Do you Democrats not care about character?

Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

Charlie Rangel
Marion Berry
William Jefferson
Bill Clinton
Antony Wiener
Robert Byrd
Ted Kennedy
Jack Murtha
Chris Dodd
Maxine Waters
Sheila Jackson Lee
Monica Conyers
Kwamie Kilpatrick
Dare I say JFK?

No, history has shown that they do not care about character.

You could make a similar list of Republicans, it is the person, not the party.
Hey.....don't criticize someone who was a victim of a layoff and opted to do what he has to do to make ends meet as opposed to sit around all day and complain about being a victim. was the other way around..

I went from driving a truck and moving furniture to eventually working at the NYSE.

I got laid off and work for another financial firm.


Thanks for the defense though..


The laughing smiley is all you need to see when people are blowing smoke up your ass by utilizing an icon to portray an emotion that they are not currently undergoing.

You still haven't gone through all the NYSE "failures".

And you have google at your fingertips.

I can think of several..with no google. I was there.

And you wouldn't have any clue why they are failures..

Because what the NYSE does..or what any exchange completely alien to you.
Any decent parent would be outraged at the thought of married middle-aged men (Weiner) secretively sending Internet messages to ask if their daughter’s crotch is “smooth,” and no decent parent would ever vote for the Pervert Party (Democraps).
Hmmm, I am sure you posted that you were a furniture mover? From NYSE to moving furniture? Thats one hellva demotion. :cool:

His economic literacy leads me to believe that he was a janitor who cleaned up all the trash on the floor after the closing bell. Then again there are plenty of failures at the NYSE.

Dunno why you folks need to fill yourself with fantasies.

And feel free..go over all the "failures" at the exchange. (This should be good).

By the way..I rang the closing bell and have been on the podium several times.

That's like a janitor in the pentagon saying that he sat behind a generals desk. Of course, he did! He's a janitor. was the other way around..

I went from driving a truck and moving furniture to eventually working at the NYSE.

I got laid off and work for another financial firm.


Thanks for the defense though..


The laughing smiley is all you need to see when people are blowing smoke up your ass by utilizing an icon to portray an emotion that they are not currently undergoing.

You still haven't gone through all the NYSE "failures".

And you have google at your fingertips.

I can think of several..with no google. I was there.

And you wouldn't have any clue why they are failures..

Because what the NYSE does..or what any exchange completely alien to you.

You do understand that I was referring to individuals?

I work in the financial industry.

Xmas parties were always license to "get it on" with a co-worker.

And affairs didn't end the careers of MANY GOP politicians.

You're either so low in the pecking order you don't know what you're talking about, lying or work for a horse shit Company.

It's a known fact that more executives lose their jobs at Christmas Parties than in the Board Room.

Unless you're European.

In America, you're gonzo.

You really are a stupid little bitch, aren't you?

I worked at the NYSE for 13.5 years. It was the premier exchange for over a century.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about, slut. Especially when you call me a "Little bitch".

Neither apply.

Unlike you..

I love it when this cum dumpster talks tough.

Let me guess... You're the butch in your "partnership" right?

If swallow has been anywhere near the stock exchange he was scrubbing toilets, or giving hummers in the closets.
Any decent parent would be outraged at the thought of married middle-aged men (Weiner) secretively sending Internet messages to ask if their daughter’s crotch is “smooth,” and no decent parent would ever vote for the Pervert Party (Democraps).

dimocraps don't care.

They are the only people on Earth who vote with their palms up.
Democrats are drowning in their own swamp!

Sex, money and lies: 'Culture of Corruption' boomerangs on Democrats as scandals blossom nationwide - Washington Times

With the 2014 midterm elections looming, however, it’s now Democrats who are fighting off charges of corruption and misconduct as the party endures its own summer of scandal. Grabbing the headlines just this month are the sexual escapades of former Rep. Anthony D. Weiner of New York and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner.
Mr. Weiner, who resigned in 2011 after admitting to sending explicit photos of himself to several women, is under pressure to drop out of the race for the Democratic nomination for New York mayor after reports surfaced Tuesday of raunchy exchanges under the pseudonym “Carlos Danger.”
Mr. Filner, who was a 10-term congressman, became mired in accusations of sexual harassment by former employees. On Tuesday, a former campaign consultant said he patted her on the bottom, and his former communications director recently filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.
Mrs. Pelosi has refused to comment on the Filner matter. She and Mr. Filner were co-founders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, but last week she snapped at reporters who mentioned that, saying, “Don’t identify him as my former colleague.

Read more: Sex, money and lies: 'Culture of Corruption' boomerangs on Democrats as scandals blossom nationwide - Washington Times
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Forgive them for what? We aren't married to them. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson...all fucking cheaters. They still managed to get this sucker rolling didn't they?

Yet another absolutely perfect example of my point. Forgive, deflect.


No, you're missing the point. I don't believe that adultery disqualifies you from public office regardless of Political Party, but one party has and still does run on "family values". The party in question throws around the word "character" in association with acts of infidelity, but are more than willing to overlook that "character flaw" in their own party...and in the Founding Fathers they dress up as to protest healthcare for Americans.

The only time I see the phrase "family values" any more is when a liberal uses it to defend their nasty behavior against Repulicans, i.e., "we don't have to practice morality, we don't claim to have standards, only those other guys try it and look how lousy they are at it."

The GOP stopped using the phrase when they realized that all of their lying creeps were making a mockery of the words.

There's no law or rule that requires you to object to being lied to or used. There's no law or rule that prohibits you from using deflection to take the topic off your "side's" lying and cheating. And maybe "forgive" isn't the right word. "Ignore for political expediency" is more like it.

I don't like being lied to, especially by people who are supposedly "working for me", ha ha. But I know, that's just me.

Ever hear of Mark Sanford?

If Mark Sanford had not be running against a flaming liberal do you think he would have won?

He won the Republican primary.

So I guess you're saying that if Weiner doesn't win the Democratic primary, it will prove that New York City Democrats care more about character than do South Carolina Republicans.

No surprise there.
If Weiner wins the democrat primary it will prove that New York City democrats would rather have a lesbian pervert than some other deviant pervert. The New York City democrats have no choice but a pervert, just which kind of pervert is the least distasteful.
Our Founding Fathers were serial adulterers...did it inhibit their ability to "found"?

True, but OT.
The OP began with current pols.

Current? The Weiner scandal is nothing compared to the Governor McDonnell scandal that's brewing in Virginia.

I haven't seen many conservatives starting threads about that. I guess their concerns about 'character' are strictly partisan.
So I'm being questioned by a butt ranger now?

Heterosexual men NEVER use the word 'cute'. FACT

Unless you are a female, in which case I withdraw my critique.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.

He was Impeached.

He was Disbarred.

He settled with Paula Jones for Sexual Harassment.

The first one? The rape? Impossible to prove at this point in time. But he did it. Everybody that cares to look into it knows it

The GOP tried to impeach Clinton, it failed. You don't have facts, you have Sean Hannity talking points.


Clinton WAS Impeached by the House of Representatives.

But he was NOT Convicted by the Senate.

This is why it's hard to have a conversation with libtards. You're just so incredibly stupid, all we have left is to mock and ridicule you.

And I am not repeating Internet 'lies'.

I am repeating what Juanita Broaddrick herself said.

She was raped by the then-Attorney General of the State of Arkansas.

Who do you report that to, stupid? Who?

God? The Pope? The FBI?


God ain't interested, the Pope is Catholic and it's not a Federal Case so the FBI ain't interested.

Who do you report it to, douchebag?

You're just another stupid fucking dimocrap that marches in Goose Step with whatever tune the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM happens to be playing.

Usually, it's "Uber Alles dimocrap scum"

Me thinks Edgetho needs to get laid to release all that pent up anger.:cool:
Ever hear of Mark Sanford?

If Mark Sanford had not be running against a flaming liberal do you think he would have won?

He won the Republican primary.

So I guess you're saying that if Weiner doesn't win the Democratic primary, it will prove that New York City Democrats care more about character than do South Carolina Republicans.

No surprise there.

This is what Sanford was guilty of doing...


This is what Little Weiner was guilty of doing...


That you can't tell the difference is very revealing...

Poor choice of words... It just shows how stupid you are.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?
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With most libs.... the bigger a degenerate you are, the more they love you. Look at Bill Clinton... a misogynist and sexual predator of epic proportions.. still the darling of the left.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?

Isn't it ironic?

Since Democrats believe they are electing rulers who manage our economy and make our decisions for us, you would think they would care very much about the character of the people they elect.

For those of us who just want politicians to STFU and go away, you would think we wouldn't care about their character.

Yet the reverse is true. Democrats don't give a rip what sort of slime a politician is as long as they are liberal and they win, but non-liberals get drummed out of office all the time by their own side for integrity. Guys like Lott, HW, Livingston, Gingrich, Craig were brought down by their own side.
With most libs.... the bigger a degenerate you are, the more they love you. Look at Bill Clinton... a misogynist and sexual predator of epic proportions.. still the darling of the left.

My favorite was Marion Berry who did coke with a prostitute while mayor of DC, and when he got out of jail, he was re-elected...
I don't care if a politician dresses up in a French Maid's outfit and sings showtunes while his wife pegs him with a strap on. The only reason I care about who a politician is playing the Insert Tab A Into Slot B game with is that if his wife can't trust him, how can I? A man's word is still important in some quarters.
With most libs.... the bigger a degenerate you are, the more they love you. Look at Bill Clinton... a misogynist and sexual predator of epic proportions.. still the darling of the left.

My favorite was Marion Berry who did coke with a prostitute while mayor of DC, and when he got out of jail, he was re-elected...

Don't be hatin' on Marion Berry. Bitch set him up.

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