Do you consider this Child Sex Abuse?

Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

This dumb ass 15 year old will regret running his big mouth for the rest of his life. Getting the woman in trouble will haunt him forever.

Boys are not girls you nitwits. No harm came to the kid. Most certainly he asked for the pleasure and THIS is what he did with it? What a moron.

As long as he lives no woman will EVER trust him.

As for her ...she used horrible judgement offering a BJ to the stupid kid. She doesn't deserve what she got for trying to please the simpleton 15 year old.

The only harm the boy will endure will be trying to live down the consequences of having a big mouth.

You will never convince a brain-washed Liberal of this so save your breath.............
some liberals believe he should assigned a probationary wife until he learns how deal with life issues, with greater probity.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

Sure is, you have Subway Jared going to jail for the same thing.

Adults need to learn self control.

Jared's victims were under 14 and did not want the attention.

It doesn't make it legal. Adults need to learn self control. The victims are victims.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

This dumb ass 15 year old will regret running his big mouth for the rest of his life. Getting the woman in trouble will haunt him forever.

Boys are not girls you nitwits. No harm came to the kid. Most certainly he asked for the pleasure and THIS is what he did with it? What a moron.

As long as he lives no woman will EVER trust him.

As for her ...she used horrible judgement offering a BJ to the stupid kid. She doesn't deserve what she got for trying to please the simpleton 15 year old.

The only harm the boy will endure will be trying to live down the consequences of having a big mouth.

You will never convince a brain-washed Liberal of this so save your breath.............
some liberals believe he should assigned a probationary wife until he learns how deal with life issues, with greater probity.
Give him intense counseling to accept homosexuality there wouldn't have been a complaint at all.
Molly Shattuck: Former Ravens Cheerleader Sentenced to 48 Weekends in Jail for Child Sex Abuse

Shattuck on Friday was also ordered to pay the victim's family $10,650 and register as a sex offender.

She pleaded guilty to rape in June, saying she performed oral sex on a 15-year-old boy in 2014.

This dumb ass 15 year old will regret running his big mouth for the rest of his life. Getting the woman in trouble will haunt him forever.

Boys are not girls you nitwits. No harm came to the kid. Most certainly he asked for the pleasure and THIS is what he did with it? What a moron.

As long as he lives no woman will EVER trust him.

As for her ...she used horrible judgement offering a BJ to the stupid kid. She doesn't deserve what she got for trying to please the simpleton 15 year old.

The only harm the boy will endure will be trying to live down the consequences of having a big mouth.

You will never convince a brain-washed Liberal of this so save your breath.............
some liberals believe he should assigned a probationary wife until he learns how deal with life issues, with greater probity.
Give him intense counseling to accept homosexuality there wouldn't have been a complaint at all.
some liberal Persons may believe that such public sector intervention in that private sector market, may be too unequal for equality purposes regarding our gender warfare front.

are you implying wo-men cannot "help men with their probity" should it be found a requirement for the Good of the State and necessary and proper laws be found as a result; and that women may insist on being infidel, protestant, and renegade to their alleged and stated Cause for equality in Any given venue not just pay.

too much social hard work for free under Any form of Capitalism, free chics?
I think that teens older than 14 years should decide themselves whether they would like to have a sex or not. I don`t think that`s child abuse if the boy wanted this. A 15 years old boy is able to refuse sex if he doesn`t want it.
Why isn't Kaitlyn Hunt in prison? She raped a 14 year old girl. Not only did she rape this girl but refused to stop even after her arrest.

Lesbian Cheerleader Still Having Contact With Underage Girlfriend: Prosecutor
Because she's part of the LGBT cult and everyone is afraid of prosecuting them. Like the Nazi party advancing incrementally, this loophole will cause them to access children sexually at will, daring anyone to stand in their way.

Of course it's already started. They're teaching impressionable kids in grade school that "being gay is OK". When it's not. I'll wager they aren't teaching them about the horrors of AIDS and how it is predominantly transmitted anally by men have sex with each other's lower digestive systems. No field trips to the AIDS ward of an ICU unit for those kids. They will only learn "the joys of anal sex"...and none of the horrors. Don't want to scare the kiddies off from what the adults have planned for them..
Why isn't Kaitlyn Hunt in prison? She raped a 14 year old girl. Not only did she rape this girl but refused to stop even after her arrest.

Lesbian Cheerleader Still Having Contact With Underage Girlfriend: Prosecutor
Because she's part of the LGBT cult and everyone is afraid of prosecuting them. Like the Nazi party advancing incrementally, this loophole will cause them to access children sexually at will, daring anyone to stand in their way.

Of course it's already started. They're teaching impressionable kids in grade school that "being gay is OK". When it's not. I'll wager they aren't teaching them about the horrors of AIDS and how it is predominantly transmitted anally by men have sex with each other's lower digestive systems. No field trips to the AIDS ward of an ICU unit for those kids. They will only learn "the joys of anal sex"...and none of the horrors. Don't want to scare the kiddies off from what the adults have planned for them..
The real reason the woman in this case is being prosecuted is because it was a heterosexual sex act.
Why isn't Kaitlyn Hunt in prison? She raped a 14 year old girl. Not only did she rape this girl but refused to stop even after her arrest.

Lesbian Cheerleader Still Having Contact With Underage Girlfriend: Prosecutor
Because she's part of the LGBT cult and everyone is afraid of prosecuting them. Like the Nazi party advancing incrementally, this loophole will cause them to access children sexually at will, daring anyone to stand in their way.

Of course it's already started. They're teaching impressionable kids in grade school that "being gay is OK". When it's not. I'll wager they aren't teaching them about the horrors of AIDS and how it is predominantly transmitted anally by men have sex with each other's lower digestive systems. No field trips to the AIDS ward of an ICU unit for those kids. They will only learn "the joys of anal sex"...and none of the horrors. Don't want to scare the kiddies off from what the adults have planned for them..
The real reason the woman in this case is being prosecuted is because it was a heterosexual sex act.

Then why did they prosecute Kaitlyn Hunt?
Why isn't Kaitlyn Hunt in prison? She raped a 14 year old girl. Not only did she rape this girl but refused to stop even after her arrest.

Lesbian Cheerleader Still Having Contact With Underage Girlfriend: Prosecutor
Because she's part of the LGBT cult and everyone is afraid of prosecuting them. Like the Nazi party advancing incrementally, this loophole will cause them to access children sexually at will, daring anyone to stand in their way.

Of course it's already started. They're teaching impressionable kids in grade school that "being gay is OK". When it's not. I'll wager they aren't teaching them about the horrors of AIDS and how it is predominantly transmitted anally by men have sex with each other's lower digestive systems. No field trips to the AIDS ward of an ICU unit for those kids. They will only learn "the joys of anal sex"...and none of the horrors. Don't want to scare the kiddies off from what the adults have planned for them..
The real reason the woman in this case is being prosecuted is because it was a heterosexual sex act.

Then why did they prosecute Kaitlyn Hunt?

Tipsy just answered you: because prosecutors are afraid of prosecuting gays for anything related to sex crimes. Because in their world if you question any sex act they do, even with a child, they will persecute you in the public eye, label you a hater and expose secrets about you to the press. So get used to gays having sex with kids if they like, because there will be nobody there to stop them.

Just like when the Nazis got started. There was a time when they could've been stopped, could've been confronted. But if allowed to do this type of persecution for long, they become emboldened and the fear in the public takes roots and grows..
Why isn't Kaitlyn Hunt in prison? She raped a 14 year old girl. Not only did she rape this girl but refused to stop even after her arrest.

Lesbian Cheerleader Still Having Contact With Underage Girlfriend: Prosecutor
Because she's part of the LGBT cult and everyone is afraid of prosecuting them. Like the Nazi party advancing incrementally, this loophole will cause them to access children sexually at will, daring anyone to stand in their way.

Of course it's already started. They're teaching impressionable kids in grade school that "being gay is OK". When it's not. I'll wager they aren't teaching them about the horrors of AIDS and how it is predominantly transmitted anally by men have sex with each other's lower digestive systems. No field trips to the AIDS ward of an ICU unit for those kids. They will only learn "the joys of anal sex"...and none of the horrors. Don't want to scare the kiddies off from what the adults have planned for them..
The real reason the woman in this case is being prosecuted is because it was a heterosexual sex act.

Then why did they prosecute Kaitlyn Hunt?

Tipsy just answered you: because prosecutors are afraid of prosecuting gays for anything related to sex crimes. ..

Except they did prosecute Kaitlyn Hunt- for her having sex with an under age woman.

Once again your attempt to blame everything on the 'GAY' is a huge failure.
Granny says dey oughta give him a medal instead o' punishin' him...

U.S. soldier punished for stopping child rape by Afghan
September 22, 2015 - WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon and the White House condemned on Monday reports that Afghan forces who worked with U.S. military personnel sexually assaulted boys, and members of Congress complained about a U.S. soldier being forced out of the military because he intervened in 2011, attacking an Afghan police commander he believed was raping a child.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and others are questioning whether the U.S. military routinely discouraged troops from intervening in such sexual assaults. Hunter said Army Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland must leave the Army by Nov. 1, because his intervention to stop a child rape triggered a negative mark on his service record. Hunter is asking Defense Secretary Ash Carter to review the case, saying he has little confidence that the Army leaders will admit they made an error in deciding to punish Martland. “I hope that when making a decision between supporting an elite warrior like Martland or a child rapist and criminal, the organizations or individuals in a position to make a decision will side with Martland,” Hunter said in a letter to Carter earlier this month. Defense officials would not comment on the specifics of the case.

But Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, says the U.S. has no policy directing forces to overlook human rights abuses. Davis told reporters on Monday that U.S. troops can report such incidents through their chain of command, but added that sexual assault of children, “while abhorrent, it’s fundamentally an Afghan law enforcement matter.” The State Department, in its annual human rights report, has consistently said that sexual abuse of children remains pervasive in Afghanistan. And it documents the practice called “bacha bazi” — which means dancing boys. Bacha Bazi involves the sexual abuse of boys, often by powerful or wealthy local businessmen, who sexually abuse young boys trained to dance in female clothes. In its 2014 report, the State Department said that many child sexual abusers are not arrested, and “there were reports security officials and those connected to the ANP (Afghan National Police) raped children with impunity.”

A number of U.S. House and Senate members have asked the Army about Martland’s case. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., sent a letter to Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, calling for the Pentagon to reverse what he said was its policy of ignoring sexual abuse of children in Afghanistan. “It is bad enough if the Pentagon is telling our soldiers to ignore this type of barbaric and savage behavior, but it’s even worse if we are punishing those who try to stop it,” said Buchanan in the letter. “The only people who should be punished are the ones who created and condoned this immoral and savage code.”

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that the U.S. works with the Afghan government to stop the exploitation of children. “The United States is deeply concerned about the safety and welfare of Afghan boys who may be exploited by members of the Afghan national security and defense forces,” Earnest said. “This form of sexual exploitation violates Afghan law and Afghanistan’s international obligations. More broadly, protecting human rights, including by countering the exploitation of children, is a high priority for the U.S. government.”

According to Hunter and others familiar with the 2011 incident, Martland acted professionally. But Hunter said that a commanding general signed an order of reprimand against Martland saying his conduct during the incident was inexcusable and “demonstrates a flagrant departure from the integrity, professionalism and even-tempered leadership I expect from all soldiers of this command, especially a special forces professional.” According to defense officials, an investigation into the incident resulted in what the Army calls an “adverse action” — essentially a black mark — on Martland’s personnel record. Under the Army review process, soldiers can be forced out if their performance doesn’t mean the standards for continued service. The New York Times reported that Martland and Dan Quinn, a former Special Forces captain, beat up an Afghan militia commander who was working with the Americans but also was discovered to have kept a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave.

It looks like she did at least nibble a little. An experienced man or woman will eat alive anyone without that experience regardless of age. Haven't you ever chewed up and spit out some guy that thought this was love?

Right, and adults have more experience and knowledge than 15-year-old kids. These kids deserve to at least finish high school before they are thrown into an adult world and turmoil. Let the kids be kids and leave them be is what I say. I don't think that asking a lot either. Leave children be.
Then what is the purpose of a statute and why is it different from place to place? If the purpose is protecting vulnerable people, why aren't vulnerable people of any age protected?

Because we have a generally accepted "AOC" and rules and regulations surrounding such laws.
The laws are different depending on where you are. If the statute had the age of consent at 14. Is the 15 year old boy still a child? According to the law, no. The cheerleader would never have been prosecuted. Yet, everything else remains the same.

That is why I am a proponent of raising AOC across the board to 18. There is no reason at all why a person younger than that needs to be having sex with or marrying adults. Adults need to stick with other adults and kids with other kids.
I'm loving your posts. Adults who prey on children because they can't get somebody their own age are sickening and pathetic. Adults see them for what they are so they turn to children who are more trusting and more manipulated. It's for these exact same reasons that kids need the protection of society. The pedophiles you're responding to can't hack it in the adult world, so they want it to be legal to bugger kids like Afghan police captains.
Instead of 48 weekends, she should have gotten 48 months.

God bless you and her victim always!!!


P.S. Since 48 months is 4 years, she would not get out until the boy is 19 which would mean that she would miss his 18th birthday if she was really wanting to be there for it. That right there would be the cherry on top of her sentencing sundae, her having to wait another year to be with him if she was wanting to stay with him.
Instead of 48 weekends, she should have gotten 48 months.

God bless you and her victim always!!!


P.S. Since 48 months is 4 years, she would not get out until the boy is 19 which would mean that she would miss his 18th birthday if she was really wanting to be there for it. That right there would be the cherry on top of her sentencing sundae, her having to wait another year to be with him if she was wanting to stay with him.

What I don't get is parents here who say they would congratulate their sons!!! I am very skeptical. I am sure they would wonder what this older woman wants with their child. You never know what the motivation is for these kinds of women. I would think it rarely has to do with the sex though. Women can get sex anywhere. It's definitely something else. These women are really sick, IMO. Just thinking about being with a teenage boy makes me laugh! I can't imagine what a grown adult woman would have in common with a child.
Instead of 48 weekends, she should have gotten 48 months.

God bless you and her victim always!!!


P.S. Since 48 months is 4 years, she would not get out until the boy is 19 which would mean that she would miss his 18th birthday if she was really wanting to be there for it. That right there would be the cherry on top of her sentencing sundae, her having to wait another year to be with him if she was wanting to stay with him.

What I don't get is parents here who say they would congratulate their sons!!! I am very skeptical. I am sure they would wonder what this older woman wants with their child. You never know what the motivation is for these kinds of women. I would think it rarely has to do with the sex though. Women can get sex anywhere. It's definitely something else. These women are really sick, IMO. Just thinking about being with a teenage boy makes me laugh! I can't imagine what a grown adult woman would have in common with a child.
I got 3 sons and I'll protect them from all predators, be they male or female. Boys have the RIGHT to grow up innocent and give themselves to a woman they can make an adult commitment to instead of having it stolen from them from some loser who can't get herself a man.
Instead of 48 weekends, she should have gotten 48 months.

God bless you and her victim always!!!


P.S. Since 48 months is 4 years, she would not get out until the boy is 19 which would mean that she would miss his 18th birthday if she was really wanting to be there for it. That right there would be the cherry on top of her sentencing sundae, her having to wait another year to be with him if she was wanting to stay with him.

What I don't get is parents here who say they would congratulate their sons!!! I am very skeptical. I am sure they would wonder what this older woman wants with their child. You never know what the motivation is for these kinds of women. I would think it rarely has to do with the sex though. Women can get sex anywhere. It's definitely something else. These women are really sick, IMO. Just thinking about being with a teenage boy makes me laugh! I can't imagine what a grown adult woman would have in common with a child.
I got 3 sons and I'll protect them from all predators, be they male or female. Boys have the RIGHT to grow up innocent and give themselves to a woman they can make an adult commitment to instead of having it stolen from them from some loser who can't get herself a man.

As the mother of a son myself, I can say that I would be very concerned about such a relationship and worried about my son. I would definitely wonder what this woman's intentions were with my son, and I'm not a mom who "hovers" either. I have no problems with him dating girls his own age or around his own age. He is still and will always be MY child though, so yeah, even though he is an adult now, I would even still be concerned now if he was dating some 40-year-old woman or something. :ack-1: Thankfully, my son IS interested in girls his own age. Phew. Lol.

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