Do you get the feeling the DNC has completely abandoned quality Americans for illegals and weirdos?

It's pretty much what's happened.

They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness. They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early.

I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.
I wonder how long it will take the last few legitimate DNC supporters to figure out they've been told to sit at the back of the bus?
Well, a majority of them are fine with that. They figure they deserve it.

Look at this. It's beyond madness, and it illustrates my point:


What in the flying fuck is that? Sorry for what?
For being white. For being somehow responsible for slavery.
It's pretty much what's happened.

They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness. They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early.

I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.
I wonder how long it will take the last few legitimate DNC supporters to figure out they've been told to sit at the back of the bus?
Well, a majority of them are fine with that. They figure they deserve it.

Look at this. It's beyond madness, and it illustrates my point:



There's more at the website.
#SoSorry – Being White But Doing It Right…..
Yep, here's a couple of photos from the site. I'm sure the Regressives here will get a little weepy in agreement. This is what we need to be doing to our kids.

It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
The people you call 'quality Americans' are racists and bigots. And, no, Democrats do not support racism and bigotry. And based on what your president does and says, you Trumpettes don't give a flying fuck about veterans.
The gop doesn't believe in maintaining this nations
-Leadership in science
-Doesn't give a shit about education of our children
-Wants to do away with the safetynet
-Wants the old to die on the side of the street
-Doesn't give two shits about the healthcare of our population

The gops goal is to simply hand everything to the fucking rich and to hell with the workers that kill themselves all day...The worker in their mind can eat shit.

The gop makes me sick
They want a fearful, dependent population that looks to the hand of government for survival.

Yes, and the sad part is, libs don't realize that the government wants them to be dependent, because it's all about control. They also don't realize that they've been indoctrinated their whole life to want more government (socialism), which is what the powers-that-be want… good little indoctrinated, dependent minions who couldn't even survive without Big Daddy government. It's actually a very sad situation.
Ever think that maybe you're the one obsessed with "illegals and weirdos"? Because while all the "civil rights" activity can get annoying, you don't actually have to pay attention to it. You could just laugh and turn the channel, as I do ...
The gop doesn't believe in maintaining this nations
-Leadership in science
-Doesn't give a shit about education of our children
-Wants to do away with the safetynet
-Wants the old to die on the side of the street
-Doesn't give two shits about the healthcare of our population

The gops goal is to simply hand everything to the fucking rich and to hell with the workers that kill themselves all day...The worker in their mind can eat shit.

The gop makes me sick
Their goal is to make us a 3rd world country. Especially for kids: if your parents are poor you can survive by scavaging garbage dumps, and forget about getting an education or moving up in life. In the vision RWrs have of life: the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.



I was never was a republican and gave up on the democrats in 2009. I hold both parties and their extremist ideologies in contempt. Both have become lying, warmongering, corporate tools.
What exactly are "quality Americans"?

People with a job. People who are normal. People that don't expect the country to change for them. People who are here legally. People who don't constantly cry victim and insist on government help or taxpayer free rides. People who exercise personal responsibility.
What exactly are "quality Americans"?

People with a job. People who are normal. People that don't expect the country to change for them. People who are here legally. People who don't constantly cry victim and insist on government help or taxpayer free rides. People who exercise personal responsibility.

The core of mainstream American society. Or, as those on the left wrong call us, “racist Christian bigots”. As their last Presidential candidate called us, “deplorables”.

That is why they lost the last major election, and that is why they will continue to lose. They have made it quite clear, by now, to mainstream, honest, decent, law-abiding Americans, that they are not on our side. And they don't even see the irony in their relentless false accusations against us of bigotry.
The gop doesn't believe in maintaining this nations
-Leadership in science
-Doesn't give a shit about education of our children
-Wants to do away with the safetynet
-Wants the old to die on the side of the street
-Doesn't give two shits about the healthcare of our population

The gops goal is to simply hand everything to the fucking rich and to hell with the workers that kill themselves all day...The worker in their mind can eat shit.

The gop makes me sick
Their goal is to make us a 3rd world country. Especially for kids: if your parents are poor you can survive by scavaging garbage dumps, and forget about getting an education or moving up in life. In the vision RWrs have of life: the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.



Hey thanks for the enlightening images...great depiction of all those thirdworld wetbacks that Democrats want to keep importing. They love how those human cockroaches degrade communities and American societies, they love how they rob REAL Americans of a quality education and much needed taxpayer funded resources....but it's the GOP's fault that cockroaches live like cockroaches.....hmmmmm?
Makes perfect sense if you're a fucking retard with your head in your ass.
The gop doesn't believe in maintaining this nations
-Leadership in science
-Doesn't give a shit about education of our children
-Wants to do away with the safetynet
-Wants the old to die on the side of the street
-Doesn't give two shits about the healthcare of our population

The gops goal is to simply hand everything to the fucking rich and to hell with the workers that kill themselves all day...The worker in their mind can eat shit.

The gop makes me sick
Their goal is to make us a 3rd world country. Especially for kids: if your parents are poor you can survive by scavaging garbage dumps, and forget about getting an education or moving up in life. In the vision RWrs have of life: the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.



Hey thanks for the enlightening images...great depiction of all those thirdworld wetbacks that Democrats want to keep importing. They love how those human cockroaches degrade communities and American societies, they love how they rob REAL Americans of a quality education and much needed taxpayer funded resources....but it's the GOP's fault that cockroaches live like cockroaches.....hmmmmm?
Makes perfect sense if you're a fucking retard with your head in your ass.
Those 'human cockroaches' that you see in those pictures are CHILDREN. Children. You, on the other hand, are the cockroach. What one is, is in the soul and the character, and that's your character: vermin.
The gop doesn't believe in maintaining this nations
-Leadership in science
-Doesn't give a shit about education of our children
-Wants to do away with the safetynet
-Wants the old to die on the side of the street
-Doesn't give two shits about the healthcare of our population

The gops goal is to simply hand everything to the fucking rich and to hell with the workers that kill themselves all day...The worker in their mind can eat shit.

The gop makes me sick
Their goal is to make us a 3rd world country. Especially for kids: if your parents are poor you can survive by scavaging garbage dumps, and forget about getting an education or moving up in life. In the vision RWrs have of life: the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.



Hey thanks for the enlightening images...great depiction of all those thirdworld wetbacks that Democrats want to keep importing. They love how those human cockroaches degrade communities and American societies, they love how they rob REAL Americans of a quality education and much needed taxpayer funded resources....but it's the GOP's fault that cockroaches live like cockroaches.....hmmmmm?
Makes perfect sense if you're a fucking retard with your head in your ass.
Those 'human cockroaches' that you see in those pictures are CHILDREN. Children. You, on the other hand, are the cockroach. What one is, is in the soul and the character, and that's your character: vermin.

That shit is played the fuck out and nobody is buying that bullshit anymore.
Democrats and disgusting Liberals have used children as a pawn long enough....Children can longer be used as a catalyst to push their twisted agendas. Sorry fifth!
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Me thinks it is the other way around. When blacks realize how duped they have been by the Democrats, the party will be over.
Sure, helping people is duping them.

Duping is what Trump did to you jackasses who were sucked in by his lies, bigotry, & his propensity to grope women.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

You ask “Do you get the feeling the DNC has completely abandoned quality Americans for illegals and weirdos?”? No “feeling” needed. It's been quite obvious, for quite some time. The Democrats have pretty much abandoned honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding,mainstream Americans, in order to pander to criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, and other subhuman filth.
Sorry but the deplorables voted Trump.

lllegals can't vote you stupid shit. Neither can felons in most states.

Just how fucking stupid are you?
The gop doesn't believe in maintaining this nations
-Leadership in science
-Doesn't give a shit about education of our children
-Wants to do away with the safetynet
-Wants the old to die on the side of the street
-Doesn't give two shits about the healthcare of our population

The gops goal is to simply hand everything to the fucking rich and to hell with the workers that kill themselves all day...The worker in their mind can eat shit.

The gop makes me sick
Their goal is to make us a 3rd world country. Especially for kids: if your parents are poor you can survive by scavaging garbage dumps, and forget about getting an education or moving up in life. In the vision RWrs have of life: the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.



Hey thanks for the enlightening images...great depiction of all those thirdworld wetbacks that Democrats want to keep importing. They love how those human cockroaches degrade communities and American societies, they love how they rob REAL Americans of a quality education and much needed taxpayer funded resources....but it's the GOP's fault that cockroaches live like cockroaches.....hmmmmm?
Makes perfect sense if you're a fucking retard with your head in your ass.
Those 'human cockroaches' that you see in those pictures are CHILDREN. Children. You, on the other hand, are the cockroach. What one is, is in the soul and the character, and that's your character: vermin.

That shit is played the fuck out and nobody is buying that bullshit anymore.
Democrats and disgusting Liberals have used children as a pawn long enough....Children can longer be used as a catalyst to push their twisted agendas. Sorry fifth!
If not for children, who would Republicans have sex with? You elected an accused child rapist who is defending a child molester. We know EXACTLY what you think about children.

The exact same sassholes who let CHIP expire.

The exact same assholes that blame young children for their parents bringing them into this country undocumented.

The exact same assholes that want to cut food stamps.

The exact same assholes that won't fund their education.

The exact same assholes who are cutting the deduction for interest on college loans.

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