Do you HATE the "left" or the "right"? And by that I mean the actual people behind the beliefs.

Do you HATE the opposition?

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  • No

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No, I just think they're stupid and feel sorry for them.

But I do hate Karl Marx. In fact, I'm building a time machine in my garage so I can go back to 1818 and suffocate the little fucker with a pillow. :biggrin:

Can you stop in 1960 and give Obama's mom a condom?
/——/ you’d need to be transported to Kenya to do so.
Lets get something straight, progressive liberals HATE anyone who disagrees with their world view its a seething foaming at the mouth hatred. They would wish us dead except they need the taxes we pay.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.

I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise.

.....and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Or nuts, take your pick....
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

I'm not sure there is anyone left I haven't at some point insulted on this board. But at the end of the day that's all water under the bridge for me. I don't take any of this stuff seriously.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

I'm not sure there is anyone left I haven't at some point insulted on this board. But at the end of the day that's all water under the bridge for me. I don't take any of this stuff seriously.
I'm not really sure what my standards are for this, but yeah, there are people here who are just tunnel-visioned psychos and there are other people who can be political here but goofy there. Those are the people I gravitate towards.

Holy shit, you've punched me in the nose several times, but I put up with your shit because you put up with mine.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Or nuts, take your pick....

I'm not nuts.

I'm just not pretending I'm above the fray when I'm not.
Oh, I absolutely think there's a lot of real, unadulterated hate out there, growing every day.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Or nuts, take your pick....

I'm not nuts.

I'm just not pretending I'm above the fray when I'm not.
No one is.
I have no problem in stating that there are some truly vile creatures here that I absolutely despise......and to be fair, I'm sure the few who aren't actually psychotic probably despise me, too.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Or nuts, take your pick....

I'm not nuts.

I'm just not pretending I'm above the fray when I'm not.
No one is.

Ummmmmm, so why did you suggest I could be nuts for admitting that there are those here that I hate?

I just figured I was being honest.
Curious how many of you have actual hate...
Not my friends that are. Frustrated with them, yes. Others, I wouldn’t call it hate for them, mostly, just hate for their will to change America into something that will quickly bring its downfall.
Couldn't tell you why, but I think (whatever remains of) my little brain just works differently. When someone attacks or insults me, or when I see someone behaving in a destructive or offensive manner, my thoughts don't go to what they said or did, but what motivated them to say or do it.

So I guess I don't take any of it seriously or personally. My fascination is with the psychological reasons behind it.

I don't even know it that makes sense, but that's what's rattling around in my head.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Or nuts, take your pick....

I'm not nuts.

I'm just not pretending I'm above the fray when I'm not.
No one is.

Ummmmmm, so why did you suggest I could be nuts for admitting that there are those here that I hate?

I just figured I was being honest.
Actually, you misinterpreted what I said, or I didn't say it very well.

You mentioned my being "good", and I offered "nuts" as a possible alternative.

At this point, I'm fine with either.

Oh, believe me, I am just as fascinated with the psychological angle.

It's just that I'm not as good a person as you.
Or nuts, take your pick....

I'm not nuts.

I'm just not pretending I'm above the fray when I'm not.
No one is.

Ummmmmm, so why did you suggest I could be nuts for admitting that there are those here that I hate?

I just figured I was being honest.
Actually, you misinterpreted what I said, or I didn't say it very well.

You mentioned my being "good", and I offered "nuts" as a possible alternative.

At this point, I'm fine with either.


You are rational, observant and non-tribal.

......which probably makes you nuts in this day and age.
No hate here. I can interact with just about anyone on here, person to person, without dragging politics into it.

And I feel strongly about my politics. I just don’t think it’s necessary to inject them into a chat about the weather.
I think it's suppose to be sunny and nice today here in the midwest, and all you leftist traitors can kiss my ass.
I think it is despicable that the filthy Left advocates taking away our Constitutional rights and that they want to turn this country into a socialist shithole.

Is knowing that the Liberals are despicable the same as hate? Probably not but I sure as hell don't have any respect for the little dumbass hateful pink pussy hat shitheads.

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