Do you Democrats not care about character?

Getting caught with one's pants down is a problem as old as politics. Grover Cleveland had a bastard that was found out while he was running for the presidency. There was even a little slogan about it:

Ma, Ma
Where's my Pa?
Gone to the White House
Ha ha ha

The sooner we quit treating politics as a spectator sport with My team being better than Your team and recognize that both parties suck and need kicked to the curb, the better off we'll all be.
Giuliani's wife found out they were divorcing when Rudy announced it at a press conference.

After scouring for republican scandals that were ignored by conservatives who reelected a candidate, Political Junky descided to draw the moral equivalency of whipping out your junk on the Internet to announcing a divorce at a press conference.

Unlike Mayoral Candidate Weiner, Mayor Guliani cheated on his wife.

Funny how you ignore John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Anthony Weiner.

Wait what? Are you explicitly denying Weiner cheated on his wife? Isn't sexting your dong to college women cheating?


Professional politicians, by and large, are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists who care far more about themselves and their position than about anything else. Some of them are simply better at acting as if they "care" and at controlling themselves than others.

Yet we still place so much hope and faith in them. Astonishing. I think that says more about us than them.

Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

Who's supporting him? Who are you talking to?
Another money-grubbing lying sack-of-shit politician who can't keep his pecker in his pocket...

Dog bites man...

Professional politicians, by and large, are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists who care far more about themselves and their position than about anything else. Some of them are simply better at acting as if they "care" and at controlling themselves than others.

Yet we still place so much hope and faith in them. Astonishing. I think that says more about us than them.


Exactly. You hit the nail on the head. That's why we should give 'em the shaft. They're nuts.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

some do not care about integrity, honesty, and reliability..... they care about the entitlements.

What are you talking about? Weiner is in the primary against 2 other Democrats. Are they big 'anti-entitlement' candidates?
Guliani, adulterer...ran for President
McCain, GOP nomination for President
Gingrich, serial adulterer...ran for President

Someone said something about character?

Politicians have been cheating since there have been politicians
On June 10, 2012, Jackson took a medical leave of absence from the House, citing exhaustion. On July 11, 2012, Jackson's office said he was being treated for a mood disorder at a residential treatment facility. His office denied speculation that he was being treated for alcoholism. However, he also acknowledged that he was under two separate and distinct investigations, by the House Ethics Committee and by the FBI

On August 13, 2012 it was confirmed by numerous news outlets that Jackson was in fact being treated for bipolar disorder. Sixteen days after being re-elected to another term, Jackson resigned effective on November 21, 2012, citing his health problems and acknowledging the ethics investigations.

Misuse of campaign funds

Federal prosecutors investigated alleged misuse of Jackson, Jr.'s campaign funds by Jackson, Jr. and his wife Sandi. Jackson, Jr. and Sandi Jackson signed plea agreements in early February, 2013. Jackson, Jr. agreed to plead guilty to charges of fraud, conspiracy, making false statements, mail fraud, wire fraud, and criminal forfeiture. Jackson, Jr. used about $750,000 in campaign money for personal expenses that included a Michael Jackson fedora and cashmere capes. Jackson, Jr. also agreed to prison time. The Justice Department filed the charges on February 15, 2013. Jackson pleaded guilty on February 20, 2013 to one count of wire and mail fraud in connection with his misuse of $750,000 of campaign funds. Sentencing is scheduled for June 28, 2013. On June 7, 2013, federal prosecutors indicated that they sought a 4 year prison sentence for Jackson, Jr.

The piece of shit Jackson KNEW he was going to serve time so he started in with the phony 'mental disorder' bullshit in order to garner sympathy for his criminal ass.

It worked.

Holder wasn't going to put one of 'his people' in Prison. So he gave him a nice vacation in a resort spa.

And this is what's telling about dimocrap scum.

They ALL KNEW that Jackson was a felon. All of them.

But, being scumbag dimocraps, they voted him back into office anyway.

Know why?

They just don't care. None of them do. Not them, not any of them. Not there, not here, not anywhere.

dimocraps are scum. Period.

As to Republicans and Adultery...??

Please show me where Adultery is listed as a Crime.

And most of you dims? You better remember to make a phone call if you're coming home early.

You might be surprised at what's going on behind your back.

Your woman may have found a real man.

Or your man may have found a woman who actually likes being a woman.
Guliani, adulterer...ran for President
McCain, GOP nomination for President
Gingrich, serial adulterer...ran for President

Someone said something about character?

Sweet cheeks, you forgot:

Clinton, serial adulterer...ran and won Governorship of Arkansas and President, twice!.

JFK, adulterer, ran and won his bid for President.

There's more, but these two spring to mind immediately.
Guliani, adulterer...ran for President
McCain, GOP nomination for President
Gingrich, serial adulterer...ran for President

Someone said something about character?

Sweet cheeks, you forgot:

Clinton, serial adulterer...ran and won Governorship of Arkansas and President, twice!.

JFK, adulterer, ran and won his bid for President.

There's more, but these two spring to mind immediately.

Sure there's more, if you want to Foley grasp the wide stance of the situation... preferably in a diaper.... :eusa_whistle:
After scouring for republican scandals that were ignored by conservatives who reelected a candidate, Political Junky descided to draw the moral equivalency of whipping out your junk on the Internet to announcing a divorce at a press conference.

Unlike Mayoral Candidate Weiner, Mayor Guliani cheated on his wife.

Funny how you ignore John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Anthony Weiner.

Wait what? Are you explicitly denying Weiner cheated on his wife? Isn't sexting your dong to college women cheating?


Speaking of idiots...did you read the thread title? The thread is titled "Do you Democrats care about character". It seems the OP would be better served asking himself that question. Sanford, Vitter, Craig, Gingrich, McCain, Guliani....and on and on.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

I think it's a matter of priorties.

If Weiner cheats on his wife, that's really between him and his wife.

If Mitt Romney buys up AmPad, borrows a shitload of money to pay himself big bonuses against the assets, and then declares bankruptcy costing hundreds of people their jobs, that's a bigger deal than Weiner showing people pictures of his junk.

But guess which one you are getting upset about.
In terms of transgressions, Weiners are relatively minor

What is troubling is that he would continue after it cost him his career
Unlike Mayoral Candidate Weiner, Mayor Guliani cheated on his wife.

Funny how you ignore John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Anthony Weiner.

Wait what? Are you explicitly denying Weiner cheated on his wife? Isn't sexting your dong to college women cheating?


Speaking of idiots...did you read the thread title? The thread is titled "Do you Democrats care about character". It seems the OP would be better served asking himself that question. Sanford, Vitter, Craig, Gingrich, McCain, Guliani....and on and on.

The inevitable result of living by the blanket statement. One (1) guy sending sext messages morphs into the entire body of "you Democrats". The inability to see beyond one's own labels.

Methinks such labels are hung not on the object but directly over the labeler's own eyes.

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