Do you favor smaller government?

Do you favor smaller government?

  • Yes I do, and I accept all challenges to the contrary

    Votes: 33 94.3%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
I'm certain it is, b/c it sounded familiar. I simply can't place the location.

But your seeming insistance that any support for any government is support for big government. And that's idiotic.

Only a few nuts would support no government or a one so small that we are unsafe.

we are in the red and government has a choke hold on us with vast levels of regulations. it isn't.

We take "big government" for granted.

The fact that you can open your tap, drink the water, and not get dysentery or worse represents years and years of struggle through this VERY DEBATE.

And why anyone would want to roll that back is beyond me.

Private companies can't provide clean water?

I'd rather get a bottle of Dasani than a bottle of government water.

Dasani is "government water". It's just purified tap water.
Yes, they can be just as oppressive. And, our system has a check in place for when that happens.

Life isn't perfect so shit happens. That's why our system is designed with so many checks and balances. It's better to check when needed than to oppress from the start with authoritarian rule.

Again, the definition of "when needed" varies from person to person. Two Thumbs and yourself clearly have a different idea of when needed. I'm sure yourself and I have a different idea of when needed.

What ends up deciding "when needed" it seems most of the time is the majority. And what ends up happening is that the rights of the minority end up getting lost frequently. This has happened in our history and it is only with time that these mistakes have been changed.

Just a thought.
Come on, Doggie. You're missing the point. Justice is not instantaneous. We have a great system, but it certainly is not instantaneous. I could be, though with authoritarian rule. I'll take the former.

As it's often said: We don't have a perfect system, but we have the best.
Do you favor smaller government?


I think we ought to pass a law that only people 5'2" or shorter can work for government.

Lol well played.

But come to think of it most people that short are women, and we've tried the men running government thing for quite awhile and it seems to be in constant decline.

Maybe you're on to something............................
I'm certain it is, b/c it sounded familiar. I simply can't place the location.

But your seeming insistance that any support for any government is support for big government. And that's idiotic.

Only a few nuts would support no government or a one so small that we are unsafe.

we are in the red and government has a choke hold on us with vast levels of regulations. it isn't.

We take "big government" for granted.

The fact that you can open your tap, drink the water, and not get dysentery or worse represents years and years of struggle through this VERY DEBATE.

And why anyone would want to roll that back is beyond me.

Private companies can't provide clean water?

I'd rather get a bottle of Dasani than a bottle of government water.

Dasani comes from US tap water.

Coca-Cola uses tap water from local municipal water supplies[3], filters it using the process of reverse osmosis[4], and adds trace amounts of minerals, including magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt), potassium chloride and table salt (sodium chloride).

Regular Dasani water comes in the following sizes: 12 oz; 20 oz; 24 oz 'Sports Cap Bottle'; 1 L; 1.5 L; 300 mL; 12 oz fridge pack; 500 mL 6, 12, 24, and 32-pack; and the 24 oz 6-pack.

The Dasani brand includes flavored water, which use the sweetener sucralose (sold under the Tate & Lyle brand name "Splenda") as a sweetener. The flavors are lemon, grape, blueberry, and strawberry. The flavored varieties are sold as 20 fluid ounce bottles, 500 ml 6-packs, and 12 oz 8-packs.

The new Plus+ product line is similar to the flavored variety, only differing in the fact that these have added vitamins and some different flavors Pomegranate-Blackberry, Orange-Tangerine, Kiwi-Strawberry, and Lemon-Lime flavors. Dasani Plus comes in a 120 oz bottle.

Dasani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No I am not.

At the turn of the century..police were non existent or very small in number.

American History.

It's really very interesting. Crack open a book sometime.

The scenario I gave isn't out of the's cobbled from things that really happened.

I'm certain it is, b/c it sounded familiar. I simply can't place the location.

But your seeming insistance that any support for any government is support for big government. And that's idiotic.

Only a few nuts would support no government or a one so small that we are unsafe.

we are in the red and government has a choke hold on us with vast levels of regulations. it isn't.

We take "big government" for granted.

The fact that you can open your tap, drink the water, and not get dysentery or worse represents years and years of struggle through this VERY DEBATE.

And why anyone would want to roll that back is beyond me.


For fucks sake.

Why do you think Americans can't do a fucking thing?

Are we so god damn incompetant in your eyes that you think we need big daddy with a belt watching over us constantly?

Europe had shit water and instead of drinking it they turned it into weak bear so it was drinkabe.

But of course, Americans suck, so we need an overlord to keep us in line.

We did liberals start hating liberty
Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap? - ABC News

"20/20" took five bottles of national brands of bottled water and a sample of tap water from a drinking fountain in the middle of New York City and sent them to microbiologist Aaron Margolin of the University of New Hampshire to test for bacteria that can make you sick, like e. coli.

"There was actually no difference between the New York City tap water and the bottled waters that we evaluated," he said.

Many scientists have run tests like that and have consistently found that tap water is as good for you as bottled waters that cost 500 times more.

Even Yale University School of Medicine's Dr. Stephen Edberg, the person whom the International Bottled Water Association told "20/20" to talk to, agreed that bottled water is no better for you. "No, I wouldn't argue it's safer or not safer."
Private companies can't provide clean water?

I'd rather get a bottle of Dasani than a bottle of government water.

Do you support private prisons?

Private prisons isn't actually the correct term, as public money is given to them, it's actually a disgusting version of corporatism. It's just that government cherry picking companies and giving them breaks or throwing money at them is a "normal" thing now and we're basically numb to it.

So I'm 100% what we call private prisons, but they aren't private prisons.

Private prisons supposedly needed of course, because of the Drug War, which I want to end yesterday.
Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap? - ABC News

"20/20" took five bottles of national brands of bottled water and a sample of tap water from a drinking fountain in the middle of New York City and sent them to microbiologist Aaron Margolin of the University of New Hampshire to test for bacteria that can make you sick, like e. coli.

"There was actually no difference between the New York City tap water and the bottled waters that we evaluated," he said.

Many scientists have run tests like that and have consistently found that tap water is as good for you as bottled waters that cost 500 times more.

Even Yale University School of Medicine's Dr. Stephen Edberg, the person whom the International Bottled Water Association told "20/20" to talk to, agreed that bottled water is no better for you. "No, I wouldn't argue it's safer or not safer."

So it's not better or worse, sounds fine to me.

So it's the same, and I'll always side with the efficiency of a private company rather than the efficiency of a government bureacracy who has no such motivation.
Private prisons isn't actually the correct term, as public money is given to them, it's actually a disgusting version of corporatism. It's just that government cherry picking companies and giving them breaks or throwing money at them is a "normal" thing now and we're basically numb to it.

So I'm 100% what we call private prisons, but they aren't private prisons.

Private prisons supposedly needed of course, because of the Drug War, which I want to end yesterday.

Of course the reason why I use the term private prison is because they're privately run while getting public money.

Would you want private companies running prisons? I assume not from the way you phrased your post.
So it's not better or worse, sounds fine to me.

So it's the same, and I'll always side with the efficiency of a private company rather than the efficiency of a government bureacracy who has no such motivation.

Because they come from the same place. Dasani is just tap water.

The article points that out:

Big-selling Dasani and Aquafina are also just reprocessed tap water from cities around the country. One of Aquafina's sources is the Detroit River! At least the popular French water, Evian, does come from France.
Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap? - ABC News

"20/20" took five bottles of national brands of bottled water and a sample of tap water from a drinking fountain in the middle of New York City and sent them to microbiologist Aaron Margolin of the University of New Hampshire to test for bacteria that can make you sick, like e. coli.

"There was actually no difference between the New York City tap water and the bottled waters that we evaluated," he said.

Many scientists have run tests like that and have consistently found that tap water is as good for you as bottled waters that cost 500 times more.

Even Yale University School of Medicine's Dr. Stephen Edberg, the person whom the International Bottled Water Association told "20/20" to talk to, agreed that bottled water is no better for you. "No, I wouldn't argue it's safer or not safer."

So it's not better or worse, sounds fine to me.

So it's the same, and I'll always side with the efficiency of a private company rather than the efficiency of a government bureacracy who has no such motivation.

You'd rather pay a private company 5 cents a fluid ounce for the same water you can get for free from the tap, just because you believe in the "efficiency" of a private company?

For fucks sake.

Why do you think Americans can't do a fucking thing?

Are we so god damn incompetant in your eyes that you think we need big daddy with a belt watching over us constantly?

Europe had shit water and instead of drinking it they turned it into weak bear so it was drinkabe.

But of course, Americans suck, so we need an overlord to keep us in line.

We did liberals start hating liberty


[ame=]‪Dr. Strangelove - Precious Bodily Fluids‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

So it's not better or worse, sounds fine to me.

So it's the same, and I'll always side with the efficiency of a private company rather than the efficiency of a government bureacracy who has no such motivation.

You'd rather pay a private company 5 cents a fluid ounce for the same water you can get for free from the tap, just because you believe in the "efficiency" of a private company?
Is the product the same? Or, does Dasani process it further?
Private prisons isn't actually the correct term, as public money is given to them, it's actually a disgusting version of corporatism. It's just that government cherry picking companies and giving them breaks or throwing money at them is a "normal" thing now and we're basically numb to it.

So I'm 100% what we call private prisons, but they aren't private prisons.

Private prisons supposedly needed of course, because of the Drug War, which I want to end yesterday.

Of course the reason why I use the term private prison is because they're privately run while getting public money.

Would you want private companies running prisons? I assume not from the way you phrased your post.

It's a great question, I'd have to look into it more.

Federal government+private prisons sounds awful, but I can't say I'm certain I'd be against it at the state or local level, seems like it'd be easier to manage then. Sorry for the grey answer just don't want to give a black and white one when I'm not sure.
So it's not better or worse, sounds fine to me.

So it's the same, and I'll always side with the efficiency of a private company rather than the efficiency of a government bureacracy who has no such motivation.

You'd rather pay a private company 5 cents a fluid ounce for the same water you can get for free from the tap, just because you believe in the "efficiency" of a private company?
Is the product the same? Or, does Dasani process it further?

They "purify" it.

So it's not better or worse, sounds fine to me.

So it's the same, and I'll always side with the efficiency of a private company rather than the efficiency of a government bureacracy who has no such motivation.

You'd rather pay a private company 5 cents a fluid ounce for the same water you can get for free from the tap, just because you believe in the "efficiency" of a private company?

I'm not going to assume a private company wouldn't be able to do it more efficiently.

Of course bottled water is going to be more than tap water, 2 totally different things. I'm confident a private company could provide tap water service for less than it provides water in a bottle.
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For fucks sake.

Why do you think Americans can't do a fucking thing?

Are we so god damn incompetant in your eyes that you think we need big daddy with a belt watching over us constantly?

Europe had shit water and instead of drinking it they turned it into weak bear so it was drinkabe.

But of course, Americans suck, so we need an overlord to keep us in line.

We did liberals start hating liberty


[ame=]‪Dr. Strangelove - Precious Bodily Fluids‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

can't play vids from this computer, so your humor is lost.

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