Do you Democrats not care about character?

Our Founding Fathers were serial adulterers...did it inhibit their ability to "found"?

See here's the problem with your little moral equivalency dodge...

The founding fathers also had numerous slave owners among them but since the founding and since the application of the founding principles we have grown out of those many human dysfunctions including Benjamin Franklin's pedophilia to be a better nation. That betterment includes the outlawing of publicly lewd displays such as those that Weiner has become addicted to.

Now why would we wan to throw out three hundred years of progress to prove a point? That must be one hell of a point eh? A man who cannot control a simple compulsion is going to be trusted with the largest Municipal budget on earth? Hmmm....maybe not such a good idea huh?

Stoooopid......with four O's

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Our Founding Fathers were serial adulterers...did it inhibit their ability to "found"?

See here's the problem with your little moral equivalency dodge...

The founding fathers also had numerous slave owners among them but since the founding and since the application of the founding principles we have grown out of those many human dysfunctions including Benjamin Franklin's pedophilia to be a better nation. That betterment includes the outlawing of publicly lewd displays such as those that Weiner has become addicted to.

Now why would we wan to throw out three hundred years of progress to prove a point? That must be one hell of a point eh?

Stoooopid......with four O's


Now adultery is like pedophilia? WTF?

Take a gander at the shit Alexander Hamilton did (and the President knew about) and compare it to sexting a consenting adult.
Apparently at least one of us is unclear on what the word "fact" means. :lol:

That's so cute.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.


Clinton WAS Impeached by the House of Representatives.

But he was NOT Convicted by the Senate.

This is why it's hard to have a conversation with libtards. You're just so incredibly stupid, all we have left is to mock and ridicule you.

And I am not repeating Internet 'lies'.

I am repeating what Juanita Broaddrick herself said.

She was raped by the then-Attorney General of the State of Arkansas.

Who do you report that to, stupid? Who?

God? The Pope? The FBI?


God ain't interested, the Pope is Catholic and it's not a Federal Case so the FBI ain't interested.

Who do you report it to, douchebag?

You're just another stupid fucking dimocrap that marches in Goose Step with whatever tune the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM happens to be playing.

Usually, it's "Uber Alles dimocrap scum"
Our Founding Fathers were serial adulterers...did it inhibit their ability to "found"?

See here's the problem with your little moral equivalency dodge...

The founding fathers also had numerous slave owners among them but since the founding and since the application of the founding principles we have grown out of those many human dysfunctions including Benjamin Franklin's pedophilia to be a better nation. That betterment includes the outlawing of publicly lewd displays such as those that Weiner has become addicted to.

Now why would we wan to throw out three hundred years of progress to prove a point? That must be one hell of a point eh? A man who cannot control a simple compulsion is going to be trusted with the largest Municipal budget on earth? Hmmm....maybe not such a good idea huh?

Stoooopid......with four O's


You actually just made his point, instead of your own. :oops:
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Our Founding Fathers were serial adulterers...did it inhibit their ability to "found"?

See here's the problem with your little moral equivalency dodge...

The founding fathers also had numerous slave owners among them but since the founding and since the application of the founding principles we have grown out of those many human dysfunctions including Benjamin Franklin's pedophilia to be a better nation. That betterment includes the outlawing of publicly lewd displays such as those that Weiner has become addicted to.

Now why would we wan to throw out three hundred years of progress to prove a point? That must be one hell of a point eh? A man who cannot control a simple compulsion is going to be trusted with the largest Municipal budget on earth? Hmmm....maybe not such a good idea huh?

Stoooopid......with four O's


You actually just made his point, instead of your own. :oops:

I mean anyone can jump up and down in the school yard with their hands over their ears but can you actually produce substance?

His point is that we should accept any manner of perversion as OK no matter what the transgression because the founding fathers kept concubines.

My point is that we have grown as a nation and as a people beyond those primitive values and that the founding fathers would be jailed in today's society.......and so we Should not accept any old moral standard for leadership postiions based on the Lowest common denominator.

And you see these two things as the same conclusion?

Lemme would vote for Weiner right?

Stooooopid....with five O's.

So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.

The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

I stand corrected. Still a failed witch hunt. The original summer of subpoenas. (Talking to you Issa)

Speaking of impeachment.

America's Founding Fathers made it clear that a high federal officer's illicit, even criminal, sexual activities as well as bribery, conspiracy and lying to hide them from public view were neither impeachable offenses under the U.S. Constitution nor even a disqualification from appointment to high government office.

During the winter of 1792-93, the U.S. Congress was investigating alleged financial misdealings of Alexander Hamilton, the most prominent member of George Washington's Cabinet and the first secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Three members of Congress, including House Speaker F.A.C. Muhlenberg and future U.S. President James Monroe, interviewed Hamilton concerning secret payments that Hamilton had made to James Reynolds, a convicted securities swindler whose release from prison Hamilton's Treasury department had allowed.

In his interview with members of Congress, Hamilton was forced to admit the payments to Reynolds but characterized them as bribes to prevent public disclosure of adultery Hamilton had committed with Reynolds' wife, Maria. That adultery included libidinous encounters not only in the Reynolds marital bed while James was away but also in Hamilton's own marital bed while his wife Betsy and their children were visiting Hamilton's father-in-law.

Paying for Reynolds' silence was only part of the cover-up; Hamilton had Mrs. Reynolds burn incriminating correspondence and promised to pay for the Reynolds' travel costs if only the Reynolds would get out of town.[...]

On July 18, 1798, the very next year, then-President Adams and former President Washington nominated Hamilton to be inspector general of the new U.S. Army, second in command only to Washington himself. With Monroe, Jefferson, Madison and other Founding Fathers still maintaining their respectful silence, the U.S. Senate quickly confirmed this confessed adulterer and briber to occupy, for a second time, one of the highest positions in the new federal government of the United States.

In overlooking Hamilton's private sexual misconduct as well as his efforts to cover it up, the Founders were practicing what they preached at the Constitutional Convention when, on Sept. 8, 1787, members unanimously declared that, for purposes of impeachment, they intended "high crimes and misdemeanors" to be actions "against the United States."

Founding Fathers Didn't Flinch
The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.

The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

I stand corrected. Still a failed witch hunt. The original summer of subpoenas. (Talking to you Issa)

Speaking of impeachment.

You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Clinton had an affair with a subordinate. That is a career ending move in America. Just google Harry Stonecipher if you dont believe me. As such it was not merely 'adultery" or "just sex", as the libs maintained.
Personally I think it is hilarious that so called feminists line up in lockstep defending Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, two of the most anti-women officials in memory.
See here's the problem with your little moral equivalency dodge...

The founding fathers also had numerous slave owners among them but since the founding and since the application of the founding principles we have grown out of those many human dysfunctions including Benjamin Franklin's pedophilia to be a better nation. That betterment includes the outlawing of publicly lewd displays such as those that Weiner has become addicted to.

Now why would we wan to throw out three hundred years of progress to prove a point? That must be one hell of a point eh? A man who cannot control a simple compulsion is going to be trusted with the largest Municipal budget on earth? Hmmm....maybe not such a good idea huh?

Stoooopid......with four O's


You actually just made his point, instead of your own. :oops:

I mean anyone can jump up and down in the school yard with their hands over their ears but can you actually produce substance?

His point is that we should accept any manner of perversion as OK no matter what the transgression because the founding fathers kept concubines.

My point is that we have grown as a nation and as a people beyond those primitive values and that the founding fathers would be jailed in today's society.......and so we Should not accept any old moral standard for leadership postiions based on the Lowest common denominator.

And you see these two things as the same conclusion?

Lemme would vote for Weiner right?

Stooooopid....with five O's.


My aren't you the offally presumptuous one...

His point, rather than your strawman, was that those character flaws, if that they be, have nothing to do with governing. "Accepting" doesn't even enter into it.

You then came in noting another flaw-- being slaveowners -- somehow trying to use the same reasoning to make the opposite point.

Since they came up with our Constitution in spite of both, you buried your own point as soon as you made it.

Well played there Sparky. :rofl:
Ever hear of Mark Sanford?

The cases arent remotely the same. Sanford did something that probably 60% of American married men have done, cheated in his wife.
Weiner is just creepy. Not just creepy. He has a severe personality disorder.

"Creepy". Thanks for that rock solid logic.

"Creepy" and "severe personality disorder", seems to me, might involve, I dunno, soliciting guys in airport bathroom stalls or dressing up in diapers or something. But what do I know.
The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.

The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

I stand corrected. Still a failed witch hunt. The original summer of subpoenas. (Talking to you Issa)

No.... You looked it up.

You had to google it or go to Wiki or both.

Know why?

You're stupid.

You come in here acting like you know what you're talking about and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Do yourself a favor.... NEVER disagree with me.

You can't win. I'm three times as intelligent as you, twice as old and ten times more experienced in life.

Try to bullshit me?

Yeah, right.

Save it for your idiot comrades.

When you debate me, get your facts straight and we can talk. Don't come at me with your College Sophomore talking points.

I'll eat your lunch every time.


I do not tolerate fools
The greater problem is that this is a universal problem in today's society. It's neither Democratic, Republican, Presidential, Prime Minister, royalty or any other political entity. WE don't care. WE don't care as a society.

Today's mantra is "We live in a free country. We can do anything we want, so let it all hang out!" It's open, active promotion of any and all kinds of behavior - deviant or not. And no one should question or object to another person's choice of behavior - after all, we are all about freedom and absolute equality for all people in all things.

When WE, as a society, say, "Enough!" then maybe conscience, morality, consideration of others and so forth will get a new breath of life.
The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

I stand corrected.

No actually you don't. Dipshit said "successfully impeached". No POTUS has ever been "successfully impeached".


You are an ill informed moron. Clinton was impeached. He was successfully impeached. Look up the definiton of impeach before you post again.
The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

I stand corrected. Still a failed witch hunt. The original summer of subpoenas. (Talking to you Issa)

No.... You looked it up.

You had to google it or go to Wiki or both.

Know why?

You're stupid.

You come in here acting like you know what you're talking about and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Do yourself a favor.... NEVER disagree with me.

You can't win. I'm three times as intelligent as you, twice as old and ten times more experienced in life.

Try to bullshit me?

Yeah, right.

Save it for your idiot comrades.

When you debate me, get your facts straight and we can talk. Don't come at me with your College Sophomore talking points.

I'll eat your lunch every time.


I do not tolerate fools

No, I just trust Sallow more than you. Sounds like it was the only fact in your rant.

I've found that people who boast about their intellectual or sexual prowess on anonymous Internet boards are usually liberal with the truth. I have no reason to give your boasts any more credence.
No democrats don't care about character. A degenerate people will elect degenerate leaders.
Giuliani's wife found out they were divorcing when Rudy announced it at a press conference.

After scouring for republican scandals that were ignored by conservatives who reelected a candidate, Political Junky descided to draw the moral equivalency of whipping out your junk on the Internet to announcing a divorce at a press conference.

Unlike Mayoral Candidate Weiner, Mayor Guliani cheated on his wife.

Set a high bar for cheating didn't you?
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The GOP successfully impeached Bill Clinton.

They couldn't remove him from office.

I stand corrected. Still a failed witch hunt. The original summer of subpoenas. (Talking to you Issa)

Speaking of impeachment.

You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Clinton had an affair with a subordinate. That is a career ending move in America. Just google Harry Stonecipher if you dont believe me. As such it was not merely 'adultery" or "just sex", as the libs maintained.
Personally I think it is hilarious that so called feminists line up in lockstep defending Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, two of the most anti-women officials in memory.


I work in the financial industry.

Xmas parties were always license to "get it on" with a co-worker.

And affairs didn't end the careers of MANY GOP politicians.
Unlike Mayoral Candidate Weiner, Mayor Guliani cheated on his wife.

Funny how you ignore John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Anthony Weiner.

Wait what? Are you explicitly denying Weiner cheated on his wife? Isn't sexting your dong to college women cheating?


Speaking of idiots...did you read the thread title? The thread is titled "Do you Democrats care about character". It seems the OP would be better served asking himself that question. Sanford, Vitter, Craig, Gingrich, McCain, Guliani....and on and on.

I thought the point was to include candidates that were re-elected after their scandals? Not all on your list were. That is the true measure of whether Democrats care about character. Democrats, unlike most republicans, can break the law and have a much lower bar to jump over if they are to be re-elected. Especially black democrats. And I would put your list of republican sexual exploits against my liberal list of murders, crack smokers, extortionists, Klansman, Tax cheats, and wang hangers, any day of the week.
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