Do You Care If The Dems Win The House And/Or Senate?

Yes I care, I do not want the commie dems having a say in anything.They have proved the are either not mature enough or smart enough to have a say in how this country operates.

Are you suggesting Republicans have proven otherwise?
Not suggesting a damn thing other than Democrats are to stupid to reject communism.. That alone should be enough to bar them from holding office.
Just go to youtube and watch videos of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. No, I don't want people like that back in charge of either House.
The only hope of mitigating the disaster in the White House is a Dem Congress (House and Senate).

The GOP has shown that they have no spine regarding the Orange DIsaster
/----/ Here ya go you Goofball. Which one will democRATs overturn first?
500 DAYS: In his first 500 days in office President Donald J. Trump has achieved results domestically and internationally for the American people.

  • Since taking office, President Trump has strengthened American leadership, security, prosperity, and accountability.
  • After 500 days, the results are clear: the American economy is stronger, American workers are experiencing more opportunities, confidence is soaring, and business is booming.
  • President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage, secured vital investments in our military, and stood up against threats to our national security.
  • President Trump has put the American people first and made government more accountable.
AMERICA’S ECONOMY IS STRONGER: The American economy is stronger today and American workers are better off thanks to President Trump’s pro-growth agenda.

  • Nearly 3 million jobs have been created since President Trump took office.
  • 304,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and manufacturing employment stands at its highest level since December 2008.
  • 337,000 construction jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and construction employment stands at its highest level since June 2008.
  • Under President Trump, the unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8, the lowest rate since April 2000, and job openings have reached 6.6 million, the highest level recorded.
  • 67 percent of Americans believe now is a good time to find a quality job, according to Gallup.
  • Only under President Trump have more than 50 percent of Americans believed it is a good time to find a quality job since Gallup began asking the question 17 years ago.
  • President Trump prioritized job training and workforce development to empower workers to seize more opportunities, signing an Executive Order to expand apprenticeship opportunities.
  • President Trump has restored confidence in the American economy, with confidence among both consumers and businesses reaching historic highs.
  • Consumer confidence in current conditions has reached a 17-year high, according to the Conference Board.
  • Optimism among manufacturers has hit record highs under President Trump, according to the National Association of Manufacturers.
  • Small business optimism has sustained record-high levels under President Trump according to the National Federation of Independent Business.
  • President Trump signed the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting taxes for American families and making American business more competitive.
  • American families received $3.2 trillion in gross tax cuts and saw the child tax credit double.
  • The top corporate tax rate was lowered from 35 percent to 21 percent so American businesses could be more competitive.
  • President Trump has rolled back unnecessary job-killing regulations beyond expectations.
  • In 2017, President Trump far exceeded his promise to eliminate regulations at a two-to-one ratio, issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every new regulatory action.
  • The Administration rolled back rules and regulations harming farmers and energy producers, such as the Waters of the United States Rule and the Clean Power Plan.
  • Regional and community banks and credit unions got relief after President Trump signed legislation reducing harmful requirements imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act.
  • Since taking office, President Trump has advanced free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals that protect American workers, ending decades of destructive trade policies.
  • Days after taking office, the President withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and agreement.
  • President Trump’s Administration is working to defend American intellectual property from China’s unfair practices through a range of actions.
  • The President improved the KORUS trade agreement with the Republic of Korea, which will allow more U.S. automobile exports to South Korea with lower tariffs and increase U.S. pharmaceutical access to South Korea.
  • American agriculture has gained access to new markets under President Trump.
AMERICA IS WINNING ON THE WORLD STAGE: President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage and is achieving results for the American people.

  • President Trump followed through on his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • President Trump ordered an end to United States participation in the horrible Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.
  • The President has taken action to confront aggression by Iran and its proxies.
  • The Department of the Treasury has issued a range of sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force.
  • Under President Trump, the United States has led an unprecedented global campaign to achieve the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
  • President Trump’s leadership has contributed to the return of 17 Americans held overseas.
  • In May 2018 alone, Venezuela released one American and North Korea released three Americans who came home to the United States.
  • The President has secured historic increases in defense funding in order to rebuild our Nation’s military with the resources they need, after years of harmful sequester.
  • President Trump signed legislation to provide $700 billion in defense spending for fiscal year (FY) 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.
  • The United States has worked with international allies to decimate ISIS.
  • President Trump ordered strikes against Syria in response to the regime’s use of chemical weapons in April 2017 and April 2018.
  • The Trump Administration has imposed a range of sanctions on the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela, including sanctions targeting Maduro and other senior government officials.
Which Democrats. The ones like Obama and Clinton or the ones like Warren and Sanders?

Would you mind clarifying please?
Obama and Clinton are not running for Congress.

This had to be explained to you?

F*CK...I said "LIKE" moderate Democrats like Obama and Clinton or Radical ones like Sanders and Warren.

Are you that stupid that it had to be spelled out for you? Seriously? Clarify your question.
Hey dumbshit. The Democrats who are on the ballot for this fall. Do you want them to win or not?

Jesus, I can't dumb it down any more than that for you.

Well dumbass if they are moderate maybe. I don't know who is on the ballot. If they are whaco socialists like AOC. NO!

Fat, ugly and stupid is no way to go through life.
Well, I hope you overcome those obstacles.
Which Democrats. The ones like Obama and Clinton or the ones like Warren and Sanders?

Would you mind clarifying please?
Obama and Clinton are not running for Congress.

This had to be explained to you?

F*CK...I said "LIKE" moderate Democrats like Obama and Clinton or Radical ones like Sanders and Warren.

Are you that stupid that it had to be spelled out for you? Seriously? Clarify your question.
Hey dumbshit. The Democrats who are on the ballot for this fall. Do you want them to win or not?

Jesus, I can't dumb it down any more than that for you.

Well dumbass if they are moderate maybe. I don't know who is on the ballot. If they are whaco socialists like AOC. NO!

Fat, ugly and stupid is no way to go through life.
Well, I hope you overcome those obstacles.

Why are you talking to yourself?
The absolute last thing any America should want is for the DemocRATs to gain seats in Congress.

And I have a very strong feeling November will see a Blue Fizzle and a massive Red Wave.
In the end I could care less who wins. It's all the same nonsense and it's all about making the uber wealthy above the law corporatists that have been running this country even wealthier. it's sad but I can't change it. I guess when people like manafort are found guilty it gives a little hope.
In the end I could care less who wins. It's all the same nonsense and it's all about making the uber wealthy above the law corporatists that have been running this country even wealthier. it's sad but I can't change it. I guess when people like manafort are found guilty it gives a little hope.

It's people like you who allow people like Obama to be elected.
I call it the way I see it. The longer i live the more evidence i see to back it up. I have enough to live on. I worked hard for the little i have. I cannot stop all the underhanded money living the ruling class corporate class who call the shots so I accept it. I will vote third party in 2020 and more of my friends are doing the same.
I call it the way I see it. The longer i live the more evidence i see to back it up. I have enough to live on. I worked hard for the little i have. I cannot stop all the underhanded money living the ruling class corporate class who call the shots so I accept it. I will vote third party in 2020 and more of my friends are doing the same.

At least you are voting.
Yep. I do vote. But in the end really don't care. Those that believe their candidate is really a good person or is going to change things are frankly not very intelligent. And that goes for lying democrats and for the rich only gop.
Yep. I do vote. But in the end really don't care. Those that believe their candidate is really a good person or is going to change things are frankly not very intelligent. And that goes for lying democrats and for the rich only gop.
Those that think that voting doesn't matter or that you can be frivolous with your vote...gave us Trump
Yep. I do vote. But in the end really don't care. Those that believe their candidate is really a good person or is going to change things are frankly not very intelligent. And that goes for lying democrats and for the rich only gop.
Those that think that voting doesn't matter or that you can be frivolous with your vote...gave us Trump
/——/ And thank God they gave us Trump. Keep up the good work.
Seeing manafort found guilty gives all of us hope. Yet some here would try to defend him. Losers.
Did I say it did? I Surely you celebrated to see a wealthy man who thinks he is above the law brought to justice.

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