Do you consider this Child Sex Abuse?

No teen aged boy would say he was abused by having sex with a hot older woman
You're missing the point on purpose. You know the point of adults having sex with children isn't about whether or not the child can be taught to enjoy it, or already wants to enjoy's about destroying the higher purpose of a spirit needing unconditional love. When an adult has sex with a child, then "love" becomes "conditional" upon sex.

That barrier between adults and children is the last vestige of a more nobel purpose for people being here on the planet. Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex will always happen for people. What won't always happen for them is love, unconditional love. Adults having sex with a child, whether the child likes it or not is introducing the subconscious notion in the child's mind "my value to society is as a sexual object". It CEMENTS that notion. And so the chains are strapped on the individual who then goes through life struggling to find meaning just as they are, not what they do to please others.

Sexual abuse introduces subtle mind-fucks that may seem like a big joke to you, but over time can completely erode a person's sanity. So, whoop it up now and giggle. Sure, what adolescent boy wouldn't want to fuck his own mom if allowed? They'll hump ANYTHING. So, that's not the point is it? The point isn't the physical fuck, it's the mind-fuck. And if you can't get that, you yourself are already too far gone.
I think our legal system needs to worry a little bit more about the nut jobs shooting up people than whether people are going to be "sexually" well adjusted....

Most people are not sexually well adjusted, and sexual imprints most likely happen well before 15 years of age anyway.........
I think our legal system needs to worry a little bit more about the nut jobs shooting up people than whether people are going to be "sexually" well adjusted....

Most people are not sexually well adjusted, and sexual imprints most likely happen well before 15 years of age anyway.........
So your solution is that if bad things are happening to kids, we should just let it continue because in your opinion "there's more important stuff to worry about". Has it not occurred to you that the seed of all evils in the world is a direct result of bad things happening to kids?

You seem to be promoting a soft-eye on adult sexual contact with children BTW.
No teen aged boy would say he was abused by having sex with a hot older woman
You're missing the point on purpose. You know the point of adults having sex with children isn't about whether or not the child can be taught to enjoy it, or already wants to enjoy's about destroying the higher purpose of a spirit needing unconditional love. When an adult has sex with a child, then "love" becomes "conditional" upon sex.

That barrier between adults and children is the last vestige of a more nobel purpose for people being here on the planet. Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex will always happen for people. What won't always happen for them is love, unconditional love. Adults having sex with a child, whether the child likes it or not is introducing the subconscious notion in the child's mind "my value to society is as a sexual object". It CEMENTS that notion. And so the chains are strapped on the individual who then goes through life struggling to find meaning just as they are, not what they do to please others.

Sexual abuse introduces subtle mind-fucks that may seem like a big joke to you, but over time can completely erode a person's sanity. So, whoop it up now and giggle. Sure, what adolescent boy wouldn't want to fuck his own mom if allowed? They'll hump ANYTHING. So, that's not the point is it? The point isn't the physical fuck, it's the mind-fuck. And if you can't get that, you yourself are already too far gone.

I never wanted to fuck my mother. What's wrong with you anyway?

Listen I speak from experience here.

When I was 16 I spent the entire summer with a hot 25 year old

It was the best summer of my life and I turned out just fine
I think our legal system needs to worry a little bit more about the nut jobs shooting up people than whether people are going to be "sexually" well adjusted....

Most people are not sexually well adjusted, and sexual imprints most likely happen well before 15 years of age anyway.........
So your solution is that if bad things are happening to kids, we should just let it continue because in your opinion "there's more important stuff to worry about". Has it not occurred to you that the seed of all evils in the world is a direct result of bad things happening to kids?

You seem to be promoting a soft-eye on adult sexual contact with children BTW.

I think the strictest eye needs to be on predators of children (ages newborn to 12) much more actively. We can't keep people from committing crimes. Targeting situations like this doesn't prevent child molestation. It has ZERO effect on it, and, the only way to reduce "evil" in the world is to allow Christian values to prevail - but since our society is becoming more and more liberal, things like this will increase more and more.

Raising a stink about this might look good on paper, but there are no results.
The actions that will produce results you view as taking freedoms away.
Until it is recognized that people are just no good and that we need to live for God, you can clang all the bells you want and nothing will change.....
I think our legal system needs to worry a little bit more about the nut jobs shooting up people than whether people are going to be "sexually" well adjusted....

Most people are not sexually well adjusted, and sexual imprints most likely happen well before 15 years of age anyway.........

Dear Bonzi
Not to worry. The same process it takes for people to go through spiritual counseling and healing, in order to end abuse of sex and relations,
ALSO works to identify, treat and cure cases of criminal illness in the cases of shooting, stalking, etc.

The reason the same therapy applies to all is cases where the imbalance, addiction or abuse is caused by "unforgiven" issues or conflicts that spiritual healing addresses, removes and heals.
As a consequence, any related symptoms also are removed in the process, so the mind and body can restore their normal "self-healing" process by removing these blockages.

We could potentially reform both the mental health and criminal justice system
at the same time by focusing on medical research, development and treatment of
abuses, addictions and ills in any number of areas.

Sickness on any level is healed with the same process,
but some conditions require deeper longer term work to remove and resolve.
Most require additional mental and physical treatment in addition to spiritual,
but there are cases where the spiritual healing was enough to heal the rest without
further levels of treatment. It depends on the case, but the point is to treat and
heal the whole person -- body, mind and spirit -- and not neglect one for the other.

The cases of REAL pedophile addictions and sexual/criminal obsession
can take 25 years to heal in mild cases; the severe cases can have such
high relapse rates to be incurable in this lifetime.

But the same spiritual healing process can also cure other conditions
ranging from chronic depression and anxiety to schizophrenia, cancer and other diseases.

Even the social and community relations can be healed through the same
forgiveness and counseling process (though for extreme cases of damage,
physical restitution is also needed to complete healing and can't be left out).
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It's sex abuse if you completely ignore reality. The guy will be showing off her photo on his death bed.
The victim's pleasurable reaction to being molested is common and anticipated and often documented by law enforcement. It's part of the reason that investigations and prosecutions get hung up; the child doesn't want it to stop on a certain level. It in no way lessens the crime which is a crime of psychological abuse more than physical. It ruptures the clear demarcation of trust & decorum between an adult mentor and a child. Sex has no part in that relationship. So says society.
It's sex abuse if you completely ignore reality. The guy will be showing off her photo on his death bed.
Yes, then later as he ages and finds himself in spiralling-angst under life's routine pressures...unable to separate sex from unconditional love, he can commit suicide while staring at the photo of that her memory...
LOL. Yeah, every guy I know that got laid early was an emotional cripple. :uhoh3:
No one needs unconditional love from someone who isn't in your immediate family. That whole idea is just distasteful.

If you do have some perverse need for unconditional love that isn't mom and dad, get a cocker spaniel.
No teen aged boy would say he was abused by having sex with a hot older woman
Not if he's gay.

I believe the likelihood of harm to a sexual abused 15 year old boy is less than a girl. However, that's not to say it's ok for two reasons. First of all, children who are sexual abused by older adults are much more likely to become an abuser as an adult. Lack of emotional maturity makes it difficult for a teenager to differential between love and sex particularly when their partner is much older. In this case, the adult is a 48 year women who pursued the boy over a period of time with sexual explicit behavior, emails, and alcohol.

The law is good as is and the sentence is just.
It's sex abuse if you completely ignore reality. The guy will be showing off her photo on his death bed.
The victim's pleasurable reaction to being molested is common and anticipated and often documented by law enforcement. It's part of the reason that investigations and prosecutions get hung up; the child doesn't want it to stop on a certain level. It in no way lessens the crime which is a crime of psychological abuse more than physical. It ruptures the clear demarcation of trust & decorum between an adult mentor and a child. Sex has no part in that relationship. So says society.
It's sex abuse if you completely ignore reality. The guy will be showing off her photo on his death bed.
Yes, then later as he ages and finds himself in spiralling-angst under life's routine pressures...unable to separate sex from unconditional love, he can commit suicide while staring at the photo of that her memory...

Are you on drugs again?
No teen aged boy would say he was abused by having sex with a hot older woman
You're missing the point on purpose. You know the point of adults having sex with children isn't about whether or not the child can be taught to enjoy it, or already wants to enjoy's about destroying the higher purpose of a spirit needing unconditional love. When an adult has sex with a child, then "love" becomes "conditional" upon sex.

That barrier between adults and children is the last vestige of a more nobel purpose for people being here on the planet. Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex will always happen for people. What won't always happen for them is love, unconditional love. Adults having sex with a child, whether the child likes it or not is introducing the subconscious notion in the child's mind "my value to society is as a sexual object". It CEMENTS that notion. And so the chains are strapped on the individual who then goes through life struggling to find meaning just as they are, not what they do to please others.

Sexual abuse introduces subtle mind-fucks that may seem like a big joke to you, but over time can completely erode a person's sanity. So, whoop it up now and giggle. Sure, what adolescent boy wouldn't want to fuck his own mom if allowed? They'll hump ANYTHING. So, that's not the point is it? The point isn't the physical fuck, it's the mind-fuck. And if you can't get that, you yourself are already too far gone.

Silly, please seek professional psychiatric help for your problems.
No one needs unconditional love from someone who isn't in your immediate family. That whole idea is just distasteful.

If you do have some perverse need for unconditional love that isn't mom and dad, get a cocker spaniel.

Do not post in threads regarding subjects you know nothing of. As a sociopath, you are not capable of love.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

Sure is, you have Subway Jared going to jail for the same thing.

Adults need to learn self control.
It's sex abuse if you completely ignore reality. The guy will be showing off her photo on his death bed.
The victim's pleasurable reaction to being molested is common and anticipated and often documented by law enforcement. It's part of the reason that investigations and prosecutions get hung up; the child doesn't want it to stop on a certain level. It in no way lessens the crime which is a crime of psychological abuse more than physical. It ruptures the clear demarcation of trust & decorum between an adult mentor and a child. Sex has no part in that relationship. So says society.
It's sex abuse if you completely ignore reality. The guy will be showing off her photo on his death bed.
Yes, then later as he ages and finds himself in spiralling-angst under life's routine pressures...unable to separate sex from unconditional love, he can commit suicide while staring at the photo of that her memory...
If only, such Persons could instead pray for True love and perform True love rituals at a temple dedicated to a goddess of love.
No one needs unconditional love from someone who isn't in your immediate family. That whole idea is just distasteful.

If you do have some perverse need for unconditional love that isn't mom and dad, get a cocker spaniel.

Do not post in threads regarding subjects you know nothing of. As a sociopath, you are not capable of love.
Just humans. I love my dog.

Quite seriously, if you need unconditional love from everyone you meet, there are some serious problems going on. One of the lessons children need to learn is that not everyone will love them unconditionally.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

Sure is, you have Subway Jared going to jail for the same thing.

Adults need to learn self control.

Jared's victims were under 14 and did not want the attention.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

Sure is, you have Subway Jared going to jail for the same thing.

Adults need to learn self control.

Jared's victims were under 14 and did not want the attention.

I like you TCL! <hugs!>
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

This dumb ass 15 year old will regret running his big mouth for the rest of his life. Getting the woman in trouble will haunt him forever.

Boys are not girls you nitwits. No harm came to the kid. Most certainly he asked for the pleasure and THIS is what he did with it? What a moron.

As long as he lives no woman will EVER trust him.

As for her ...she used horrible judgement offering a BJ to the stupid kid. She doesn't deserve what she got for trying to please the simpleton 15 year old.

The only harm the boy will endure will be trying to live down the consequences of having a big mouth.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

This dumb ass 15 year old will regret running his big mouth for the rest of his life. Getting the woman in trouble will haunt him forever.

Boys are not girls you nitwits. No harm came to the kid. Most certainly he asked for the pleasure and THIS is what he did with it? What a moron.

As long as he lives no woman will EVER trust him.

As for her ...she used horrible judgement offering a BJ to the stupid kid. She doesn't deserve what she got for trying to please the simpleton 15 year old.

The only harm the boy will endure will be trying to live down the consequences of having a big mouth.

You will never convince a brain-washed Liberal of this so save your breath.............

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