Do you Democrats not care about character?

In terms of transgressions, Weiners are relatively minor

What is troubling is that he would continue after it cost him his career

You think he gave himself the shaft? Or he's just nuts?

The real question is-- can he still have an election lasting more than four hours...? :eusa_whistle:
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

Funny of you to ask about integrity, honesty and reliability since you folks elected the first President with a criminal record, George W. Bush, have looked the other way on folks like Gingrich and Sanford..and now have another criminal, Darrell Issa, running witch hunts on President Obama.

Shouldn't you be taking care of your own house, first?

In addition to the fact that most professional politicians are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists, too many of their partisan followers are more than willing to forgive them or deflect for them while screaming when "the other guys" do it.

Is any of this supposed to be taken seriously?

Our Founding Fathers were serial adulterers...did it inhibit their ability to "found"?

Exactly. As I put it over a previous sex "scandal", if my bus driver is Ralph Kramden and next week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie on the side, how will that affect where the bus goes?

We with our fake morality plays find amazing ways to act like toddlers who have just discovered poo-poo.
In terms of transgressions, Weiners are relatively minor

What is troubling is that he would continue after it cost him his career

Cheating on your spouse is hardly a phenomena in this Country. Well over half the married people in the United States have cheated on their spouse. That's just a statistical fact.

But I can't find statistics on how many have sent pictures of their dick to a fawning pervert.

Maybe that happens a lot more than we think.


People cheat on each other. That's the way it is.

99% of Married Hollywood is fucking the other 99% of Hollywood when their spouse is out of town.

And that town is about as liberal as liberal can get.

If the best libtard scum can do is make accusations about Republicans cheating on their Wives, that's pretty unremarkable.

At least they're cheating with women.

Bill Clinton RAPED Juanita Broaddrick. FACT.

He Sexually Assaulted Kathleen Willey. FACT.

He Sexually Harassed Paula Jones. FACT

He was successfully IMPEACHED for it. FACT

He was DISBARRED for it. FACT

And do dimocrap scum care?

Not a bit. In fact, dimocrap scum are so incredibly scummy that after all this was known and written about and verified as true.....

It was Bill the rapist Clinton that is given a GREAT DEAL of credit for putting the Stuttering Clusterfukk in the lead after his speech at the dimocrap national convention.

It isn't just dimocrap politicians that are scummy. It's dimocrap voters.

In addition to the fact that most professional politicians are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists, too many of their partisan followers are more than willing to forgive them or deflect for them while screaming when "the other guys" do it.

Is any of this supposed to be taken seriously?


Forgive them for what? We aren't married to them. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson...all fucking cheaters. They still managed to get this sucker rolling didn't they?
Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

At least they're cheating with women.

Mark Foley's pages and Larry Craig's uh, stall neighbors will be outraged to hear this. :eek:
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Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it
Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

Repeating interweb lies doesn't make you look

Just makes you a liar too. :doubt:
Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.

In addition to the fact that most professional politicians are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists, too many of their partisan followers are more than willing to forgive them or deflect for them while screaming when "the other guys" do it.

Is any of this supposed to be taken seriously?


Forgive them for what? We aren't married to them. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson...all fucking cheaters. They still managed to get this sucker rolling didn't they?

Yet another absolutely perfect example of my point. Forgive, deflect.

Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

Repeating interweb lies doesn't make you look

Just makes you a liar too. :doubt:

Evidently those unfamiliar with the word "fact" are equally unclear on "satire".

That's so cute.

Cuter than the old "everybody knows" fallacy.
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Bed wetters will defend any actions by a democrook.

The Kennedy family alone has more sexual scandals than all the republicrats combined, but all you'll ever hear about is Mark Sanford. Take Teddy for example, instead of serving 40 years in prison for manslaughter like anyone else would have, he served himself in the senate thanks to fucktarded liberal puke voters.

They can't say "Limbaugh" without adjectives like fat, or pill popper, but Marion Barry's SMOKING CRACK should be buried in obscure history. The moonbat messiah's admission of drug use in Bill Ayer's story book is completely irrelevant, but a private citizen getting addicted to pain meds is tantamount to genocide.

They can't even say "stupid" without adding "Sarah Palin", but even the collective delusional stupidity uttered by Debbie Waterhead-Shchitz alone doesn't equate to this little gem:

[ame=]Congressman Hank Johnson fears Guam will tip over, March 25, 2010 - YouTube[/ame]
Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.

The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

In addition to the fact that most professional politicians are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists, too many of their partisan followers are more than willing to forgive them or deflect for them while screaming when "the other guys" do it.

Is any of this supposed to be taken seriously?


Forgive them for what? We aren't married to them. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson...all fucking cheaters. They still managed to get this sucker rolling didn't they?

Yet another absolutely perfect example of my point. Forgive, deflect.


He's got a point. "Forgive" what? Did we enter into matrimony with these guys or hire them to govern? What's next-- an approval list for what movies they watch?
Or are we supposed to salivate with "forgiveness" every time a salacious media puts out this fake morality bullshit?

Who's controlling who here?
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Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

Except that Miss Broderick signed an affadavit saying it never happened.

And then she changed her story.

In addition to the fact that most professional politicians are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists, too many of their partisan followers are more than willing to forgive them or deflect for them while screaming when "the other guys" do it.

Is any of this supposed to be taken seriously?


Forgive them for what? We aren't married to them. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson...all fucking cheaters. They still managed to get this sucker rolling didn't they?

Yet another absolutely perfect example of my point. Forgive, deflect.


Unless they're republicrats, then it's never forgive, always point out.

In addition to the fact that most professional politicians are self-important, hyper-ambitious narcissists, too many of their partisan followers are more than willing to forgive them or deflect for them while screaming when "the other guys" do it.

Is any of this supposed to be taken seriously?


Forgive them for what? We aren't married to them. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson...all fucking cheaters. They still managed to get this sucker rolling didn't they?

Yet another absolutely perfect example of my point. Forgive, deflect.


No, you're missing the point. I don't believe that adultery disqualifies you from public office regardless of Political Party, but one party has and still does run on "family values". The party in question throws around the word "character" in association with acts of infidelity, but are more than willing to overlook that "character flaw" in their own party...and in the Founding Fathers they dress up as to protest healthcare for Americans.
Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

Except that Miss Broderick signed an affadavit saying it never happened.

And then she changed her story.

People also seem to forget that most of these women were taping or tracking their affairs with Mr. Clinton in the hopes of a payout.

Heck..Paula Jones did a nudie layout in Penthouse.

Quite the "angel", eh?

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