Do you Democrats not care about character?

Yet another absolutely perfect example of my point. Forgive, deflect.


No, you're missing the point. I don't believe that adultery disqualifies you from public office regardless of Political Party, but one party has and still does run on "family values". The party in question throws around the word "character" in association with acts of infidelity, but are more than willing to overlook that "character flaw" in their own party...and in the Founding Fathers they dress up as to protest healthcare for Americans.

The only time I see the phrase "family values" any more is when a liberal uses it to defend their nasty behavior against Repulicans, i.e., "we don't have to practice morality, we don't claim to have standards, only those other guys try it and look how lousy they are at it."

The GOP stopped using the phrase when they realized that all of their lying creeps were making a mockery of the words.

There's no law or rule that requires you to object to being lied to or used. There's no law or rule that prohibits you from using deflection to take the topic off your "side's" lying and cheating. And maybe "forgive" isn't the right word. "Ignore for political expediency" is more like it.

I don't like being lied to, especially by people who are supposedly "working for me", ha ha. But I know, that's just me.


The GOP has people who cheat on their wives and then usually resign in disgrace. The Democrats have a bunch of perverts who commit illegal and disgusting acts and get re-elected.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

At least he still married to his wife. Mark Sanford ditched his wife used tax money to pay for his affair and was elected to office in the "Bible" belt.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

At least he still married to his wife. Mark Sanford ditched his wife used tax money to pay for his affair and was elected to office in the "Bible" belt.

Sanford and his wife divorced. Sort of like John Edwards. Of course Sanford's wife wasn't dying of cancer at the time.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?

Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

At least he still married to his wife. Mark Sanford ditched his wife used tax money to pay for his affair and was elected to office in the "Bible" belt.

Sanford and his wife divorced. Sort of like John Edwards. Of course Sanford's wife wasn't dying of cancer at the time.

I'm sure she felt like she was dying when she found out he ditched her for some girl in South America. Edwards never divorced his wife.
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At least he still married to his wife. Mark Sanford ditched his wife used tax money to pay for his affair and was elected to office in the "Bible" belt.

Sanford and his wife divorced. Sort of like John Edwards. Of course Sanford's wife wasn't dying of cancer at the time.

I'm sure she felt like she was dying when she found out he ditched her for some girl in South America. Edwards never divorced his wife.
You talked to her? No, you just make shit up. She was probably happy to get rid of him. T he marriage clearly wasnt working out.
Sanford and his wife divorced. Sort of like John Edwards. Of course Sanford's wife wasn't dying of cancer at the time.

I'm sure she felt like she was dying when she found out he ditched her for some girl in South America. Edwards never divorced his wife.
You talked to her? No, you just make shit up. She was probably happy to get rid of him. T he marriage clearly wasnt working out.

You didn't know she wrote a book about their marriage?
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

This doesn’t make any sense.

How are all democrats ‘responsible’ for a single candidate in a local election?

It’s just as ridiculous as asking after republican ‘character’ because of Mark Sanford.
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?

Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.

An odd hobby?! Are you insane? If you can't be loyal in your own marriage, what makes you think that he will be loyal to his constituents?

My gosh Joe... ODD HOBBY?! The guy is a male nymphomaniac!!

What he needs is one of these:


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Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

This doesn’t make any sense.

How are all democrats ‘responsible’ for a single candidate in a local election?

It’s just as ridiculous as asking after republican ‘character’ because of Mark Sanford.
There is nothing in the post to suggest all Dems are responsible for Weiner.

So I'll suggest it. There is such a thing as peer pressure. Some Dems have actually come out and said Weiner needs to drop out, that they dont need all the drama he brings. Good for them.

But the vast majority of Dems are happy to ignore the moral failings (and outright crimes in some cases) for political advantage. Thus they made McGreevey of NJ into some kind of gay hero, when in fact he was being blackmailed by his subordinate gay lover. They stood silently by while Barney Frank essentially got a pass for running a male brothel out of his DC brownstone. The joined hands with Bill Clinton while he lied, dissembled, and committed numerous other crimes, some involving campaign funding.
When Dems defend even tacitly the criminals and perverts in their ranks they lose any moral standing they might have had from Watergate and before.
People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?

Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.

An odd hobby?! Are you insane? If you can't be loyal in your own marriage, what makes you think that he will be loyal to his constituents?

My gosh Joe... ODD HOBBY?! The guy is a male nymphomaniac!!


It's part of the Dem mania that seeks to normalize the abnormal. So with Clinton it was "just about sex". Ted Kennedy it was "just his private life." Tim Geithner "made a few mistakes on his tax return." Charlie Rangel "omitted a few details." All of that sounds like something any of us have done at one time or another. Except it grossly mis states what happened. Clinton is a sociopath. Weiner is a psychopath. Rangel is also a psychopath. Kennedy--sheesh, what couldn't his psychiatrist tell us about him!
Come on. Weiner is a sleaze in his relationship with his wife.

What makes you think he will have integrity, honesty, and reliability as Mayor?

This isn't meant to flame Democrats. I just do not understand how you can think that he can live some kind of compartmentalized existence.

People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?

Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.

Integrity, honesty and reliability don't have to have anything to do with ones "personal life". They are personality traits that either you have or you don't.

You want to back up and support liars and cheaters...then knock yourself out. But don't be shocked when the inevitable happens and you bet burned.
People in general couldn't care less about any of those things you listed. They certainly don't hold their friends/family accountable. Why would they care if politicians have any of it?

Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.

Integrity, honesty and reliability don't have to have anything to do with ones "personal life". They are personality traits that either you have or you don't.

You want to back up and support liars and cheaters...then knock yourself out. But don't be shocked when the inevitable happens and you bet burned.

The Dems are fine with liars and cheats. As long as it's one of theirs.
Candidate Obama would hardly recognize President Obama. He lied about so much on the campaign trail one wonders if there was ever a truthful moment. He nominated two women to the Supreme Court who swore up and down the 2A conferred an individual right and then turned around on their next case and said it didnt. Every appointment has been someone who has lied time and time again. But he's on their side. Whatever that side is.
Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.

Integrity, honesty and reliability don't have to have anything to do with ones "personal life". They are personality traits that either you have or you don't.

You want to back up and support liars and cheaters...then knock yourself out. But don't be shocked when the inevitable happens and you bet burned.

The Dems are fine with liars and cheats. As long as it's one of theirs.
Candidate Obama would hardly recognize President Obama. He lied about so much on the campaign trail one wonders if there was ever a truthful moment. He nominated two women to the Supreme Court who swore up and down the 2A conferred an individual right and then turned around on their next case and said it didnt. Every appointment has been someone who has lied time and time again. But he's on their side. Whatever that side is.

That is because they have become the party of "what can you do for me?". They don't care how they get what they want...just as long as they do.
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Or we recognize that the personal lives of our friends and family really aren't any of our business.

We should have the same attitudes about our politicians.

There's a crapload of reasons not to vote for Weiner that have nothing to do with his rather odd hobby. He was a nothing congressman.

An odd hobby?! Are you insane? If you can't be loyal in your own marriage, what makes you think that he will be loyal to his constituents?

My gosh Joe... ODD HOBBY?! The guy is a male nymphomaniac!!


It's part of the Dem mania that seeks to normalize the abnormal. So with Clinton it was "just about sex". Ted Kennedy it was "just his private life." Tim Geithner "made a few mistakes on his tax return." Charlie Rangel "omitted a few details." All of that sounds like something any of us have done at one time or another. Except it grossly mis states what happened. Clinton is a sociopath. Weiner is a psychopath. Rangel is also a psychopath. Kennedy--sheesh, what couldn't his psychiatrist tell us about him!

So what could a psychiatrist tell us about diapers?

I mean if you're going psychiatry ... get down wid it. :D
No actually you don't. Dipshit said "successfully impeached". No POTUS has ever been "successfully impeached".


You are an ill informed moron. Clinton was impeached. He was successfully impeached. Look up the definiton of impeach before you post again.

Look up the word "successfully" there, Wes Covington. :rofl:

Oy, you didnt listen to me. Now you look like an idiot.

An odd hobby?! Are you insane? If you can't be loyal in your own marriage, what makes you think that he will be loyal to his constituents?

My gosh Joe... ODD HOBBY?! The guy is a male nymphomaniac!!

What he needs is one of these:



No, what he needs is for you sex police types to mind your own fucking business.

Frankly, I'd rather have Clinton back, male nymphomaniac. He gave us peace, prosperity and things were never better.

As opposed to good old George Dubya, who never cheated on his wife, but the country was SCREWED.

Integrity, honesty and reliability don't have to have anything to do with ones "personal life". They are personality traits that either you have or you don't.

You want to back up and support liars and cheaters...then knock yourself out. But don't be shocked when the inevitable happens and you bet burned.

Well, here's the thing.

I actually followed that retarded advice in 2000. After getting upset about all the ginned up scandals about stained blue dresses and shit, I voted for your boy Bush.

We got a war based on a lie that killed 5000 of our best and bravest.

We got Two recessions that pretty much wiped most of us out.

We got a city washed into the sea because he felt a crony who ran horse shows could run FEMA.

But gosh darn it, Bush wasn't getting any Jizz stains on any interns. He was a good Christian. And a man of integrity.

Weiner is a (very) public figure in a (very) high profile public office, and after he publically humiliated himself and his wife and due to sexting, he went right back to doing it. He went right back to doing it. And then he ran for a (very) high-visibililty public office again. Holy crap. It seems to me that two things are abundantly clear here:

1. He has a problem that really should be addressed, and a reasonable person would address it before he tried to run for a (very) high profile public office. Get it fixed, make things right, get back to business.

2. It's not at all unreasonable to be concerned about his capacity for judgment in the future, nor is it at all unreasonable to wonder if his "issues" might put him in a highly compromised position once in office.

There are other candidates, other possibilities. If he and his wife are so narcissistic and so ambitious that they're willing to so humiliate themselves just to win this office at this time, that's obviously their own psychological issue. But to think that someone would vote for him above anyone else because he's just so valuable, so irreplaceable, so unique -- well, I continue to be concerned about the judgment and condition of the electorate (not to mention our culture).

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