Do You Care If The Dems Win The House And/Or Senate?

I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)

Losing one or both houses will derail the Trump political agenda. So it's important as far as that goes. The good news is that the GOP is so dysfunctional, large pieces of legislation are usually a non-starter. Remember the infrastructure package? Repealing Obamacare? How's that spaceforce coming along? The wall has been all but forgotten.
Nope. Don't really care.There's not a dime's worth of difference between them where it really matters. Both parties are putting out bad legislation which serves to erode our civil liberties.

I'm more concerned with getting more Independents in there, over time. The party of one can keep trying to put out all the bad legislation they want, I just want to get people in there to disrupt the vote. We do not need a Majority. A Minority will do just fine.
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Bullshit. Putin has admitted that he tampered with our election in Helsinki. Trump just signed an Executive Order dealing with that issue (weakly)

You can claim anything you want but the bottom line is that you sound just like any other Trumper
Nope. Don't really care.There's not a dime's worth of difference between them where it really matters. Both parties are putting out bad legislation which serves to erode our civil liberties.

I'm more concerned with getting more Independents in there, over time. The party of one can keep trying to put out all the bad legislation they want, I just want to get people in there to disrupt the vote. We do not need a Majority. A Minority will do just fine.

Middle class jobs and programs?
It's part of Trump's long term plan to never leave the White House.

True, we can bury him in the White House back yard where he will reside for the foreseeable future. But our government must put a sign in front of his grave stating--

"It is a federal crime to piss on or near Trump's grave"
Bullshit. Putin has admitted that he tampered with our election in Helsinki.

Trump knows Putin got him elected in 12017 and now Trump is hoping Putin does it again in 2020. He will not shoot the goose that layed him that golden egg.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
/----/ It all comes down to the 2020 election and if democRATs can win the WH back.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
/-----/ GHW Bush could have won reelection if he had the communication skills of Donald Trump when democRATs boosted the economy.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)

Nope, I don't give a shit who wins, it will be the same old crap. I do care and hope like hell trump does not win in 2020.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
/-----/ GHW Bush could have won reelection if he had the communication skills of Donald Trump when democRATs boosted the economy.
Instead he lost and a Democrat President oversaw the most prosperous period in our nation's history :thup:
I want to see the Dems take over the house...

Just so Devin Nunes can lose his job as head of the intelligence committee and he can no longer stifle investigations for his own political gain. If Schiff took his place, Nunes head might explode.
But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.


If President Trump were to come out for Socialized Medicine, that would be the death of the program.

Liberal Trump Haters would suddenly turn against the program since it came from the lips of The Donald. And since conservatives are already against it, that would be that.
No. In reality, three milliseconds after Trump said he wanted UHC, the pseudocons would become raving supporters of it.

Trump would be a Democratic hero, and all talk of impeachment would die on the vine. Trump could shoot Hillary Clinton on Fifth Avenue, and the Democrats would still support him as long as he enacted UHC.

Then, after the next school shooting, Donald would promote an assault weapons ban and longer wait times to buy a gun (as he advocated for both in his book), and everyone would be on board.

Because that is how the Rube Herd rolls.

So, in essence, you're saying the Cult45 would turn into the Dem party. There's a frightening thought.
I want to see the Dems take over the house...

Speaking of wants I want all the filthy ass Democrats to move to Venezuela so they can see how their socialist ideas will fuck everything up.

Either Venezuela or maybe they can go back to Africa given that they all think they were all brought over here as slaves.
But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.


If President Trump were to come out for Socialized Medicine, that would be the death of the program.

Liberal Trump Haters would suddenly turn against the program since it came from the lips of The Donald. And since conservatives are already against it, that would be that.
No. In reality, three milliseconds after Trump said he wanted UHC, the pseudocons would become raving supporters of it.

Trump would be a Democratic hero, and all talk of impeachment would die on the vine. Trump could shoot Hillary Clinton on Fifth Avenue, and the Democrats would still support him as long as he enacted UHC.

Then, after the next school shooting, Donald would promote an assault weapons ban and longer wait times to buy a gun (as he advocated for both in his book), and everyone would be on board.

Because that is how the Rube Herd rolls.

So, in essence, you're saying the Cult45 would turn into the Dem party. There's a frightening thought.
Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. For years, he went on CNN to advocate for far left causes. Defending Bill Clinton, impeaching Bush, cutting and running from Iraq. In his book, The America We Deserve, he called for single payer healthcare, an assault weapons ban, and longer wait times to buy a gun. He said his New York values made him "very pro-choice". 80 percent of his political donations went to pro-abortion Democrats all across the country.

Now, he is a parody of what a conservative is. He is playing acting the kind of person that liberals think conservatives are. Bigoted, stupid, jingoistic. The man didn't even know what it meant to be pro-life. It had to be explained to him.

So, yeah. I have been saying from the beginning that Trump would lead the pseudocons into the far left camp.
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We all need to have more than one party in charge of the government, so yes, I want the dems to win at least one house back.

Besides, the future in/of this country is going to lay with the courts, since democrats have decided legislating from the bench is legit the gop has been appointing judges all over the country.

I've heard and/or read that there were approximately 5000 judgeships that needed to be filled when trump took office and that there is now less than 4000, if those numbers are true then the gop is already poised to drastically alter the course of this country without ever winning an election.

but the Donald does make for great TV so I am just going to enjoy ride.
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
/-----/ GHW Bush could have won reelection if he had the communication skills of Donald Trump when democRATs boosted the economy.
Instead he lost and a Democrat President oversaw the most prosperous period in our nation's history :thup:
/----/ OH, so Clintoon gets credit for the economic expansion after GHWB but Obozo is given credit for the expansion under Trump.
Trump pilot.png
Trump or his replacement must not have another 2 years of one party rule. As much as fools joke about the 2 parties being the same, the differences are important to some people.

Yet zero actual reasons
Here’s one: so the threat of any legislation from Trump passing can be completely removed

And this is why Democrats won’t win.

You want to win to stop good things from happening.

We want to win to make good things happen
/-----/ GHW Bush could have won reelection if he had the communication skills of Donald Trump when democRATs boosted the economy.
Instead he lost and a Democrat President oversaw the most prosperous period in our nation's history :thup:

You aren’t very versed in history are you?
Yes I care, I do not want the commie dems having a say in anything.They have proved the are either not mature enough or smart enough to have a say in how this country operates.
Yes I care, I do not want the commie dems having a say in anything.They have proved the are either not mature enough or smart enough to have a say in how this country operates.

Are you suggesting Republicans have proven otherwise?
The only hope of mitigating the disaster in the White House is a Dem Congress (House and Senate).

The GOP has shown that they have no spine regarding the Orange DIsaster

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