Do you HATE the "left" or the "right"? And by that I mean the actual people behind the beliefs.

Do you HATE the opposition?

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No hate here. I can interact with just about anyone on here, person to person, without dragging politics into it.

And I feel strongly about my politics. I just don’t think it’s necessary to inject them into a chat about the weather.
I think it's suppose to be sunny and nice today here in the midwest, and all you leftist traitors can kiss my ass.

See? We can share a joke!

You reactionary Trump-ass kissing irrational wingnut!

I think it is despicable that the filthy Left advocates taking away our Constitutional rights and that they want to turn this country into a socialist shithole.

Is knowing that the Liberals are despicable the same as hate? Probably not but I sure as hell don't have any respect for the little dumbass hateful pink pussy hat shitheads.

No hate here!
I feel only pity for extreme left-wingers and extreme right-wingers.

If either group is successful, they will bequeath a very unpleasant United States of America to their grandchildren's grandchildren's children.
The 'opposition' just isn't worth the time & effort for such a strong & negative emotion. Much easier to ignore them & walk away, letting them think they know what they're talking about............until proved otherwise. I can be patient, when need be. Then I have the joy of watching them with egg on their face, trying to justify their BS.
Riddle me this..............

For a group to use the IRS, ATF, FBI, NSA, CIA to target people who don't politically agree with them is THAT HATE?

The IRS has ADMITTED it TARGETED Conservative Groups. And many of these were Audited, raided by the ATF, and FBI simply because they applied to a Non Profit Tax Free Status...........................

What does it take to understand to use our Gov't agencies to ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS is HATE...........

Those attacked have fought back...........and are doing it by LEGAL means...........and ARE WINNING............

Justice Department settles with conservative groups over IRS scrutiny

The U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with dozens of conservative groups that claimed the Internal Revenue Service unfairly scrutinized them based on their political leanings when they sought a tax-exempt status, court documents showed.

In a pair of lawsuits filed in federal court in 2013, the conservative groups accused the IRS of targeting organizations with such words as “Tea Party” or “patriots” when they applied to the agency for tax-exempt status starting in 2010.

The sides asked the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday to issue a declarative judgment in one of the cases involving 41 plaintiffs that would say the IRS was wrong to apply the United States tax laws based on an entity’s name, position or association with a particular political movement.

”We hope that today’s settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement on Thursday.

The IRS admitted it was wrong when it based screenings of the groups’ applications on their names or policy positions, subjected the groups to heightened scrutiny and delays and demanded unnecessary information from the groups, the agreement in the Washington case said.

The IRS “expresses its sincere apology,” it said.

A request to halt the other case, a class action suit involving 428 members, was filed in a federal court in Ohio.
.This is why I think Obama was up to his ears in the case of spying on the opposition party in hopes to gain enough dirt in order to give Hillary and the Demon-crats a victory over Trump. And to gain enough info in hopes for just in case a back up plan was needed... The agenda was so strong, and the Demon-crats had so much invested that they couldn't let it be derailed by anyone in the near future. This thinking was a recipe for their disaster to come. Oh and by the way Susan, make sure everything is done legally now.. As opposed to what Obama ??? Doing it in an obvious illegal way ???

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