Do you Democrats not care about character?

How did Weiner get to showing pictures of himself to underage girls!

Oh my GOODNESS, democrats are making up their shit about other democrats now! The youngest of Weiner's women was 23 and a consenting adult who sent him sexts too.
Do Democrats care about 'character'??

Better question is, do Republicans??

In the first poll since the latest Weiner scandal information came out, his support is down to 16% in the primary.

In contrast, Mark Sanford won his primary in South Carolina with 57% of the vote.

So in answer to the question, how much do Democrats care about 'character', the answer is...

...about 3.5 times as much as Republicans do.

Of course we all already knew that, didn't we?

Mark Sanford was running against a flaming liberal. It's called self interest. A man who cheated on his wife but was an otherwise good congressman isn't going to do to the people what a flaming liberal would do. The people who were voting would take anyone instead of Elizabeth Colbert. It's called a political decision.

In New York, it's somewhat different. Anthony Weiner is a degenerate, but so is the lesbian he's running against. That's what makes this primary so interesting. Which perversion will New Yorker's vote against? This is just the primary though. Once the democrats settle on which perversion they find acceptable, there is still a general election to decide who the mayor will be.

Your efforts to end your status as least intelligent poster on USMB could be significantly aided if you would learn to read.

Sanford WON THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY WITH 57%. Against other Republicans,

not against 'flaming liberals'.

jeezus where do you people come from???
Do Democrats care about 'character'??

Better question is, do Republicans??

In the first poll since the latest Weiner scandal information came out, his support is down to 16% in the primary.

In contrast, Mark Sanford won his primary in South Carolina with 57% of the vote.

So in answer to the question, how much do Democrats care about 'character', the answer is...

...about 3.5 times as much as Republicans do.

Of course we all already knew that, didn't we?

This thread is about Weiner.

I will call the same thing on any man who sends naked pictures to underage girls and cheats on his wife, including Sanford for his cheating, although it is almost apples and oranges.
Pols of all stripes have wierdities. Bill and Hill had decades of Bill's philandering. I can't think of a national political couple that similarly just let is slide. BushSr had a mistress too, but that was private. Lots of guys have had somebody on the side, but Slick ..... had them on the side, on the back, on the front, upside down, standing on their heads, on one hand ..... It was effing naked twister with one man and a dozen girls out there! But, he and Hill do evidence some real concern for one another.

JFK and RFK to be sure had long suffering wives. Ted's couldn't take it. But, there's reason to think JFK was entering a new, and better, phase of manhood after his son Patrick died. When shortly before his assassination, he answered the question of what do you wish for your kids with "health," he wasn't joking around. But, it was a different time. "Mad Men."

So, I sorta give Hill a pass. It was the 1970s. God, I'd hate to have people know what I was doing. Then the 80s. I gotta tell admit, disco was the easiest way to get laid by bunch of women whose names you never knew since the Fall of Rome.

The one that gets me, though, is Huma, Wiener's wife. I mean, God girl, give it up. You are not getting to be married to Hiz Honor.
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Do Democrats care about 'character'??

Better question is, do Republicans??

In the first poll since the latest Weiner scandal information came out, his support is down to 16% in the primary.

In contrast, Mark Sanford won his primary in South Carolina with 57% of the vote.

So in answer to the question, how much do Democrats care about 'character', the answer is...

...about 3.5 times as much as Republicans do.

Of course we all already knew that, didn't we?

This thread is about Weiner.

I will call the same thing on any man who sends naked pictures to underage girls and cheats on his wife, including Sanford for his cheating, although it is almost apples and oranges.

It IS Apples and Oranges.

Most Married Men and 99.9% of ALL attractive Married women get tempted once in a while.

With Men it's a little different because -- It just is.

Married women generally cheat because of 'feelings'. Women don't generally cheat for the physical pleasure of cheating.

Some do, but not many.

Men? Too many Men are like Dogs. They sniff something they like and they're all over it.

Not a majority, not even a lot. But some.

Mark Sanford fell in Love. The woman he 'cheated' with fell in love with him. (Is it cheating if you marry her/him??)

Doesn't make it right, but I can understand it.

Anybody here who has never experienced pure madness in Love... You haven't lived.

Until you've actually gone through the "Climb any Mountain, swim any Sea" kind of Love, you haven't lived.

The sad part is, it doesn't last forever. Mine has only lasted about 36 years so far.

Could Sanford have acted better? Hell yes.

He could have divorced his Wife like a stand up kind of guy. He could have gone public before he got caught and come clean.... He could have considered his kids....

But that ain't the way it works, guys and gals.

It's a wonderful, wonderful, stupid, stupid madness. And I think it was real between the two of them.

Not some tawdry, low-rent affair or hiring of a hooker or grabbing a girl's butt who doesn't even like you or sexting (whatever that is) underage girls or....

Sanford gets a break from me.

But I'm a hopeless romantic.
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You are not only an obvious liar when you claimed to have voted for Bush....but you are exactly what MSNBC loves...someone who will believe whatever they want you to.

No, what I figured out was a working man voting for the current Republican Party makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

You, on the other hand, continue to be a rube clinging to your gun and your bible.

You are not only an obvious liar when you claimed to have voted for Bush....but you are exactly what MSNBC loves...someone who will believe whatever they want you to.

No, what I figured out was a working man voting for the current Republican Party makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

You, on the other hand, continue to be a rube clinging to your gun and your bible.

The average working man's income has slid under obama. By 7.3%.

Obama Fails to Stem Middle-Class Slide He Blamed on Bush - Bloomberg

Obama's Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

It was flat under Bush. Mostly because the bulk of the recession happened under Bush. the Stuttering Clusterfukk had barely found the bathrooms in the White House when the recession ended in June of '09.

Of the 20 Month Duration, the Stuttering Clusterfukk only had to endure 4-1/2 Months of the recession.

Bush was not only handed a recession by Bill the rapist Clinton, he was handed the greatest single Market Crash in World History and an insane raghead who had his insane buddies fly some airplanes into the WTC and the Pentagon.

He got us out of that in 2 short years and into one of the greatest recoveries in history. That a bunch of crooks at Fannie, Freddie and in London wrecked the Financial Markets was hardly his fault

Anyway, check this out. Tired of lecturing the stupid

dimocraps are not only stupid, they're the scum of the Earth.

No brains, no morals, no honor, no courage...... Only scumbaggery. Win at all costs. Protect any pervert, defend any communist, America-hating, raping, molesting piece of shit as long as he or she has the right narrative.

I hate dimocraps.

All of them

Democratic Leadership Knew Of Filner Harassment Charges Two Years Ago, Supported Him For Mayor And Did Nothing In Response


Perverts and harassers are acceptable if they’re Democrats.

Via Voice Of San Diego:

The local Democratic Party has known for a long time about sexual harassment allegations against Bob Filner, a former Democratic assemblywoman said in a Thursday interview.

“I blew the whistle on this two years ago to the Democratic Party leadership,” former Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña said.

Saldaña said that in summer 2011 six prominent women in local politics, business and education told her that Filner had physically or verbally harassed them. Saldaña had been exploring what turned out to be an unsuccessful bid for Congress and the conversations came in the context of the 2012 elections.

Saldaña said she contacted former party Chairman Jess Durfee with the allegations and Durfee was among a group of Democratic leaders who met with Filner to discuss them that summer. She said nothing happened.

“As disgraceful as Bob’s behavior has been, it’s been tolerated by our Democratic Party leadership,” she said.
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

You are not only an obvious liar when you claimed to have voted for Bush....but you are exactly what MSNBC loves...someone who will believe whatever they want you to.

No, what I figured out was a working man voting for the current Republican Party makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

You, on the other hand, continue to be a rube clinging to your gun and your bible.

The average working man's income has slid under obama. By 7.3%.


Yes, because of the damage done by Bush. Becaue we had under Bush four straight quarters of GDP Shrinkage, the worst in 80 years.

Why you guys all try to pretend Bush didn't happen is beyond me.

But here's the thing. We have never, ever gotten out of a recession without a massive uptick in government spending. Yet Republicans refuse to spend on infrastructure.
Oh, and it would, really, really help if you didn't go into ten directions on a response and just try to keep on topic.

(S)He's one of those kitchen sink wingnuts. The kind who use every opportunity to vent every wingnut rant no matter how little some might have to do with the subject at hand.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

The Democratic leadership has loudly proclaimed that Weiner needs to bow out of the race.

Even Nancy Pelosi rang in to condem him.
Mark Sanford-re-elected to Congress after using public funds to cheat on his wife with a mistress in Argentina and disappearing for 5 days with no one knowing where he was.

If he can get re-elected, Weiner can run again.

That's just the low bar we set for politicians nowadays. Sad but true.

He was not re-elected to Congress. He was governor of South Carolina when he was caught in the affair.

Then he used the Bible to justify not resigning as Governor.

Once he finished his term as Governor, then he ran for Congress. And the buckle of the Bible belt elevated him to that national office.

The Party of Family Values™ no more.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

What the hell do sexual dalliances have to do with political party?

You know, people bitch about how fucked up our government is, and then they ask what's wrong with electing degenerates.

Positively schizophrenic.

What does it say about your principles if you don't care about a politician's character as long as he votes your way? It says you don't have any.

What does it say about you if this is the best guy you could find for the job? It says you suck at it.

These assholes are a reflection of the unprincipled, idiot voters who put them there and tolerate them. And people are baffled as to why our government is totally gone to shit? Seriously?
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Apparently Dems DO care about character. Weiner, unlike Vitter and Sanford, isn't going to hold public office.

Dont be too certain.
So instead of a pervert they're going to get a lesbo. Yeah, they care about character all right.

Sexual orientation isn't an indication of character or lack thereof.

Yeah. Barney Frank. Gerry Studds. Jim McGreevey. Hillary Clinton.
Tell me about it.
Apparently Dems DO care about character. Weiner, unlike Vitter and Sanford, isn't going to hold public office.

we've been thru this vetter/sanford gig.....and if I have it right Filner is still in office? :eusa_eh:

so number 11-, will Pelosi et al now condemn him, and if not, why not?

11th accuser: Filner wanted personal relationship in exchange fo - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -

as far as no. 11 and all of these woman to be fair, whenever I see Gloria Allred involved I start to get doubts....but be that as it may the gop has been lectured time wheres the dem outrage from the leadership/big wigs especially?

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