Do You Care If The Dems Win The House And/Or Senate?

I never wanted the Demrats to win the Senate.... no no no:nono::nono::nono:

hehehheheheheeh and they didn't! :04: they lost the Senate

And the Senate is all that matters my friends!:eusa_dance:
The Senate matters a great deal folks.

That's how the Republiscum were able to keep the Gorsuch seat open and get Kavanaugh seated.

And that doesn't even touch on all the crazy corporatist right wing judges McConnell slammed into the lower courts.
Remember that in 2020 folks. Even the "moderate" Republican Senators vote in lockstep for these creeps
There just isn't any difference between the parties any more.

Pure bullshit.

There are VAST differences between the two.

The GOP will do nothing for the middle class.
Lol you idiot
What do the dems do for the middle class. Not rhetoric, what they actually do.
Start with healthcare dummy. That's HUGE

Move on to jobs, Dems are committed to ACTUALLY putting money into infrastructure...and that's JOBS

Then move on to education and low interest loans for education.

The GOP idea of education is privatization...which helps a couple corporations and ends up screwing anyone not rich enough to buy an actual good education

So yea..there are differences. Big differences
I asked you to avoid rhetoric.. but whatevs
Start with healthcare dummy. That's HUGE

Move on to jobs, Dems are committed to ACTUALLY putting money into infrastructure...and that's JOBS

Then move on to education and low interest loans for education.

The GOP idea of education is privatization...which helps a couple corporations and ends up screwing anyone not rich enough to buy an actual good education

So yea..there are differences. Big differences

That's not rhetoric.

Rhetoric is empty words. That is not this
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)

This is politics. Why no link from the op?
Start with healthcare dummy. That's HUGE

Move on to jobs, Dems are committed to ACTUALLY putting money into infrastructure...and that's JOBS

Then move on to education and low interest loans for education.

The GOP idea of education is privatization...which helps a couple corporations and ends up screwing anyone not rich enough to buy an actual good education

So yea..there are differences. Big differences

That's not rhetoric.

Rhetoric is empty words. That is not this
Healthcare? Like single payer? Hey dumbass, how many middle class families dont already have insurance?
Jobs? Lol give me a break
Education? You will need to clRify. My red ass state just made votec and community college free to every TN residemt that doesnt already have a degree. Its not even forced upon the taxpayers to foot the bill, either. You know, the bill the middle class would have to pay for?
Try again
Healthcare? Like single payer? Hey dumbass, how many middle class families dont already have insurance?
Jobs? Lol give me a break
Education? You will need to clRify. My red ass state just made votec and community college free to every TN residemt that doesnt already have a degree. Its not even forced upon the taxpayers to foot the bill, either. You know, the bill the middle class would have to pay for?
Try again

By arguing against those things all you are doing is highlighting that there ARE major differences between the parties
Healthcare? Like single payer? Hey dumbass, how many middle class families dont already have insurance?
Jobs? Lol give me a break
Education? You will need to clRify. My red ass state just made votec and community college free to every TN residemt that doesnt already have a degree. Its not even forced upon the taxpayers to foot the bill, either. You know, the bill the middle class would have to pay for?
Try again

By arguing against those things all you are doing is highlighting that there ARE major differences between the parties
Bless your heart. Enjoy your empty rhetoric and cheerleading.
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
While i agree with the does it matter part, no. There is no difference.
I just think its ignorant to blame trump. Its been like that for decades.
I agree.

Trump is a symptom, not the disease. Trump is the festering sore spewing pus from a diseased body.
My red ass state just made votec and community college free to every TN residemt that doesnt already have a degree. Its not even forced upon the taxpayers to foot the bill, either. You know, the bill the middle class would have to pay for?
Try again

Just curious, how is the program being paid for. What I can find is that TN Reconnect is a scholarship - who is footing the bill?
My red ass state just made votec and community college free to every TN residemt that doesnt already have a degree. Its not even forced upon the taxpayers to foot the bill, either. You know, the bill the middle class would have to pay for?
Try again

Just curious, how is the program being paid for. What I can find is that TN Reconnect is a scholarship - who is footing the bill?
The lottery
I don't really care if the Democrats win the House and/or Senate, except for entertainment value.

There just isn't any difference between the parties any more. Trump has destroyed whatever vestigial differences there were. Family Values are history. Fiscal responsibility is obliterated.

If the Dems win, it will be fun watching them rev up hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing into the Trump regime. Payback for all those Benghazi ad infinitum hearings and other infinite hearings during the Obama regime.

But I think the most significant effect of a Democratic Congress would be seen in Trump. The chameleon huckster will revert back to his inner Democrat.

I believe Trump will make single payer health care his number one domestic agenda item. Trump has always been an advocate for UHC, and he has never walked that back. With a Democratic Congress, we just might see an LBJ moment. Except instead of civil rights, it will be health care.

LBJ was also a chameleon huckster. He came up through a far right wing racist political machine. No one would have ever guessed such a man who came from such a background would suddenly become a civil rights champion.

And the only way Universal Health Care will ever be achieved is by someone inside the GOP. Someone who will flip the party in the opposite direction.

Donald J. Trump.

I am philosophically opposed to UHC. I have laid out what I think the real solution to our health care cost problem is. But the GOP is too stupid, too cowardly, and too lazy to ever puke up a plan and stand by it. They surrendered to UHC decades ago. They've been putting on theater for the rubes and hoaxing them all this time. You have to be a complete idiot not to have figured this out by now.

So we are inevitably headed toward UHC.

But that's enough from me for now.

I'm sure there are left wingers out there who have their reasons for wanting a Democratic Congress. More bigger government, blah blah blah.

So let's hear your opinions, wants, dreams. :)
While i agree with the does it matter part, no. There is no difference.
I just think its ignorant to blame trump. Its been like that for decades.
I agree.

Trump is a symptom, not the disease. Trump is the festering sore spewing pus from a diseased body.

BUT prior to Trump, we DID have bipartisan majs in both chambers and a WH that were willing to agree that some level of spending caps and raised taxes were necessary to address the deficits. The Freedom Caucus blocked Boehner from ever bringing it up for a vote, but the votes were there to pass the damn thing ... and even with a sizeable gop House buy in.

And I'm not going to say that a Rubio or Jeb would have voted nyet.
The greatest thing about GOP control of the Senate is the ability to kill that crazy crap coming out of the House. It some of them somehow manage to make it to the floor, they'll end up in the circular file.

And no way will Congress ever be able to override a presidential veto!

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