Do you HATE the "left" or the "right"? And by that I mean the actual people behind the beliefs.

Do you HATE the opposition?

  • Yes

  • No

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Personally I can not think of a single person I feel hate towards.
I hate Trump A real POS who does absolutely nothing about Russian attacks or mass murders
Tell that to 300 of those fuckers we sent to Hell last week in Syria.
russian attacks on our voting system he's in putins pocket
I miss that show! was great when we were growing up
I have to be honest..

I hated obamas guts….
Why? Can you not seperate policy from the man?

No I can't...

They are one in the same...

obama was a Real Racist that was hell bent

on destroying America....
I don't think Obama was a racist and I don't think his goals were to destroy us.

That seems like silly talk. Understanding an ideology you don't agree with could save you a lot of grief. You don't have to agree with it but grasping it on a basic level is vital.
I think the Obamas were hate filled people, determined to control people they disagreed with...
I can probably agree with that. Especially Michelle
Personally I can not think of a single person I feel hate towards.
I hate Trump A real POS who does absolutely nothing about Russian attacks or mass murders

I don't have any opposition to hate. I am f-word beloved! :thanks:

Come on man, come clean

Omfg I missed the OBVIOUS f word
Personally I can not think of a single person I feel hate towards.
I hate Trump A real POS who does absolutely nothing about Russian attacks or mass murders

I don't have any opposition to hate. I am f-word beloved! :thanks:

Come on man, come clean

Omfg I missed the OBVIOUS f word

It was sitting there waiting to be plucked
The cons are up there with the Taliban, hard headed regressives, they preach hate shouldn't be allowed to lead this great country.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...

Hate is a wasted emotion that accomplishes nothing and makes the chasm even deeper and wider. That is how the puppet masters prevent us from ever seeing them pulling the strings. It's the age old "divide and conquer" strategy. Look at how they have managed to do it with their agent provocateurs and minions that are part of the controlled opposition. They have divided us along racial lines, economic lines, political lines, gender lines, sexual preference line, and even state lines creating rivalries and tribalism to put us into "camps" where you have to take one side or the other and there is no compromise, there is no hearing the other side...and it's all by design. There are those on the left that I listen to and respect and there are some on the right that don't have the slightest fucking clue. I identify as a Constitutionalist while believing that the Bill of Rights is sacred and doesn't need "upgrading" or changed because it is just as relevant today as it was when it was written.

I use to be a neocon, I listened to Rush Limbaugh, I listened to Mark Levin but back in 2012, I had a life altering epiphany where I came to the realization that everything that I had been taught and led to believe was nothing but a big fucking lie and that I had been played for a chump. Before Rush Limbaugh got his huge salary and syndicated show, he would speak out against the mostly foreign owned and privately held, parasitic Federal Reserve central bank. When he got his big deal? He was told that certain things were not to be discussed. Mark Levin is the same way....for someone that claims to be a constitutional scholar, he hangs up on anyone that mentions the Fed. I have had a very interesting trip down the rabbit hole and have had my eyes opened as to how things really work...and it ain't a pretty scenario that we are facing. I have what people call "truthers" that lean left and some that lean right...some that lean left and right....but we do meet in the middle and have come to the consensus that we are in deep shit and we know who are the ones that are behind it. Knowledge is power and people are never going to get the real truth by watching any of the major networks that are owned by six conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive round table groups. It's like George Carlin said....."It's a big club....but you ain't in it".
No, I just think they're stupid and feel sorry for them.

But I do hate Karl Marx. In fact, I'm building a time machine in my garage so I can go back to 1818 and suffocate the little fucker with a pillow. :biggrin:
Well, That’s all well and good. But my guess is Carl Marx very well could be in hell getting in the butt fucked out of him by Hitler...
I'm just curious friend, what kind of porn do you watch?
Curious how many of you have actual hate...

Hate is a wasted emotion that accomplishes nothing and makes the chasm even deeper and wider. That is how the puppet masters prevent us from ever seeing them pulling the strings. It's the age old "divide and conquer" strategy. Look at how they have managed to do it with their agent provocateurs and minions that are part of the controlled opposition. They have divided us along racial lines, economic lines, political lines, gender lines, sexual preference line, and even state lines creating rivalries and tribalism to put us into "camps" where you have to take one side or the other and there is no compromise, there is no hearing the other side...and it's all by design. There are those on the left that I listen to and respect and there are some on the right that don't have the slightest fucking clue. I identify as a Constitutionalist while believing that the Bill of Rights is sacred and doesn't need "upgrading" or changed because it is just as relevant today as it was when it was written.

I use to be a neocon, I listened to Rush Limbaugh, I listened to Mark Levin but back in 2012, I had a life altering epiphany where I came to the realization that everything that I had been taught and led to believe was nothing but a big fucking lie and that I had been played for a chump. Before Rush Limbaugh got his huge salary and syndicated show, he would speak out against the mostly foreign owned and privately held, parasitic Federal Reserve central bank. When he got his big deal? He was told that certain things were not to be discussed. Mark Levin is the same way....for someone that claims to be a constitutional scholar, he hangs up on anyone that mentions the Fed. I have had a very interesting trip down the rabbit hole and have had my eyes opened as to how things really work...and it ain't a pretty scenario that we are facing. I have what people call "truthers" that lean left and some that lean right...some that lean left and right....but we do meet in the middle and have come to the consensus that we are in deep shit and we know who are the ones that are behind it. Knowledge is power and people are never going to get the real truth by watching any of the major networks that are owned by six conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive round table groups. It's like George Carlin said....."It's a big club....but you ain't in it".

;The only reason that the vote is mostly NO................Is because politics is full of LIARS................

But it is to be expected................they vote No and are lying their asses off.

No, I just think they're stupid and feel sorry for them.

But I do hate Karl Marx. In fact, I'm building a time machine in my garage so I can go back to 1818 and suffocate the little fucker with a pillow. :biggrin:
Well, That’s all well and good. But my guess is Carl Marx very well could be in hell getting in the butt fucked out of him by Hitler...
I'm just curious friend, what kind of porn do you watch?
Personally I can not think of a single person I feel hate towards.
I hate Trump A real POS who does absolutely nothing about Russian attacks or mass murders
Tell that to 300 of those fuckers we sent to Hell last week in Syria.
russian attacks on our voting system he's in putins pocket
They didn't attack the voting system. They challenged the gullible dumbasses of our society with propaghanda.

Get a grip nut

It appears that they fooled Eddie.
No, I just think they're stupid and feel sorry for them.

But I do hate Karl Marx. In fact, I'm building a time machine in my garage so I can go back to 1818 and suffocate the little fucker with a pillow. :biggrin:
Well, That’s all well and good. But my guess is Carl Marx very well could be in hell getting in the butt fucked out of him by Hitler...
I'm just curious friend, what kind of porn do you watch?

Who could hate a person who is so stupid as to be a conservative? They are good for laughs and party jokes. And now that rumputin has so many coming out it is a real fun time for the entertainment they provide.

What you're really saying is that you hate the Constitution, you hate freedom and you hate America.
Personally I can not think of a single person I feel hate towards.
I hate Trump A real POS who does absolutely nothing about Russian attacks or mass murders
Tell that to 300 of those fuckers we sent to Hell last week in Syria.
russian attacks on our voting system he's in putins pocket
They didn't attack the voting system. They challenged the gullible dumbasses of our society with propaghanda.

Get a grip nut

It appears that they fooled Eddie.
you can fool some of the people some of the time bri but you get fooled every time

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