn't say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia because you have better health care than we do."

“As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland." - Donald J. Trump, 2015.

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King Live:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.
There is a major difference. If it’s Dems like Nixon and AOC the country would be in serious trouble.
Nixon is not running for Congress. She is running for Governor of New York.

I said "LIKE".

Learn English!

If I say the Patriots need a receiver like Julio Jones, I know they are not getting the actual Julio Jones but I would like them to get a tall athletic receiver. You're dumb. And have been exposed as a troll.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Why bother? You're not going to be presented with a Democrat candidate who has a real plan, nor will you have one who has a real strategy for winning. Might as well just stay home, rather than swallowing your pride and voting for whatever POS loser they nominate.
So where's that ObamaCare replacement Trump and the GOP said they had?

You know, the one Trump said was "beautiful" and promised you would have "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost". And that it would be "so easy!"

That one.

Where is it?

It's pretty ironic you claim "you're not going to be presented with a Democrat [sic] candidate who has a real plan". :lol:

You rubes have STILL not caught on you were massively hoaxed by Trump.
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Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed
Legislation from Trump?!?


Trump tweets. And signs whatever EOs are put in front of him.

Legislation from Trump. Good one! :lol:
Which Democrats. The ones like Obama and Clinton or the ones like Warren and Sanders?

Would you mind clarifying please?
Obama and Clinton are not running for Congress.

This had to be explained to you?

F*CK...I said "LIKE" moderate Democrats like Obama and Clinton or Radical ones like Sanders and Warren.

Are you that stupid that it had to be spelled out for you? Seriously? Clarify your question.
Hey dumbshit. The Democrats who are on the ballot for this fall. Do you want them to win or not?

Jesus, I can't dumb it down any more than that for you.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
Doesn’t matter to me. I guess maybe it could slow spending if they can’t agree in anything?
Which Democrats. The ones like Obama and Clinton or the ones like Warren and Sanders?

Would you mind clarifying please?
Obama and Clinton are not running for Congress.

This had to be explained to you?

F*CK...I said "LIKE" moderate Democrats like Obama and Clinton or Radical ones like Sanders and Warren.

Are you that stupid that it had to be spelled out for you? Seriously? Clarify your question.
Hey dumbshit. The Democrats who are on the ballot for this fall. Do you want them to win or not?

Jesus, I can't dumb it down any more than that for you.

Well dumbass if they are moderate maybe. I don't know who is on the ballot. If they are whaco socialists like AOC. NO!

Fat, ugly and stupid is no way to go through life.
"Care" may not be the word. That nothing of substance will change, seeing that the duopoly dictatorship will continue, makes it all a big non-event.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
You campaigned on punishing various groups of Americans. You have passed one piece of legislation, and the result will be massive deficit despite a recovered economy.

All those people who Trump threatened, minorities, women, people who live in cities, people with family overseas, immigrants, DREAMers... all are still living in fear of Trump’s threats. Wresting power from the wannabe tyrant will alleviate that.

See, there you go, that fear is unfounded.

That is the corporate media manifesting that fear. It is good for their rating and bottom line.

Unless you are illegally residing here, or a criminal malignant terrorist threat, you really don't have a reason to fear.

The media is making you fear unreasonably. I don't think Trump has any ill will at all toward any of these groups, you just have delusions that he does.

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